Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box on the left. Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:
"C" Titles
- C.L.R. James's "Critical Support" of Fidel Castro's Cuba
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 C.L.R. James's "critical support" of Fidel Castro’s Cuba is little understood among scholars of his life and work. This essay explores James’s 1967–1968 visit to Cuba and reconstructs private debates and discussion on Cuba within his revolutionary organizations, based in Detroit, in the 1950s and 1960s, and among anti-imperialist movements. Many of James's commentaries and disputes were consistent with his attempts to reconcile anti-colonialism with direct democracy and workers self-management.
- Cabbagetown: A Working Class District
Hugh Garner's novel revisited Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971
- Cabet, Étienne
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article French philosopher and utopian socialist. He was the founder of the Icarian movement and led a group of emigrants to found a new society in the United States. (1788-1856).
- Cabral, Amílcar (Abel Djassi)
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article African agronomic engineer, writer, Marxist and nationalist guerrilla and politician. (1924-1973).
- Cade, Jack
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article The leader of a popular revolt in the 1450 Kent rebellion. (Died 1450.)
- Cajamarca - curing gold fever
The people of Cajamarca stopped a gold mine in their water and food rich territory. But the real story is what happened next... Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Farmers, youth and other environmental defenders from Cajamarca, deep in the embrace of the Colombian Andes Mountains, have stopped a vast gold mine, re-valued the ‘true treasures’ in their territory and begun to develop regenerative alternatives to mining 'development'.
- Calary's Eastern Downtown Core:
Social Perspectives Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 The research for this report was completed during the summer of 1975. Its purpose was to obtain an overview of the social problems in Calgary's Eastern downtown core.
- Calculated Chaos
Institutional Threats to Peace and Human Survival Resource Type: Book First Published: 1985 Discusses the role of institutions within society and how their interests have lead to conflict and war over the past century.
- Calgary Association of Self-Help
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982 Calgary Self-Help started in 1973 as a support group for people who have had psychiatric treatment.
- Calgary Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- The Calgary Runaway Program
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982 The Calgary Runaway Program, begun in 1977, provides a confidential counselling service for youth and families experiencing difficulties with runaway behaviour.
- California Burning, PG&E Bankrupt
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 A synopsis of PG&E's history of negligence and corruption which has caused wildfire disasters. The company tries to escape consequences but others are demanding change.
- California drought: agribusiness, fracking untouched by water rationing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 California has responded to the drought by rationing water, with $500 fines for domestic 'water wasters'. But agribusiness and water-intensive industries like fracking remain untouched by the restrictions, even though they consume over 90% of the state's water.
- California Drought and Global Warming
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Global warming is not only exacerbating the drought, it has likely transformed the ecology of the state well into the future.
- California Greens Advance: The Camejo and Chretien Campaigns
Against The Current vol. 124 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 In California the Green Party is changing both in its social composition and in its political diversity. The party's support for immigrants' rights, especially around the issue of state driver's licenses, has won the party growing support among Latinos. Leading activists such as Nativo Lopez, Chair of the Mexican American Political Association (MAPA), and Miguel Araujo, from Centro Azteca, have come into the Green Party.
- California Home Care: Terminated!
Against The Current vol. 109 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Question: What's the best health care plan in the U.S. Answer: Don't get sick!
- California Is Not Dreaming
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Discussion of March 4, 2010 Day of Action in California.
- California Leads the Way in the "Block the Boat" Movement
Fighting the Occupation on the West Coast Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 In organizing theory, activists often emphasize the importance of formulating what they call an "escalation plan." When pushing for social change, they explain, it is important that one's methods of exerting pressure on power slowly grow in strength, not remain stagnant. Block the Boat is the next step in the escalation plan of US Palestinian solidarity activists. The idea of Block the Boat is quite simple: Hundreds of activists organize a protest in a local dock and prevent Israeli ships from unloading cargo.
- Call Center Unions Build International Connections
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 One big issue in the three-day strike by 38,000 AT&T workers was the company's offshoring of jobs. To shine a spotlight on the issue and strengthen international solidarity, a group of union members visited the Dominican Republic a couple of weeks before the strike to meet the call center workers on the other end of that offshoring.
- Call Climate Change What It Is: Violence
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Social unrest and famine, superstorms and droughts. Places, species and human beings – none will be spared. Welcome to Occupy Earth.
- A Call For A Fair Shares Agreement: Will Justice Prevail in Paris?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 For most people the word justice conjures up images of superheroes and supreme courts. It seems a grand notion with little bearing on the practicalities of daily life. And when applied to the climate crisis it seems even less comprehensible. But the shocking thing about climate justice is that not only can it be calculated -- it can be achieved.
- A Call For a Moratorium
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 A brief submitter to the Berger Inquiry by PROJECT NORTH.
- The Call for Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment Against Israeli Apartheid
Resource Type: Article Factsheet published in 2005 by Stop The Wall, a Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign.
- A Call for Radical Humanism: the Left Needs to Return to Class Analyses of Power
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 In tackling police violence and other social inequities rampant throughout the world today, we must address the underlying problems and not give overdue focus to the symptoms of the problems. For instance, we already know that class and not race is what determines who is affected most by institutional injustices, from the police murders of George Floyd to Tony Timpa to the the mass incarceration rates of the poor.
- Call for submissions
Periodical profile published 1990 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1990
- Call it as it is
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Now is the time to see that most of our problems are the result of the insatiable greed of the very few. And to say so, clearly and repeatedly. It’s the only way to start changing towards reality.
- Call Me Kuchu
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2012 In Uganda, a new bill threatens to make homosexuality punishable by death. David Kato - Uganda's first openly gay man - and his fellow activists work against the clock to defeat the legislation while combating vicious persecution in their daily lives. But no one, not even the filmmakers, is prepared for the brutal murder that shakes the movement to its core and sends shock waves around the world.
- Call the Cops at Your Own Peril
Bullies in Blue Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 “Live free or die” is the motto of the state of New Hampshire. I hope the residents are prepared to die, because living free is not what they do. NH is merely a cog within the Amerikan Stasi State.
- A Call to Action
Book Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Positive review - with caveats - of a book about how we can transform society.
- A Call to Community
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1969 A proposed community.
- A Call to Justice Today for Our Children Tomorrow: A Declaration
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979 A Call To Justice Today For Our Children Tomorrow
- A Call to the Workers of the World
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1918 Humanity is facing the alternative: Dissolution and downfall in capitalist anarchy, or regeneration through the social revolution.
- Callenbach, Ernest
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article American writer, known as an author of green books, namely as author of the ecological utopias Ecotopia (1975) and Ecotopia Emerging (1981). (Born 1929).
- Calling All Radicals
 How Grassroots Organizers Can Help Save Our Democracy Resource Type: Book First Published: 2007 Thompson argues that we can reclaim our democracy through grassroots organizing.
- Calling Assange a Narcissist Misses the Point
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Personal attacks on Assange are used to discredit his work publicizing war crimes and the truth behind pro-war propaganda.
- Calling Bono
Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist ... in Graves and Prisons Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Palestinians have been engaging in nonviolence for decades. The reality is that nonviolence is only as powerful as its visibility to the world.
- Call-Out Culture Is a Toxic Garbage Dumpster Fire of Trash
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A look at the "Call-out" culture where individuals who express opinions are quickly reprimanded online with derogatory labels; a mass media social comdemnation often without any sort of due process, which ultimately spreads a fear to engage in controversy or voice opinions that are even slightly outside the tide of contemporary thinking.
- Calls By Western Socialists For A Russian Retreat From Ukraine Amount To De Facto Support For NATO Aggression
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 NATO socialists dismiss or ignore altogether the concerns of Russia over the expansionism, militarism and sanctions of the NATO alliance. In reality, Russian diplomatic efforts to push back against NATO's aggression - and NATO's use of Ukraine for its aggression - have gone on for several decades.
- Calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Against Israel
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 A call for sanctions against Israel until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights.
- Callwood, June
Connexipedia: Article in Library and Archives Canada Resource Type: Article Journalist, writer, broadcaster, civil libertarian 1924-2007. (1924-2007).
- Callwood, June
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Journalist, writer, broadcaster, civil libertarian 1924-2007. (1924-2007).
- "Calm Reflection" or Justice?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Afterthoughts on Justice and racism after the movie Fruitvale Station.
- Calumet
Periodical profile published 1976 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 Quarterly newsletter published to promote the aims of the movement for social justice and peace.
- Dom Helder Camara Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Jacques Camatte archive - index
Resource Type: Article Writings of Jacques Camatte.
- Cambao - The Yoke
The Hidden Face of Brazil Resource Type: Book First Published: 1972 The story of the Peasant League in 1955, organized to fight against the oppression of the peasants.
- Cambodia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1970 Chomsky discusses the invasion of Cambodia. He describes it in terms of the internationalization of the Vietnam war as well as explores the internal developments leading up to the event. Specifically, Chomsky focuses on the right-wing coup of Prince Sihanouk on March 18th 1970 as the turning point from neutrality to destabilization.
- Cambodia: indigenous protests repel dam builders - so far
We don't need any compensation because we are staying here on the lands of our ancestors. Our children will never forgive us if we move. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Since the 1980s Cambodia has lost 84% of its primary forests, and the remote Cardamom mountains are the country's last great natural treasure. Just the place for grandiose dam projects? 'No way!" say indigenous people and young eco-activists.
- Cambodia: Labor and the Coup
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 IN THE FACE of a repressive and dangerous environment, workers are on the move in Cambodia. Though Americans heard little about it, the emergence of an independent labor movement was one of the most promising developments in Cambodia since the UN imposed democratic institutions “from above” on a society with no prior democratic experience.
- Cambodia: local people risk everything to defend national park sold off to highest bidders
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Botum Sakor national park is one of Cambodia's biodiversity hotspots. Now indigenous people are being violently evicted as the park is being sold off to developers for logging, plantations, casinos and hotels. Local communities are defending themselves and their land.
- Cambyr Counselling Agencies Limited
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Came Out Decades Ago (CODA)
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981
- Camejo Peter - Writings - Index
Resource Type: Article Writings of Peter Camejo (1939-2008).
- Peter Camejo: A Red-Green Life
Against The Current vol. 139 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The Progressive movements lost a major advocate last September 13th when Peter Camejo died after a long battle with lymphoma at the age of 67. The broad, historical impact he had was obvious in the national media response and the hundreds of emails and blog entries following his death.
- Peter Camejo at Berkeley
Against The Current vol. 139 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 I met and worked with Peter Camejo in Berkeley during the latter half of the ’60s. He was a leader of the Socialist Workers Party and the Young Socialist Alliance there, while I was active in the Independent Socialist Clubs, which later became the International Socialists. Peter was always a hard-driving speaker who always knew what he wanted to say, and he could say it elegantly.
- Camejo's Early Political Years
Against The Current vol. 139 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 I first met Peter Camejo in 1958, when we were both students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He had joined the Young Socialist Alliance in New York, politically aligned with the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party, the year before, and I was a member of the Young People’s Socialist League, politically aligned with the Socialist Party-Social Democratic Federation.
- Camisard
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article French Protestants (Huguenots) of the Cevennes region of south-central France who raised an insurrection against the persecutions which followed the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685.
- Camp Bucca, Abu Ghraib, and the Rise of Extremism in Iraq
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Suffering caused through our wars including conditions inside US military camps, in Iraq, led to the extremism of Al-Baghdadi and his ISIS followers.
- Campaign for Fair Taxes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article An organization that advocates unilateral nuclear disarmament by Britain. It also campaigns for international nuclear disarmament and tighter international arms regulation through agreements such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
- Campaign for Nuclear Phase-out
Organization profile published 1990 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1990
- Campaign to Halt Female Genital Mutilation tops 150,000 Signatures
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Guardian-backed campaign calls on Education Secretary Michael Gove to launch initiative to protect girls from being mutilated.
- Campaign to Save CBC
Organization profile published 1992 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1992
- Campaigning for A Millionaires Tax
Against The Current vol. 158 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 In February 2012, the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) launched a simple, clear initiative to raise taxes on Californians with incomes greater than $1,000,000 per year. The folding of this campaign for the Millionaires Tax (MT), following a compromise with the governor, has been felt as a seismic shock for many activists in California.
- Campaigning with Issues
Against The Current vol. 151 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 An interview with Ann Menasche. Ann Menasche, who ran for Secretary of State in California on the Green Party ticket, was interviewed by Dianne Feeley for ATC. Menasche is a longtime activist and an attorney concentrating on disability rights.
- Jim Campbell, Remembered
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 It is two years today since Jim Campbell died of a heart attack, bicycling in rural Ontario with his partner Julie. He was 57, and had been looking forward to retiring in a few years, to finally being able to move out of the city.
- Camping.about.com
Resource Type: Website
- Albert Camus Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Camus in the Time of Drones
The Long-Distance Executioners Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 What would Albert Camus, the great moralist of the 20th century and essayist on the barbarity of the death penalty, think about the latest innovation in administrative murder, Obama’s drone program, a kind of remote-control gallows?
- Can a Democrat change US Middle East policy?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 In response to the Bush Administration's open disregard for public opinion polls, Chomsky considers the likeliness of a Democrat taking a new stance on the two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. He asserts that the possibility is somewhat greater - even if only marginally.
- Can a Minority Overthrow the Majority?
Book Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Feeley reviews Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America by Nancy MacLean.
- Can a minority rule a majority in perpetuity?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A review of "Israel: Democracy or Apartheid State?" by Josh Ruebner. Subjects include the question of one or two states, and whether Israel should be considered democratic or an apartheid state are among numerous topics addressed in the book.
- Can Chicago Teachers Win Again?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Three years ago Chicago teachers defied the corporate-led attack on public education and went on a successful strike, widely supported by the public and parents, to support public education in all neighborhoods of the city.
- Can Civilization Survive "Really Existing Capitalism"? An Interview With Noam Chomsky
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 On the occasion of the release of his latest book, Masters of Mankind: Essays and Lectures, 1969-2013, Noam Chomsky gave an exclusive and wide-ranging interview to C.J. Polychroniou.
- Can Coronavirus Force Policy Types to Think Clearly About Intellectual Property?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 While there are researchers all over the world working on developing a COVID-19 vaccine, they are to a large extent working in competition. Each team wants to be the first to develop a vaccine so that they can secure a patent and get immensely rich.
- Can Free Schools Work?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1985 Before starting on another round of alternative education projects, it might be helpful to try to understand why few of the last round's projects achieved long term success.
- Can Journalism Schools Be Relevant In A World On The Brink?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The best of our students are worried not just about whether they can find a job after graduation but also whether those jobs will allow them to contribute to shaping a decent future for a world on the brink.
- Can Mulcair work a miracle and gain unlikely victory?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The big sleeper in the campaign that could mean victory for the Conservatives depends on whether hundreds-of-thousands of people who favour the NDP or the Liberals can manage to vote. According to the Council of Canadians, the so-called Fair Elections Act makes it more difficult for at least 770,000 people to vote.
- Can People Get What They Want?
An interview with Gilbert Achcar Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 An interview with Gilbert Achcar.
- Can Soldiers Resist?
Against The Current vol. 133 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Interviews with Tod Ensign and Phil Aliff.
- Can the Egyptians Come to Canada to Liberate Us?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 As I sat glued to Al Jazeera for two weeks watching the Egyptian revolution unfold from my home in Toronto, I must confess to having experienced feelings of jealousy. How nice it must be, I thought, to live a country where people want democracy.
- Can the Left Disagree Without Being Disagreeable?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Addresses the lack of nuance amongst the Left and calls for more meaningful dialogue.
- Can the NDP be Socialist?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 Simon Rosenblum argues that the left should work to transform the NDP, not ignore it.
- Can the Ruling Class Shape History?
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1969 Originally entitled "Vietnam: Endless War".
- Can the Working Class Change the World?
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2018 A look at how the working class and its allies can oppose capitalism to bring radical change.
- Can We Build a Progressive Future If We Dismiss a Large Part of the Working Class?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 It is hard to imagine a stable progressive future for our country with many millions of working-class Americans mobilized in angry opposition. At best this will create a political deadlock that frustrates possibilities for the lasting and radical reforms we so desperately need.
- Can We Build Socialist-Anarchist Alliances?
Against The Current vol. 141 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Last summer I delivered a talk on primitivist anarchism at a conference devoted to Marxist literature and culture. The participants were mostly academics engaged with Marxist criticism, and most came out of university English departments. For many in this group of self-described Marxists, my attempt at bemused critical appreciation for this admittedly problematic group of anarchists was not welcome. Anarcho-primitivists, critics insisted, are not activists, and they certainly have no place among committed Marxists. Worse, they are misanthropic, individualistic terrorists — perhaps even genocidal in their overall aims to destroy civilization.
- Can we combine intersectionality with Marxism?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Neoliberal austerity is impacting particularly hard on women. Capitalism relies on women not just directly as workers who generate surplus value but also to provide the primary carers for the next generation of workers and increasingly for the sick and elderly as social service cuts bite. Reproductive rights face serial attacks and domestic violence and other forms of endemic sexism in capitalist society mean that the fight for women's liberation and, in the shorter term, the fight to defend those rights women have won so far from being rolled back remain key issues for socialists.
- Can We Criticize Foucault?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Since his death in 1984, Michel Foucault's work has become a touchstone for the academic left worldwide. But in a provocative new book published in Belgium last month, a team of scholars led by sociologist Daniel Zamora raises probing questions about Foucault's relationship with the neoliberal revolution that was just getting started in his last years.
- Can We Live and Eat Too?
Against The Current vol. 131 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 In 1579, the fleet of British explorer Sir Francis Drake met the coast of what we now call California. Drake, who would dub his discovery “New Albion” (Albion being the Latin name for Britain), thought he had happened upon an island. Though the source of California’s present-day name is obscure, at least one etymological theory suggests that Drake was not alone in imagining the place as a world apart; the first literary reference to “California,” in a 1510 novel by Spanish writer García Ordóñez de Montalvo, Las Sergas de Esplandián, depicts an island in the Pacific inhabited by Amazonian women.
- Can we save the cities?
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992
- Can we shop our way to a better world?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 In this article Umair Mohammad summarizes arguments from the introduction and first chapter of his book Confronting Injustice: Social Activism in the Age of Individualism. Mohammad argues that lifestyle change and 'ethical consumerism' are not bridges to effective social change, but barriers to it. To build effective social movements, he says, we must begin by rejecting individualist approaches.
- Can We Talk?: Censorship, Pedophilia, and Panic
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Pederasty and pedophilia have been topics of debate in works about gay and straight history, given long-standing traditions of intergenerational sex between and among men and women. The right uses that fact to condemn all queers, particularly gay men, as predators of children.
- Can You Figure Out What This Chart Means?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The U.S. economy is in the throes of the lousiest recovery since World War 2. The so called monetary stimulus has failed to lift the economy out of the doldrums or produce the robust recovery that they promised. Instead, US gross domestic product, (GDP) has been plodding-along at an abysmal 2.2% since 2009, which is far below the 3.6% average of the prior 60 years.
- Can You Pass The US Christian Right Quiz?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 An understanding of the Christian Right, a loose coalition of politically conservative congregations and organizations, is critical to understanding the US. This quiz seeks to explore the political influence of the Christian Right, and to highlight the threat its radical fundamentalists pose to the majority of Americans who value pluralism and tolerance.
- Can You Say "Conflict of Interest"? Not at the UN
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Exposing the ways that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) allows oil giants to shape negotiations.
- Canada - 1977
Resource Type: Slide Show First Published: 1977 A montage that critically examines the development of the fishing industry in the Atlantic region throughout the 20th century.
- Canada 411
The Phone Directory for Everyone Resource Type: Website Online Canadian phone directory.
- Canada: A Natural History
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988 Canada: A Natural History surveys the varying ecosystems of the northern part of this continent, explaining their characteristics, vividly illustrated by the photographs of Tim Fitzharris.
- Canada: A People's History
Volume Two Resource Type: Book First Published: 2001 Published: 2002 Canadian history from the 1870s to the 1990s.
- Canada: Activists Face the Future
Against The Current vol. 91 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 Electoral politics present challenging problems for labor movements all over the world. In the absence of strong working class parties, labor activists are often compelled to support parties that implement anti-worker legislation simply because they represent a lesser evil. While reforms are certainly necessary, the investment of activist energy and resources into the electoral process can often distract union and social justice organizations, preventing them from undertaking the important task of generating solidarity within more impoverished segments of the working class.
- Canada Adopts America First Foreign Policy US State Dept Boasted in 2017
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 A declassified cable from the US embassy in Ottawa titled "Canada Adopts 'America First' Foreign Policy" notes that the Canadian government would be "Prioritizing U.S. Relations, ASAP."
- Canada After Harper
His Ideology-fuelled Attack on Canadian Society and Values, and How We Can Resist and Create the Country We Want Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 Essays documenting the breadth and depth of the Harper government's attack on institutions, policies, and programs that embody values and principles shared by most Canadians: education, health care, women's rights, science and research, the economy, labour unions, water and natural resources, and Aboriginal affairs.
- Canada and International Peace and Security
A Bibliography 1985-89 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2010 Engler documents the fact that the essence of Canadian policy has always been support for the establishment and continued dominance of an expansionist Zionist state in the territories that now comprise Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.
- Canada/Argentina Bulletin
Periodical profile published 1980 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980
- Canada Argentina Bulletin.
Periodical profile published 1982 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- Canada As a Conserver Society: An Agenda for Action
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Canada as a Settler Colony on the Question of Palestine
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023 An exploration of Canada-Palestine relations through a settler colonial perspective. The authors argue that there are direct parallels between Canada's settler colonial project and its support for the Israeli settler colonial dispossession of Palestinians.
- Canada Asia CURRENTS
Periodical profile published 1979 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979 The Canada Asia Working Group (CAWG), a volunteer collective whose aim is to fill a need for public awareness of the situations which link Canada to Asia, offers, in its first issue of a quarterly newspaper, articles exposing the absence of social justice in Asia and the denial of human rights in this far-flung continent.
- The Canada Assistance Plan
No Time for Cuts Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- Canada, At War For 13 Years, Shocked That 'A Terrorist' Attacked Its Soldiers
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The national mood and discourse in Canada is virtually identical to what prevails in every Western country whenever an incident like this happens: shock and bewilderment that someone would want to bring violence to such a good and innocent country, followed by claims that the incident shows how primitive and savage is the “terrorist ideology” of extremist Muslims, followed by rage and demand for still more actions of militarism and freedom-deprivation.
- Canada -- Beware! Look What's Happened to Peru
GATT-Flyer No. 3 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Parallels are drawn between the Canadian and Peruvian Oil Industries.
- Canada Casts Global Surveillance Dragnet Over File Downloads
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Canada's leading surveillance agency is monitoring millions of Internet users' file downloads in a dragnet search to identify extremists, according to top-secret documents. The covert operation taps into Internet cables and analyzes records of up to 15 million downloads daily from popular websites commonly used to share videos, photographs, music, and other files.
- The Canada Centre for Inland Waters
Resource Type: Website Information on water research and the Great Lakes.
- Canada challenges bylaw
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Canada: Decoding Harper's Terror Game.
Beneath the Masks and Diversions Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Stephen Harper is the most deeply reviled Prime Minister in Canada’s history. On the world stage, he is the servant of Big Oil boiling oil out of tar-sands to destroy major river systems and pollute the planet with dirty oil, while his attack dog John Baird leads the warmongering and bullying of nations like Iran and Syria targeted by the US-Israeli axis.
- Canada Electric Brigade
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Canada facilitated NSA spying on 2010 G8 and G20 summits
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Top secret US National Security Agency (NSA) briefing notes leaked by the former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden reveal that Canada’s Conservative government permitted the NSA to spy on the June 2010 G8 and G20 summits held in Huntsville, Ontario and Toronto.
- Canada Firsts Ralph Nader's Salute to Canada and Canadian Achievement
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993
- Canada for the People!: A Study of the Social Gospel in Canadian History
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 United Church of Canada's relation with the social gospel and the criticisms of the Social Gospel movement
- Canada and the Global Food System
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1987
- Canada Haiti Action
Resource Type: Website A website devoted to examining Canada's role in the ongoing occupation of Haiti. Includes articles on breaking developments, essays on the history of Haiti's exploitation, and links to associated groups for Haitian emancipation.
- Canada is Not a Free Lunch!
A Community Educators' Guide to Free Trade Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1988 A resource intended to be used as a catalyst for education around free trade.
- Canada Is Now To Climate What Japan Is To Whaling
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Here I am, watching the astonishing spectacle of a beautiful, cultured nation turning itself into a corrupt petro-state. Canada is slipping down the development ladder, retreating from a complex, diverse economy towards dependence on a single primary resource, which happens to be the dirtiest commodity known to man. The price of this transition is the brutalisation of the country, and a government campaign against multilateralism as savage as any waged by George Bush. Until now I believed that the nation that has done most to sabotage a new climate change agreement was the United States. I was wrong. The real villain is Canada.
- Canada, Left-Nationalism, and Younger Voices
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Published in Studies in Political Economy, 33 (Autumn 1990)
- The Canada Metals story: A chronology
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980 The ongoing struggle against lead pollution in South Riverdale.
- Canada more at risk from environmentalists than religiously inspired terrorists: RCMP
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Recent RCMP report warns that Canada's energy sector is more at risk from domestic environmental extremists than from religiously inspired terrorist organizations like Al Qaida and ISIS.
- Canada and Mozambique
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1974
- Canada, Namibia and You
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Pamphlet to aid letter writing campaign against S. Africa's occupation of Namibia.
- Canada, Politics and Direct Action
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1983 Editorial regarding activities of group calling itself 'Direct Action'.
- Canada Post Corporation
It Can Deliver Resource Type: Book First Published: 1986
- Canada Post: Profits Before People
Resource Type: Article
- Canada Post raises prices to North
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Canada/Quebec - Where the Roadmap Ends
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980
- Canada Remapped
How the Partition of Quebec Will Reshape the Nation Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993 Explores what might happen in the event of a decision by Quebec to separate from Canada.
- Canada and the Rights of the Chilean People
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Brief presented to the Canadian Government by the Coalition on Canadian Policy Toward Chile.
- Canada Should 'Get Tough' on Political Crimes, Say Watchdogs
Four needed crackdowns, starting with illegal surveillance and electoral crime. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A new round of Conservative Party advertisements return to a familiar tough-on-crime refrain.
- Canada Since 1960: A People's History
A Left Perspective on 50 Years of Politics, Economics and Culture Resource Type: Book First Published: 2016 An account of the most important developments in Canadian history from the 1960s to today, seen through the eyes of Canadian Dimension magazine.
- Canada and the State of the Planet
The Social, Economic and Environmental Trends That Are Shaping Our Lives Resource Type: Book First Published: 1997
- Canada and Strategic Nuclear Weapons Systems
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Canada: The Communist Viewpoint
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1948 Tim Buck, the national leader of the Labor-Progressive Party, sets out the Communist position on the big questions of Canada's destiny.
- Canada to allow new arms sales
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 Canada is expanding its exports of arms.
- Canada-U.S.-Mexico relations
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991
- Canada World Youth
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982 The objectives of CWY are met within the context of exchange programmes. The exchange programmes consist of a seven month commitment, one half in a developing region of Canada, the other half in a developing Third World nation. For most of the programme, participants are divided into small teams that live and work together, with each team comprised of both young Canadians (aged 17 to 20) and exchange country participants.
- Canada's 1960s
 The Ironies of Identity in a Rebellious Era Resource Type: Book First Published: 2008 A history of social movements of the 1960s, including student and anti-war movements, the rise of women's liberation, labour struggles, and Quebec nationalism.
- Canada's Aquatic Environments
Resource Type: Website Information on habitiats, plants, and animals.
- Canada's complicity with crimes against humanity in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Melanie Joly traveled to Israel to support its genocidal policies in Gaza. The trip will go down as one of the more shameful moments in Canada's odious anti-Palestinian history.
- Canada's Creeping Police State
Capitalist Repression and War Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The Conservative Harper government’s Bill C-51, the "Anti-Terrorism Act 2015," is a sweeping attack on free speech and other civil liberties. The bill targets publications, web postings and even private conversations sympathetic to causes that the capitalist rulers deem to be "terrorism." It authorizes the CSIS secret police to go after any activity that "undermines the sovereignty, security or territorial integrity of Canada" or interferes with the country's "economic or financial stability." And you don't have to actually do anything; the bill provides for "preventive detention" of individuals who the police claim "may commit" an offense.
- Canada's Deadly Diplomacy and the Plight of Political Prisoners in Honduras
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A look at the political crisis in Honduras since the Nov. 26 election, which has led to brutal and deadly government crack-downs by military police and other state forces of Honduras. Described as state-led terrorism, it is being tacitly supported by funding from Canadian taxpayers.
- Canada's Deadly Secret
Saskatchewan uranium and the global nuclear system Resource Type: Book First Published: 2007 The struggle over Saskatchewan's uranium mining, and the negative impacts on Aboriginal rights and environmental health, and the effect of free trade. Nuclear energy cannot address global warming and there is no such thing as a "peaceful atom."
- Canada's Distorted Electoral System
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Canada's electoral system is undemocratic
- Canada's Election Needs Outside Observers To Ensure Fairness: Report
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Canada needs outside observers to monitor the federal election for fairness due to the rise of big money, nasty attack ads and new voting laws, says a report based on a survey of civil society groups.
- Canada's Fighting Seniors
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990 A look at the growth of a senior's movement in Canada in the 1980s.
- Canada's Forgotten Slaves: Two Centuries of Bondage
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2013 Trudel discusses slavery as a part of colonial Canada since 1629, its continuation under the British regime and its official abolition.
