Canadian News Synthesis Project - February 1976
Volume III Number 12
Date Written: 1976-02-28
Publisher: Canadian News Synthesis Project, Toronto, Canada
Year Published: 1976
Pages: 42pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX12202
The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
This issue highlights Canada's balance of payments deficit; exports and trade; Saskatchewan's potash nationalism, strife between potash multinationals and the government, National Mining Association and the federal government; confrontation between Native peoples, corporate, and government interests; Berger Commission; Inuit land rights; Common Front of Quebec unions and struggle for wage fairness; Bourassa government; federal government's "Peace and Security" package; proposal to abolish capital punishment; limitations on civil liberties.
Special report: THE MEDIA ELITE
CNSP profiles the seven most important media complexes in Canada - who owns Canada's newspapers, how newspapers relate to wider corporate structures, and the extent of their influence on Canadian public opinion. In this issue: Southam Selkirk.
Subject Headings