![]() The Asianadian
Year Published: 1978Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX858 This issue of the Asianadian examines the situation of Asian women in western society. Includes an article titled "White Male Supremacy and the 'Oriental Doll'" Abstract: This issue of the Asianadian examines the situation of Asian women in western society. Not unlike women in general, Asian women have for too long been oppressed and exploited by the sexist system upon which our society is based. This system has alienated women from themselves leaving them to derive their identities and self-worth in the roles of daughters, mothers and wives. Also, as a racial minority, Asian Canadian women face added struggles as they work to liberate themselves from the stereotyped images of exotic mistresses or passive domestic servants. The common oppression of women varies among different racial and social classes and there are many different viewpoints offered in this journal. Women's thoughts and writings reflecting their frustrations and desire for independence and dignity are presented in stories, interviews, short essays and poetry. In one article "White Male Supremacy and the 'Oriental Doll'", the author recounts a personal experience illustrating the racist/sexist attitudes still prevalent towards Asian and Asianadian women. She links the survival of these stereotypes to the power of indoctrination that the visual media has over North America. Since World War II television and films have cemented in people's consciousness an image of "feminine oriental dolls" subservient to their male imperialist American master. The struggle to erase negative images of Asian women continues. "Until our image in the media begins to reflect reality and we are regarded as intelligent human beings rather than docile sexual dolls, our struggle as women and Asianadians must continue." Periodical profile published 1978 Subject Headings |