- Canada's Future: A Global Perspective
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1984
- Canada's Great Divide
The politics of the growing gap between rich and poor in the 1990s Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000 Over the course of the 1990s, Canada's growing gap has become a slippery slope for a growing number of middle income familes sliding towards the bottom of the income ladder.
- Canada's Imperialism Without Illusions
Against The Current vol. 153 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Against The Current interviewed Canadian author and activist Todd Gordon on April 29, 2011, shortly before the May 2 national election in Canada. Gordon is the author of Imperialist Canada (Winnipeg: Arbeiter Ring Publishing, 2010). We followed up with additional questions after the election.
- Canada's Impossible Acknowledgment
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada released its final report in 2015 with ninety-four calls to action, and renewed hope that the nation would finally confront its darkest history with tangible action. This article looks at why this process has yet again stalled, one which repeats the cycle of promises and yet again does not deliver.
- Canada's Indians: A Powerless Minority
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1965 Discusses several complicated issues bringing to light the troubling relationship between the Canadian government and Native communities.
- Canada's journalists cowed into silence while colleagues die in Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Rami Rayan, a young Palestinian photojournalist, was the latest reporter to be killed. He was among at least 16 people reportedly killed after an Israeli air strike on a crowded market during a supposed four-hour "truce." The Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ), which claims to be "the national voice of Canadian journalists", has been noticeably silent. If you check the CAJ's website you won't find so much as a perfunctory statement denouncing the killing of their colleagues in Gaza. Instead, the top item on its website is a story written by members of the association's 'ethics' committee about that old saw: reporters getting too close to their sources.
- Canada's Liberal Government Joins NATO's War Escalation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Canadians who hoped the October 2015 federal election would usher in changes to the aggressive, foreign policy of the defeated Conservative government are wondering what happened to their wishes. The transition in imperialist foreign policy from the Harper Conservatives to the Justin Trudeau-led Liberals has been utterly seamless, if not predictable.
- Canada's Military shapes Coverage of Deployments
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A look at the Canadian military's influence over news coverage. The article outlines the great lengths the military goes to shape information covering its missions, including the recent deployment to Mali.
- Canada's New Immigraion Act
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 See also: CX905.
- Canada's New Immigration Act: A Guide and Critical Commentary
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Canada's Other Red Scare
Rights, Decolonization, and Indigenious Political Protest in the Global Sixties Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 PhD Thesis, Queen's University, 2011
- Canada's prime minister wants to make it harder for people to vote against him
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Stephen Harper, who won by an uncomfortably small margin in the last election, has passed laws designed to keep voters who oppose him from the polls.
- Canada's Pro-Israel Zealots
Racist at Its Core Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 From a left-wing community once at the forefront of struggles against racism, unconditional support for Israel has turned a significant proportion of Toronto Jews into promoters of hatred against "Arabs" and into allies of right wing, bigoted, homophobic Christian Bible literalists.
During 15 years of activism in Montréal, Ottawa and Vancouver I haven’t seen anything equivalent to the racist, militarist pro-Israel movement experienced recently in Toronto. And sadly the quasi-fascistic organization driving the charge seems increasingly enmeshed within a community that once led the fight against racism and fascism in the city.
- Canada's Radiation Scandal
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1990
- Canada's right-wing media monopolies move further right
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The Canadian news media landscape has changed dramatically since the Senate Committee on Transport and Communications released its underwhelming report on the state of Canadian media in 2006.
- Canada's Rights Movement: A History
Resource Type: Website A site dedicated to the history of the human rights movement in Canada. Although the site has sections on various aspects of the "rights revolution", it is primarily designed to highlight the activities of social movement organizations (non-governmental organizations).
- Canada's Science Library Closures Mirror Bush's Playbook
Similar moves by US Republican president met sharp backlash from 10,000 scientists. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The Harper government is now eliminating seven Department of Fishery libraries containing one of the world's most comprehensive collections of information on fisheries, aquatic sciences and nautical sciences.
- Canada's Secret Constitution
NAFTA. WTO and the End of Sovereignty? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Adapted from Chapter 4 of Clarkson's book Uncle and Us: Globalization, Neoconservativism, and the Canadian State.
- Canada's Social Economy
Co-Operatives, Non-Profits, and Other Community Enterprises Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992
- Canada's Social Programs Are In Trouble
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- Canada's Spy Groups Divulge Secret Intelligence to Energy Companies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Documents raise fears that info on environmentalists, indigenous groups and more shared with industry at biannual, secret-level, briefings.
- Canada's State of Reconciliation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The brutal suppression of water protectors at Standing Rock, North Dakota and their ongoing resistance has also galvanized Canadian conversations about Indigenous land rights and environmental welfare.
- Canada's State Police
150 years of the RCMP Resource Type: Book First Published: 2024 The 150 year legacy of the RCMP, Canada’s national state police.
- Canada's top medical journal says Harper is undermining public health care
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The current issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal features an editorial written by Deputy Editor Dr. Matthew Stanbrook slamming the Harper Conservatives for weakening public health care in Canada. "For much of the last decade, Canadian federal health policy has been conspicuous by its absence," Stanbrook says, adding "in recent years, the federal government has neglected [its health care] responsibilities, even when courts have ordered them to do otherwise." The Conservatives are undermining and under-funding Canada's public healthcare system, spurning collaboration with the provinces and essentially removing the federal government from the health care business, Stanbrook suggests.
- Canada's Toxic Chemical Valley
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 About the effects of "Chemical Valley" in the Aamjiwnaang-Sarnia area.
- Canada's Water: For Sale
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1972 Describes the pressures behind U.S. demand for Canadian water and the Canadian response and presents the case against grand engineering schemes, major dams, and large river diversions.
- Canada's Water: Resource War #2
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 Wars are usually fought over ideologies or natural resources. Canada should be concerned given its rich deposits of natural resources.
- Canada's Young Activists
A Generation Stands Up for Change Resource Type: Book First Published: 2007 Twenty five personal accounts of the important work of some of Canada's most prominent young activists championing causes from child labour to environmentalism.
- Canadian Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL)
Association Canadienne Pour Le Droit L'avortment (ACDA) Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- Canadian Action for Nicaragua
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1979 Canadian Action for Nicaragua is a coalition of about twenty-five organizations plus a number of individuals wishing to support reconstruction in Nicaragua.
- Canadian Activism Archives
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2006 Site which is attempting to build a historical archives of, and useful guides for, social justice and environmental activism in Canada.
- Canadian Aid
Blessing or Burden? Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 This article takes the position that political and economic reasons rather than humanitarian, charitable concerns for the poor were and still are the basis and motivation for Canadian government aid to undeveloped countries.
- Canadian airbase protested
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Canadian Alliance of Home Schoolers
Resource Type: Organization A home schooling support group in Southern Ontario.
- The Canadian Alternate Celebrations Catalogue
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1975 A catalogue of ways to seek alternatives in our way of living and celebrating in the context of a comsumer society.
- Canadian Alternatives in 1975: a movement maturing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Overview and analysis of the growing Canadian "Alternatives Movement".
- Canadian Archival Resources on the Internet
Resource Type: Website Comprehensive list of links to Canadian archives and associated resources on the Internet.
- Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982 Canadian Arctic Resources Committee is a non-profit, environmental watchdog group, focusing on issues of resource use north of the 60th parallel.
- Canadian Artists' Representation Ontario
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples
Organization profile published 1983 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples Bulletin
Periodical profile published 1979 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979 This issue of Bulletin focuses on Native women.
- Canadian Association of Labour Media
Resource Type: Website A network of union publications and editors that provides labour-friendly stories and graphics and training for labour communicators.
- Canadian Authors' Association
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Canadian Biodiversity Institute
Resource Type: Website
- Canadian Books on Labour
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Canadian Canoe Routes
Resource Type: Website
- Canadian Catholics for Women's Ordination
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 Two small groups of women in Ottawa and in Toronto have begun to work together to see if they can discover other individuals and groups who want to work towards the ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church.
- Canadian Centre for Investigation and Prevention of Torture
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Resource Type: Website CCOHS promotes a safe and healthy working environment by providing information and advice about occupational health and safety.
- The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Resource Type: Website Many articles, fact sheets and background papers and analyses, on Canadian and international issues, from the CCPA, which promotes research from a progressive point of view.
- The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1982
- Canadian Churches and Foreign Policy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990 In the years after 1970, Canadian churches have engaged in international affairs in new ways. This book offers first-hand accounts by people actively involved in developing this new role.
- Canadian Churches and Social Justice
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1984
- The Canadian City
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991 Based on the belief that a healthy city life is possible, this volume collects articles, stories and histories about the city and its people, covering aspects such as human and social relations, art and architecture, urban planning, land development, and the greening of the urban environment.
- Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Canadian Civil Liberties Bibliography (Indexed)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984 An extensive bibliographly, with over 1,000 entries.
- Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility - Publications - 1978
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsiblity Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1976 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 A report of important events across Canada and internationally on concerns related to nuclear energy.
- Canadian Cohousing Network
Resource Type: Website Resource for the cohousing movement which seeks to create and maintain neighbourhoods which emphasize a supportive, inter-generational community, common facilities and participation by all members using a consensus process to make decisions.
- Canadian Committee Against Customs Censorship
Organization profile published 1988 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1988
- Canadian Committee on Learning Opportunities for Women (CCLOW)
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982 CCLOW is a national voluntary organization, formed in 1972 for the purpose of improving opportunities for women in Canada.
- Canadian Communism
The Stalin Years and Beyond Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- The Canadian Constitution
From Patriation to Meech Lake Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- The Canadian Corporate Elite
An Analysis of Economic Power Resource Type: Book First Published: 1975 An exhaustive study of the concentration and perpetuation of economic power in Canada.
- Canadian Council on Children and Youth
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982 The Canadian Council on Children and Youth (CCCY), a national, non-profit voluntary organization with independent provincial affiliates, has advocated on behalf of children for more than 20 years.
- Canadian Council on Social Development
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Canadian Crossroads International
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Canadian Crossroads International Newsletter
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978 A variety of articles regarding underdeveloped areas of Canada.
- Canadian Dimension
Periodical profile published 1983 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1963 Published: 1983
- Canadian Disarmament Information Service
Organization profile published 1983 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- Canadian Doctors for Medicare
Resource Type: Website One of the chief aims of Canadian Doctors for Medicare (CDM) is to provide a counterpoint to organizations and interests advocating for two-tier medicine. Equally important, CDM's voice will complement the advocacy of other groups seeking to preserve and improve Medicare and fight against privatization.
- Canadian Dreams
The Making And Marketing Of Independent Films Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993
- The Canadian Election and the Global Climate Crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The environmental stands of all the main parties in this election amount to climate change denial.
- The Canadian Elections: Cover-Up and Steal (Again)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The opposition parties in Canada's 2015 federal election are sticking to a careful PR-driven script, refusing to even mention the fact that Stephen Harper's Conservatives broke the law and committed fraud in winning the 2006, 2008, and 2011 elections. The mainstream media and the political parties scrupulously ignore this reality.
- Canadian Embassy: Militarily Supporting Israeli Apartheid
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A top diplomat organizing an event to celebrate Canadians fighting for another country's military ought to generate criticism. Doing so while that force humiliates Palestinians at checkpoints in the West Bank, fires on protesters in Gaza and bombs Syria in violation of international law is an outrage that must be condemned.
- Canadian Environment Network
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- Canadian Environment Network
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Canadian Environmental Directory
Periodical profile published 1990 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1990
- The Canadian Environmental Education Catalogue
A Guide to Selected Resources Resource Type: Article
- Canadian Environmental Law Association
Resource Type: Website Information on legal and policy aspects of environmental issues.
- Canadian Environmental Law Association
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Canadian Environmental Network
Resource Type: Website The Canadian Environmental Network (CEN) facilitates networking between environmental organizations and others who share its mandate - To Protect The Earth And Promote Ecologically Sound Ways Of Life.
- Canadian Environmental Network
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- The Canadian Fact Book on Poverty 1989
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- The Canadian Far Eastern Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- Canadian Farmworkers Union - Local No.1.
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 The Canadian Farmworkers Union (CFU) was initiated in 1979 by fruitpickers dissatisfied with working conditions in British Columbia's Okanagan and Fraser Valleys.
- Canadian Feminism And The Law
The Women's Legal Education and Action Fund and the Pursuit of Equality Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991 The author gives a fascinating and informative look at the efforts of the Legal Education and Action Fund, a Feminist-Activist organization for the struggle to effect an egalitarian society through Charter litigation.
- Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Canadian firms losing out
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Canadian Forum
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Canada's oldest continually published political periodical.
- Canadian Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Resource Directory
Resource Type: Website Listings of organizations and businesses which offer services and support for the gay, lesbian and bisexual communities of Canada. Non-profit.
- The Canadian Grain Trade - An Introductory Outline.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Outline of the grain trade in Canada and parallels to the situation underlying the New International Economic Order.
- The Canadian Green Consumer Guide
How You Can Help Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988 Published: 1989 A guide to responsible shopping that won't cost the earth.
- Canadian group not dealing with major free expression issue
Celebrating World Press Freedom Day Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 We need to address how corporate-owned mainstream news organizations restrict the freedom of journalists and prevent the public from having access to a wide variety of important news and opinion articles. This lack of balanced information affects everything from people having the information they need to decide how to vote to all of us better understanding how power is exercised in our communities. The censorship consists of banning some topics and discussions and filtering out stories and ideas that do not fit the current mainstream media agenda.
- The Canadian Guide To Working and Living Overseas
For Entry Level and Seasoned Professionals Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992 This work profiles 700 employers in government, the private sector,voluntary and international organizations for people who want to work in the Third World.
- Canadian hands involved in Gaza bombings
Details on Canadian complicity in Israeli apartheid Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Aside from sustained Conservative diplomatic cheerleading for Israel, one key element of Canada's implication less in the public eye but very important, is the key role that many Canadian companies are playing in creating the military devices and technologies now involved in carrying out the deadly bombing raids in Gaza.
- Canadian Health Coalition
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981
- The Canadian Health Coalition
Organization profile published 1983 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983 Published: 2007 Dedicated to protecting and expanding Canada's public health system for the benefit of all Canadians.
- Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
Resource Type: Website Supports the evidence-based management of Canada's healthcare system by facilitating knowledge transfer and exchange - bridging the gap between research and healthcare management and policy.
- The Canadian Home Schooler
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982 This newsletter, The Canadian Home Schooler, is a collection of letters and news information directed to those who have chosen to educate their children at home.
- Canadian Human Rights Commissions Annual Report 1988
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- Canadian Human Rights Reporter
Periodical profile published 1982 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- Canadian Human Rights Yearbook
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1984 Published: 1985
- Canadian Human Rights Yearbook 1984-1985
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1985
- Canadian Human Rights Yearbook 1988
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1989
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Pilot Copy, February 1976 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The first issue of the Canadian Information Sharing Service publication. The name of the publication was later changed to Connexions and then to Connexions Digest.
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 2 - July 1976 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 3 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 4 - November 1976 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 5 - January 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 6 - March 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 1 - May 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 2 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 3 - September 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 4 - November 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 5 - December 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 3, Number 1 - February 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 3, Number 2 - April 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 3, Number 3 - June 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 3, Number 4 - August 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- The Canadian Information Sharing Service
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979 Editorial explaining that the Canadian Information Sharing Service has changed the name of its publication to 'Connexions'.
- Canadian Information Sharing Service Index
February 1976 - March 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 Index of Volume 1, Numbers 1 - 6 (February 1976 to March 1977) of Canadian Information Sharing Service.
- Canadian Information Sharing Service Index
May 1977 - December 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978 Index to Volume 2 (Numbers 1 - 5, May 1977 - December 1977) of Canadian Information Sharing Service.
- The Canadian Jewish Outlook Anthology
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988 A broad range of articles about secular Jewish life and socialist values.
- The Canadian Jewish Outlook Anthology
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
Revue Femmes et Droit Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1989 A forum for feminist discussion of law reform and legal issues affecting women and for exchanging research and analysis.
- Canadian journalist and activist killed in Syria
Ali Mustafa, In Memoriam Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 I will never forget when I first met Ali Mustafa. It was September 2012, during my first year at York and just before I joined Students Against Israeli Apartheid (Ali was a former member), where he did a talk on his visit to Egypt.
- Canadian journalist called FBI informant
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- Canadian Labour
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979 Canadian Labour is a bi-weekly magazine published in both English and French by the Canadian Labour Congress.
- Canadian Labour
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1983
- Canadian Labour Comment
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 A discussion regarding workers' compensation and unemployment insurance eligibility.
- Canadian Labour Comment
Periodical profile published 1979 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979 The Canadian Labour Comment is a bilingual newsletter which includes reports on various labour issues in Canada.
- Canadian Labour Congress
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981
- Canadian Labour History Bibliography, 1976-2009
Resource Type: Database First Published: 2010 Recognizing the limitations that must be set on a project that relies primarily on a single individual, the bibliography has been limited to English-language monographs, pamphlets, journal articles, articles from edited collections (each item in an edited collection is entered separately) and graduate theses. Items are included if they were published between 1976 and 2009.
- Canadian Labour in Politics
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1968 A historical study of the relationship between the labour movement and the social democratic party in Canada, as that relationship developed since the birth of modern industrial unionism.
- The Canadian Labour Movement
A Short History Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- Canadian-Latin American Resource Centre
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Canadian lawyers and Chevron's court battle over environmental damage in Ecuador
Iler, Kirsten Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 A storm of controversy erupted amongst Canadian lawyers when the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) decided to intervene in Chevron's appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. The appeal is part of Chevron's battle against Ecuadorian Indigenous peoples who seek to enforce a massive court judgment against the company for environmental damage in Ecuador.
- The Canadian Left
 A Critical Analysis Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 The main focus of the book is the emergence and development of Canadian socialist thought. Penner examines the origins of the Communist Party of Canada and its ideological base and the beginings and development of the CCF-NDP.
- The Canadian Left Debates Its Future
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979 A debate on left strategies which collects wide-ranging responses from a variety of sources to Canadian Dimension's special issue on Eurocommunism, compiled in the hope that this exchange will advance the level of discussion and provoke still further debate in the ranks of the Canadian left.
- The Canadian Left and Israel
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Accusations of Left anti-Semitism may mask a more significant racism problem on the Left.
- Canadian Liberation Movement
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Canadian Liberation Movement (CLM) was an organization founded in 1969 dedicated to liberating Canada from U.S. control and domination. It fought for the independence of Canadian unions from U.S.-controlled “international” unions and stood for Canadian unions for Canadian workers. CLM adopted a nationalist perspective rooted in a variety of ‘Marxist-Leninist’ thinking, and drew inspiration especially from Maoist China.
- Canadian Lies
Resource Type: Audio First Published: 2015 A parody song aimed at Canada's Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
- Canadian links with apartheid
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Canadian Machine-Readable Databases:
A Directory and Guide Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- Canadian magazines worried
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- Canadian Media in Crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 How so-called "business journalism" is often biased and tends to give readers a distorted picture of the news.
- Canadian Mining Corporation Receives Permits in Mexican Indigenous Territory
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Canadian mining companies have found a way to expand their operations in Mexico. Recently the Mexican government awarded 22 permits to British Columbia-based First Majestic Silver to mine for silver in the western region of the country.
- Canadian mining firm Pacific Rim and El Salvador's struggle against corporate impunity
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The controversial legal case that Canadian mining firm Pacific Rim has launched against El Salvador has added fuel to the growing international debate on the balance of corporate rights and responsibilities and the need for new legal international frameworks to address corporate impunity.
- Canadian mining giant Barrick Gold fired whistleblower. Then it spilled cyanide into five rivers
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Toronto-based mining giant, Barrick Gold, spilled cyanide solution into five Argentina rivers shortly after firing an engineer who raised serious safety concerns about the mining operation responsible for the contamination.
- The Canadian Ministry of "Truth": "Reality Is Whatever We Say It Is"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The government and corporations operate as if truth and reality are what they say it is. Guerin analyzes and provides examples of this propaganda, including Canada's Bill C-51.
- Canadian Multinationals
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1986
- Canadian Neocolonialism in Latin America
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1962 Discusses the role of Canadian capital in foreign markets and the drive behind Canadian businesses to control valuable assets in Latin American countries.
- The Canadian Network For El Salvador Solidarity - Le Reseau PanCanadien de Solidarite avec Le Salvador
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- The Canadian News Synthesis Project
Organization profile published 1976 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1976 Presenting current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. The Canadian News Synthesis Project published from 1974 to 1980.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project
Volume I Number 1 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1973 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project
Volume I Number 2 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1973 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project
Volume I Number 3 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1973 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1973 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - September 1974
Volume II Number 9 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1974 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Supplement: The CIA in Chile
Volume II Number 9 (supplement) Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1974 Supplement to Canadian News Synthesis Project Volume II, Number 9 (September 1974). The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. Special in-depth issue on the presence of the Central Intelligence Agency in Chile.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - October 1974
Volume II Number 10 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1974 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - November 1974
Volume II Number 11 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1974 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - December 1974
Volume II Number 12 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1974 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project Review 1974 - 1975
Review 1974-75 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 Special review supplement for 1974 - 1975. The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. Supplement covers major topics during 1974 - 1975.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - January 1975
Volume III Number 1 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - February 1975
Volume III Number 2 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - March 1975
Volume III Number 3 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - April 1975
Volume III Number 4 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - May 1975
Volume III Number 5 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - June 1975
Volume III Number 6 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - July 1975
Volume III Number 7 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - October 1975
Volume III Number 8 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - November 1975
Volume III Number 9 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - December 1975
Volume III Number 10 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - January 1976
Volume III Number 11 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - February 1976
Volume III Number 12 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - March 1976
Volume IV Number 1 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - April 1976
Volume IV Number 2 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - May 1976
Volume IV Number 3 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - June 1976
Volume IV Number 4 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - July 1976
Volume IV Number 5 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - September 1976
Volume IV Number 6 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - October 1976
Volume IV Number 7 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - November 1976
Volume IV Number 8 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - December 1976
Volume IV Number 9 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian Overseas Assistance
Organization profile published 1990 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1990
- Canadian Paraplegic Association Newfoundland Division
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- The Canadian Patients Book of Rights
A Consumer's Guide to Canadian Health Law Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994
- Canadian Peace Alliance
Update Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Canadian Peace Ballot
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 A questionaire desinged to organize a referendum of a variety of issues including, but not restricted to pacifism.
- The Canadian Peace Directory
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Canadian Peace Educators' Directory
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- Canadian Peace Listing
Periodical profile published 1984 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1984
- Canadian Peace Research Institute
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981
- Canadian Policy Towards Southern Africa
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Canadian Policy Towards Southern Africa:
An Ecunemical Concensus Paper Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Paper presented to government officials detailing position on racial oppression in S. Africa.
- The Canadian Popular Theatre Alliance
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- The Canadian Press Stylebook:
A Guide For Writers and Editors Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- The Canadian Public Affairs Handbook
Maximizing Markets, Protecting Bottom Lines Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Canadian Public Health Association
Organization profile published 2007 Resource Type: Organization A national, independent, not-for-profit, voluntary association representing public health in Canada with links to the international public health community. CPHA's members believe in universal and equitable access to the basic conditions which are necessary to achieve health for all Canadians.
- Canadian Quaker Study Packs
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1987
- Canadian Renewable Energy News
Periodical profile published 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- Canadian Rights and Liberties Federation
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Canadian Serials Directory/Repertoire des publications seriees canadiennes
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- The Canadian Social Gospel: 1880-1960
What is the social gospel? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 What is the social gospel? It is an attempt to apply Christianity to the collective ills of an industrializing society, and was a major force in Canadian religious, social and political life from the 1880s to the 1960s.
- Canadian Socialism
Essays on the CCF and the NDP Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993
- Canadian Sources of Environmental Information 1988/Sources canadiennes d'information sur l'environnement 1988
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- The Canadian State: Political Economy and Political Power
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 Marxist perspectives on the Canadian state.
- The Canadian Student
Periodical profile published 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 A newsletter that deals with a variety of issues concerning post-secondary education such as tution, discrimination and decreases in enrollment.
- The Canadian Student
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 The focus of this tabloid is unemployment.
- The Canadian Student Movement in the Sixties: Three case studies
PhD Thesis, University of Alberta, 2009 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009
- Canadian students strip in protest, clash with police
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Thousands of men and women stripped to protest planned tuition hikes and embarrass the hosts of the Formula One Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal.
- The Canadian Teachers' Federation
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Canadian Teachers Group (CTG) of Amnesty International-Canadian Section
Organization profile published 1980 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1980
- Canadian Textbooks and the American Knowledge Industry
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971 A look into the industry of textbooks in America and the effect on Canadians.
Published in This Magazine is about Schools, Volume 5, Number 3, Summer 1971.
- Canadian Textile Trade and Hong Kong
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 This article was put together through collecting information from back issues of Asia Monitor. It analyzes the effect abroad of Canada's unanticipated, unilateral decision to fix import quotas in the textile and clothing industry, drastically cutting back the '76-'78 levels to those of 1975.
- Canadian Transport
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977
- Canadian Union News Vol. 7, #1.
Periodical profile published 1979 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979 This issue of the quarterly news tabloid examines the Postal Strike, a strike by 1,000 members of the York University Staff Association and the seventh conference of the B.C. Council of the Confederation of Canadian Unions.
- Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Ontario Region, Bulletin
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 Two statements by CUPW President, Jean-Claude Parrot, after raids, injunctions and criminal charges following the Postal Strike in October.
- Canadian Urban Training Toronto Co-operative (CUT)
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 The CUT Toronto Co-operative was proposed by Canadian Urban Training Project national staff who hoped that a Toronto based group of people who had taken training with CUT would be interested in training others.
- The Canadian War on Queers
 National Security as Sexual Regulation Resource Type: Book First Published: 2010 From the 1950s to the late 1990s, agents of the Canadian state spied on, interrogated, and harassed gays and lesbians in a series of so-called national security campaigns. This book traces this history, revealing acts of state repression and forms of social resistance.
- The Canadian Whole Earth Almanac
Profile of a project Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971
- Canadian William Grant Stairs: Killing Natives and Seizing their Land for Leopold II in Congo
A Brutal Part of Canada's Dark History in Africa Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 William Grant Stairs of Halifax played an important role in two expeditions that expanded Leopold II's profitable Congolese venture, one that included forced labour and ultimately resulted in millions of deaths.
- Canadian Woman: Her Work, Her Church
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980
- Canadian Women and AIDS
Beyond the Statistics Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- Canadian Women at Work
Their Situation, Their Union Status, and the Influence of the Public Sector Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- Canadian Women & the Struggle for Equality
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012 When Stella Bliss applied for unemployment insurance in 1976, she found that she would not be entitled to benefits for another six weeks. Bliss had just had a baby and was therefore subject to a different section of the Unemployment Insurance Act than her male counterparts.
- Canadian Women's Directory
Annuaire des Femmes du Canada Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- Canadian Women's Autobiography in English
An Introductory Guide for Researchers and Teachers Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- Canadian Women's History/L'Histoire Des Femmes Canadiennes: 2
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1987
- Canadian Women's Mailing List
Resource Type: Database First Published: 1984
- Canadian Women's Movement Archives
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- The Canadian Women's Movement, Equality Rights and the Charter
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Canadian Women's Music and Cultural Festival / Le Festival Culturel Des Femmes Canadiennes
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Canadian Women's Periodicals:
Title Word Index: Vol.1, No.2 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- Canadian Writers Network
Articles for Sale Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Canadians and Central America
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- Canadians For Responsible Northern Development
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 Canadians for Responsible Northern Development is a citizens' organization active since May, 1973.
- Canadians For the Protection of Religious Liberty
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Cananea strike
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A strike took place in the Mexican mining town of Cananea, Sonora, in June 1906.
- Canary Islands vs. Big Oil
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Thousands of Canary Islands residents and activists have begun campaigning against Spanish oil company Repsol, and the potential oil spill that could devastate the wildlife and tourist and fishing industries.
- Canasian Artists Group
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Cancel Culture
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 I think it goes without saying that the United States is undergoing a crisis of democracy. As a nation, we are deeply divided along partisan political lines, so much so that what once passed for legitimate political debate and discourse has been diminished to the point that any dissent is characterized as a threat against democracy. Once, fact-based debates took place to ascertain the truth of a matter. Now, opposing parties embrace their own unique 'fact sets' which are derived more from political belief than reality, and anyone holding a different opinion is derided and condemned as a practitioner of 'disinformation.'
- The cancellation of professor Adolph Reed, Jr.'s speech and the DSA's promotion of race politics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The New York Times published a lengthy news article last week highlighting an instructive incident that took place earlier this year within the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). A speech by professor emeritus of political science Adolph Reed, Jr. was cancelled due to objections by the AFROSOCialist and Socialists of Color Caucus over his "reactionary and class reductionist form of politics."
- The Cancer in Blue: Cop Documentaries
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 John Ridely's film "Let it Fall: Los Angeles 1982-1992" is a 144-minute kaleidoscope of interviews and television news footage that climaxes in the riots that followed the acquittal of four cops who were captured on home video by a man named George Holliday as they were beating Rodney King with steel batons.
- The Cancer in Occupy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The Black Bloc anarchists, who have been active on the streets in Oakland and other cities, are the cancer of the Occupy movement. The presence of Black Bloc anarchists — so named because they dress in black, obscure their faces, move as a unified mass, seek physical confrontations with police and destroy property — is a gift from heaven to the security and surveillance state.
- Cancer is Capitalist Violence
Anthropology Against Oncology Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 It’s been two decades since the publication of Martha Balsham’s landmark study, “Cancer in the Community: Class and Medical Authority (1993).” Balshem, a hospital-based anthropologist, documented how a Philadelphia “lay community” rejected medical advice to stop smoking, eat fruits and vegetables and schedule regular screening tests. The working class community of Tannerstown (a pseudonym) instead blamed air pollution from highway traffic and nearby chemical plants, as well as fate, for their cancers.
