Parallel Institute Video-Tapes

Publisher:  Parallel Institute, Montreal, Canada
Year Published:  1976
Resource Type:  Film/Video
Cx Number:  CX79

Training tapes designed to teach organizations the practical and political skills of organizing.

Training tapes designed to teach poor and working class organizations the basic practical and political skills of organizing. These tapes are made to be used in specific situations for specific audiences. They work best when used as part of a larger training situation. They are least successful shown to general audiences who aren't involved in any organizing effort.
I) Why Build an Organization (30 minutes) This tape opens the series. In a short and simplified way it outlines why the poor and working class have to organize for power. The tape makes the point that the only way changes are going to be made is to out-organize those who have all the power by building strong organizations of the poor and working class whose strength is in their numbers. Most of the material in this tape comes from footage of demonstrations held by the Pointe Equal Rights Movement in Montreal.
II) Bad Publicity and More Bad Publicity (45min.)
III) Getting Better Publicity (25min.)
IV) Making Your Own Publicity (15min.)
V) I Never Did it with a Banker Before - Tim Sampson Talks About Negotiating (15min.)
VI) Research (25min.)
VII) Pointe Equal Rights Movement vs Samuel E . Cohen, Slumlord (20min.)
Available for loan, free of charge, from the regional offices of the National Film Board of Canada.
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