The Uncertified Human Vol. 4, No. 12
Publisher: The Uncertified Human Pub. Co., Canada
Year Published: 1977 Pages: 16pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX359
A pro-life newsletter that discusses various forms of legislation that are relavent to their movement.
Abstract: This pro-life newsletter juxtaposes two views of the "Right to Die" Bill introduced into the Ontario Legislature on March 30. It presents an interview with the author of the Private Members' Bill, Lorne Maeck; M.P.P., and a reply by Dr. Heather Morris, President of Canadian Physicians for Life. The purpose of "The Natural Death Act" is purportedly to enable a person over eighteen years of age to sign a directive instructing physicians not to use heroic means to keep him alive provided he has been diagnosed as terminally ill by three doctors. By way of response to the interview, Dr. Morris points out that Mr.Maeck's bill is unnecessary, will not achieve its desired effect, and is potentially hazardous not only for some of the patients it strives to help, but also for others less terminally ill. After carefully examining the implications of the Bill, Dr. Morris concludes that the Bill opens the way for more active euthanasia, whatever protestations to the contrary are contained in the Act. She notes that instead of legislating for such a bill, a much more meaningful and concerned approach would be the education of relatives, doctors and the health care personnel in the care of the dying. Elsewhere in the same newsletter, Keith Cassidy, a professor of history at Guelph University, critically analyzes the Badgley Report, which he finds provides something more intangible than facts and statistics, but even more essential to an understanding of the abortion situation in Canada: a view of the technocratic mind at work on a human problem, He observes that the attention of the Committee was riveted on the women who wanted abortions---not on women who would prefer not to have abortions, but needed some help for a difficult pregnancy.
Periodical profile published 1977
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