- Cancer of economic growth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- Cancer, weed-killers linked
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- The Candidate
Jeremy Corbyn's Improbable Path to Power Resource Type: Book First Published: 2016 Chronicling Jeremy Corbyn's rise to the position of leader of Britian's Labour Party. An insider's look at the events that led to his appointment.
An Analysis of the Canadian Nuclear Program Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 Written for the layman, CANDU clearly and concisely describes the basics of nuclear power including atomic fission, ionizing radiation and its affects on man and fuel cycles.
- CANDU: An Analysis of the Canadian Nuclear Program
Part I - Technical Handbook Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Handbook on the issues surrounding the nuclear program
- The Candy Machine
How Cocaine Took Over the World Resource Type: Book First Published: 2009 Feiling is interested in the hows and whys of the trade. Everything cocaine touches turns to lead. How it came to this is the question he explores in this extensively researched, passionately argued book.
- Elias Canetti Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Canned Dreams
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2012 A simple can of ravioli propels this spectacular 30,000-kilometre, eight-country journey through all phases of food production and the far flung sources of international ingredients.
- The Canso Strait Fisherman's Strike, 1970-71
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 An account of the 1970-71 strike of Nova Scotia fishermen, after two large fisheries refused to recognize their newly formed union.
- Can't Jail the Sprit
Political Prisoners in the U.S.: A collection of biographies Resource Type: Book
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Canton, December 1927
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1928 In 1927, as a result of a rapid succession of fatal mistakes, the Chinese proletariat lost the strong positions in Shanghai and Hankou that it had gloriously conquered at the head of the national movement. In April Chiang Kai-shek’s coup, which was prepared in broad daylight and should have been foreseen, robbed the workers of Shanghai. In August the sharp turn to the right by the ‘left’ Guomindang, on which had been based inadmissible hopes, robbed the workers of Hankou. In the meantime, the seizure of Changsha, carried out with the complicity of the Hankow government (in which the Communists participated), decapitated the Hunan peasant movement.
- Canwest latest 'media giant' to exploit news operations
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Media corporations claim to care about quality journalism, but they've deceived Canadians for decades -- censoring news to protect their profits, pandering to the interests of the corporate world, and neglecting to invest adequately in their news operations. For decades powerful media corporations have decided what news Canadians should read, hear, and see. By reading just about any Canadian daily newspaper it's not hard to see how the values of corporate-owned media are quite different from the values and interests of the majority of Canadians.
- Cap and Clear-Cut
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Jerry Brown basked in adulation during his whirlwind trip to Paris, and the evening of December 8 figured to offer more of the same. Standing alongside governors of states and provinces from Brazil, Mexico, and Peru, California's governor planned to tout his state's leadership role on global climate policy. The event was one of 21 presentations that Brown delivered during a five-day swing through France during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21). His busy schedule included a stately private meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and presentations at events organized by the French, German, Chinese, and US governments.
- Cape Breton Landowners Against the Spray
Organization profile published 1977 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1977 A description of the battle between the Cape Breton Landowners' Association and Nova Scotia Forest Industries Ltd. over the saftey and effectiveness of spraying for spruce budworm on Cape Breton Island.
- Cape Breton Steel
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 This profile tells the story of the Sydney Steel Corporation (SYSCO) in Cape Breton and reveals one of the most important causes of unemployment and industrial shutdowns in Canada today. It traces the foreign ownership and control over Cape Breton Steel beginning with its original Boston investor H.M. Whitney in 1900 until the final takeover by the province of Nova Scotia.
- Cape Breton Strikes, 1920s
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article The Cape Breton labour wars of the early 1920s represented an intense local episode of class conflict. In such conflicts militant unions, often led by radical leaders, were attempting to change the balance of power in Canadian industry by insisting on union recognition and improved living standards for the workers.
- Capital: A Readable Introduction to Volume I
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1971
- Capital and community
The results of the immediate process of production and the economic work of Marx Resource Type: Book First Published: 1976
- Capital Crimes
Resource Type: Book Reveals how the occurrence, extent, and type of crime committed, as well as society's response to the problem, are largely shaped by economic elites.
- Capital Crimes of Fashion
Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion (Book Review) Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Book Review of Tansy E. Hoskins' Stitched Up: The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion.
- Capital in context
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Deciphering Capital by Alex Callinicos is the impressive balance sheet of some 30 years of research. Its starting point is a thesis completed at Oxford in 1978 entitled "The Logic of Capital", which distanced him at one and the same time from both the surrounding Hegelian Marxism and the empiricism of Ernest Mandel.
- The Capital Punishment Debate
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984 The death penalty make us all complicit in killing, and degrades us as a society.
- The Capital Punishment Debate - Chinese text
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984
- The Capital Punishment Debate - Korean text
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984
- Capital Punishment: The most Deplorable form of Deliberate Murder
Resource Type: Article A society that legally permits the killing of human beings can never prevent its repetition by the general public. The abolition of capital punishment and declaring the value of human life is the first step in the struggle against a culture of murder in society.
- A Capital Scandal
Politics, Patronage and Payoffs -- Why Parliament Must be Reformed Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- Das Capital, Volume 1
 A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production Resource Type: Book First Published: 1867 Published: 1890 Marx's great work sets out to grasp and portray the totality of the capitalist mode of production, and the bourgeois society that emerges from it. He describes and connects all its economic features, together with its legal, political, religious, artistic, philosophical and ideological manifestations.
- Das Capital, Volume 2
The Process of Circulation of Capital Resource Type: Book First Published: 1893 Published: 1956
- Das Capital, Volume 3
The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole Resource Type: Book First Published: 1894 Published: 1971
- Capitalism and Social Rights
Against The Current vol. 140 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 We're talking here about rights and how to guarantee them in an unequal globalized society. I’m just going to take it for granted that all of us here believe in human rights in some sense of the term. Let’s start from the premise that all human beings, just by virtue of being human, are entitled to certain basic conditions of freedom and dignity which have to be respected by others, not just by other individuals but also, and especially, by people in power and by states.
- Capitalism and Socialism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1968 The revolution must of course start with the overthrow of the exploiting class and with the institution of workers' management of production. But it will immediately have to tackle the reconstruction of social life in all its aspects. If it does not, it will surely die.
- Capitalism and Socialism: A Rejoinder
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1969 Those who seem frightened of new ideas might at least rearrange their prejudices once in a while. But even this seems to be asking too much. In argument, they defend their errors as if they were defending their inheritance.
- Capitalism and the Ecological Footprint
Published in Monthly Review, Volume 61, Number 6 - November 2009 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The capture of ecological discourse by the political culture of the consensus (a necessary expression of the conception of capitalism as the end of history) is well advanced. In contrast, the expression of the demands of the socialist counterculture is fraught with difficulty—because socialist culture is not there in front of our eyes. It is part of a future to be invented, a project of civilization, open to the creativity of the imagination.
- Capitalism and the Information Age
The Political Economy of the Global Communication Revolution Resource Type: Book A rigorous examination of some of the most crucial problems and possibilities of new technologies.
- Capitalism and the National Question in Canada
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1972 Essays examining a variety of questions about Canada's past, from a Marxist perspective.
- Capitalism and Theory
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1974 About the permanent arms economy, the latest phase of capitalism.
- Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America
Historical Studies of Chile and Brazil Resource Type: Book First Published: 1967 Published: 1969 The four essays in this book offer a sweeping reinterpretation of Latin American history as an aspect of the world-wide spread of capitalism in its commercial and industrial phases.
- Capitalism as Robbery
 Book review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Review of Peter Linebaugh's 'The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance."
- Capitalism & Climate Change
The Science and Politics of Global Warming Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 An excellent primer, from a radical perspective, on what the ecological crisis is about and what is causing it.
- Capitalism and communism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1972 Published: 1997 Gilles Dauvé outlines the development of capitalism, and communism as the real movement in everyday life which tends towards the abolition of wage labour.
- Capitalism: A Crime Story
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2018 Harry Glasbeek explains how liberal law strives to reconcile capitalism with liberalism, while giving corporate capitalism privileged treatment under the law.
- Capitalism and Disability: Selected writings by Marta Russell
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2019 This book comprises a collection of groundbreaking writings by Marta Russell on the nature of disability and oppression under capitalism.
- Capitalism for Beginners
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1981 An amusing, soundly researched, and highly accessible illustrated book that tells you everything you want to know about capitalism.
- Capitalism and Freedom
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 In the United States, many take for granted that freedom and democracy are inextricably connected with capitalism. Milton Friedman, in his book Capitalism and Freedom, went so far as to argue that capitalism was a necessary condition for both.
- Capitalism: A Ghost Story
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014
- Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A review of Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital by Jason Moore. The author examines how capitalism is innately destructive of its environment, but the solution is revolutionary socialist organisation says Graham-Leigh.
- Capitalism is a Waste of Time
Godwin, Malthus & the Ideology of "No Alternative" Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 The "no alternative" of permanent scarcity is both the all too familiar essence of our daily politics as well as the ideology at the heart of the discipline of economics, defined in the most widely used economics textbook of the 20th century as "the study of how men and society choose to employ scarce resources."
- Capitalism is an Incubator for Pandemics: Socialism is the Solution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Coronavirus is wreaking havoc across the world. Capitalism cannot adequately respond to a global health crisis. That's why we need socialism.
- Capitalism is failing the planet
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 If we continue with capitalist business as usual, there will be disastrous consequences for humanity. Capitalism is in unavoidable conflict with environmental sustainability because of three key features that are inherent to the system.
- Capitalism is Icky!
Resource Type: Photo/Image/Poster First Published: 1977
- Capitalism is the West's Dominant Religion
Reflections on the Religion of the Market Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Welton describes capitalism as the dominant religion in the West, where Economics is the new theology of this global religion of the market and consumerism its highest good.
- Capitalism Must Die! A basic introduction to capitalism: what it is, why it sucks, and how to crush it
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 Text combined with comics explain in simple terms what capitalism is, how it works, why it's irredeemable, and what we can do to end it.
- The Capitalism Papers: Fatal Flaws of an Obsolete System
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012 Mander argues that capitalism is no longer a viable system: "What may have worked in 1900 is calamitous in 2010." Capitalism, utterly dependent on never-ending economic growth, is an impossible absurdity on a finite planet with limited resources.
- Capitalism and Slavery
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1944 Slavery helped finance the Industrial Revolution in England. Plantation owners, shipbuilders, and merchants connected with the slave trade accumulated vast fortunes that established banks and heavy industry in Europe and expanded the reach of capitalism worldwide.
- Capitalism, Socialism and Technology
A Comparative Study of Cuba and Jamaica Resource Type: Book Does a socialist Third World country tackle technological development and mechanization in different ways from a capitalist country? In this meticulous field study of sugar cane harvesting in two leading producer countries - Cuba and Jamaica - Dr. Edquist finds that the causes and consequences of technical change differ significantly. He advances original ideas as to the relationship between technology and socio-economic conditions.
- Capitalism, The Family, and Personal Life
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1973
- Capitalism vs. Democracy in Europe
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The governments of Europe are indifferent to public protest, strikes and mass demonstrations, and don't care about the opinion or the feelings of the population; they are attentive - extremely attentive - only to the opinion and the feelings of the financial markets, and their employees, the ratings agencies.
- Capitalism's violence, masses' revolt show need for total view
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 News and Letters' Draft Perspectives Thesis. Our age is in such total crisis, facing a choice between absolute terror or absolute freedom, that a revolutionary organization can no longer allow any separation between theory and practice, philosophy and revolution, workers and intellectuals, “inside” and “outside.”
- Capitalist agriculture and Covid-19: A deadly combination
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The real danger of each new outbreak is the failure -- or better put -- the expedient refusal to grasp that each new Covid-19 is no isolated incident. The increased occurrence of viruses is closely linked to food production and the profitability of multinational corporations. Anyone who aims to understand why viruses are becoming more dangerous must investigate the industrial model of agriculture and, more specifically, livestock production. At present, few governments, and few scientists, are prepared to do so. Quite the contrary.
- The Capitalist City or the Self-Managed City?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 The opposite of gentrification should not be decay and abandonment but the democratization of housing. Community land trusts may be a way of working towards this goal.
- Capitalist roots of the environment crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Here we are, heading into the middle decades of the 21st century, with all the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of millennia of human endeavour literally at our fingertips, staring down the barrel of a catastrophic, and possibly terminal, breakdown of the relationship between human society and the natural world on which we depend.
- The Capitalist Solution to 'Save' the Planet: Make It an Asset Class & Sell it
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Lynn Fries speaks to John Bellamy Foster on a critically important and underreported topic: how investors are trying to use rapidly moving climate crisis as an opportunity to loot even more of the commons.
- Capitalist Surveillance State: Everyone's a Target
Threatening Reporters, Spying on Public Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 There is an inherent tendency for the state, which governs on behalf of a minuscule, ruthless class of obscenely wealthy exploiters, to attempt to amass ever greater power to control the population because it hates and fears the working people.
- Capital's Global Turbulence - Study Review
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 ROBERT BRENNER'S THE Economics of Global Turbulence, a book-length study published as issue 229 of the Journal New Left Review, has attracted unusual attention for at least two reasons. Not only is Brenner's factual and theoretical argument formidable in its own terms, but its publication coincided fortuitously with the stock and financial market upheavals triggered by the Asian collapse.
- Capital's War on the People
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 It is time to change the parameters of the debate, from “when or by how much social spending should be cut?” to “why should the people pay for something they are not responsible for?”
- Capital's War on the People
Against The Current vol. 149 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Instead of calling the recent G-20’s brutal austerity declaration (issued at the conclusion of its annual summit in Toronto) an orchestrated declaration of class war on the people, many progressive/Keynesian economists and other liberal commentators simply call it “bad policy.” While it is true that, as these commentators point out, the Hooverian message of the declaration is bound to worsen the recession, it is nonetheless not a matter of “bad” policy; it is a matter of class policy.
- Capitol Riots Were a Dark Day for American Journalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 An article critical of the news coverage surrounding the January 6, 2021 invasion of the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. Cockburn argues that exaggerating the violence of the event threatens the credibility of the media and could justify repression by the government.
- Caps And Spelling
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- 'Captain Elder Brother' and the Whirlwind Army
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 At 94, a forgotten hero of India’s struggle for freedom returns to the scene of his most daring exploit in the anti-British Raj uprising that saw a parallel government established in Satara, Maharashtra, in 1943.
- Captain Planet
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 1992
- Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1974 Captains of Consciousness offers a historical look at the origins of the advertising industry and consumer society at the turn of the twentieth century.
- The Captive Labour Force on Non-English Speaking Immigrant Women
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980 An article focusing on the 'invisible work' that non-English speaking immigrant women, in particular, have done and continue to do.
- Captive Nation - Egypt And The West
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 What mainstream media consumers will find almost nowhere (perhaps literally nowhere) is a detailed analysis of how US-UK support for Mubarak fits with a pattern of US-UK support for dictators across the world over many decades, indeed centuries.
- Captivity
118 Days in Iraq and the Struggle for a World Without War Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 An account of a peace activist kidnapped while leading a peace delegation in Iraq.
- The Caracas Commitment
Declaration from World Meeting of Left Parties, November 19-21, 2009, Caracas, Venezuela Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2009 We have gathered with the aim of unifying criteria and giving concrete answers that allow us to defend our sovereignty, our social victories, and the freedom of our peoples in the face of the generalized crisis of the world capitalist system and the new threats spreading over our region and the whole world.
- La Caravane de l'Avortement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1970 Published: 2025 La Caravane de l'Avortement (Abortion Caravan) est un mouvement de protestation formé au Canada en 1970 par des membres du Vancouver Women's Caucus (Caucus des Femmes de Vancouver, VWC). Elle a été créée pour s'opposer aux dispositions du Code Criminel qui limitaient l'accès légal à l'avortement. Les membres ont formé une caravane, imitant les mouvements de protestation itinérants précédents, et ont voyagé de Vancouver à Ottawa, rassemblant des soutiens tout au long de leur parcours.
- Carbon trading: privatising the world's forests
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The World Bank sponsored carbon offset program has faced widespread criticism for, in effect, privatising forests and allowing rich nations to evade responsibility for cutting emissions themselves.
- The Carbon Underground: reversing global warming
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 As millions join in climate marches and other actions around the world, the mainstream focus on energy is missing the 55% of emissions that come from mismanaged land and destroyed forests. The key is to replace industrial agriculture worldwide with productive, regenerative organic farming that puts carbon back in the soil.
- A Carbon-Free Future
An Interview with Arjun Makhijani Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 A carbon-free future is possible and necessary.
- C.A.R.D.
A Lake Erie group fights for sensible development in a sensitive area Resource Type: Article Maloney details the protests of C.A.R.D., an environmental organization advocating for the sensible and responsible integration of development and environmental issues.
- Career advice
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Career advice given by George Monbiot for those who have a genuine choice of careers, which means, regrettably, that it does not apply to the majority of the world’s workforce.
- The Careerists
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The greatest crimes of human history are made possible by the most colourless human beings.
- Ron Carey, Militant Union Reformer
Against The Current vol. 138 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 “Ron Carey was the nation’s most charismatic and successful labor leader as the twentieth century was coming to an end. He will be remembered as a major figure in American labor history on the basis of just two of his accomplishments: In 1991, running as a reformer with the backing of Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU), he was elected general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. In 1997, he led the successful 15-day strike against the giant United Parcel Service, the biggest victory organized labor had experienced in at least three decades.”
- Cargill and Friends
The Grain Companies' Rollercoaster and Why We Should Get Off Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 A brochure that charts the growth of major multinational grain trading companies.
- Cargill Inc.: Making Profit From Hunger
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- The Caribbean Left's Legacy
Against The Current vol. 112 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Sara Abraham interviews Eusi Kwayana of The Working People's Alliance (WPA) in Guyana. The WPA continued to organize and build its ranks through a democratic socialist multi racial agenda, but has continuously been marginalized by the two party system, wining only one or two seats in each election.
- Caribbean Politics and the 1930s Revolt
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 During the 1930s all Britain's major island and continental colonies in the Caribbean exploded in rebellion.
- Caring For Earth Mother
Resource Type: Article A poem.
- Caring for Our Children
What's Best for Them? A Response to the National Child Care Strategy Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Caring for Profit
How Corporations Are Taking Over Canadaq's Health Care System Resource Type: Book First Published: 1998 A shift backwards from the principle of universal healthcare without financial barriers: health is being redefined as a commodity rather than a right.
- Carl Oglesby: A Mentor & Leader
Against The Current vol. 155 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 In my lifetime I’ve heard two speakers whose unadorned eloquence and moral clarity pulled my heart right out of my chest. One was Bernadette Devlin McAliskey, speaking from the roof of the Busy Bee Market in Andersonstown in Belfast the apocalyptic day that hunger striker Bobby Sands died.
- George Carlin Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Franklin Carmichael Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Carmichael, Stokely
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Trinidadian-American black leader active in the 1960s American Civil Rights Movement. (1941-1998).
- Carnival of Anarchy
Resource Type: Website Anarchists of all stripes and colours.
- A Carnival of Revolution
Central Europe 1989 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 Published: 2003 This is the first history of the revolutions that toppled communism in Europe to look behind the scenes at the grassroots movements that made those revolutions happen.
- Carnival: Resistance Is the Secret of Joy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Reinventing tactics of resistance has become a central preoccupation for the movement of movements. How do we make rebellion enjoyable, effective, and irresistible? Who wants the tedium of traditional demonstrations and protests - the ritual marches from point A to B, the permits and police escorts, the staged acts of civil disobedience, the verbose rallies and dull speeches by leaders?
- Carol L. McAllister (1947-2007)
Against The Current vol. 131 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 I remember meeting Carol on a public transit bus, I believe in 1980 –- when, almost out of the blue, she approached me and started talking to me about Central America. She recognized me from some earlier meeting on repression and revolution in Central America and wanted to know if, by any chance, I had been in the audience viewing a documentary on women in El Salvador that she had just seen (I hadn’t) and if I would mind if she shared some thoughts about it.
- Caroline Lund-Sheppard, Sept. 24, 1944-Oct. 14, 2006: A Life Fully Lived
Against The Current vol. 125 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 It's my favorite photograph of Caroline: She’s just a girl, standing straight up, hands neatly folded in front of her, wearing a long, white tunic, and an exuberantly silly grin.
- Carpenter, Edward
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article English socialist poet, anthologist, early gay activist and socialist philosopher. (1844-1929).
- Carr, Shirley
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Canadian union leader who was the first woman president of the Canadian Labour Congress.
- Carrefour International Catalogue
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979
- Carrefour International de Moncton
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Carribbean Basin Report
Periodical profile published 1982 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- Carrying capacity, technology, and ecomodernist confusion
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Biologist Michael Frieman responds to an article titled "The Earth's Carrying Capacity for Human Life Is Not Fixed" by Ted Nordhaus, an executive director of the Breakthrough Institute and strong proponent of ecomodernism. Friedman counters the idea that capitalist technology is capable of solving virtually any of the environmental problems generated by humankind while still making eternal capitalist growth possible- a viewpoint based on assumptions that are fraught with problems.
- Cars and Class
"A Reckless, Blood-Thirsty, Villainous Lot ... " Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Making life difficult for cars could be, in fact, described as a form of class war, but one that works in the long-term interests of the poor and working class.
- Carson, Rachel
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article American marine biologist and nature writer whose writings, especially 'Silent Spring', are credited with advancing the global environmental movement. (1907-1964).
- Carter's Inconvenient Truths
An Honest Man Refutes Propaganda Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 The reason that Israel has been able to appropriate Palestine unto itself with American aid and support is that Israel controls the explanation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At least 90% of Americans, if they know anything at all of the issue, know only the Israeli propaganda line. Israel has been able to control the explanation, because the powerful Israel Lobby brands every critic of Israeli policy as an anti-semite who favors a second holocaust of the Jews.
- Carving up Africa - aid donors and agribusiness plot the great seed privatization
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 An elite group of aid donors and agribusiness corporations plan the takeover of Africa's seeds, replacing traditional seed breeding and saving by small farmers with a corporate model of privatized, patented, genetically uniform and hybrid seeds.
- Casas Compartidas en Toronto - 1960s & 1970s
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Published: 2024 Las casas compartidas en Toronto se convirtieron en un gran problema a finales de los años 60 y principios de los años 70, ya que las prioridades de vivienda estaban cambiando rápidamente.
- Cascadia Rising to Save the Forest
Against The Current vol. 110 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Protests in nine cities across California, Oregon and Washington took place February 23rd, coordinated by the Cascadia Rising Project, in response to the Bush Administration's removal of protections on federal lands for over 100 rare and uncommon species associated with the old growth forests of the Pacific Northwest.
- The Case Against Alan Dershowitz
Plagiarism, Cover Up and Misrepresentations Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Documents numerous instances of plagiarism and misrepresention by Alan Dershowitz in his smear campaigns against critics of Israel.
- The Case Against Bombing ISIS
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The military campaign against ISIS is just the latest phase of US imperialism in the Middle East.
- The Case Against Glyphosate
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 On 13 April, 2016, the EU Parliament called on the European Commission to restrict certain permitted uses of the toxic herbicide glyphosate, best known in Monsanto's Roundup formulation.
- The Case Against Israel
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005 Neumann argues that Israel's policies are the cause of the conflict, and that the conflict can be ended by Israel changing its behaviour.
- The Case Against Ratifying the TPP
The Case Against Ratifying the Trans Pacific Partnership Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016
- The Case Against the Auto
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990 The issue of transportation cannot be separated from how communities are organized. The way in which worksites and residences are laid out on the earth’s surface presupposes a means of getting around.
- The Case Against the Global Economy
And for a turn towards the local Resource Type: Book First Published: 1996
- The Case Against U.S. Adventurism in Iraq
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Chomsky depicts the Bush Administration's ambition to rule the world by force and the dangers of this intention.
- Case Critical
The Dilemma of Social Work in Canada Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- The Case for a Nuclear-Free Canada
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- The Case for Academic Boycott
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Academic boycott targets Israel's intellectual leadership, the educated elite whose record consists largely of misinforming Israelis about their history, distorting their understanding of current conflicts, normalizing the racism of their society, and providing to the Israeli military and government the legal, technological, and political tools it needs to facilitate the continued theft of Palestinian land and the containment of its restive population.
- The Case for an Alternative
Against The Current vol. 110 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 A statement by Solidarity: The strategy of “the lesser evil” hasn't worked, and less than ever will it work today. The loyalty of labor, racial minorities, women, LGBT people and other progressives — expressed in massive campaign contributions and large numbers of votes — comes at a very low cost for the “New Democrats,” who know perfectly well that no matter how far to the right they move, the advocates of “the lesser evil” remain their captives.
- The Case for Critical Support
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Not all support need be unqualified, and Milton Fisk is supporting some cases critically.
- The Case for Grassroots Archives
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Grassroots archives play a valuable role in what has been called "the battle of memory". People's history projects such as grassroots archives preserve and share stories of resistance, hidden histories, and alternative visions.
- The Case for Grassroots Archives - Arabic text
Resource Type: Article
- The Case for Grassroots Archives - Farsi text
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012
- The Case for Grassroots Archives - Spanish text
Resource Type: Article
- The Case for Haitian Reparations
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A history of France's exploitation of colonial Haiti, the aftermath of Haiti's independence, and the lasting social and environmental impacts, arguing for Haiti's recent demands of reparations from the French government.
- The Case For Long-Term Supportive Housing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984
- A Case For Non-violent Resistance
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- The Case for Palestine
An International Law Perspective Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005
- The Case for Palestine: An International Law Perspective - Book Review
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Book review.
- The Case for Penal Abolition
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000 A collection of essays on various aspects of the penal abolition movement and its arguments.
- The Case for Phasing Out Organohalogens
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992
- The Case For Revolutionary Socialism
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2003 In my view, the movement for another world is committed to four main values - justice, efficiency, democracy, and sustainability.
- The Case for Socialism
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005 Published: 2010 An argument for socialism: a society built from the bottom up through the struggles of ordinary people against exploitation, oppression, and injustice -- one in which people come before profit. A society based on the principles of equality, democracy, and freedom.
- The Case for Socialism
Resource Type: Article A series of articles making the case for socialism.
- The Case for Staying in Iraq
Against The Current vol. 122 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 I don't support an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, because I think it would probably make an already bad situation much worse. Of course, there's no guarantee that continuing the occupation will succeed in allowing some form of stability to take hold—particularly if our military forces simply "stay the course" of brutality evidenced in Fallujah, Abu Ghraib, and the training of Iraqi death squads. However, I believe it offers the best chance for the chaotic forces now at work in Iraq to settle, over time, into some type of a coherent nation.
- The Case of Comrade Tulayev
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1950 Published: 1963
- A Case of Decency Deficit
Eden's Photoshoot Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 According to the Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence, taking humiliating trophy pictures of Palestinian prisoners are such a "widespread phenomenon" that taking them constitutes "a norm." Why so? Because it is the "necessary result of a long term military control of a civilian population."
- The Case of Northwest Airlines: Workers' Rights & Wrongs
Against The Current vol. 125 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Four years ago, when asked by an academic journal to write about whether the strike was still a viable weapon in labor’s “arsenal,” my title was blunt: “Is the Strike Dead?”(1) As is my style, I introduced some historical material and offered an analysis of the anti-labor bias of the past 25 years, during which the number of “large” strikes (involving 1,000 or more workers) had declined from more than 400 per year to less than 30.
- The Case of Occupy and the Longshoremen's Union
Who's Speaking for Whom? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Occupy Oakland should not be pretending to speak on behalf of Oakland's dockworkers, and should not be telling the dockworkers when and how they should strike. Occupy Oakland's actions are the opposite of democratic, and an affront to the basic notiions of worker's self-activity, workers' empowerment, and workers' control.
- The Case of Oscar Lopez Rivera
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Examing the criminal case against and incarceration of Oscar Lopez Rivera, a Puerto Rican activist and organiser charged and convicted of seditious conspiracy in 1980.
- A Case of Police Violence Against Women
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The police torture of a woman at Kalamadanga village, in the Bardhaman district of West Bengal, is a grim reminder that "normalization" of state violence, particularly violence on women, has continued unabated regardless of which party is in power.
- The Case of Steven Donziger: Supreme Court Liberals Help Turn Judges into Prosecutors
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Criticizes the decision from seven of the nine justices of the Supreme Court of the United States to decline to hear Steven Donziger’s appeal of a criminal contempt decision involving his representation of Indigenous Ecuadorians against Chevron.
- A Case Study in the Creation of False News
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Paul Craig Roberts discusses a classic case in the creation of false news.
- A Case Study on the Interaction of Immigrant-Canadians in Their Work
and the Influence of this Interaction on the Resocialization of the Immigrant Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 A sociological analysis done from the perspective of participant observation including theological reflections.
- The Case that Dare Not Speak Its Name: the Conviction of Cardinal Pell
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Cardinal Pell, a high-ranking official of the Catholic Church and financial grand wizard of the Vatican, was found guilty on December 11, 2018 of historical child sexual abuses pertaining to two choir boys from the 1990s. But details remain sketchy.
- Casgrain, Marie Thérèse (Forget)
Connexipedia: Article in Library and Archives Canada Resource Type: Article Feminist, reformer, politician and senator in Quebec, Canada. (1896-1981).
- Cash
Committee To Advance The Status of Housework Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 Immigrant women, sole-support mothers, community activists, students and feminist academics are working together "to upgrade the economic, social and legal status of housework."
- Cash Copy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- The Cashless Economy of Chikalthana
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 An article about the cash crisis in the Indian village Chikalthana.
- Cast out of Eden
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- Caste, Class, and Race: A Study of Social Dynamics
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1948 Published: A 1948 sociological analysis of the issues of caste, class, and race relations in the United States and the world by Trinidadian-born, US-based scholar Oliver Cromwell Cox.
- Castlegreen Co-operative -- An Alternative
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 A booklet that describes what is meant by the term "co-operative" and gives reasons why they are an appropriate alternative to individual home ownership.
- Castoriadis, Cornelius
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Greek-French philosopher, libertarian socialist, and psychoanalyst. Author of the The Imaginary Institution of Society, co-founder of the Socialisme ou Barbarie group and 'philosopher of autonomy'. (1922-1997).
- Castoriadis, Cornelius - Writings - Index
Resource Type: Article Writings of Cornelius Castoriadis, also known as Paul Cardan and Pierre Chalieu (1922-1997).
- The Casualties of Empire
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Diabolic methods of propaganda and perception management are at work now that have no precedent. This is war waged in a new way — against domestic populations as well as those declared as enemies.
- The Cat Lovers Against the Bomb 1989 Wall Calendar
Resource Type: Unclassified First Published: 1989 Courageous cats, cuddly kitties, and far-sighted felines cajole and console their war-resisting humans through another year of peace activism. Cat "faces of the moon" help you track the lunar cycles. Annotations remind you of important dates in the illustrious history of cats -- as well as notable events in human anti-nuclear, feminist, and human rights struggles. And outrageous quotations from "friends of felines" keep you chuckling. Cat Lovers Against the Bomb will help you frisk through your year, with peacemaking on your daily agenda.
- Cataclysm 1914
The First World War and the Making of Modern World Politics Resource Type: Book First Published: 2016 This collection argues that the First World War -- and its consequences -- was perhaps the defining moment of 20th century world-politics.
- Cataloging as Radical Practice
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Explores the extent to which new technologies and institutional practices are offering opportunities for community input in building/correcting/amplifying catalogue records.
- Catalogue of Resources - Social and Political Action Section - 1978-80
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Catalonia: The Revolt of the Rich?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The Catalonian rebellion, similar to Scottish separatism, is an uprising of the rich against the poor, the protests of a liberal society against the remnants of a redistributive social state.
- Catalonia 'separatists' bad, HK 'pro-democracy protesters' good: Orwell's 1984 becomes user's manual for Western 'free media'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 When supporters of Catalan leaders jailed for organizing a democratic vote advance on Barcelona airport, media make a fuss over 'separatists' causing chaos. When the same tactic is used in Hong Kong, it's a 'pro-democracy' protest. In George Orwell’s 1984, The War Ministry was renamed the Ministry of Peace. Truth was Lies, Hate was Love. But author Lewis Carroll got there first.
- Catalunya: 'Only the People Save the People'
Against the Current vol. 192 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018
- Catalyst
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1986
- Catalyst
Organization profile published 2007 Resource Type: Organization A campaigning think tank for the labour movement and the left, committed to developing and promoting practical policies for the redistribution wealth, power, and opportunity.
- The Catalyst
Resource Type: Book
- The Catalyst
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 A monthly newspaper produced by a federation of member-run food coops in B.C.
- Catastrophe: The NDP lost because it deserved to
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 It is, ultimately, astounding how facile and false political narratives come back to haunt those who insist on their veracity.
- The Catastrophic International Consequences of the Capitulation of Syriza and the Criminal Responsibility of Mr. Tsipras
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Syriza's betrayal comes at a very critical historical moment, when the racist extreme right is advancing almost everywhere in our continent, which already makes immediate and direct the threat that many of the citizens Europeans disappointed by Syriza will fall prey to this racist and neo-fascist self-proclaimed "anti-systemic" extreme right.
- Catch your dreams - utopia is possible!
While Marinaleda has its flaws, it reminds us that alternative economic models are not only possible, they already exist. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Amid Spain's general depression, Marinaleda - an Andalucian town sometimes dubbed the 'communist utopia' - is bucking the moribund trend with a heady mixture of direct action, community-level democracy, cooperation and mutual aid.
- Catechism of a Revolutionist
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1869 a program for the "merciless destruction" of society and the state, written by the anarchist Sergey Nechayev.
- The Catherine Ferguson Struggle
Against The Current vol. 154 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Catherine Ferguson Academy, a school for teen mothers, has been central in controversies surrounding the closures and charters of Detroit’s public schools. Although the cost of $19,000 per student each year is comparable to the cost of educating students at other similar schools, the operational costs, from an Emergency Manager’s perspective, were excessive.
- Catherine Rottenberg's Neoliberal Feminism
Book Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 An interview with Catherine Rottenberg, author of The Rise of Neoliberal Feminism (2018).
- Catholic Coalition for Gay Civil Rights
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981
- Catholic Family Farmer
Periodical profile published 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 A newspaper of the Catholic Worker Movement.
- Catholic Immigrant Services
Organization profile published 1979 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1979 Catholic Immigrant Services are open to all immigrants, regardless of ethnic origin or religion.
- Catholic Worker Movement
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A collection of autonomous communities of Catholics and their associates founded by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in 1933.
- The Catonsville Nine
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Nine Catholic activists who burned draft files in 1968 to protest the Vietnam War.
- CAUCE Canada - Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
Resource Type: Website All-volunteer consumer advocacy organization encouraging the creation and adoption of anti-spam laws. Formed in 1999, there are currently over 800 active members from every part of the country, and all walks of life sharing a common desire to see laws adopted to help stop spammers who operate in Canada.
- Caught In The Cross Hairs - Media Lens And The Mystery Of The Wikipedia Editor
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Media Lens investigates the case of "Philip Cross", a person who has made hundreds of thousands of edits to Wikipedia pages in a campain against anti-war activists, critics of British and Western foreign policy as well as Media Lens itself.
- La Causa
The California Grape Strike Resource Type: Book First Published: 1970 A documentary of the California grape workers' strike.
- Causes and Consequences: Inside The Asian Crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 What is happening now is more than the collapse of several Asian economies, it is the unraveling of a development model that these two major capitalist institutions, the World Bank and the IMF, had widely touted as demonstrating the virtues of export-led, free-market capitalism.
- The Cautionary Tale Of "Doctor America"
How Dr. Tom Dooley -- Once A Universally Revered Secular Saint to Millions -- Found the CIA and Lost His Halo Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 How the Dulles brothers, the CIA and the U.S. Navy conspired to turn a decent man into a deceitful spreader of disinformation in support of the Vietnam War.
- Caveat Surfer: Beware When Using Electronic Communication
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Points about electronic communication and online security.
- Caveat Venditor: Let the Seller Beware
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 This Consumer's Handbook was produced by the Consumer Action Centre (CAC) which was established as a project of the Waterloo chapter of OPIRG in 1974.
- CAW get GST protection
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Cayenne folds
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- CBC ad policy criticized
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- CBC advertising may go
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- CBC archives decaying
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- CBC budget cut again
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- CBC left-wing?
Resource Type: Article
- CBC losing national unity mandate
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- CBC Radio badly off track with too much personal storytelling
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 CBC Radio's wandering off into a journalistic sub-culture must be curtailed. At most, radio's schedule should include a couple of the storytelling programs.
- The CCF, George Hara Williams, and Saskatchewan's socialist movement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023
- Ce Matin, A L'Ecole, On Parle Des Mineurs
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979
- Ceasefires in Which Violations Never Cease
What's Next for Israel, Hamas, and Gaza? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 On August 26th, 2014, Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) both accepted a ceasefire agreement after a 50-day Israeli assault on Gaza that left 2,100 Palestinians dead and vast landscapes of destruction behind. The agreement calls for an end to military action by both Israel and Hamas, as well as an easing of the Israeli siege that has strangled Gaza for many years.
- Cecily McMillan and the Police State
Justice is Dead in Amerika Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Cecily McMillan is an Occupy protester who was seized from behind by a goon thug cop–a goon thug with a long record of abuse of authority – by her boobs. One was badly bruised. Cecily McMillan’s elbow reflexively and instinctively came up, and Cecily was arrested for assaulting a goon thug. The goon thug was not arrested for sexually assaulting a young woman.
- Celebrate Jewish Glasnot
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 Although you wouldn't know it if you followed Jewish life simply through the activities of such major Jewish communal bodies as the Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations and the Anti-Defamation League, the extent to which the eight million Jews of the Diaspora identify with Israel is increasingly open to question (much to the horror of the Zionist-oriented Jewish establishment).
- Celebrate People's History
The Poster Book of Resistrance and Revolution Resource Type: Book First Published: 2010 Since 1998, Josh MacPhee has commissioned and produced over 100 posters by over 80 artists that pay tribute to revolution, racial justice, women’s rights, queer liberation, labor struggles, and creative activism and organizing. Celebrate People’s History presents these essential moments — acts of resistance and great events in an often hidden history of human and civil rights struggles — as a visual tour through decades and across continents.
- Celebrating Bob Carty (1950 - 2014)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Tribute given by John Foster at the pass of Bob Carty
- Celebrating Mother Jones
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 This week commemorates the anniversary of the Haymarket Affair, International Workers' Day, and the claimed birthday of Mother Mary Harris Jones. While the United States' official Labour Day falls in September, the international community celebrates workers and workers rights on May 1st, in recognition of actions taken by Americans in 1886, and the events that led up to the Haymarket Massacre.
- Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Salt of the Earth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 In many ways, 1954's Salt of the Earth is a singular, cinematic phenomenon, one of the most unique American movies ever made. At a time when star-driven Hollywood was cranking out widescreen biblical epics, technicolor musicals, sci-fi and horror B pictures for drive-ins, Westerns, comedies, as well as films starring highly trained "Method" actors, Salt featured a largely nonprofessional cast in a story about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. These non-actors played versions of themselves—miners who had struggled in a recent, real-life strike.
- Celebrating the Past -- the Legacy of the Free Speech Movement
Against The Current vol. 145 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 A commemoration of the 45th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement took place at the University of California at Berkeley last December 2nd. As the years fly by anniversaries become more significant as the students who participated exit the stage of life. The usual 10-year anniversary is now shortened to five years. Just recently the FSM gang that met for a potluck dinner decided to celebrate each year!
- Celebration and Fresh Inquiry
Lineages of the Literary Left: Essays in Honor of Alan M. Wald Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Book review of Howard Brick's, Robbie Lieberman's, and Paula Rabinowitz's Lineages of the Literary Left: Essays in Honor of Alan M. Wald.
- Celebration of Awareness
A Call for Institutional Revolution Resource Type: Book First Published: 1956 Published: 1970
- CEMB march at Pride 2018 in London: A Victory against Islamism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain marched in Pride in London on 7 July for LGBT rights in countries under Islamic rule; in 15 states or territories, homosexuality is punishable by death. The march was a victory against Islamist forces in Britain like Mend and East London Mosque that tried and failed to stop CEMB from marching with accusations of 'Islamophobia' aimed at imposing de facto blasphemy and apostasy laws.
- Censored: The News That Didn't Make The News - And Why
The 1995 Project Censored Yearbook Resource Type: Book First Published: 1996 Documenting how the U.S. mass media does a shabby job, deliberately or negligently withholding information of vital importance.
- Censoring Palestine: Swarms of Israeli Bots Are Crippling Pro-Palestinian Twitter Account
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The Israeli government's targeting of Palestinian digital content is well-documented. According to 7amleh, The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media, the Israeli Ministry of Justice Cyber Unit sends content-removal requests aimed at Palestinian content to social media companies such as Facebook, Google, and YouTube. The Justice Ministry has boasted these corporations comply with 95% of their requests. And Israeli governmental organizations and NGOs also encourage their citizens to flag Palestinian content for removal.
- The Censorious Vortex of the "Flash News" Barons
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 For decades, the factors that decided what noteworthy stories would not find their way into print or on the air came down to the media's ignorance, laziness or from advertising restraints. For too long, the explosive material for good journalism in these and other areas had remained hidden in plain sight.
- Censorship
A World Encyclopedia Resource Type: Book First Published: 2001 Censorship: A World Encyclopedia presents a comprehensive view of censorship, from Ancient Egypt to those modern societies that claim to have abolished the practice. For each country in the world, the history of censorship is described and placed in context, and the media censored are examined: art, cyberspace, literature, music, the press, popular culture, radio, television, and the theatre, not to mention the censorship of language, the most fundamental censorship of all. Also included are surveys of major controversies and chronicles of resistance.Censorship will be an essential reference work for students of the many subjects touched by censorship and for all those who are interested in the history of and contemporary fate of freedom of expression.
- Censorship
A Threat to Reading, Learning, Thinking Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994 Pointing out that censorship is undermining the goals of education and plaguing all areas of the curriculum, this collection of essays considers many areas in which students' right to read is being infringed. The collection offers thought-provoking perspectives on the methods used by protesters to remove books and materials from classrooms and libraries and outlines the rationales behind censors' motivations.
- Censorship and the School Library Media Centre
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 Presents censored materials, censorship incidents, court cases, and federal legislation, including the children's Internet Protection Act.
- Censorship By Algorithm Does Far More Damage Than Conventional Censorship
 Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2022 By mid-2017 independent media outlets were already reporting across ideological lines that algorithm changes from important sources of viewership like Google had suddenly begun hiding their content from people who were searching for the subjects they reported on.
- Censorship Goes To School
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1998
- Censorship? Haaretz Deletes Amira Hass Article On Surging Settler Violence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Israel’s Haaretz has mysteriously deleted a powerful article by Amira Hass headlined “The anti-Semitism that goes unreported,” about an unchecked upsurge in violence against Palestinians by Israeli settlers.
- Censorship in Canada - When the Censor Comes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 Developed primarily for teachers, librarians, booksellers and others who disseminate the printed word, this guide offers basic information about dealing with would-be censors. Researched and written by Sandra Bernstein for the Freedom of Expression Committee of the Book and Periodical Council.
- Censorship in Islamic Societies
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 A study of censorship in Islamic societies, concentrating on key events throughout history. The text includes analysis of: censorship in Algeria the "fatwa" against Salman Rushdie Taliban repression in Afghanistan and the 1980 transmission on British TV of "Death of a Princess".
- Censorship, Inc.
The Corporate Threat to Free Speech in the United States Resource Type: Book Soley shows how as corporate power has grown and come to influence the issues on which ordinary Americans should be able to speak out, new strategies have developed to restrict free speech on issues in which corporations and property-owners have an interest.
- Censorship is a crucial complement of genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 This is why, as a genocide continues unabated in Gaza, we all have a responsibility to insert 'Palestine' and 'Palestinians' into every conversation.
- Censorship? Haaretz Deletes Amira Hass Article On Surging Settler Violence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Israeli newspaper Haaretz deleted a significant article by Amira Hass headlined "The anti-Semitism that goes unreported," about an unchecked upsurge in violence against Palestinians by Israeli settlers. The original article by Hass is available on ZComm.
- Center for Democracy and Technology
Resource Type: Website Addresses issues of Internet censorhip and privacy.
- Center for Socialist History
Resource Type: Website A non-profit corporation founded to promote research and publication in the field of the history of socialism. We strongly believe that (to paraphrase) socialists who don't know their own history are doomed to repeat all the old mistakes. And the history of socialism shows that they do. The socialist movement is an amnesiac: socialists know little about where they are coming from no wonder they hardly know where they are going. The fact is that little work or publication goes on in the field by socialists; most is by nonsocialists or antisocialists. They too can serve; but socialists concern with their own history is not of an academic character. A living movement has to know the lessons of the past.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
Resource Type: Website Respected source of health information.
- Central America
Roots of the Crisis Resource Type: Slide Show First Published: 1982 The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) produced this slideshow packet that is designed to inform and stimulate discussion on the crisis in Central America.
- Central America
The Next Phase Resource Type: Article First Published: 1988 Chomsky explores the nature of the Reagan Administration's initiatives and intents for Nicaragua and Central America. He reveals underlying problems such as the tendency of the US Government to adopt violent tactics due to its political weakness and military strength.
- Central America Information Group
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Central America Raises Its Voice in Defence of Its Migrants
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Spiralling violence against Central American migrants in Mexico has prompted legal reforms, diplomatic actions, and the creation of new mechanisms to protect citizens in this region.
- Central America Solidarity Committee of Winnipeg
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Central America Support Committee
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Central America Update
April 1982 issue - Periodical profile published 1982 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- Central America Working Group (Regina)
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Central American Women Put their Lives on the Line for Human Rights
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Solidarity is at the heart of an initiative that seeks to protect women activists facing harassment, death threats and violence.
- Central American Women Speak for Themselves
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983 A dossier focusing on the participation of women in the popular movements and revolutionary organizations in Central America. Contains transations from newspapers, pamphlets, documents, interviews and reprints of already-published material.
- Central Europe and Central America: Will there be a historical convergence?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018
- Centralia Massacre
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A violent and bloody incident that occurred in the town of Centralia, Washington on November 11, 1919 during a parade celebrating the first anniversary of Armistice Day.
- The Centrality of Seed: Building Agricultural Resilience Through Plant Breeding
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Five of the global issues most frequently debated today are the decline of biodiversity in general and of agrobiodiversity in particular, climate change, hunger and malnutrition, poverty and water. Seed is central to all five issues. The way in which seed is produced has been arguably their major cause. But it can also be the solution to all these issues.
- Centre D'Information et de Documentation sur le Mozambique et L'Afrique Australe (CIDMAA)
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Centre Eye Photography Gallery
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Centre for Feminist Culture
Organization profile published 1983 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- Centre for Feminist Research
Organization profile published 1992 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1992
- The Centre for International Co-operation
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Centre for Research on Globalization
Resource Type: Website An independent research and media group of writers, scholars and activists. Publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focussing on social, economic, strategic, geopolitical and environmental processes.
- Centre for Research on Work and Society
Resource Type: Website University-union-community research centre doing activist research on work and labour.
- Centre of Affirmation and Dialogue - St. Philip's House
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981
- Centre Populaire de Documentation
Organization profile published 1980 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1980
- A Century Later
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 The year 1898 was a turning point for the American Republic in terms of boundary and economic establishment. Chomsky moves through the next 100 years during which America increasingly became involved in affairs outside of its borders.
- A Century Later, Namibia Demands Justice From Germany for Its First Holocaust
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Between 1904 and 1908, German colonialists committed a holocaust against the Herero and the Nama, exterminating as many as 65,000 Herero and 10,000 Nama. Now Namibia is demanding reparations.
- A Century of Meatpacking Unionism - Book Reviews
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998
- Century of Progress
Resource Type: Film First Published: 1934 WFPL documentary film that criticizes society's direction in the early decades of the 20th century.
- The Century of Rosa Parks
Against The Current vol. 163 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Rosa Parks was a veteran militant of many civil rights battles long before she became an icon.
- A century of sugar and tears
Guadeloupe has bulit a slavery memorial centre on the site of a gigantic sugar refinery, believing it's necessary to acknowledge Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Present day Guadeloupei s coming to terms with a grim past through the Caribbean Centre of Expression and Memory of Slavery and the Slave Trade (MACTe), a new museum and memorial built symbolically on a waterfront site associated with slavery, segregation and conflict.
- A Century of Theft From Indians by the National Park Service
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The Mojave National Preserve is run by the National Park Service, which, in contrast to previous times, has been including more Indian history in its displays and programs.
- A Century's Feminist Journey
Against The Current vol. 109 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 International feminism -- and feminist internationalism -- have existed since at least the early 20th century, but forms of women's organizing and mobilizing have varied over the past 100 years. Since the 1980s, a new transnational feminism -- encompassing Third World countries as well as the core countries -- has emerged which requires explanation.
- Certain Trumpets
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994
- Miguel de Cervantes Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Cesar Chavez, the United Farm Workers, and the Question of Unions in Contemporary Capitalism
Review of Frank Bardacke, Trampling Out The Vintage: Cesar Chavez and the Two Souls of the United Farm Workers Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Bardacke tells the story of one movement’s evolution from grassroots obscurity to such (relatively little-known) successes as the Salinas Valley (California) general strike of lettuce pickers in 1979—a veritable mass strike in Rosa Luxemburg’s sense—and from there to the collapsed shell of a union nonetheless administering fourteen non-profits with millions in assets.
- Cesspools, Sewage, and Social Murder
Environmental Crisis and Metabolic Rift in Nineteenth-Century London Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Karl Marx's analysis of changes in British agriculture in the nineteenth-century provides the theoretical starting point for what is now known as 'metabolic rift theory'. This article considers an aspect of the theory that has not been much discussed in modern ecosocialist analysis- the environmental crisis that the accumulation of human excrement caused in urban areas, notably in London.
- C'est a Nous de Decider
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 See also CX1099.
- C'est a Nous De Decider
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 See also CX864.
- Neil Chacker, 1942-2004
Against The Current vol. 113 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 During the Vietnam war, one Colonel Reberry at Fort Lewis, Washington, posted a threatening notice forbidding the distribution of material that would promote "disloyalty and discontent." A response shortly appeared on the same bulletin board, written by GI Neil Chacker, an American Servicemen's Union organizer.
- Chain of Title
How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud Resource Type: Book First Published: 2016 The account of how a car dealership worker, a nurse, and a forensic expert discovered the foreclosure fraud perpetrated by America's biggest banks.
- The Chainsaw Collaboratives
The Newest Threat to Our National Forests Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Given the membership of the typical collaborative it is hardly surprising that most support greater logging/grazing of our public lands.
- The Chairman's New Clothes
Mao and the Cultural Revolution Resource Type: Book First Published: 1969 Published: 1981 Analyzes the Chinese "cultural revolution" as a power struggle through which Mao Zedong sought to regain control of the party.
- The Challenge and Burden of Historical Time
 Socialism in the Twenty-First Century Resource Type: Book Meszaros, one of the foremost Marxist thinkers of our age, focuses on the tyranny of capital's time imperative and the necessity of a new socialist time accountancy, and provides a strong refutation of the popular view that there is no alternative to the current neoliberal order.
- The Challenge of Defining Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 An examination of the ways fossil fuel subsidies are measured and why semantic arguments over definitions may be missing the point.
- The challenge of Podemos
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The emergence of so-called populist parties as a response to increasingly discredited political elites is a European-wide phenomenon. In most cases these parties have emerged on the right, if not the far-right. Not so in the Spanish state where Podemos, after barely ten months in existence, appears to be undermining the whole political set up in place since the end of the Franco dictatorship in the late 1970s.
- A Challenge to Canada’s Wealthiest 0.1%
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011
- The Challenge to Violence
New Internationalist August 2005 - #381 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2005 Stories which explain the power of nonviolent actions and how they have made a difference in the world.
- Challenge, Choice, Change
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Challenged Books and Magazines List 2009
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 2009 This updated document provides a list of 100 books and magazines which have been challenged due to their content between the years of 1989 and 2009.
- Challenged Books List
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 A partial list of books subjected to censorship attempts in Canada from the early 1980s to 2003.
- Challenging a Militarized Police State in the US
From Policing to SWAT Teams Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 When the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) and other law enforcement agencies cracked down on protestors March 30, 2014, the city’s finest rolled out a military-style force. Equipped with gas masks, body armor, batons and automatic rifles, they deployed officers on horseback, a SWAT Team and a pair of armored vehicles. After confronting shouting protestors, the APD released tear gas, which seeped into campus dormitories.
- Challenging Capitalism through Workers’ Control
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 From the upheavals of the early 20th century to the neo-liberal re-structurings of the late 20th century emerges the common feature of 'worker's control' -- a movement to protect jobs and communities.
- Challenging Kim Moody
Against The Current vol. 130 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 Two reports challenge Kim Moody’s assertion (“Immigrant Workers in the United States,”Part 1, ATC 127) that “[t]he claim is raised by some that the rapid growth of immigrant Latinos in the workforce has had a negative impact on wages. In any overall sense, the answer has to be no...”
- Challenging McWorld
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2001
- Challenging Racism isn't Anti-Semetic
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Engler criticizes Canadians' willingness to defend the Jewish Defense League, even with their growing connection to white supremist groups.
- Challenging Tar Sands at its Source
Grassroots Greens Versus Big Greens Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 With fracking changing the US oil-production and consumption numbers so dramatically, it seems time to challenge the notion that tar sands – and the carbon released if tar sands production continues to climb – is the “make or break point,” an “endgame” whose development signifies “game over for the climate,” as stated several years ago by Dr. James Hansen. Tar sands development is no less extreme, of course, no less destructive, no less genocidal to those living in the affected areas. Shutting down the tar sands– completely, and not negotiated as a phase out nor leaving the corporations in power afterward – is more important than ever, and on as many fronts as possible.
- Challenging the Mississippi Fire Bombers
Memories of Mississippi 1964-65 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2013 With a firsthand account of the details and thoughtful descriptions of key people on the front lines, author Jim Dann brings the historic period, the June 1964 civil rights struggle to register as many African American voters as possible in Mississippi, back to life. He places those 15 months in Mississippi in the overall history of the struggle of African Americans for freedom, equality, and democratic rights in the South, the country, and throughout the world.
- Challenging the 'refugee-victim' narrative
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 With looming refugee and forced migration crises in the Mediterranean, Kenya, Burma, Syria, Burundi and elsewhere hitting international headlines, public attention is rightfully drawn to those people immediately affected by war, poverty, and persecution. For many, internally-displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and asylum-seekers are above all unfortunate souls, devastated, and stripped of their humanity by seemingly never-ending civil wars, dictatorships and economic stagnation at home.
- Challenging Unions
Feminist Process and Democracy in the Labour Movement Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1987
- Champions Of Democracy - From Fake News To Imposed Insanity
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 While social media is largely blamed for the proliferation of 'fake news', it is through social media where the corporate media commentariat are exposed. Readers are now at last able to see some rational dissent, this is the up-side to social media that the 'mainstream' cannot even discuss.
- Chances Are the FBI Has Files on Your Favorite Human Rights Activist
A Safe Bet Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 If you have ever openly challenged and mobilized against the structural inequality of capitalism and concomitant imperialism, you definitely have an FBI record.
- H. Chandler Davis Was a Lifelong Radical and a Moral Touchstone for the Left
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Chan Davis, who died last month at the age of 96, faced down McCarthyite blacklists and imprisonment to pursue a brilliant academic career. Davis knew how to change and learn from political experience, but he always remained loyal to his socialist principles.
- Chang, Helen Mack
Connexipedia: Right Livelihood Award Winner Resource Type: Article Guatemalan businesswoman and human rights activist. Active in the struggle against impunity of political murderers. (Born 1952).
- Change of the Century
Against The Current vol. 151 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The heroes of Tahrir Square in Cairo and other Egyptian cities, and in Tunisia, have already changed the course of 21st century history. They have torn a huge hole in the fabric of imperialist dominion over the Middle East. They have begun to reverse what has been 35 years of almost continuous “permanent counterrevolution” in the region.
- Change the World Without Taking Power
The Meaning of Revolution Today Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 Holloway claims that after a century of failed attempts by revolutionary and reformist movements to bring about radical social change, the concept of revolution itself is in crisis. However, he has no idea what to do about it.
- Changes to marketing boards coming
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Changes to voting system leave Canada worse off
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 How did we end up with this convoluted and discriminatory method of voting when we once had perhaps the best method in the world - door-to-door enumeration and no hard-to-get voter ID requirement?
- Changing Charity 50 years of OXFAM
New Internationalist February 1992 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1992 This issue uses the example of Oxfam to look at the role of development agencies in the Third World. Subjects discussed include the political agendas of charities, the importance of small-scale local aid and the choice of promotional imagery. Two articles focus on Oxfam in Canada.
- Changing Course
A study guide for Canadian social analysis Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1987 A study guide for individuals and groups who are trying to make sense of our society, and want to learn how to improve it.
- Changing Ecology and Coffee Rust
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 From Guatemala to Panama, governments are boosting aid to fight the fungus and keep workers from migrating to cities or north toward the United States. The article looks into the causes of the coffee ecosystem crisis and its consequences.
- Changing for Real
Against The Current vol. 138 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The United States changed forever on November 4, 2008. It will undoubtedly change even more during the next four years — although just how remains to be determined. There has never been such a convergence of yawning crises facing an incoming U.S. government, including a collapsing credit system and the near-death spiral of the North American auto industry. It’s an entirely open question whether the sheer scale of the objective emergency might impose serious structural changes on the way capitalism is administered in this country.
- The Changing History of the First World War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The war the Tories and their favourite historians would like to spin is one where nationalism was triumphant and where workers and soldiers did their duty for their country. For other historians, the war is a patchwork of fragmented experiences and stories with no “grand” explanation. A truly historical materialist understanding of the war must be able to encompass and learn from the detail—whether of battles or strikes, psychological trauma or the assassination of royalty—and weave it into a world in which the development of capitalism brought about the bleakest and most horrifying catastrophe. And it must be able to explain how the material experience of that catastrophe drove millions to question and to revolt and to present the system as a whole with the most profound threat of its existence.
- The changing meaning of race
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2011 If the proverbial anthropologist from Mars were to land in Britain today, he would probably regard us as schizophrenics when it comes to the question of race. He would find a population within which there is a general consensus that racism is morally abhorrent and yet is keen to define itself in terms of its ethnic or racial background.
- Changing Men
July 1975 - No. 16 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 Monthly paper of the men's resource center. A coalition of changing men.
- Changing minds on a changing climate
What Makes Climate Science Deniers Change Their Minds? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Reddit commenters point to reasons they went from being climate contrarians to having confidence in mainstream climate science.
- Changing Modes of Canadian Complicity
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 It is important for those of us who see and criticize Canadian hypocrisy to point out that Hillier's comments and other similar things are perfectly consistent with Canada's actual history. But we also do ourselves a disservice if we fail to recognize the ways in which strategic deployment of such rhetoric is part of a project that aims to undo the paltry progressive victories that are still standing.
- Changing The Cogs
Activists and the Politics of Technology Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1979 What are the best ways to achieve beneficial change in society? Will widespread use of solar energy and other renewable energy sources bring about a good society? What technologies will be promoted by vested interests in government and big business?
- Changing Venezuela By Taking Power
The History and Policies of the Chavez Government Resource Type: Book First Published: 2007 Explores the historical and socioeconomic roots of the Venezuelan initiatives of recent years, the conflicts they have engendered, the achievements and pitfalls, the animating ideals of a genuinely participatory society, and the prospects for realizing them.
- The Changing Workplace
Reshaping Canada's Industrial Relations System Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992 Describes how business, labour and government have organized the production of goods and services in Canada since 1945. Focusing on the industrial relations system and how it works, the authors call for fresh thinking on the economy and offer proposals for the reorganization of production.
- Chant, Donald Alfred
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Scientist, educator, environmental advocate. (1928-2007).
- Chaplin, Ralph
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Labour activist at the age of 7, after witnessing a worker shot dead diurng the Pullman strike in Chicago, Illinois. (1887-1961).
- Character Analysis
Third, Enlarged Edition Resource Type: Book First Published: 1933 Published: 1976 Reich's psychoanalytic investigations of the human character.
- Character and Social Process
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1942 The social character results from the dynamic adaptation of human nature to the structure of society. Changing social conditions result in changes of the social character, that is, in new needs and anxieties. These new needs give rise to new ideas and, as it were, make men susceptible to them; these new ideas in their turn tend to stabilise and intensify the new social character and to determine man's actions. In other words, social conditions influence ideological phenomena through the medium of character; character, on the other hand, is not the result of passive adaptation to social conditions but of a dynamic adaptation on the basis of elements that either are biologically inherent in human nature or have become inherent as the result of historic evolution.
- The Character of the Russian Revolution: Trotsky 1917 vs. Trotsky 1924
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 An analysis of the evolution of Leon Trotsky's views from 1917 to 1924.
- Characterising the period
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 An analysis of the fundamental contradiction today is that between global capitalism and the system of nation-states. In this brief but sharp overview Nigel updates his analysis by bringing it to bear on the global economic crisis and the political reactions it is provoking.
- Charged with murder, but they didn’t kill anyone -- police did
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 A Reader investigation found ten cases since 2011 where police killed a civilian in Chicago and charged an accomplice with the murder.
- Charges 'Without Merit' - Jeremy Corbyn, Antisemitism, Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A commentary on the anit-semitism claims by the British media regarding Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party.
- Charging Peter to Pay Paul
Accounting for the Financial Effects of User Charges Resource Type: Article First Published: 1994
- Charity Begins At Home
Generosity and Self-Interest Among the Philanthropic Elite Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Charity Village
Resource Type: Website Canadian website for the nonprofit sector.
- The Charlatanism Of Palestine-Denial
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Here we go again. On Israel and the US losing their UNESCO voting rights, ‘Israel's ambassador to UNESCO, Nimrod Barkan, ‘said in an interview that his country supports the U.S. decision [to suspend contributions], "objecting to the politicization of UNESCO, or any international organization, with the accession of a non-existing country like Palestine.
- Charles Fourier Archive
Resource Type: Website "Equality of rights is another chimera, praiseworthy when considered in the abstract and ridiculous from the standpoint of the means employed to introduce it in civilisation. The first right of men is the right to work and the right to a minimum [income]. This is precisely what has gone unrecognised in all the constitutions. Their primary concern is with favoured individuals who are not in need of work."
- Charlie Hebdo And The War For Civilisation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 There is so much more that could be said about just how little passion the corporate media have for defending the right to offend. Anyone in doubt should try, as we have, to discuss their own record of failing to offend the powerful.
- The Charter of Demands of the Indian National Fishworkers' Forum
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001
- The Charter of Rights
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- The Charter of the Forest
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1217 Published: 1225 A complementary document to the Magna Carta of 1215, defining the rights of vassals, freemen, and serfs, reducing penalties, and restoring common land taken by the Crown.
- Charter Schools Increase Fraud, Corruption, Chaos, and Anarchy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Charter schools, which barely make up seven percent of U.S. schools, are often accused of taking all the antisocial, antipublic, and antipeople practices of medieval autocrats and opportunuties to new extremes. Shawgi Tell looks into the issue of privatization of education that will intensify in the months ahead.
- The Charter, The Challenge
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- Charting a New Path for Canadian Engagement with the Middle East
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 Canada is criticized today for not having a coherent Middle East policy that adequately reflects the realities of the region or defines a long-term strategy to protect and advance its interests in this part of the world. This article offers recommendations on how to address such a deficit by first reviewing Canada's historical engagement with the Middle East, particularly its effective role in influencing regional events during the Cold War and in the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union.
- Charting Environmental Conflict - The Atlas of Environmental Justice
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Another tool supporting the growing movement and better global awareness is the Atlas of Environmental Justice. The EJAtlas is packed with qualitative information about almost 1800 environmental conflicts.
- Chartism
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A movement for political and social reform in the United Kingdom during the mid-19th century between 1838 and 1850 which takes its name from the People's Charter of 1838.
- Chartrand, Michel
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Quebec union leader and activist. (1913-2010).
- Chartrand, Michel
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Quebec union leader and activist. (1913-2010).
- Chasing a Mirage
The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State Resource Type: Book First Published: 2008 According to Tarek Fatah, "Morality is doing what is right, regardless what we are told; Religious dogma is doing what we are told, no matter what is right." Fatah argues that since Islam's advent, there have been two parallel strains of the religion that are in clash. The first "state of Islam" is a person's moral compass; the way Islam governs an individual's personal life. By contrast, the yearning for "an Islamic state" has been bloody and fruitless.
- Chasing Shadows: Socialism Won't Go Away Because It is Capitalism's Antithesis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 The abstract forces of capitalism's dynamism create the conditions for ever more creative and novel ways to profit, which is why the Golden Age of postwar capitalism-which had a mix of capitalist and socialist economic features-evolved into the neoliberal period after the external oil shocks of 1973 and 1979. Those conditions created a transitional context to shift out of a regulated state-interventionist capitalism into the aggressive, free-market neoliberal variety lasting more than 30 years, leading us to the precipice of the present.
- CHAT (Community Homophile Association of Toronto) Bits And Pieces
Resource Type: Article Memories of the Community Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT)
- Chatter: Dispatches From the Secret World of Global Eavesdropping
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005
- Chatting with Chomsky
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The linguistics professor, political theorist and activist discusses the Occupy movement, Obama’s first term and the economic crisis in Europe.
- The Chatto Book of Dissent
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- Chavez calls for new international organisation of left parties
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez calls for the formation of a "Fifth International" of left parties and social movements to confront the challenge posed by the global crisis of capitalism.
- Chávez, César
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Mexican American farm worker, labour leader, and civil rights activist who, with Dolores Huerta, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW). (1927-1993).
- Cesar Chavez Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- The Chavez Legacy
The Revolution Within the Revolution Will Continue Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Chavez was a leader who, in unity with the people, was able to free Venezuela from the grips of US Empire, brought dignity to the poor and working class, and was central to a Latin American revolt against US domination.
- Chávismo and Its Discontents
International Left Intellectuals Respond to Venezuelan Government's Legislative Election Setback Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Five hours after the polls had closed, the National Electoral Council (CNE) announced a landslide victory for the opposition in Venezuela's the National Assembly elections. The response of international left intellectuals has ranged from critical support to outright rejection of the socialist project in Venezuela. We argue for the importance of recognizing the overarching influence of US imperialism and for the acceptance of using the state as an instrument of popular power by the international solidarity movement.
- Chavs
The Demonization of the Working Class Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 An analysis of Britain's working class and the sociopolitical attitudes regarding them.
- "Chavs", class and representation
A review of Owen Jones, Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Chavs traces the rise of an offensive caricature of the working class: a racist hooligan, an alcoholic thug; women unable to control their vaginas, men unable to control their fists; brainless, feckless scroungers-working class people, as represented by the term chav, are nothing more than parasitic growths on society. Jones demonstrates how the figure of the chav is used to deflect blame away from the structures that create inequality onto individuals.
- Che Guevara
His Revolutionary Legacy Resource Type: Book Besancenot and Löwy explore and situate Guevara's ethical, revolutionary, and humanist legacy.
- Che Guevara in Search of a New Socialism
Against The Current vol. 142 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 In an article published in 1928, José Carlos Mariátegui, the true founder of Latin American Marxism, wrote: “Of course, we do not want socialism in Latin America to be an imitation or a copy. It must be a heroic creation. We must inspire Indo-American socialism with our own reality, our own language. That is a mission worthy of a new generation.” His warning went unheard. In that same year the Latin American communist movement fell under the influence of the Stalinist paradigm, which for close to a half century imposed on it an imitation of the ideology of the Soviet bureaucracy and its so-called “actually existing socialism.”
- Cheap Clothing - At Whose Expense?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- The Check-the-Box Loophole
The Great Corporate Tax Shift Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Corporate taxes in America have been in decline now for more than three decades. Contrary to the drumbeat of corporate media throughout this year, and their false claims that US corporations are paying far more than their foreign capitalist cousins.
- Checking Out
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 In mid-June of 2016, tension between workers and their boss in a small New York City retail shop reached the boiling point. The result was chaos for a hated overseer, and the sweet aftertaste of an assertion of people power all too rare in their line of work.
- Checklist of Indexes to Canadian Newspapers/Liste de Controle des Index de Journaux Canadiens
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- Checkpoint Nation
Border agents are expanding their reach into the country's interior Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Even if you never leave the United States, you can encounter Border Patrol at the thirty-five fixed checkpoints and dozens of temporary checkpoints they operate deep in the interior. The locations of these checkpoints are not made public, but the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, has developed a project to track them.
- Cheddi Jagan's Politics and Legacy
An interview with Clive Y. Thomas Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 An inteview with Clive Y. Thomas, an author, economist, and co-founder of the Working Peoples Alliance.
- Anton Chekhov Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- The chemical dangers in food packaging
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The long-term effects of synthetic chemicals used in packaging, food storage and processing food could be damaging our health, scientists have warned.
- Chemical weapons and cover-ups: the Western media's Syrian shame
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 How Western media shapes public perception with regards to chemical weapons in Syria.
- The Chemical Weapons Pretext for War on Syria
The Latest Pack of Lies? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Washington is digging deep to conjure up a pretext for yet another war of aggression in the Middle East. The White House claims that the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad had used chemical weapons against rebel fighters.
- Chemicals in your water: A little is too much
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984 There is reason to be concerned about the increasing amounts of chemicals in our water.
- Cherry Beach
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Cherry Beach, originally called Clarke Beach Park, was established as a recreational beach in the 1930s. Established close to the mouth of the Don River, Cherry Beach was very close to what was then a heavily industrial area.
- Cheshire, Ohio
An American coal story in 3 acts Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2016 Published: 2017 Follows a community devastated by coal, starting with American Electric Power's buyout and bulldozing of this Ohio River town, after exposing them to years of harmful emissions.
- ChestDoc in Palestine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007
- Chester, Eric
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Author, socialist political activist, and economics professor. (Born 1943).
- Chevron Whistleblower Videos Show Deliberate Falsification Of Evidence In Ecuador Oil Pollution Trial
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Chevron lost the lawsuit filed against the company by Indigenous villagers who say Texaco, which merged with Chevron, left hundreds of open, unlined pits full of toxic oil waste in the Amazon rainforest. Nevertheless, the company attempts to retry the case.
- Chevron Wins Ecuador Arbitration But Money May Go To Amazon Communities
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The Dutch Supreme Court recently upheld an arbitration tribunal judgment requiring the Ecuadorean government to pay Chevron $106 million for breach of contract. Ironically, activists say Ecuador is now free to hand this money to indigenous communities who have sued the oil giant for pollution in an unrelated case.
- Chevron's Crude Attacks
Court Sides With Big Oil Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Yet another instance of the increasingly pro-business stance of the US legal system.
- Chevron's $80 million ad campaign gets flushed
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 A day-long comedy of errors, and Chevron's waking nightmare, began when Rainforest Action Network and Amazon Watch, together with the Yes Lab, pre-empted Chevron's multi-million dollar "We Agree" ad campaign with a satirical version of their own. The activists' version highlights Chevron's environmental and social abuses -- especially the toxic mess the oil giant has left in Ecuador, which Chevron has been attempting to "greenwash" for years.
- Chiapas Anti-Mining Organizer Murdered
Mariano Abarca Led a Growing Movement to Kick Canadian Mining Companies Out of Mexican Communities Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Mariano Abarca Roblero, one of Mexico's most prominent anti-mining organizers, was shot to death on the evening of November 27, 2009, in front of his house in Chicomuselo, Chiapas. The incident comes just days after Abarca filed charges against two Blackfire employees, Ciro Roblero Perez and Luis Antonio Flores Villatoro, for threatening to shoot him if he didn't stop organizing against Canadian mining company Blackfire's barium mine in Chicomuselo.
- Chiapas Murder Draws Criticism of Canadian Mining in Mexico
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The recent murder of Chiapan anti-mining organizer Mariano Abarca Roblero has drawn sharp criticism of Canadian mining in Mexico.
- Chicago '68
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988 A vivid history of the political and social movements of that turbulent time, when the power structure felt itself threatened by social movements that rejected much of what it stood for.
- The Chicago Anarchists
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1887 The working-class are up in arms about this matter. Anarchist, Socialist, anti-Anarchist, anti-Socialist alike are astonished, indignant, thoroughly aroused. Everywhere, except in Chicago, meetings are being held, resolution condemnatory of this judicial murder are being passed.
- Chicago Charter Teachers Strike, Win
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Reporting on the unprecedented and successful strike of charter school teachers in Chicago.
- Chicago Seven
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Seven defendants charged with conspiracy, inciting to riot, and other charges related to protests that took place in Chicago, Illinois on the occasion of the 1968 Democratic National Convention.
- Chicago Teachers Settle Contract
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 While an almost 3-1 vote in favor is decisive, the vote against is significant in showing both dissatisfaction and anger among teachers. Who voted against the contract?
- Chicago Teachers Strike Back
Against The Current vol. 161 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Chicago Teachers Union stage a walkout that leads to an improved contract.
- Chicago's Public Housing: Willful Neglect
Against The Current vol. 86 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Just a few days before Christmas, the Chicago Tribune ran an article under the whimsical title, "Another Can of Worms for CHA." (CT 12/23/99) This report described how, in its rush to force a group of recalcitrant residents to move from one poorly maintained building in the Robert Taylor Homes public housing complex to another before the holidays, the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) had cut off power to the building.
- Chicken: A History from Farmyard to Factory
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Why has the chicken become the meat par excellence, the most plentifully eaten and popular animal protein in the world, consumed from Beijing to Barcelona? Historian Paul Josephson explains that the story of the chicken's rise involves a whole host of factors; from art, to nineteenth-century migration patterns to cold-war geopolitics.
- Chicken Game: Eurocrisis, Again.
Washington vs. Berlin Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 How does one take an autonomous position against the European policies of social butchery without falling into nationalist, anti-German nostalgia or into rhetoric against “Anglo-Saxon speculation”? How do we put together struggles about rights, work and life with a constitutive struggle on the issue of debt, while avoiding any recourse to solutions “from above” to the risk of default?
- The Chickens Come Home to Roost ... in Syria
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 American meddling in the Middle East since 9/11 may finally be reaching a crisis as the process produces irreconcilable conflicts with allies.
- Chilcot Inquiry - The Establishment Goes to Work
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 When public scepticism erupts in response to resultant extremes of state violence and criminality that even the media are powerless to deny, the illusion of democracy must be bolstered. Then Tweedledum-Tweedledee will choose from their own to rig an "inquiry", while their media allies present the process as something other than a farce.
- A Child in Palestine
The Cartoons of Naji Al-Ali Resource Type: Book First Published: 2009 Presents the work of Naji Al-Ali, a leading Palestinian political cartoonist, and is introduced by Joe Sacco, author of Palestine.
- Child Soldiers Reloaded: The Privatisation of War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A look at private military companies, a multibillion-dollar industry, and how they recruit former child soldiers for military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Includes a link to the film by Mads Ellesoe.
- Child Victims
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Childhood Under Siege
How Big Business Ruthlessly Targets Children Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 An exploration of the corporate manipulation and exploitation of children and childhood and society's (lack of) response.
- Children
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979
- Children
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982 Children is published by Amnesty International (AI). The publication reveals violations of some of the most fundamental human rights.
- Children At Work
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1982 This study comes from a project of the International Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).
- Children, Families and Public Policy in the 90s
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- "The Children," James Baldwin Wrote, "Are Always Ours, Every Single One of Them"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Saqib Bhatti laments the unbearable task of parenting during genocide -- from the United States to Gaza.
- The Children of Aataentsic
A History of the Huron People to 1660 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 The Children of Aataentsic is both a full-scale ethnohistory of the Huron Indian confederacy and a far-reaching study of the causes of its collapse under the impact of the Iroquois attacks of 1649.
- The Children of Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 A poem
- Children of Resistance
On Children, Repression and the Law in Apartheid South Africa Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988 During the last decade the apartheid regime has unleashed the full force of its repressing not only against adults but even against children. The veil of censorship which the regime keeps over its actions was pierced for a few days in Harare in September 1987. There, children gave testimony of their own experience of violence and torture, and lawyers, doctors, social workers, religious leaders and parents spoke of what they had themselves seen of the treatment of children.
- Children of SA liberation icons condemn Israeli apartheid
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The children of South Africa's anti-apartheid heroes speak out against Israeli apartheid, supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel and denouncing the Jewish state's brutal colonial occupation of Palestine.
- Children of the Arbat
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 Recounts the era in the Soviet Union of the build-up to the Congress of the Victors, the early years of the second Five Year Plan and the circumstances of the murder of Sergey Kirov prior to the beginning of the Great Purge.
- Children of the Broken Treaty
Canada's Lost Promise and One Girls's Dream Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 Angus provides chilling insight into how Canada denies First Nations children their basic human rights.
- Children of the Days: A Calendar of Human History
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012 The days of human history.
- Children and Peacemaking
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1992 A guide for parents and teachers interested in cultivating a peacemaking approach in children. Provides references to resources for children, parents and teachers to help develop a constructive attitude to societal problems.
- Children Suffer as World Bank's Borrowers Upend Their Lives
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Evictions, loss of family income and other hardships associated with dams, roads and other projects can be especially harmful to young people. The bank's social and environmental safeguards forbid sudden, strong-arm evictions. But as the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, The Huffington Post and other media partners revealed in April, the bank is failing to enforce those rules, with devastating consequences for adults and children who live on or near land targeted for development.
- Children With Handicaps
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982 The United Church of Canada, like many other organizations, has become aware of how barriers of attitudes and architecture have prevented many handicapped children from participating in the kinds of activities available to non-disabled children.
- Children's Play and Official Playgrounds
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971
- A Children's Book Introduces German Kids to the True Story of Syrian Refugees
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Germany has received more than 1 million refugees, mostly from Syria and Iraq. Despite supporters initially celebrating Chancellor Angela Merkel's actions, many Germans have begun voicing concerns about when this acceptance of migrants will come to an end. But while the adults in Germany have expressed mixed reactions to the refugees, German author Kirsten Boie wants children at least to realize that a refugee child is just like any other kid in the world.
- The Children's Crusade
The Story of the Company of Young Canadians Resource Type: Book First Published: 1970
- Childrens Liberation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971
- Child's Play
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1984 Newsletter for schooling families
- Chile Informative - Special Editions
Periodical profile published 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977
- Chile Report
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1975 Describes the repression and injustice that exists in Chile and criticizes Canada's attitude.
- Chile Report
Enterprise and Repression Multinational Goes to Chile Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Looks at Noranda Mines' copper mine investment in Chile.
- Chile: Return of the Penguins!
Against The Current vol. 157 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The struggle to democratize Chile’s educational system has, for the first time since the country’s return to bourgeois democracy in 1990, challenged the very foundations of its neoliberal model.
- Chile Versus the Corporations
A Call for Canadian Support Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1973 This booklet sketches corporate (including Canadian) involvement in Chile, the attempts of the Allende government to reverse this domination and the massive repression against Chile instituted by the capitalist countries. Useful both as a brief guide to the Chilean situation, and for the philosophy it adheres to: "The position of Christ was in no way ambiguous: his was an option for the poor and against anyone or any system that stood in the way of man's liberation. The present international economic system is a situation of sin, and as such it must be rejected."
- Chile's Student Movement Leads the Way
Progressive Prospects for Michelle Bachelet's Second Term Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 “I want to pay special homage to my father and to all those who gave their lives in the fight to recover democracy,” an emotional Isabel Allende said upon taking office as the Senate President.
- A Chill Descends On Occupy Wall Street
The Tangled Purse Strings Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Undemocratic movements are vulnerable to being taken over by a vocal minority or a chraismatic individual.
- China admits torture
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- China in Revolt
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Few in the West are aware of the drama unfolding in today’s “epicenter of global labor unrest.” A scholar of China exposes its tumultuous labor politics and their lessons for the Left.
- China in the Contemporary World Dynamic of Accumulation and Class Struggle
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 The Chinese ruling elite is riding the whirlwind precisely because its own necessary reforms are quite visibly setting in motion social processes that could completely overwhelm it, namely a working-class and peasant insurrection which would necessarily assume a truly socialist content.
- China Mao or never
New Internationalist September 2004 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2004 A look at the communist government China and the people's dream of free speech.
- China: Mass protests challenge polluters
Resistance to rapid industrialization by poisonous industries led to pitched battles between residents and police in many cities Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 In spite of a media blackout, protests in the Chinese city of Maoming against a PX (paraxylene) plant have proceeded for the past week. In March 2014 a thousand citizens took to the streets in protest, followed a few days later by 20,000 occupying the area around the government building.
- China on Strike
Narratives of Workers' Resistance Resource Type: Book First Published: 2016 Through first person accounts, the book details the growing unrest, destabilization and strikes in factories that are gripping China.
- China: Rise and Emergent Crisis
Book Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Book review of Au Loong Yu's 'China's Rise: Atrength and Fragility.'
- China Shakes the World
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1949 Published: 1973 Jack Belden's classic account of the Chinese civil war.
- China and Socialism
Market Reforms and Class Struggle Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005 Argues that market reforms in China are leading toward a capitalist and foreign-dominated development path, with enormous social and political costs, both domestically and internationally.
- The China Syndrome . . . Fantasy or Reality?
Resource Type: Article This pamphlet is a response to the movie "The China Syndrome." The movie, the pamphlet points out, deals with what could be an actual occurence. The subject of the movie is a complete core melt down in a nuclear reactor in which the fuel melts through the containment vessel dropping "towards China."
- China: Whose Revolution?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1987 The Chinese Revolution was one of the most momentous events of the 20th century. For a quarter of the human race it seemed to open the way to eradicate the roots of poverty and famine, to build a better society. But whose revolution was it? Few socialists today look to China for inspiration. The illusions of “Maoism” have been systematically shattered. Today China is becoming more and more part of the world system it once seemed to want to overthrow.
- China Widens its Silk Road to the World
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 China's new 'Silk Road' initiative is a large-scale, multilateral development Asian project which has the potential to change the shape of the world economy.
- China: Workers Rising?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Book review of Lu Zhang's Inside China's Automobile Factories: The Politics of Labor and Worker Resistance and Eli Friedman's Insurgency Trap: Labor Politics in Postsocialist China
- China's Ancient Labor Party
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Mozi was an outstanding thinker and what is more a militant, grounded on a well-defined program, who fought on behalf of the toilers in ancient China.
- China's capitalism and the crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Coupled with spectacular growth rates since the late 1970s, China’s “soft landing” and apparent rapid recovery from the crisis appear to support claims made by some on the right and the left that the 2008 recession has been a catalyst for the core of capitalism shifting to the East and setting in motion a change in global geopolitics.
- China's Climate of Repression
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 With secret trials and lengthy prison sentences imposed on human rights lawyers after forced and humiliating "confessions," the abduction of Hong Kong booksellers under circumstances that remain obscure, and new legislation that sharply restricts the work of independent organizations, the climate of repression in China is clearly sharpening.
- China's Cyber-War: Don't Believe the Hype
Net Threat Inflation Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Addressing cyber-theft, U.S hypocrisy, and China.
- China's Cyberspying Is 'on a Scale No One Imagined' -- if You Pretend NSA Doesn't Exist
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Stories about cyberespionage -- like the data theft at the US Office of Personal Management believed but not officially stated to have been carried out by China -- are weird. For one thing, they include quotes about how "we need to be a bit more public" about our responses to cyberattacks -- delivered from White House officials who speak only on condition of anonymity.
- China's Disposable Labor
Against The Current vol. 140 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The global financial crisis has begun to take its toll in China, with a rapid decline in China’s exports. In Guangdong province where the export processing zones house 20 million workers, tens of thousands of migrant workers have been sacked. By comparing various estimates one can conclude that nationally by the beginning of 2009 between four and nine million migrant workers have returned home. Millions more will stay home after the Chinese New Year holiday.
- China's outlaw fishermen
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 China subsidises a huge fishing fleet, umatched in size and reach. its vessels help feed the nation, but also serve as pawns on the geopolitical chessboard, intimidating other nation's fishermen and coastguards.
- China's Republic
Resource Type: Book An introductory text for students and general readers offering an unbiased look at the rise of Maoist communism and the decline of Chiang Kai Shek's Guomintang.
- China's Rise: Strength and Fragility
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2013 Loong Yu examines in detail the road from the revolution in China, from a largely rural peasant country in 1949 to the present huge capitalist economy.
- China's stolen children: parents battle police indifference in search for young
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Tens of thousands of children are snatched and sold into slavery every year, but parents say they get little help with their search.
- China's villages revive
A few migrants have begun to return from China's cities to its neglected countryside, and have been joined by artists and advocates of Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A look at a movement towards rural reconstruction in China, which has gained fresh impetus from an economic slowdown as well as poorer urban living conditions and pollution.
- China's Worker Protests: A Second Wave of Labor Unrest?
Against The Current vol. 121 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 There has been a 30% rise in collective riots in China in recent years. Whereas in 1993, there were 10,000 reported cases with 700,000 participants, in 2003 it jumped to 60,000 with 3 million participants. Among these examples, labor unrest has been quite outstanding, though it is difficult to get official statistics.
- A Chinese alternative
Social democracy by the union route Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Dongfang discusses how changing undemocratic Chinese business enterprises, through active labour unions, would also change the social structure of the country.
- A Chinese Alternative? Interpreting the Chinese New Left Politically
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 In China, the terms 'left' and 'right' or 'radical' and 'conservative' produce somewhat different associations in the popular mind than what we are used to in the West. While in most capitalist countries 'left' and 'right' are understood largely in economic terms, in China these concepts tend to be deeply entangled within a framework defined by the state, the Communist Party, and nationalism. As a result, Chinese political debates have tended to presume a rigid dichotomy between 'left-wing' state socialism and 'right-wing' capitalist liberal democracy.
- Chinese neocolonialism in Africa
The Dragon eating the African Lion and Cheetah? (Part I) Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 China has literally invaded Africa with its investors, traders, lenders, builders, developers, labourers and who knows what else. The fancy phrase for that is win-win cooperation. The "cooperation" has opened up Africa as a source of raw materials for China and a dumping ground for cheap Chinese manufactured goods. It is Chinese neocolonialism.
- Chinese Shadows
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 Published: 1978 A description of Mao Zedong's China.
- Chinese Workers' Resistance
Against The Current vol. 111 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Norm Diamond interviews Tim Pringle, who lives in Hong Kong, where he participates as an observer and also as a member of the editorial board of the Chinese-language magazine Globalization Monitor.
- The Chinese Working Class in the Global Capitalist Crisis
Revolutionary Mass Strike or a New Bureaucratic Containment? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 By 2012, there were upwards of 100,000 “incidents” of popular unrest per year, ranging from strikes to riots to confrontations with local authorities over rural land seizures and real estate development. 2014 saw the highest number of strikes (12,000) ever, quite outside the control of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), the discredited state-sponsored union. The regime has thus far been successful in keeping these struggles dispersed and localized, aimed at local authorities rather than the central government. Environmental destruction, pollution and health hazards are also increasingly at issue.
- The Chinese Working Women's Network
Against The Current vol. 113 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 There is no doubt that China is growing rapidly in importance in the global economy. China has now surpassed the United States as the largest destination in the world for foreign investment. While many U.S. businesses (and other multinationals) look eagerly to both the large Chinese market and the very low wages of Chinese workers, the U.S. labor movement has been focused on stopping the flow of U.S. production and jobs to China.
- Chipko movement
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Movement dedicated to the conservation, restoration and ecologically-sound use of India's natural resources. Known for practising Gandhian methods of satyagraha and non-violent resistance, such as hugging trees to protect them from being felled.
- Chipko Movement
Connexipedia: Right Livelihood Award Winner Resource Type: Article Movement dedicated to the conservation, restoration and ecologically-sound use of India's natural resources. Known for practising Gandhian methods of satyagraha and non-violent resistance, such as hugging trees to protect them from being felled.
- Chocolate Nations
Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 Speculation, pests, political corruption, taxation, land rights, civil war and the IMF are forces at play in this investigation of cocoa agriculture and export in West Africa.
- A Choice of Futures
Canada'a Commitment to Its Children Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- Choices
A Family Global Action Handbook Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 Choices is aimed particularly at parents who want to instil social awareness in their children, and who are looking for ideas, activities, and ways of initiating discussion.
- Choices Facing African Americans
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 For African Americans, this campaign against Russia (and North Korea, Iran) is a diversion from more central issues including the right to vote.
- CHO!CES Transformed
A look back on a long and extraordinary mo(ve)ment Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Kevin Matthews reflects back on CHO!CES, a coalition for social justice that to many has represented an exceptional moment in the history of the Canadian Left, and in the Winnipeg activist community's contribution to that history.
- Chomsky clarifies position on the cultural boycott of Israel
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Prof. Noam Chomsky makes the essential point: the presence of international artists in Israel is used by the government to cover up its occupation and human rights abuses.
- Chomsky for Beginners
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1996 An introduction to the life and works of Noam Chomsky.
- The Chomsky-Foucault Debate
On human nature Resource Type: Book First Published: 2006 In 1971, at the height of the Vietnam War and at a time of great political and social instability, two of the world's leading intellectuals, Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault, were invited by Dutch philosopher Fons Elders to debate an age-old question: is there such a thing as 'innate' human nature independent of our experiences and external influences? What begins as a philosophical argumentsoon evolves into a broader discussion encompassing a wide range of topics including the struggle for justice in the realm of politics.
- Chomsky and His Critics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Noam Chomsky on ISIS, his foreign policy critics, and why socialist ideas are "never far below the surface."
- Chomsky in Mexico
La Jornada at 25 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 September has been a big month for La Jornada. To celebrate its 25th birthday, the National Lottery offered a commemorative ticket as did the Mexico City Metro subway system, rare mainstream honors for a lefty rag, and notorious U.S. rabble rouser Noam Chomsky came to town to help cut the cake - along with Gabriel Garcia Marquez (a founding investor) and the much-lauded Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano. The Jornada was founded in 1984 by itinerant journalists who had bounced from one short-lived left periodical to the next.
- Chomsky, Noam
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article American linguist, philosopher, political activist, author, and lecturer. (Born 1928).
- Noam Chomsky Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Chomsky on Anarchism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005 This collection of essays and interviews paint a fresh picture of Chomsky, showing his life-long involvement with anarchist and libertarian socialist currents, his commitment to nonhierarchical models of political organization, and his hopes for a future world without rulers.
- Chomsky on Civil Liberties, Obama and the Future of Progressive Politics
Left of Left Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Interview with America's premier political dissident Noam Chomsky.
- Chomsky on Cuba: After Decades of U.S. Meddling & "Terrorism," Restoring Ties is Least We Could Do
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Aaron Maté did an interview with Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now!. They talked about the thawing of U.S.-Cuba relations and U.S. meddling in Cuba.
- Chomsky on Democracy and Education
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 Published: 2003 Education stands at the intersection of Noam Chomsky's two lives as scholar and social critic: As a linguist he is keenly interested in how children acquire language, and as a political activist he views the education system as an important lever of social change.This book gathers for the first time his impressive range of writings on these subjects, spanning issues of language, power, policy and method.
- Chomsky on mass media
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 1990
- Chomsky on MisEducation
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000 Chomsky critiques the education system and discusses what education could be like in a democratic society.
- Chomsky on Post-Modernism
 Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1995 What I find in the writings of the post-modernists is extremely pretentious, but on examination, a lot of it is simply illiterate, based on extraordinary misreading of texts that I know well (sometimes, that I have written), argument that is appalling in its casual lack of elementary self-criticism, lots of statements that are trivial (though dressed up in complicated verbiage) or false; and a good deal of plain gibberish.
- Chomsky on Trump's Climate Denialism
He wants us to march toward the destruction of the species Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Transcript of an interview with Noam Chomsky discussing Donald Trump's denial of climate change and the dangers it poses.
- Chomsky, Pilger and Loach call on BBC to reflect reality of Gaza's occupation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Noam Chomsky, John Pilger and Ken Loach are among 45,000 signatories who have signed an open letter to the BBC calling on its journalists to reflect the reality of Gaza’s occupation while reporting on Israel’s current assault.
- The Chomsky Reader
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 The political and linguistic writings of America's leading dissident intellectual. He relates his political ideals to his theories about language.
- Noam Chomsky turns 70
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 Chomsky's immense contributions have helped me feel more optimistic and helped me keep my energies focused on activism.
- Choosing Civility: The Twenty-Five Rules of Considerate Conduct
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 Published: 2003 To live a long, healthy and serene life we need the crucial help of a network of caring people - we need social support. In order to gain and keep social support we need social skills. Choosing Civility re-discovers and expounds the essential skills that allow us to live well among others.
- Choosing Our Future
Dr. Zofia Pakula Spring 2015 Lecture Series Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015
- Chris Hedges and the black bloc
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 From its inception back in the European autonomist movements of the 1980s, the black-clad activists refuse to answer anybody outside of their ranks. Within the “affinity group”, everything is cool. Outside of it, who gives a shit? Ironically, this kind of elitism is not that different from the “vanguard party” posture which puts the needs of the sect above that of the mass movement.
- Chris Hedges' Vision & Nightmare: Is There a Human Future?
Against The Current vol. 154 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 There are few writers today who can bring to vision the articulate passion that Chris Hedges directs against the present corporate system; its vile and self-satisfied destructiveness, and the symboitic collusion between this structure of perversion and the betrayal engaged in by “the liberal class.” I believe this aspect of Hedges’ perspective is vitally important and obvious to any reader who begins with the sense that our political culture is in a descending spiral of decay.
- Christian anarchism
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Any of several traditions which combine anarchism with Christianity.
- Christian communism
Wikipedia article Resource Type: Article Christian communism is a form of religious communism based on Christianity. It is a theological and political theory based upon the view that the teachings of Jesus Christ compel Christians to support communism as the ideal social system. Although there is no universal agreement on the exact date when Christian communism was founded, many Christian communists assert that evidence from the Bible suggests that the first Christians, including the Apostles, established their own small communist society in the years following Jesus' death and resurrection.
- Christian Evangelicals Increasingly Support Palestinian Human Rights
David Brog, the Attorney Behind CUFI Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Support for Israel is eroding among American evangelical Christians, with only 30 percent in a recent survey stating support for Israel above Palestinians.
- The Christian Farmer
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978 This issue of their publication expresses a real concern with good stewardship in farming as affected by production quotas. Four article deal specifically with production quotas and their effect on family farming and small farms.
- Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario
Organization profile published 1980 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1980
- Christian Farmers Federation Publications
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977
- The Christian Genocide During the Ottoman Empire Sounds a Dark Warning for the Future
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Review and discussion of The Thirty-Year Genocide: Turkey’s Destruction of Its Christian Minorities 1894-1924 by Benny Morris and Dror Zeevi.
- Christian Høgsbjerg, C.L.R. James in Imperial Britain (2014)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Scholarship on CLR James, the Pan African and independent socialist, often takes the tone of a thin cultural studies where political insight is minimal and factual detail rooted in archival sources is negligible. Grasping James’s role in intellectual and social movement history requires resisting the tendency to group him narrowly in the fields of “Marxism” or the “Black radical tradition.” These are invented frameworks, shorthand which obscures a limited knowledge of James’s actual innovation and creativity, in contrast to other representative figures, but also mystification of the reality of elite party politics and the self-directed liberating activity by ordinary people in insurgent movements regardless of color.
- Christian left
Wikipedia article Resource Type: Article The term Christian left refers to a spectrum of left-wing Christian political and social movements that largely embrace viewpoints described as social justice that upholds a social gospel.
- Christian Movement for Peace - Canada
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981
- Christian pacifism
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article The theological and ethical position that any form of violence is incompatible with the Christian faith.
- Christian socialism
Wikipedia article Resource Type: Article Christian socialism is a form of religious socialism based on the teachings of Jesus.
- Christians at risk across the globe
Pope has warned of a 'form of genocide' as threat of persecution grows, reports Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Christians are facing growing persecution around the world, fuelled mainly by Islamic extremism and repressive governments, leading the pope to warn of "a form of genocide" and for campaigners to speak of "religioethnic cleansing".
- Christians for Socialism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1972 A report on the First Latin American Encounter of Christians for Socialism, held in Santiago, Chile, in April 1972.
- Christians for Socialism - Toronto
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981
- Christians in the Crisis
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1984 Describes the urgent need for Christians to respond to the socio-economic and political crises of our time.
- Christians on the Left: The Importance of the Social Gospel in the Canadian Social Democratic Tradition
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 This article looks at the history of the Canadian social democratic movement and highlights the preponderant role played by leftist Christians. Finding their inspiration in a social interpretation of Christ's message, these Christians became heavily involved in the process of creating a new political party, clearly to the left of the political spectrum, and helped shape its discourse.
- Christians, Church and People Called the Poor...
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Christiansbrunn
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article The name of two religious communes in Pennsylvania, active between 1747 and 1796.
- The Christmas Eve Calumet massacre, 1913
Resource Type: Article A short history of the biggest mass murder in Michigan history: the massacre of 73 people, mostly the children of striking miners at a Christmas party on Christmas Eve in 1913.
- Christmas in the Trenches
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984 Lyrics to a song commemorating the Christmas Truce of 1914 on the Western and Eastern Fronts during World War I.
- Christmas Truce: The Western Front, December 1914
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994 Published: 1999 A history of the Christmas Truce of 1914 on the Eastern and Western fronts.
- Christophe Guilluy, Le crepuscule de la France d'en haut: Book Review
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Book review of Le crepuscule de la France d'en haut, by Christophe Guilluy (2016).
- Christopher Who? -- Discovering the Americas
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990 Columbus seen as a conqueror.
- Christopher's Movie Matinee
A Review by Christina Whyte Resource Type: Article First Published: 1969 Seventeen year old Point Blank School student Christina Whyte reviews the National Film Board production "Christopher's Movie Matinee". Whyte screened the film at Point Blank and Everdale Schools and provides excerpts of the students' reactions.
- Chronicle of a death online: Hate campaign from Muslim fundamentalist groups from Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka and West Asia against a Muslim woman writer
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The case of Tamil Nadu journalist who was victim of online 'rape' and 'murder', perpetuated by Muslim fundamentalists.
- Chronicle of a Labor Victory
Against The Current vol. 149 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Most union members see nothing but hugging and kissing between their leaders and their bosses on a daily basis. It takes a different kind of union to break with this culture, which has become second-nature to U.S. unions and is arguably the main reason for their current weakness. Leonard Riley’s longshore workers union in Charleston, South Carolina is a different kind of union, however, and On the Global Waterfront by Suzan Erem and Paul Durrenberger tells their gripping story.
- Chronicle of a War Foretold
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- Chronicle of Black Detroit
Black Detroit: A People's History of Self-Determination (Review) Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Book review of Herb Boyd's Black Detroit: A People's History of Self-Determination.
- Chronicle of Canada
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Chronicles from the Front
Against The Current vol. 143 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 This volume consists of carefully edited contemporary texts from the two U.S. socialists Lois and Charles Orr, who joined the revolutionary events in Spain after the outbreak of the Civil War, from fall 1936 to spring 1937. Two newlywed activists from the left wing of the U.S. Socialist Party, they had been traveling through Europe on their honeymoon when the news of the military revolt under General Franco reached them. They rushed to Barcelona not only to take a look but to become an active part of the workers’ revolution, which had erupted as the answer to the pro-Fascist coup.
- Chronicles of Dissent
Noam Chomsky Interviewed by David Barsamian Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993
- Chronicling Labor's Crisis
Against The Current vol. 143 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The State of Working America is the Bible of liberals, labor, and often of the left. Like the Bible, few people read it from cover to cover; like the Bible, it is often consulted to back up an argument. The latest, 2008/2009, edition contains a host of useful facts, statistics, analyses, and arguments, essentially all of it based on pre-crash information but with an awareness that some kind of crash was coming upon us.
- Chronology of the Nicaraguan Revolution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997
- Chronology of the Ukrainian Coup
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The current record of events indicates that the protests were organized by reactionary neo-Nazi forces intent on fomenting a major domestic crisis ousting Ukraine's government. As events continue to spiral out of control, here is the chronology of how the coup was engineered to install a government more favourable to EU and US goals.
- Church, Farm and Town
Periodical profile published 1990 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1990
- The Church, Farm and Town
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 This magazine seeks to affirm the values of rural and small town life. In this issue, are articles on the need for reflection on the consideration of human sentiment above progress and on the relationship of smallness to Christian roots.
- Church Presentation to the Annual Meetings of Three Canadian Banks
Re: Loans to South Africa Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 A statement questioning the morality of loaning money to a racist South African government.
- The Churches, The West and the Fight Against Racism
Could Our Assumptions be Racist? Transforming our Fight into a Quest for Values Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980
- The Churchmouse
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1981 The Churchmouse originated from the Task Force on Labour of the Canadian Affairs of the Canadian Council of Churches.
- Chávez and the Communal State
On the Transition to Socialism in Venezuela Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Bellamy Foster examines Chávez's El Golpe de Timón (“Strike at the Helm”) speech where he insists on the need for changes at the top in order to promote an immediate leap forward in the creation of what is referred to as “the communal state.”
- The CIA
A Forgotten History Resource Type: Book Describes the CIA's role in overthrowing governments, rigging elections, assassinating leaders, and manufacturing "news" in over 50 countries.
- The CIA: A Forgotten History
U.S. Global Interventions Since World War II Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 This book tells the remarkable story of the multifarious US/CIA interventions in more than fifty foreign countries. Here are all the details of these exploits, the operations behind the overthrow of governments, suppression of revolutions, perversions of elections, assassination of leaders, manipulation of trade unions and other organizations. Here is the account of each of the most significant American interventions.
- The CIA and Questions of Torture
Against The Current vol. 131 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 Alfred W. McCoy's A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror is a chilling, eerily fascinating account of how the CIA used physical and psychological torture as a method of interrogation.
- The CIA and the "Peace Process" - Interview
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 A controversial feature of the torturously negotiated and implemented "Wye Plantation Agreement" is the direct, overt role assigned to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in monitoring Palestinian Authority (PA) implementation of the "security provisions."
- The CIA and the Art of the "Un-Cover-Up"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 Published: 2014 Down the decades the CIA has approached perfection in the art of the "un-cover-up". The "uncover-up" is a process whereby, with all due delay, the agency first denies with passion then concedes in profoundly muffled tones charges leveled against it. One familiar feature in the "uncover-up" paradigm is the frequently made statement by CIA-friendly journalists that "no smoking gun" has been detected in whatever probe is under review.
- The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1974 Published: 1975
- The CIA and the Drones
How the Agency Became "One Hell of a Killing Machine" Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011
- The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2017 Author of three books on CIA operations, Valentine’s research into CIA activities began when CIA Director William Colby gave him free access to interview CIA officials who had been involved in various aspects of the Phoenix program in South Vietnam.
- CIA Chief Declares War on Truth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Mike Pompeo made it clear that he has little regard for truth, for personal decency, or for the Constitutional protections for free speech or for the free exercise of religion. It was an altogether chilling debut for a spy agency head in a country that still imagines itself enjoying some basic freedoms.
- CIA Experiments in Torture
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Over the last year there have been an increasing number of accounts suggesting that, along with the CIA's "enhanced interrogation" torture program, there was a related program experimenting with and researching the application of the torture.
- The CIA in Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Edited excerpt from "The CIA as Organized Crime", by Douglas Valentine, detailing the CIA's activities in Ukraine and influence on political movements there.
- CIA Off Campus
Building the Movement Against Agency Recruitment and Research Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990 Published: 1999 Mills describes campus organizing against the CIA's recruiting and research programs on campus. She also describes how to detect secret CIA activities and how to combat them. She gives voice to the multiple reasons why so many academics have opposed the presence of the CIA on university campuses: reasons that ranged from the recognition of secrecy's antithetical relationship to academic freedom, to political objections to the CIA's use of torture and assassination, to efforts on campuses to recruit professors and students, and the CIA's longstanding role in undermining democratic movements around the world.
- CIA photographed detainees naked before sending them to be tortured
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The CIA took naked photographs of people it sent to its foreign partners for torture, the Guardian can reveal. A former US official who had seen some of the photographs described them as “very gruesome”.
- CIA planned rendition operation to kidnap Edward Snowden
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) prepared to kidnap Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who exposed illegal and unconstitutional mass spying by the National Security Agency (NSA), documents obtained by the Danish media outlet Denfri show.
- The CIA and the Press: When the Washington Post Ran the CIA’s Propaganda Network
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Last week, the Washington Post published a scurrilous piece by a heretofore obscure technology reporter named Craig Timberg, alleging without the faintest evidence that Russian intelligence was using more than 200 independent news sites to pump out pro-Putin and anti-Clinton propaganda during the election campaign.
- The CIA Reads French Theory
On the Intellectual Labor of Dismantling the Cultural Left Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A recently unclassifed CIA documents reveals that in the 1980s, the agency had its analysts devote substantial time and resources to studying trends in French theory, and specifically, the work that writers like Michel Foucault, Jacques, and Roland Barthes were doing in undermining the Marxist left. The CIA saw this trend as beneficial to the maintenance of American power, and capitalism generally, because it undermind the idea that there could or should be fundamental revolutionary change.
- CIA set up Mandela
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- CIA sneak undetectable 'malicious' implants onto Windows OS - WikiLeaks
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Windows machines are targeted by the CIA under 'Angelfire,' according to the latest release from WikiLeaks' 'Vault7' series. The documents detail an implant that can allow Windows machines to create undetectable libraries.
- CIA Torture Tactics Reemerge in New York Prison
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Over 60 inmates at New York's Clinton Correctional Facility have complained of abuse by prison guards in the wake of the June escape of convicted killers David Sweat and Richard Matt.
- CIA Torture Tactics Reemerge in New York Prison
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Over 60 inmates at New York’s Clinton Correctional Facility have complained of abuse by prison guards in the wake of the June escape of convicted killers David Sweat and Richard Matt.
- The CIA Used To Infiltrate The Media. Now The CIA Is The Media.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 In totalitarian dictatorships, the government spy agency tells the news media what stories to run, and the news media unquestioningly publish it. In free democracies, the government spy agency says “Hoo buddy, have I got a scoop for you!” and the news media unquestioningly publish it.
- CIA wrote code 'to impersonate' Russia's Kaspersky Lab anti-virus company, WikiLeaks says
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 WikiLeaks published documents exposing the elaborated malware suite used by the CIA to hack, record and control modern hi-tech appliances worldwide.
- The CIA's Death Machine at Work (book review)
Against The Current vol. 156 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 In compelling detail, two leading civil rights attorneys — both leaders of the Center for Constitutional Rights (New York) — recount the extraordinary life and deliberate killing of the world’s most popular revolutionary, Ernesto Che Guevara. Using internal U.S. governmental documentation, only recently released, the authors use their forensic skills to analyze the evidence of the CIA’s involvement in the execution of a war prisoner captured alive.
- The CIA's Greatest Hits
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994 Brief case studies of the CIA's greatest 'triumphs'.
- The CIA's Memory Prison
A Perverse Logic Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The U.S. government has ruled that the prisoners kidnapped and tortured by the U.S. cannot talk about their experiences because those experiences are the property of the U.S. government, which has classified them as secret national security information. This means the prisoners’ personal stories, recollections and experiences cannot be told in any open court, recounted to journalists or human rights groups, nor can they be heard by international bodies like the United Nations.
- The CIA's Mop-Up Man: L.A. Times Reporter Cleared Stories With Agency Before Publication
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 A prominent national security reporter for the Los Angeles Times routinely submitted drafts and detailed summaries of his stories to CIA press handlers prior to publication, according to documents obtained by The Intercept.
- The CIA's 60-Year History of Fake News: How the Deep State Corrupted Many American Writers
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 In this week's episode of "Scheer Intelligence," Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer interviews Joel Whitney, author and co-founder of Guernica magazine.Whitney's new book, "Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World's Best Writers," explores how the CIA influenced acclaimed writers and publications during the Cold War to produce subtly anti-communist material. During the interview, Scheer and Whitney discuss these manipulations and how the CIA controlled major news agencies and respected literary publications.
- CIDA programme for ENGOs
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991
- Ciência e seus inimigos
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016
- Ciliga, Ante - Writings - Index
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Writings of Ante Ciliga (1898-1992).
- Ciné-Archives
Resource Type: Website Ciné-Archives gère le fonds audiovisuel du Parti communiste français - Mouvement ouvrier & démocratique. Elle a pour mission la conservation et la promotion de ces archives.
- CineAction: A Magazine of Radical Film Criticism
Periodical profile published 1986 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1986
- The CIO: From reform to reaction
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1973 In popular mythology, the CIO was a revolutionary union in the tradition of the IWW. In actuality, the CIO was created by those opposed to the kind of working class self-activity best embodied in the U.S. by the IWW. This article by E. Jones, from Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal (number 6; n.d.; c. 1970s), critiques the CIO's reactionary role in containing class struggle militancy.
- Ciompi Revolt
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Was a popular revolt in late medieval Florence by wool carders known as ciompi, who rose up in 1378 to demand a voice in the commune's ordering.
- Circle in the Darkness
Memoir of a World Watcher Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Veteran journalist Diana Johnstone's memoir covers half a century of contemporary history. Johnstone recounts in detail how the Western Left betrayed its historical principles of social justice and peace and let itself be lured into approval of aggressive U.S.-NATO wars on the fallacious grounds of "human rights". Subjects range from caustic analysis of the pretentious confusion of French philosophers to the stories of many courageous individuals whose struggle for peace and justice ended in deep personal tragedy, with a great deal in between.
- Circle in the Darkness Book Review
Review of Diana Johnstone's memoir Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Johnstone says: "If I must claim a label, it owuld be that of an independent truth-seeker."
- Circle of Poison: Pesticides and People in a Hungry World
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1981
- Circles of Strength
Community Alternatives to Alienation Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993 Forsey, an activist and writer who works with the Federation of Egalitarian Communites has put together a collection of essays, and interviews with First Nations, religious orders and rural intentional communities giving their views and experiences as communities.
- Circuit Writer
Periodical profile published 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- The Circumcision of Women
A Strategy for Eradication Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 African women have begun in recent years to research and campaign against the practice of female circumcision. Dr. Koso-Thomas shows that female circumcision is not confined to the Horn of Africa, or the Muslim areas of the Continent. Her study of the practice in Sierra Leone demonstrates its important role in the traditional initiation of females into both womanhood and society in parts of West Africa. She sets out proposals to end the crippling of women by this operation.
- CISPES: Radical, Pragmatic, and Successful
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1994 Van Gosse analyzes the reasons for CISPES' success in developing a fresh and tenacious approach to solidarity work. Originally published in Crossroads Special Issue on El Salvador Solidarity, Spring 1994.
- Cité libre
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Was an influential political journal published in Quebec, Canada, through the 1950s and 1960s.
- Cities and the Wealth of Nations
Principles of Economic Life Resource Type: Book First Published: 1984 Jacobs argues that virtually all economic life, no matter how geographically remote from cities, depends on cities to maintain it or change it.
- Cities for People
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 How two experiments in participatory democracy have transformed the political culture in Brazil and Uruguay.
- Cities Need More Public Transit, Not More Uber and Self-Driving Cars
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 In the near future, it is likely that cities will come under intense pressure to sacrifice public transportation in favor of new, private, car-dependent alternatives, even at a time when city planners are suggesting reducing or even eliminating car use in cities.The article looks into the benefits of the new technologies, as well as benefits of public transit.
- Citizen Action
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1976 Bibliography of case studies involving community/social planning and action.
- Citizen Advocacy
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 Citizen Advocacy is a volunteer program in Halifax, Nova Scotia which helps mentally handicapped persons represent or speak for their rights, needs and interests.
- Citizen Involvement in Housing and Community: An Action Research Design
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 A proposal for funding a housing inventory network to deal with the housing crisis in Edmonton.
- Citizen journalism
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article
- Citizen-Journalist Fined for Telling the Truth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The story of an injunction against against a journalist who dared to tell the truth.
- A Citizen Legislature
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1985 Arguing from the premise that the present electoral system is unrepresentative and promotes corruption, the authors propose going back to the Athenian system of choosing representatives: by lottery.
- CitizenFour
 Resource Type: Film First Published: 2014 CITIZENFOUR is a real life thriller, unfolding by the minute, giving audiences unprecedented access to filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald’s encounters with Edward Snowden in Hong Kong, as he hands over classified documents providing evidence of mass indiscriminate and illegal invasions of privacy by the National Security Agency (NSA).
- Citizens Against State Surveillance
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Citizens' Association to Save the Environment
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1977 The association's emphasis is directed toward: food, agriculture and gardening, land use, growth limitation and conservation of resources, pollution, noise, alternate energy and recycling of municipal wastes. The major activities are projects of the association have been: presentation of briefs to the B.C. Government, investigations of community noise problems, bicycle lanes, evening courses, audio-visual programs and displays.
- "Citizens Coalition" loses
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Citizens Concerned about Free Trade
Periodical profile published 1991 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1991
- Citizens Counter-Conference on Energy and Northern Development
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Report on the proceedings of the '76 "Citizens Counter-Conference".
- Citizens for Local Democracy Newsletter 20, November 1997
Periodical profile published 1992 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1997 Fighting for democracy and against the Harris government.
- Citizens for Public Justice/C.J.L Foundation
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Citizens Group Scores Success in Anti-lead Battle
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1986 Published: 1987 Through self-education, out-reach, and activism, the Niagara Neighbourhood Lead Committee has successfully worked to reduce lead risks in their neighbourhood and throughout Canada.
- Citizen's Guide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1988
- Citizen's Guide to City Government in Toronto
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1978
- A Citizen's Guide to City Politics
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1972
- A Citizen's Guide to Combating Election Propaganda: Debunking Anti-Welfare Myths
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The goal moving forward must be to create a critical citizen consciousness, so the masses don't simply "accept what they're told" once every four years by the pretty faces running for office. What follows is a primer for readers to help in their conversations with friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and family, to fight back against the racist, classist propaganda so often employed against disadvantaged groups in the U.S.
- The Citizen's Guide To Lead
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 The authors of A CITIZEN'S GUIDE TO LEAD accuse governments in Canada of dragging their feet in regulating lead, one of the most common, well-known, extensively studied, and dangerous pollutants in our environment.
- The Citizen's Guide to Lead: Uncovering a Health Hazard
Resource Type: Book
- A Citizens' Guide to Protecting Wetlands and Woodlands
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994
- Citizens Independent Review of Police Activities
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Citizens Inquiry into Peace and Security
Organization profile published 1991 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1991
- Citizens Mobilize Against Corporate Water Grabs
A Human Right, Not a Commodity Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 New Jersey became the latest state to subvert democracy by authorizing the fast-track sale or lease of water utilities without public notice, comment, or approval. The controversial decision highlights the intensifying struggle over who owns, controls, and profits from the most precious - and threatened - resource on Earth.
- Citizens on the Web
Resource Type: Website Coverage of news and events, mainly in Ontario, from a progressive perspective.
- Citizens on the Web Events Calendar
Resource Type: Website
- Citizens Participate - An Action Guide for Public Issues.
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1974
- Citizens Plus
Resource Type: Article This booklet outlines the century-long struggle by the Nishga people to retain their own 5,750 square miles of the Naas River Valley and its watershed in northwestern British Columbia.
- Citizens Protest Lack of Consultation about Canadian Mine in San Jose del Progresso
Popular Forces Occupy City Hall and Threaten to Incinerate Hostages Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Inhabitants of San José del Progresso, in the district of Ocotlán, affiliated with the Assembly of People United for the Valley of Ocotlán in Defense of Nature and Popular Autonomy, and opposed to the operation of the Canadian owned mine La Trinidad, escalated their battle with the assistance of the Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca, the APPO.
- A Citizens' Streambank Restoration Handbook
Resource Type: Book
- Citizens worldwide mobilize against corporate water grabs
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The US and other governments are pushing a failed model of water privatization, but water is a human right, not just a commodity to be traded for profit or monopolized by corporations. Citizens and communities are fighting back to reclaim their water commons.
- Citizenship Training and Development
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Le Citoyen -Journal du Rassemblement du Citoyens de Montreal-St Louis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- The City Kids' Book
Resource Type: Book These readings and suggested activities focus on the realities of the city child's life and provide a flexible and varied social studies or language arts program suited to grades 5 to 8 (ages 9-14).
- The City and Radical Social Change
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1982 A collection of essays dealing with the dynamics of the new forces for social change in our urban milieu, discussing how new ideas are contributing to an urban insurgency which could lead to a new city and a new concept of citizenship.
- City Farmer
Periodical profile published 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978 Based on the observation that hundreds of urban people, legally and illegally, are producing their own food, City Farmer is an alternative Vancouver newspaper concerned with all aspects of such urban agriculture.
- City Farmer
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- City for Sale
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977
- The City Is Ours
Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe from the 1970s to the Present Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 Through the compilation of the local movement histories of eight different cities, including Amsterdam and Berlin, along with underdocumented cities such as Poznan and Athens, the City Is Ours paints a broad and complex picture of Europe's squatting and autonomous movements.
- City Limits
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- City Magazine seeks articles
Periodical profile published 1992 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1992
- City of Love and Revolution
Vancouver in the Sixties Resource Type: Book First Published: 2010
- 'City of Surveillance': Google-backed smart city sounds like a dystopian nightmare
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A Google-backed project to build the interconnected, data-driven ‘city of the future’ sounds like all George Orwell’s nightmares come true, and is now in the spotlight after a privacy expert resigned from the project in protest. Toronto’s Waterfront district used to be an industrial wasteland, but Sidewalk Labs – a sister company of Google – wants to turn that wasteland into a prototype ‘city of the future,’ where data helps planners micromanage every aspect of urban life.
- City of Toronto Non-Profit Housing Corporation (CityHome)
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- The City That Bleeds
Freddie Gray and the makings of an American uprising Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The killing of black teenager Freddie Gray by six police officers resulted in a civic uprising, and spotlights a history of brutality and bloodshed by police in the city of Baltimore.
- The 'Civic Death' of Dominicans of Haitian Descent
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Imagine being born in a country and then being told you have no rights as a citizen; that you're not wanted there. That is exactly what has been happening to Dominicans of Haitian descent.
- Civic Journalism
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article
- The Civic Movement in South Africa: Popular Politics, Then and Now
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 The tradition of democracy within the progressive movement in South Africa remains alive and well, judging not only by the recent, high-profile contestation of ANC provincial elections, but also by grassroots democratic impulses within the civic movement.
- Civil disobedience
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article The active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence.
- Civil Disobedience
Originally published as "Resistance to Civil Government" Resource Type: Article First Published: 1849 An essay by Henry David Thoreau that was first published in 1849 which argues that people should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that people have a duty to avoid allowing such acquiescence to enable the government to make them the agents of injustice. Thoreau was motivated in part by his disgust with slavery and the Mexican-American War.
- Civil Disobedience: A Radical Critique
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1983 Gary Moffatt argues that while appearing to be radical in that they represent a more complete commitment of the participants to changing government policy than the work of the mainstream peace movement, sitdowns fail to challenge and in some respects reinforce the legitmacy of the military state.
- Civil Liberties Action Security Project
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Civil liberties body condemns sign law
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Civil Liberties in the Fight Against Fascism
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1945 Fighting against an evil, like anti-Semitism or racial hatred, does not mean calling on the state to suppress the evil.
- Civil Liberties on Trial
Against The Current vol. 115 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 Lynne F. Stewart, 65, a lawyer noted for representing political defendants, was convicted on February 10th of five charges: two counts of conspiracy, a count of providing and concealing material support to terrorist activity and two counts of making false statements. Convicted of felony charges, Stewart was immediately disbarred. She is out on bail until her July sentencing date; her lawyers will file an appeal in early March.
- Civil Rights Movement Is a Reminder That Free Speech Is There to Protect the Weak
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The importance of First Amendment rights is examined, and even while those rights do protect actions of the powerful, the author argues that it is ultimately the poor and powerless who beneffit from it's protection.
- Civil Rights, Poverty and Capitalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Oppenheimer examines poverty in the United Stated during the 20th century and analyses the power structures that have prevented improvements to the basic living standards in American society.
- Civil Society
Adventures of the Concept Before and After 1989 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1997 A discussion of "Civil Society" pertaining to the Czech Republic, especially the definitions offered by Charter 77 and later by its most famous member, Vaclav Havel.
- Civil Society and the Aid Industry
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1998
- Civil Society in Question
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999 Civil Society ranks as flavour of the month among community volunteers, academics and policy makers. Many view it as a key concept in the struggle against poverty and for social justice and democracy. Is civil society anything more than a projection of our desires, a chameleon concept that can mean all things to all people? Does it risk being co-opted beyond recognition and usefulness?
- The Civil War in France
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1871 Written by Karl Marx as an address to the General Council of the International, with the aim of distributing to workers of all countries a clear understanding of the character and world-wide significance of the heroic struggle of the Paris Communards of 1871 and their historical experience to learn from.
- The Civil War in Switzerland
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1847
- The Civil Wars in U.S. Labor
Birth of a New Workers' Movement or Death Throes of the Old? Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 Steve Early explains why and how the 2008-2010 battles within the progressive wing of the U.S. labour movement occurred.
- 'Civilising' the 'Blacks'; Why Britain needs to Maintain Her African Possessions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1936 Africans must win their own freedom. Nobody will win it for them. They need co-operation, but that co-operation must be with the revolutionary movement in Europe and Asia. There is no other way out. Each movement will neglect the other at its peril.
- Civility
A Cultural History Resource Type: Book First Published: 2009 Through a historical, social, and psychological discussion of the civility practices in 3 nations - England, France and the United States, Davetian addresses major topics in public discourse today regarding the ideas and practices of civility and the possibility of a future civility ethic capable of inspiring cooperation across cultural and national boundaries.
- The Civility Solution
What to Do When People Are Rude Resource Type: Book First Published: 2009
- Civilization Will Triumph Over Barbarism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 The recent Congressional hearings leading to a bloodbath of university presidents brings back memories from my teen-age years in the 1950s when everyone's eyes were glued to the TV broadcast of the McCarthy hearings.
- The Civilized Couple's Guide to Extra-Marital Adventure
Resource Type: Book
- CJL Research Project on Canadian Social Policy
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Claiming the Power to Resist
Against The Current vol. 151 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Stories and storytelling have power. Stories can help us understand each other as subjects, narrators and protagonists of our own experiences, rather than as objects that are simply being acted upon by forces outside of our control.
- Claims that the 'NAFTA 2' Agreement is Better are a Macabre Joke
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Although Democrats and public pressure forced through some improvements, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), or NAFTA 2, isn't substantially different and remains a document of corporate domination. It would appear that appearances, not substance, drove Democrats in the House of Representatives to approve the deal.
- Clandestinity: Resisting State Repression
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003
- Clapper Calls for Arming Ukrainian Forces: Who Would That Actually Empower?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin has long said that the Ukrainian coup of last year, and the subsequent regime in Kiev, is driven by ultra-nationalists, fascists, and even neo-Nazi factions. The Russian TV outlet RT also frequently refers to "the active role far-right groups have played on the pro-government side in Ukraine since the violent coup of the last year."
- Clara Zetkin
Oppression, Class, and Socialism Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Lindsey German responds to John Riddell's article, 'Clara Zetkin in the Lion’s Den'.
- Clara Zetkin in the Lion's Den
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 John Riddell looks at Clara Zetkin a German Marxist theorist, activist, and advocate for women's rights and her fight for workers’ unity and feminism at a Comintern congress.
- Clarion Alley Confronts a Lack of Concern
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Clarion Alley's thought-provoking, provocative, clever and often political art was created by those determined to leave a record of their existence and experience and to give voice to marginalized and disenfranchised communities.
- Arthur C. Clarke Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Clarke, Tony
Connexipedia: Right Livelihood Award Winner Resource Type: Article Canadian social justice advocate. (Born 1944).
- La clase trabajadora y el cambio social
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976
- A Class Act
An Illustrated History of the Labour Movement in Newfoundland and Labrador Resource Type: Book First Published: 1986 Gillespie records the men and women who struggled within an economic system they did not control to improve the lives of their families and their class.
- Class and Colour in South Africa 1850-1950
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1969 Published: 1983 A historical and sociological overview which provides a critical analysis of the Labour and National movements in South Africa and explores how and why the white working class traded its socialist principles for a share of white power. Also examines the interactions between the two wings of the resistance against white domination.
- Class and Race: Life and Death Situations
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 Looking at the impact of race and class as health determinants.
- Class and the African-American Leadership Crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 This market economy can't solve the real problems of African Americans. Worse, the scapegoating of society's most vulnerable members (immigrants, people of color, women and gays) is on the rise.
- Class Bias in Toronto Schools
Downtown Kids Aren't Dumb: They Need A Better Program Resource Type: Article First Published: 1971 A brief by the Park School community council addressing the streaming of poor and working class children into the bottom levels of the school system. These children, the brief says, have badly developed basic skills, particularly in reading and writing. Published in This Magazine is about Schools, Volume 5, Number 4, Fall/Winter 1971.
- Class and class struggle in China today
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 An examination of the transformed economy in China and the consequent changes in class relations, and how the Communist Party has managed to maintain its rule.
- Class Composition and the Theory of the Party at the Origin of the Workers-Councils Movement
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1972 Re-examines a crucial segment of labour history, the German workers' council experience, which bridges the classical socialist phase of the Second and Third Internationals, and the post-Keynesian period.
- Class conflict
Wikipedia article Resource Type: Article Class conflict, frequently referred to as class warfare or class struggle, is the tension or antagonism which exists in society due to competing socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes. The view that the class struggle provides the lever for radical social change for the majority is central to the work of Karl Marx and the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin.
- The Class Conflict in Venezuela
A Classic Struggle of Left v. Right Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The current protests in Venezuela are reminiscent of another historical moment when street protests were used by right-wing politicians as a tactic to overthrow the elected government. It was December of 2002, and I was struck by the images on U.S. television of what was reported as a “general strike,” with shops closed and streets empty.
- Class Conflict, Slavery and the United States Constitution
Ten essays Resource Type: Book First Published: 1967 Published: 2009 One of the first studies to identify the importance of slavery to the founding of the American Republic.
- Class consciousness
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Consciousness of one's social class or economic rank in society.
- Class Consciousness
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1920
- Class Dismissed
Why We Cannot Teach or Learn Our Way Out of Inequality Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 Argues that poverty and inequality in the United States cannot be solved through education, as it does not address the established social structures that create these conditions.
- Class Dismissed: Why We Cannot Teach or Learn Our Way Out of Inequality
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 John Marsh debunks a myth cherished by journalists, politicians, and economists: that growing poverty and inequality in the United States can be solved through education. Marsh shows that education has little impact on poverty and inequality, and that our mistaken beliefs actively shape the way we structure our schools and what we teach in them.
- Class Dismissed: Identity Politics Without The Identity
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 In a capitalist society, work is at the core of identity, In the United States there are sharply divergent attitudes between professionals and the working class.
- Class exists
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- Class, Gender, and Region
Essays in Canadian Historical Sociology Resource Type: Book This is reprinted from The Canadian Journal of Sociology. It is a collection of new work by historians and sociologists from across Canada.
- Class Is in Session
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Millennials are better educated than ever. They also overwhelmingly identify as working class.
- Class is More Intersectional than Intersectionality
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The Left as it exists currently is often ashamed of and apologetic for its class struggle orientation, chasing after demographic-specific oppression issues. An approach that leans toward greater emphasis on a class struggle focus is actually more intersectional than a focus which gives more attention to demographic-specific issues than to class.
- The Class Nature of Israel
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1971 Israeli society is not merely a society of immigrants; it is one of settlers. The society, including its working class, was shaped through a process of colonization. The permanent conflict between the settlers' society and the indigenous, displaced Palestiniann has never stopped and has shaped the very strcuture of Israeli sociology, politics, and economics.
- Class Notes
 Posing As Politics and Other Thoughts on the American Scene Resource Type: Book First Published: 2001 Reed argues against the solipsistic approaches of cultural or identity politics, and in favour of class-based political interpretation and action. Class Notes moves on to tackle race relations, ethnic studies, family values, welfare reform, the so-called underclass, and black public intellectuals.
- Class, Party and the Challenge of State Transformation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 An essay examining the challenges of changing the state and status quo following major crises of capitalism, and how the current neoliberal status quo has persisted through the various crises it has presented.
- Class Politics in Palestine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1939 Zionism is a factor that weakens the class struggle of the Jewish masses, and strengthens the reaction outside of Palestine as well as the reactionary forces in Palestine. Jewish immigration into Palestine, which is mainly an immigration of workers, strengthens, on the one side, the power and weight of the working class in the country, the power which, regarded historically, is the most extreme anti-imperialist factor and, cm the other hand, in so far as it is Zionist, it strengthens the exclusivist positions and the forces of imperialism in Palestine.
- Class & Race in A Modern Catastrophe: Lessons of Katrina
Against The Current vol. 155 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Hurricane Katrina was a catastrophic disaster that resulted in over eighteen hundred fatalities, the displacement of at least 1.2 million people, and economic losses that are not yet finally accounted, but may approach $100 billion. Approximately 2.5 million residences were damaged by the category three storm that made landfall on the morning of August 29, 2005.
- Class, Race and Marxism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2017 Through the lense of Marxism, Roediger argues that racial divisions and the identity of whiteness are inexorably connected to capitalism and the logic of capital.
- Class Struggle
Resource Type: Unclassified First Published: 1978 A board game created by Bertell Ollman.
- Class Struggle and Nation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1912 Does the bourgeoisie really have an interest in putting an end to national struggles? Not at all, it has the greatest interest in not putting an end to them, especially since the class struggle has reached a high point. Just like religious antagonisms, national antagonisms constitute excellent means to divide the proletariat, to divert its attention from the class struggle with the aid of ideological slogans and to prevent its class unity.
- Class Struggle and the Origin of Racial Slavery: The Invention of the White Race
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1975 Published:
- Class Struggle at Air France
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 On Monday, about 100 employees stormed an Air France management and union official meeting that was discussing dramatic job cuts. As the negotiations had been making no progress, the staff became angry, and tussled with some company officials.
- Class Struggle at the Waistline
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The obesity rate has soared not because lower income earners lack the knowledge to eat wisely, but because they have lost power over the economic conditions of their lives.
- Class Struggle Beyond Unionism: Boston-Area Public Workers' Ferment, 1981-82
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1993
- The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World
From the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 A broad-ranging attempt to establish the validity of historical materialist analysis of the ancient world.
- Class Struggle in the Unemployment Capital of Europe: Lower Andalucia, 1995-96
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996
- Class Struggle in Vietnam: From the Colonial Yoke to Wage Slavery for Global Capital
Wildcat Strikes in Vietnam Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 An alternation of repression and concessions is only one element among many of the whole apparatus of control and domination by the CPV. In the last analysis, it is repression which wins out, ranging from direct military and police force to administrative detention, from constant surveillance of the conversations and writings of the population to an ever stricter control of the use of such modern means as cell phones and the Internet.
- Class Struggle in Vietnam: From the Colonial Yoke to Wage Slavery for Global Capital
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Struggles which have unfolded since the first big strike wave in Vietnam in 2006.
- Class-Struggle Road to Black Freedom: Part Two
Marxism vs. the Myth of "White Skin Privilege" Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The victory of the socialist revolution in this country will be achieved through the united struggle of black and white workers.
- The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1850 Originally a series of articles written between January and October 1850 specially for the Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Politisch-ökonomische Revue and published in it under the general title "1848-1849."
- Class Unionism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1905 Published: 1909
- The Class War at Home
The Rich Getting Richer Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 There is a class war – the war of the rich on the poor and the middle class – and the rich are winning.
- Class War in the British Labour Party
Tories, Blairites Turn the Screws on Jeremy Corbyn Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Ever since Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the British Labour Party last September, the party has been in a state of internal class warfare. Corbyn is a decades-long member of old Labour’s left wing and is hugely popular among working people. Pitted against Corbyn and his followers are the vast majority of Labour Members of Parliament (MPs) who uphold the legacy of Tony Blair and are unashamedly committed to "free-market" capitalist exploitation and imperialist military slaughter in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere.
James Bronterre O’Brien, an Irish-born leader of the Chartists, gave voice to the need for the working class to fight in its own interests instead of begging its oppressors:
"My motto is... 'What you take you may have.' I will not attempt to deal with the abstract question of right, but will proceed to show that it is POWER, solid, substantial POWER, that the millions must obtain and retain, if they would enjoy the produce of their own labour and the privileges of freemen."
- Class War in the Confederacy
Why Free State of Jones Matters Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Free State of Jones may well be the most politically important film about the civil war and its aftermath to appear in a quarter century. Free State of Jones is a proper antidote to identitarian thinking, which has mystified popular understandings of the past, and how we approach political action in the present. In contrast to the prevailing view among so many nowadays that racism has always been and continues to be the main barrier to any progressive left politics, this film reminds us of a more complex history, where anti-slavery politics, Radical Republicanism and mass action created the short-lived progress of Reconstruction.
- Class war in the making? Coronavirus quarantines pit well-off hermits against serfs who supply them
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Coronavirus has exposed stark divides in US society as the wealthy hole up in their homes and the poor are reduced to delivering their supplies in often-unsafe conditions. With mass layoffs underway, is class war imminent?
- Class War on New Ground
Book Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Review of Kim Moody's New Terrain, a book looking at how capitalism has changed and how left wing organizing must adapt.
- Class Warfare
The Assault on Canada's School Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994 The authors show that the attack on schools has been mounted by representatives of big business who stand to make a fortune by privatizing education, aided by the religious right, who want to control what is taught -- and not taught -- in our schools.
- Class Warfare
Interviews with David Barsamian Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1996
- Class-Struggle Road to Black Freedom: Part One
The Roots of Black Oppression Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The purpose of this talk is to motivate a Marxist materialist program for the fight for black freedom as opposed to the idealism embodied in both black nationalism and guilty white liberalism, including the concept of “white skin privilege,” which falsely substitutes individual psychology for struggle against the racial oppression rooted in the capitalist profit system. We fight for black freedom on the program of revolutionary integration including mobilizing the working class against every manifestation of racial oppression. This approach is counterposed to liberal integration, which is premised on the utopian notion that equality for black people can be attained within the confines of this class society founded on black oppression.
- Classes in Modern Society
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1965 Published: 1970 Bottomore provides an introduction to the concept of class and examines its place in Marxist theory and in critical revisions and rejections of that theory.
- Classic Book: Frankenstein
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 A look at the continuing relevance of Mary Shelley's classic to debates about science, technology and nature today.
- A Classic Study Revisited
Against The Current vol. 143 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Pierre Broué (1926-2005) was one of the few Trotskyist historians who carved out a niche in academia, though this career choice had to overcome many obstacles. Coming of age at a time in France when the historical profession mostly consisted of either conservative anti-communists or historians closely linked to the milieu of the hard-line French Communist Party, Broué, a long-time member of the Lambertiste current within French Trotskyism (until his expulsion in 1989), from early on had to learn to fight on his own.
- Classical Marxism and the Question of Reformism
Gluckstein, Donny Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 A central issue for our movement is whether to work towards a complete revolutionary overturning of capitalism and the state that protects it, or rely on partial methods of struggle. This choice is obvious in places such as Egypt or Greece, but applies with equal force to Britain where defence of the welfare state and living standards can mean waiting for the next election or relying on self-activity from below. This article will focus on the response of Marxists during the first quarter of the 20th century to this question.
- Claude McKay's Lost Novel
Review of Amiable with Big Teeth; Against the Current vol. 192 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Review of Amiable with Big Teeth, a novel by the African-American revolutionary activist and writer Claude McKay.
- Clausewitz on the Pampas: An Argentine Snapshot as Latin America Moves Leftward
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006
- Clayton Ruby was a shining example of ‘how much one person can do
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Clayton Ruby was one of Canada’s leading lawyers and an outspoken proponent of social justice, the environment, and press freedom.
- Clean and Green
The Complete Guide to Nontoxic and Environmentally Safe Housekeeping Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990 "485 ways to clean, polish, disinfect, deodorize, launder, remove stains, even wax your car, without harming yourself or the environment.
- Clean Up Your Garbage Act!
Fredericton Recycling Handbook Resource Type: Book First Published: 1981 The purpose of this guide is to identify in simple terms and pictures the reasons for recycling and reducing waste.
- Cleaners' Action Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1979 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979 Cleaner's Action is a monthly newspaper published in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
- Cleaning Toilets for Jesus
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 An examination of the job-readiness program called Jobs for Life. Founded in 1996 in North Carolina, JFL is a global nonprofit organization premised on the belief that the local church is the ideal solution to unemployment and poverty.
- Clear Answers
The Economics and Politics of For-Profit Medicine Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000
- Clear Hamilton of Pollution (CHOP)
Periodical profile published 1976 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 Newsletter that addresses itself to Canadian citizens interested in environmental pollution control in Hamilton and Northern Ontario.
- Clearcut
The Tragedy of Industrial Forestry Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993
- Clearing the Plains: Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Aboriginal Life
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2013 The problem with secrets is that they are eventually unearthed, resulting in uncomfortable revelations about the past. This is particularly upsetting when violence, abuse, and murder are involved -- but it's a necessary step in facing the truths of the present.
- Clearlake Collective
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Clearness
Processes for Supporting Individuals and Groups in Decision-Making Resource Type: Book First Published: 1976
- Clickbait v Political Impact: Alternative Journalism as Social Media Becomes the New News Source
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 In first world countries, Facebook and Twitter are fast becoming the main places where people come across their news -- ahead of television and news sites. "Success" is becoming about the number of reads, shares, likes, upvotes, and re-tweets -- making it easy to lose sight of what really defines the usefulness of an article: political impact.
- Client-Centered Therapy
Its current practice, implications and theory Resource Type: Book First Published: 1951 Published: 1965 A presentation of nondirective and related points of view in counselling and therapy.
- Client Rights in Psychotherapy and Counselling
Resource Type: Article A 48 page handbook of client rights and therapist responsibility. It has been developed by the Client Rights Project, a Toronto based non-profit community coalition between Feminist Advocates for Counselling Ethics (FACE), Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women Against Rape (TRCC/MWAR), and Women's Counselling Referral and Education Centre (WCREC) for the prevention of client violation. An educational tool that assists both clients and therapists in understanding the ethical framework of the counselling relationship.
- Cliff, Tony - Archive - Index
Resource Type: Article Writings of Tony Cliff (1917-2000).
- Cliffites Deal in Religious Opiate
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 All religions and all religious organizations serve to mystify and obscure the class basis of oppression in capitalist society.
- Climate 'academics for hire' conceal fossil fuel funding
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Investigative reporters working for Greenpeace UK's Energydesk have uncovered a nexus of senior academics willing to accept large sums of money from fossil fuel companies to write reports and newspaper articles published under their own names and university affiliations, without declaring the funding.
- Climate Activists Slapped With Terrorism Charges for Devon Energy Protest
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Two climate activists who staged a protest at the headquarters of Devon Energy, a Fortune 500 company based in Oklahoma city, have been charged with a “terrorism hoax” after black powder drifted down from a banner that they unfurled.
- Climate Advocates Underestimate Power of Fossil Fueled Misinformation Campaigns, Say Top Researchers
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 The "climate countermovement" direct massive resources towards denying the reality of climate change. Climate advocates need to address their opposition's tactics to be able to combat this misinformation.
- Climate Change and World Agriculture
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Climate Change as a Class Issue
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Protesting PNC Bank in Pittsburgh financing of mountain-top removal (MTR) coal mining across Appalachia. MTR causes increased cancer rates and birth defects, as well as massive environmental degradation.
- Climate Change As A Weapon Of Mass Destruction
The 95% Doctrine Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014
- Climate Change As Genocide
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Is this what a world battered by climate change will be like—one in which tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of people perish from disease, starvation, and heat prostration while the rest of us, living in less exposed areas, essentially do nothing to prevent their annihilation?
- Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations
Processes of Creative Self-Destruction Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 The authors examine the intricate relationship between corporations and climate change, while also looking at how corporations shape political and social responses to climate change.
- Climate Change Drives Up Rural Poverty in Latin America
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 In Latin America and the Caribbean region's first meeting of Week of Agriculture and Food, held in November 2018, more than 1,000 officials and experts agreed that the fall in agricultural yields and increasing migration from the countryside are consequences of global warming.
- Climate change: how a warming world is a threat to our food supplies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Global warming is exacerbating political instability as tensions brought on by food insecurity rise. With research suggesting the issue can only get worse we examine the risks around the world.
- Climate change: It's going to take a revolution
 Resource Type: Film First Published: 2015 A new video by Suhail Ilyas: The growing strength of the climate movement around the world gives us great hope, but it's going to take a revolution to make the world inhabitable for future generations.
- Climate Change: A Radical Primer
Capitalism and Climate Change: The Science and Politics of Global Warming Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Book review of David Klein's Capitalism and Climate Change: The Science and Politics of Global Warming.
- Climate Change and Rivers
Resource Type: Article Though large hydropower projects are often presented as a "clean and green" source of energy, nothing could be further from the truth: River-wrecking dams are the wrong choice for a warming world.
- Climate Change: A Socialist Solution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 A lot has been written, including by myself, on why capitalism, by its very nature, cannot tackle or stop climate change. The purpose of this article is not to repeat those arguments but to make the positive case for socialism as necessary to deal with this existential crisis for humanity.
- Climate Change Solutions The Big Switch
New Internationalist June 2003 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2003 A look at global warming, what it is doing to the world, and what actions are being taken by people to slow it down.
- Climate change: the eco-socialist solution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Climate change reminds us, in a phrase attributed to Lao Tzu, that "if you don't change direction you may end up where you are heading." The road of capitalism is now lined with horrors and we must find a new direction home. After a long absence, sustainability must be restored to the relationship between society and nature.
- Climate Change: Why we can't trust mainstream media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 A Q&A on capitalism, media, and climate. Explains How and why mainstream media minimizes climate change.
- Climate and competitiveness in the tar sands
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Anytime the oil barons and baronesses are smiling for the cameras with NGOs and politicians, we should at least be interested, if not outright worried. Was the release of Alberta’s new climate change strategy just an occasion for the oil execs to ham it up for the cameras pretending all is well or do they have truly something to be smiling about?
- Climate Cover-Up
 The Crusade to Deny Global Warming Resource Type: Book First Published: 2009 Tracking the global warming denial movement from its inception, public relations advisor James Hoggan (working with journalist Richard Littlemore), reveals the details of those early plans and then tracks their execution, naming names and exposing tactics in what has become a full-blown attack on the integrity of the public conversation.
- Climate Crisis Hits Pakistani Women
Against The Current vol. 144 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Pakistan is among the countries that will be hit hardest in the near future by effects of climate change, even though it contributes only a fraction to global warming. The country is witnessing severe pressures on natural resources and environment. This warning has recently come from the mouth of Pakistan’s prime minister Yousaf Raza Gillani, who alarmed the countrymen by disclosing that Pakistan is the 12th most vulnerable country in the world to environmental degradation.
- Climate Crisis - The Collapse In Corporate Media Coverage
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 We find that Britain and the US - the two countries responding most aggressively to alleged 'threats' to human security in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya - are also the two countries least interested in responding to the very real threat of climate change.
- Climate Crisis, the Deindustrialization Imperative and the Jobs vs. Environment Dilemma
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 So long as we live under capitalism, today, tomorrow, next year and every year thereafter, economic growth will always be the overriding priority till we barrel right off the cliff to collapse.
- Climate Crisis Threatens Food Security of Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Maldives, Togo, Comoros, and Many Other Countries
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Climate crisis is threatening seafood and fish in gulfs, seas, and oceans. As a result, countries dependent mainly on fish and seafood are threatened.
- Climate deal lacks strategies critical to achieving promised results
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 It's easy to be swept-up in the feeling of accomplishment the COP21 agreement promises, especially with the enthusiastic response of the media, politicians, and celebrities involved. Unfortunately, while it is a victory for so many countries to come together and unanimously agree that something should be done, this is not the first time such promises have been made.
- The Climate Denial Industry Is Out To Dupe The Public. And It's Working
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The climate denial industry consists of people who are paid to say that man-made global warming isn't happening.
- Climate Deniers are More Dangerous Than Trump and More Deadly Than ISIS
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 So Rep. Lamar Smith (D-Tx.) finally got his NOAA emails. What he really should get is a jail sentence for crimes against humanity. He, and the other climate deniers like him who hold positions of power, are arguably more dangerous than Donald Trump and more deadly than ISIS.
- Climate Insurgency
A Strategy for Survival Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 Twenty-five years of human effort have failed even to slow climate change, let alone reverse it. Climate Insurgency lays out a strategy for protecting the earth s climate: a global nonviolent constitutional insurgency. This short book starts with a brief history of official climate protection efforts from above and non-governmental ones from below that explains why climate protection has failed so far. Then, it proposes a global nonviolent insurgency for climate protection to overcome that failure.
- Climate Jobs for All
 Building Block for the Green New Deal Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 This article discusses the federal jobs guarantee (JG) concept which is also known as "jobs for all." The advocates of JG generally include climate protection as one of many types of work beneficial to the public that might be included in a jobs guarantee program.
- Climate Jobs for All
Building Block for the Green New Deal Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A federal climate jobs guarantee (CJG) is a proposed program similar to the New Deal's WPA that would prioritize jobs that protect and improve the environment. Polls show that the program has popular support and could be a major political force in 2020.
- Climate Justice and Palestine: the New Intersectionality
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The repeated failures of international and governmental agencies to effectively deal with the disastrous changes that threaten the entire planet have sparked local indigenous and small farmer activism from Bolivia to Palestine.
- "Climate Justice" and the Left: The Necessity of a Mass Movement
Against The Current vol. 141 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The climate crisis -- a crisis not of civilization, as some commentators would have it, but of capitalist production -- requires a political response that is long overdue, and is finally stirring. Now that the movement against global warming is brewing, socialists must get involved.
- Climate justice and the prospect of power
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 A balance sheet of the movement to block the cross-Toronto 'Line 9' pipeline project. With notes on the meaning of "climate justice" and the relationship of socialism to social movements.
- Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2018 Stories of the impact of and resistance to climate change from grassroots activists around the world.
- Climate justice and migration in the media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A climate justice narrative is needed to communicate and enhance public understanding of migration induced by climate change. Key components must include human rights protection, greater equity in burdens sharing, and participation in decision-making processes.
- Climate justice movement shakes Canada's New Democratic Party
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The impact of the Leap Manifesto at the party convention, argues Richard Fidler, opens major opportunities to deepen the debate on climate justice and to build an ecosocialist left in and around the NDP.
- Climate Justice Transitions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The devastating fires in Fort McMurray show the urgent need to transition to an economy that supports people and the planet, and this is part of a transition in climate justice politics.
- Climate litigation looms
Interview Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Nick Breeze interviews Dr. Saleemul Huq, Director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), who explains why we must stay below 1.5C, and why loss and damage compensation, and litigation, are the next big agenda items at COP24.
- Climate Migrants Lead Mass Migration to India's Cities
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 South Asia will be severely impacted by climate change and cause challenges that the government must resolve.
- The Climate Movement Doesn’t Know How to Talk With Union Members About Green Jobs
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Throughout the Democratic primary, the potential loss of good construction and fossil fuel industry jobs has helped prevent moderate Democratic candidates, including frontrunner Joe Biden, from taking policy positions that would aggressively confront the fossil fuel industry and the climate crisis. Whoever opposes Donald Trump in the general election will face a politics of climate denial built on an empty but alluring promise of job security in the oil, gas, and coal industries.
- A climate of fear endangers press freedom
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Today, the greatest threats to freedom of the press are more insidious than a generation ago because they are intended to induce a climate of fear and self-censorship through systematic violence and emblematic arrest aimed at those who would practice real, independent journalism.
- Climate politics must be as radical as the climate crisis
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 If the climate action movement allows its goals to be shaped by what is permissible in a capitalist economy then it has already failed. To respond to the climate emergency, our politics must be as radical as our reality. Revolutionary changes needed for humankind to survive and thrive.
- Climate Scientists: 'Net Zero' is a dangerous trap
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 The only way to keep humanity safe is by immediately and radically cutting emissions in a socially just way.
- Climate Struggles and Ecosocialism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The hard right U.S. administration of Donald Trump has widened the terrain of struggle over climate change and, indeed, the entire array of environmental issues facing the ecology of North America and the working class movement.
- Climate Technofix: Weaving Carbon into Gold and Other Myths of "negative emissions"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 When the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) published their most recent fifth assessment report, something surprising and deeply disturbing was lurking in the small print in chapter three on “mitigation”.
- Climate-Driven 'Bugpocalypse'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 An alarming report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) shows that in addition to annihilating hundreds of mammal species, the climate crisis has also sparked a global "bugpocalypse" that will only continue to accelerate in the absence of action to stop planetary warming.
- The Climates of Canada
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992
- La cliniques des citoyens de St-Jacques
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980
- Clinton, Assange and the War on Truth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 An overview of an interview with Hilary Clinton by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation to promote her score-settling book about why she was not elected President of the United States.
- Clinton lost because PA, WI, and MI have high casualty rates and saw her as pro-war, study says
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A new study appears to show that Hilary Clinton lost the battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan in the 2016 presidential election because they had some of the highest casualty rates during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and voters there saw Clinton as the pro-war candidate.
- Clinton Manipulates Language of Intersectionality to Preserve Support from Minority Voters
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton has been a master class in how to divorce economic issues from issues of race and gender by pushing the language of "intersectionality," which enables the political class to head off threats to their power and protect the status quo.
- Clinton's Defeat and the Fake News Conspiracy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Debunking the scapegoating of 'fake news' by the corporate media following the 2016 US elections as a tactic by the media and Democratic party establishment to avoid blame for Hillary Clinton's election loss.
- Les Clochards et le systeme penal
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980
- The Clock is Ticking
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 With landmark anniversaries of the invasions of Iraq and Ukraine, and the failure to address global heating, Chomsky argues that ninety seconds to midnight (the new set time for the doomsday clock, a universally recognized indicator of world's vulnerability to global catastrophe) may be too generous an appraisal.
- Close Calls: We Were Much Closer to Nuclear Annihilation Than We Ever Knew
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The proposition that nuclear weapons can be retained in perpetuity and never used -- accidentally or by decision -- defies credibility. This unanimous statement was published by the Canberra Commission in 1996. Among the commission members were internationally known former ministers of defense and of foreign affairs and generals.
- Close the 49th Parallel Etc
The Americanization of Canada Resource Type: Book First Published: 1970 The increasing Americanization of Canada is now evident to all, and it is also becoming evident that the elites in Canada have been anxious to avoid any confrontation of this fact or any examination of its consequences. This collection of essays attempts to display some of the effects of US corporate imperialism and the permissive policy of its Canadian supporters, to analyse the the ideologies involved, to explain the social, economic and political costs of the process, and to suggest how it might be reversed.
- Close the IMF, Abolish Debt and End Development
A Class Analysis of the International Debt Crisis Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 The struggle for repudiation of the debt must be organized internationally and demand not only the collective refusal of debt but cooperation in developing policies to cope with possible reprisals and to create space for the elaboration of creative alternatives to development. I am not talking about an international organization of governments, but rather of the international organization of popular struggle around the debt issue in order to limit state options and force actions in the interests of the working class.
- Close to Home
Women Reconnect Ecology, Health and Development Worldwide Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994
- The Closing Circle
 Man, Technology & the Environment Resource Type: Book First Published: 1971 Commoner argues that economic life must be structured to conform to the principles of ecology, as opposed to the goal of unlimited growth that underpins capitalist economies.
- Clothed With the Sun
Periodical profile published 1989 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1989 A naturist social change publication.
- Clothing-optional bike ride
Wikipedia article Resource Type: Article A clothing-optional bike ride is a cycling event in which nudity is permitted or expected. There are many clothing-optional cycling events around the world. Some rides are political, recreational, artistic or a unique combination.
- The Clouds Clear: Labor, Seattle and Beyond
Against The Current vol. 85 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 As the clouds of teargas lifted from the streets of Seattle two images emerged in public consciousness: The edifice of the WTO brought crashing to its knees, simultaneously revealing an odd Lilliputian army of labor, environmental, church and assorted activists that had appeared out of nowhere to assault what had been presumed to be an unassailable new world order.
- C.L.R. James
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- C.L.R. James
A Political Biography Resource Type: Book First Published: 1996 A biography of C.L.R. James, an important figure in Marxist theory, revolutionary history, classical and popular culture, political activism and national independence movements.
- C.L.R. James and Anti-/Postcolonialism
Against The Current vol. 90 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 C.L.R. James' proclamation in Beyond A Boundary (1963, a classic study of cricket and colonialism), after almost three decades of radical intellectual work, that “Thackeray, not Marx, bears the heaviest responsibility for me,” is a sententious political statement. It abounds with meanings, standing at once as an alluring paradox and a striking truism.
- C. L. R. James and His Times
Every Cook Can Govern: The Life, Impact and the Works of C.L.R. James Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Review of the Worldwrite documentary film Every Cook Can Govern: The Life, Impact and the Works of C.L.R. James.
- CLR James, Frantz Fanon And The Meaning of Liberation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 A look at the Haitan Revolution and its place in history.
- C. L. R. James in Imperial Britain
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 A chronicles of the life and work of the Trinidadian intellectual and writer C. L. R. James during his first extended stay in Britain, from 1932 to 1938. It reveals the radicalizing effect of this critical period on James's intellectual and political trajectory.
- The C. L. R. James Reader
 Resource Type: Book
- CLR James rejected the posturing of identity politics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 C.L.R. James railed against the superficial nonsense that masquerades as 'anti-racism.'
- C.L.R. James' Visionary Legacy
Against The Current vol. 156 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 In order to understand the connection between Black History Month and revolution, we must explode the stifling separation between art and everyday life that bourgeois society everywhere seeks to impose on us.
- C.L.R. James's Conflicted Intellectual Legacies on Mao Tse Tung's China
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 On the evolution of C.L.R. James’s thoughts about Maoism.
- Club War (Cudgel War)
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A 1596 peasant uprising in the kingdom of Sweden against exploitation by nobility and military in what is today Finland.
- CNEI Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1988 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1988
- CNN and the NYT Are Deliberately Obscuring Who Perpetrated the Afghan Hospital Attack
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Much of the world spent the last 48 hours expressing revulsion at the U.S. airstrike on a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan. It was quite clear early on that the perpetrator of the attack was the U.S., and many media outlets and other organizations around the world have been stating this without any difficulties.
- CNN: "Russia is an Adversary, Ukraine is Not."
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Monday morning. David Chalian, CNN Political Director, on CNN's "New Day" program. News ticker: "How do Trump-Russia and DNC-Ukraine compare?" New Day co-anchor Alysin Camerota (former Fox anchor) puts the question to her Political Director. Chalian's mechanical reply: "Russia is an adversary, Ukraine is not."
- CNSP Review 1974-75; Canada in an International Context
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 An analysis of developments in Canadian society based on newspaper coverage.
- The CNT in the Spanish Revolution Volume 1
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 A comprehensive history of the years of political change and hope in 1930s Spain when the so-called 'Generation of '36' rose up against the oppressive structures of Spanish society.
- Co-op Du Possible Sherbrooke
An experience in Co-operative Self Reliance Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 This report, written by Jacques Segin, Clay (May 1977) relates the experiences of the co-operative du Possible, a seven building housing co-operative of 44 adult and child members in Sherbrooke, Quebec, founded in 1970. It contains information on its history, management, and neighbourhood oriented goals.
- Co-ops. are People
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 This brochure outlines six principles of co-operative organizing. These look at membership, distribution of savings among members, limited interest in investments, and education.
- Co-operative Co-ownership Corporations: Legislative Proposals
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 This bound set of notes embodies the discussion paper used in a Symposium held on November 16 - 17, 1978 in Edmonton.
- CO2 Emissions are Being 'Outsourced' by Rich Countries to Rising Economies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Greenhouse gas output of China and elsewhere is increased by making goods that are then used in the US and Europe.
- The Coady - Tomkins Experience: The Relevance of the Antigonish Movement Today
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Coady Institute
Organization profile published 1983 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- Coaker, William Ford
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Newfoundland union leader and politician and founder of the Fisherman's Protective Union and the Fishermen's Union Trading Co. (1871-1938).
- Coal companies trying to revive 'zombie' open cast mines in Wales
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 A tangle of undercapitalised companies are coming forward to cash in on old deep coal mines in Wales - by digging them all out from above from huge open cast pits. But local communities, alarmed at the noise, pollution and destruction of landscape, increasingly see coal as an industry that's best consigned to the scrapheap.
- Coal in Our Blood
200 Years of coal mining in Nova Scotia's Pictou County Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992 An account of the coal mining community of Pictou County, Nova Scotia.
- A Coal Miner's Call for Revolution
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 I invite you to join with me in dedicating a portion of our lives to the task of bringing about political revolution. In the words of a great lady, Mother Jones: Let us pray for the dead but fight like hell for the living.
- Coal Miners' Futures in Renewable Energy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 If President Trump wants to earn a rare legislative victory and take political credit for reviving hard-hit regions of rural America, he should take a close look at how one Kentucky coal company is creating jobs.
- Coal plant threatens world's largest mangrove forest - and Bangladesh's future
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 As COP21 reaches its endgame, there are plans to build 2,440 coal-fired power plants around the worl. Their completion would send global temperatures, and sea levels, soaring. Yet Bangladesh, the world's most 'climate vulnerable' large country, has plans for a 1.3GW coal power plant on the fringes of its World Heritage coastal wetlands.
- Coal Strike of 1902
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A strike by the United Mine Workers of America in the anthracite coal fields of eastern Pennsylvania.
- Coalition Eau Secours quebecoise pour une gestion responsable de l'eau
Resource Type: Website
- Coalition Fights the Fighter Planes and Ploughshares Asks for 4 Million Peace Fund
Grindstone Notes Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 These two articles appeared in a special issue of Grindstone Notes on the 1978 Summer Conferences held on Grindstone Island. This island is owned and operated as a conference centre for groups in peace, justice and development by the Grindstone Coop. Ltd., a non-profit educational coop.
- Coalition For Gay Rights In Ontario
Organization profile published 1984 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1984
- Coalition for World Disarmament
Organization profile published 1980 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1980
- A Coalition of Scientists Keeps Watch on the U.S. Government's Climate Data
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Via memos leaked to the press, rogue tweets, and unnamed agency sources, the public learned of growing pressure on federal employees to avoid sharing their scientific work. Meanwhile, small but significant changes to federal web pages hinted at the demise of former president Barack Obama’s efforts to manage climate change.
- A Coalition of the Killing
War, media, propaganda and language Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 War, media, propaganda and language.
- Coalitions across the Class Divide
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000
- Coalitions for Justice
The Story of Canada's Interchurch Coalitions Resource Type: Book First Published: 1994
- Coal's Ruptured Landscape
Navigating the Ruins of Appalachia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 It is more apparent now than ever before that coal mining, especially mountain top removal, is unethical and inhumane. It displays stark irresponsibility in land stewardship as well as depraved practices within a diverse region. It's time to shake off the flawed belief that we are reliant upon coal and other fossil fuels.
- Coast Foundation Society
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Coastal Labrador: Incorporation, Exploitation and Underdevelopment
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980 This paper was first presented for the 5th International Seminar on Marginal Regions in Dublin, Eire, July, 1979.
- Cobalt: Cradle of the Demon Metals, Birth of a Mining Superpower
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2022
- Cobequid Shore Opportunities Project
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- The Cochabamba Water War of 2000 in 2014
Today's Betrayers Will Not Erase Our Memory Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Today's betrayers will not erase our memory: Fourteen years ago we won, today it seems like we lost, but we have to rise again to win, and we already know how to do it. From April 4 to 14 in the year 2000 the so-called "Final Battle" was waged in Cochabamba, Bolivia to prevent the privatization of our water. It was part of a strategy designed by the people of Cochabamba in the "Water War" that started on November 12, 1999. Today, after fourteen years of this historic struggle, the people's demands are still the same: democracy, transparency, participation and an economic model that allows us all to enjoy the riches that our Mother Earth generously provides for the benefit of all.
Commodity notes available from GATT-fly Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Background analysis and current report on this key international commodity.
- Code Pink's Gaza Delegation
Against The Current vol. 140 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 I was part of a delegation of 62 people that entered Gaza on March 7, 2009. The purpose of our trip, organized by the women’s antiwar organization Code Pink, was to challenge the Israeli/Egyptian and U.S.-sanctioned blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza, which has been in force since the Palestinian elections of 2006.
- The Coding Of 'White Trash' In Academia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 As an academic from the U.S. Deep South, Holly Genovese has found herself between two worlds, not accepted in academia because of her background, and yet unable to 'go home again.'
- Coffee
Gatt-Fly Commodity Profile Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 A look at coffee as a commodity and the reasons for its fluctuating cost.
- Coffeehouses
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article An establishment which primarily serves prepared coffee or other hot beverages.
- Cognitive Warfare: Israel Targets Journalists Who Threaten Its Reality-Creation Tactics
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The evidence shows Israeli military/intel forces see journalists as 'lawful targets,' as part of the 'Cognitive War' they wage against the Palestinians, but more particularly against the global population in an attempt to legitimize their military oppression of the Palestinians in their ongoing effort of 'population expulsion' of the Palestinians from Palestinian territory.
- Cohn-Bendit, Daniel
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Political activist and politician, active in France and Germany. A student leader during the May 1968 revolt in France. (Born 1945).
- Cohousing
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A type of intentional community composed of private homes with full kitchens, supplemented by extensive common facilities. A cohousing community is planned, owned and managed by the residents, groups of people who want more interaction with their neighbours.
- Cohousing and Sustainabliity
Resource Type: Article How co-housing promotes social, economic and ecological sustainability.
- Cohousing Characteristics
Resource Type: Article The main characteristics of cohousing.
- Cohousing FAQs
Resource Type: Article Frequently asked questions about cohousing.
- Cointelpro
The FBI's Secret War on Political Freedom Resource Type: Book First Published: 1976 The first in-depth look at the covert and illegal FBI counterintelligence program - code-name COINTELPRO.
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the United States.
- Cointelpro
How the FBI Tried to Destroy the Black Panthers Resource Type: Article First Published: 1975 A brief history of the FBI's COINTELPRO, a counter intelligence program against the New Left and militant black organizations, specifically its covert operation to bring down the Black Panther Party, largely through illegal means.
Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990 Once-secret COINTELPRO documents (the acronym for Counter Intelligence Programs) tell of the FBI's tactics to discredit any organization that they percieved to be a threat to the status quo. Operations both offical and unoffical were launched against various groups and individuals including Martin Luther King, The Black Panthers, The American Indain Movement and many more.
- Cold as Ice
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 An excerpt from a letter written in 1897 to the editor of the British newspaper the 'Daily Chronicle'. The letter is included in "The Annotated Prison Writings of Oscar Wilde", published by Harvard University Press. The letter is an appeal and commentary on the harsh and cruel treatment of children being held in English prisons.
- Cold War II
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 Chomsky depicts the growing US-Israeli conflict with the Middle East as a potential precursor to the escalation of tensions to Cold War standards - except with nuclear technologies now threatening a very "hot" outcome.
- The Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement
For Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution! Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 The mass mobilization of black people in the Southern civil rights movement, and the subsequent Northern ghetto rebellions, disrupted and challenged the racist American bourgeois order. It shattered the anti-Communist consensus and it paved the road for the mass protest movements that followed—against the U.S. dirty war in Vietnam, for the rights of women, gays, students and others.
- The Cold War and the New Imperialism
A Global History, 1945-2005 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2006 The Cold War is an account of global history since 1945, which ties together the narrative of the Cold War to that of neoliberalism and the new imperialism.Written for the general reader, it draws together scholarly research on a huge range of events, countries, and topics into an intelligible whole.
- Cold War Blues
The Operation Dismantle Story Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- Coldwell, Major James William
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Canadian social democratic politician, and leader of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation party from 1942 to 1960. (1888-1974).
- Colin Kaepernick: Patriotism and the Owning Class
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 National Football League player Colin Kaepernick takes a stand for human rights by kneeling during the U.S. national anthem prior to football games.
- The Collaboration Trap
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Most of environmental/conservation groups in the West are participants in various public land collaboratives.Most participating collaborative members are made up of people who generally believe in exploiting natural landscapes for human benefit. As a generalization, there is overwhelming representation in such collaboratives by people who speak for the resource extraction industry or their sympathizers like rural county commissioners, ORV enthusiasts, and so forth.
- The Collaborative Model Takes Root in Alberta's Tar Sands
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Relationship between Big Oil, Enviromental Groups and Government in Alberta Tar Sands.
- Collapse of the Far Left
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1983 Why have so many Canadian Far Left political organizations collapsed in the midst of the worst capitalist depression since the 1930s, and what lessons are to be learned from the experience? This collection of articles, of which the centrality of the critique made by women activists is highlighted, tackles these questions by examining two largely Quebec-based Marxist-Leninist organizations, and by looking at a recent organizing conference in Ontario.
- The Collapse of Western Morality
The Indispensable People? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Moral degradation is reaching new lows.
- Collateral Damage: U.S. Sanctions Aimed at Russia Strike Western European Allies
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Sanctions by the U.S. Congress which aims to distance relations with Russia may also have a crippling effect on European banks, particularly those in Germany and France.
- Collateral Damage - WikiLeaks In The Crosshairs
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The mainstream media have distorted and deceived in their coverage of the Wikileaks story to manufacture, isolate and target a 'threat' for destruction.
- The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters Volume 1: An Age Like This
Resource Type: Book
- Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters Volume 2: My Country Right or Left
Resource Type: Book
- The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters Volume 3: As I Please
Resource Type: Book
- The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters Volume 4: 1945-1950
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1968
- Collectif Masculin Centre le Sexisme/Masculine Collective against Sexism
Organization profile published 1983 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- Collecting the evidence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Publisher and activist Lokman Slim, assassinated last month in Lebanon, spent 30 years trying to make sure that the memories of civil conflict were not forgotten.
- Collecting the evidence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Publisher and activist Lokman Slim, assassinated last month in Lebanon, spent 30 years trying to make sure that the memories of civil conflict were not forgotten.
- Collective Action - and Victory! France: CPE Goes Down
Against The Current vol. 122 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Millions of young people in France have lived through the experience of collective action and of an important victory, young people who just a few weeks earlier had paid no attention to political organization. In the end the movement won: the "First Employment Contract" (CPE) has been annulled.
- Collective Bargaining Course Book
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1979
- Collective Courage
A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 In Collective Courage, Jessica Gordon Nembhard chronicles African American cooperative business ownership and its place in the movements for Black civil rights and economic equality.
- The collective decides...
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 The obsession with 'process politics' leads to an obsession with all aspects of internal structure and its working. As a result, the collective can often lose sight of its larger political objectives and the primacy of the form of organisation over the political objectives it was set up to meet. This often occurs in two stages. At the outset the collective process is regarded as equally important to whatever political purposes the group might have. Later the process itself often comes to be seen as of primary importance
- A Collective Ignorance of Ecosystems
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Loss of genetic diversity is one consequence of the Industrial Forestry Paradigm that dominates the U.S. timber industry and all public agencies from the state forestry agencies to the federal agencies like the Forest Service.
- Collective Memory, Archives, and the Connexions project
Michael Riordon interviews Ulli Diemer Resource Type: Audio First Published: 2012 An interview with Ulli Diemer about the Connexions project, collective memory, and the importance of archives and the challenges faced by those who work to preserve them.
- Collective Memory and Cultural Amnesia
Introduction to the December 17, 2017 issue of Other Voices Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Our society is obsessed with the short-term present. It devalues memories and the past. That's the nature of capitalism, especially the speeded-up hypercapitalism of today. The past is useless: profits are made by getting rid of the old and replacing it with something new.
- Collective Reinventions
Resource Type: Website Focusing on contemporary social movements in Mexico.
- Collectives in Spain
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1938 Published: 1945 A contemporary account of the Spanish Anarchist movements during the 1930's by Gaston Leval, a prominent anarcho-syndicalist. Attention focuses on the roles of "agrarian socialism" and education in the revolution.
- Collectives in the Spanish Revolution
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1971 Published: 1975 An account of the collectives set up in Spain during the struggle against Franco.
- Collectivist Anarchism
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article
- The College of Cape Breton
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 The College of Cape Breton was established in 1974 and combines the former Sydney Campus of St. Francis Xavier University and the Nova Scotia Eastern Institute of Technology.
- Collusion in Plain Sight
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 The media should use the same language for Trump's pandering to corporations and failure to publicly condemn white supremacist violence as they do for his supposed collaboration with Russia.
- Colombia Against All Odds
Against The Current vol. 109 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Despite historic ties to the inmost nexus of cocaine trafficking and aramilitarism, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez is Washington's leading exponent of the “war on drugs and terror” in the Western hemisphere.
- Colombia - indigenous defender murdered in gold mining frenz
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 An indigenous leader in Colombia's 'gold belt' has been killed by unknown gunmen as tensions grow between indigenous communities and outside gold mining interests, many of them linked to illegal armed groups and the drug trade.
- The Colombia Plan
April 2000 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 In response to military assistance and "emergency" financial aid for Columbia,
Chomsky explores the negative consequences of US intervention.
- Colombian Workers Injured and Fired
Against The Current vol. 163 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The General Motors subsidiary in Colombia, Colmotores, fired over 200 workers who were injured on the job, ranging from spinal fractures to cancer.
- Colombia's Agent Orange?
Roundup Not Ready Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 A core element of U.S. anti-drugs policy in Colombia has been the destruction of coca fields by aerial chemical fumigation thus impacting the cocaine trade at its source. The continuation of this policy is based on three core myths: (1) That fumigation can target coca fields with pinpoint accuracy; (2) That the chemical used is harmless to humans and the environment; and (3) that aerial chemical fumigation is an effective method of eradicating coca cultivation.
- Colonial conservation - a 'cycle of impunity'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A UN investigation has suggested that rangers funded by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have beaten up, abused and murdered people in the forests of Congo. These atrocities were committed in the name of conservation.
- Colonialism and Capitalism: Canada's Origins 1500 - 1890
A New History for the Twenty-First Century Volume One Resource Type: Book First Published: 2024 Colonialism and Capitalism: A New History of Canada offers readers access to a clear-eyed understanding of Canada’s past, explaining how recently-acknowledged dark facts about our history are tied to the creation of a richly endowed, wealthy but very unequal first world country.
- Colonialism and Nationalism in the Building of Liberation Movements
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 This is an excerpt from It's Not Over: Learning From the Socialist Experiment.
- Colonialism Never Gives Anything Away for Nothing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Decolonization is a violent phenomenon exemplified in Zohra Drif’s memoir, "Inside the Battle of Algiers: Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter."
- Colonists in Bondage
 White Servitude and Convict Labor in America, 1607-1776 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1947 Published: 2012 This is the story of the colonists of the kitchens, the stables, the fields, the shops, and those who came to America as indentured servants, men and women who sold themselves to masters for a period of time in order to pay passage from an old world to a new and freer one.
- The Color of Politics
Race and the Mainsprings of American Politics Resource Type: Book First Published: 1997
- Color of Violence
The INCITE! Anthology Resource Type: Book First Published: 2006 An anthology of critical writings demanding that we address violence against women of color in all its forms, including interpersonal violence, such as sexual and domestic violence, and state violence, such as police brutality, militarism, attacks on immigrants and Indian treaty rights, the proliferation of prisons, economic neo-colonialism, and violence from the medical industry.
- Colorado Labor Wars
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Colorado's most significant battles between labor and capital which occurred primarily between miners and mine operators.
- Colorblind Law -- NOT
Book Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Positive review of Color of Law by Richard Rothstein. It looks at the history of how states circumvented federal desegregation laws.
- Colour Coded
A Legal History of Racism in Canada, 1900-1950 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000
- The colour-coded Israeli ID system for Palestinians
Israel's control over the Palestinian population is based on a system of colour-coded IDs in the occupied territories Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A look at the colour-coded system of Palestinian population control that has remained in place in Israel for five decades; it still affects everything from freedom of movement to family unity.
- Columbia's Paramilitary Politics
Against The Current vol. 135 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 In a surprise move in the early morning of May 13th, Colombian President Álvaro Uríbe announced the extradition of fourteen top paramilitary leaders to the United States, where they are charged with cocaine trafficking and money laundering. His move has provoked an outcry from victims’ and human rights groups, who fear that the extraditions will undercut efforts to hold the paramilitaries accountable for massacres, disappearances, torture, extra-judicial executions, and the displacement of thousands of people in Colombia.
- Columbine Mine massacre
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A conflict in which police and mine guards attacked striking coal miners with machine guns.
- Columbus: His Enterprise
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1976 The traditional view of Christopher Columbus was as a single-minded, courageous visionary whose navigational skills led him to "discover" the Americas. Hans Koning gives us a different history of Columbus' life and voyages.
- Combat Proven: The Booming Business of War in Israel
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Arms fairs in Israel showcase the latest products the profitable Israeli weapons industry manufactures - and the demos are the perfect place to show those products off.
- Combatting Caste
New Internationalist July 2005 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2005 A look at the caste system in South Asia and Africa. Discussion of the Dalit system in India.
- Combatting Racism in the Workplace
A Course for Workers Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983 With the ultimate aim of combatting racism within the labour movement, the Cross Cultural Communication Centre, under the auspices of the Humber Collage for Labour Studies, ran a ten-week, 30 hour pilot course entitled 'Work Racism and Labour.'
- Combatting Racism in the Workplace Readings Kit
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983 Readings and case studies on fighting racism.
- Combined Universities Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: Student Union for Peace Action: New Left Committee fonds
Resource Type: Unclassified Ahrceion descriptions of Fonds located in William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections, McMaster University Library.
- Comey's Lies of Omission
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 An examination of testimony by FBI Director James Comey, which pitted President Donald Trump against the powerful US foreign policy establishment that aims to punish the President for not being 'sufficienty hostile' to the Kremlin.
- Comfort, Alex
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Medical professional, gerontologist, anarchist, pacifist, conscientious objector and writer. (1920-2000).
- The Comfortable Pew
A Critical Look at Christianity and the Religious Establishment in the New Age Resource Type: Book First Published: 1965
- Comforting Thoughts About Death That Have Nothing to Do with God
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005
- The Comic Book Simplicity Of Propaganda
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The referendum campaign on Scottish independence heightened many people's awareness of the pro-elite bias of the 'mainstream' news media. The grassroots power of social media in exposing and countering this bias was heartening to see. But the issue of independence for Scotland is just one of many where the traditional media consistently favour establishment power.
- Coming Back to Life
 Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World Resource Type: Book First Published: 1998 A guidebook for dealing with the despair that stands in the way our our changing the world.
- Coming Cutthroats and Parting Pirates
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 "Shoot them down!" That’s one answer to the problem of refugees and immigrants flooding into Germany, clearer even than any Trump-wall. It was offered by Frauke Petry, head of Alternative for Germany (AfD), the fast-growing party which, now at 12 percent nationally, has moved up into third place, outstripping the Greens and the Left party (LINKE).
- Coming Home to the Struggle
Against The Current vol. 134 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 I became a political activist at the age of 12, when I marched for open housing in Evanston, Illinois. We lived next to the Black community in Evanston; African-American students made up 40% of my grade school. At the local YWCA girls club my sister and I were the only whites. The young Black women I became close to helped me overcome painful shyness. Later my father, a Methodist minister, was arrested trying to integrate churches in Jackson, Mississippi.
- The Coming Humiliation of Stephen Harper?
A Political Psychopath Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The federal government, that is Stephen Harper, is expected to announce its long anticipated decision on Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline sometime in June. The decision could well determine whether or not the Conservatives can win the 2015 election.
The momentum of opposition to the pipeline – and perhaps more importantly to the hundreds of supertankers that would move tar sands bitumen to Asia – is clearly growing in both B.C. and the rest of Canada.
- Coming of Age in America
Resource Type: Book
- The Coming of the New International
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1971
- The Coming of World War III
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983
- Coming Out (Gay Radio)
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Coming out in Kenya
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Rape has always been used to intimidate assertive women in Kenya, like feminists and female politicians.
- The Coming Plague of Slums
Against The Current vol. 109 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 Mass death may be coming to a neighborhood near you, and the Department of Homeland Security will be helpless to prevent it. The terrorist in this case will be a mutant offspring of influenza A subtype H5N1: the explosively spreading avian virus that the World Health Organization (WHO) worries will be the progenitor of a deadly global plague.
- Coming to Power
Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- The Coming War On China
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2016 The Coming War on China, is a warning that nuclear war is not only imaginable, but a ‘contingency’, says the Pentagon. The greatest build-up of Nato military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia. On the other side of the world, the rise of China as the world’s second economic power is viewed in Washington as another ‘threat’ to American dominance.
- Comintern Congress Revisited
To the Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Review of John Riddell's To the Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921.
- The Comintern, CPUSA & Activities of Rank-and-File CPers
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 CP members, including worker and African-American militants capable of leading heroic mass struggles, were unable to develop their own revolutionary socialist viewpoint independent of the leadership. While a certain policy or tactic might run counter to their experience and traditions, the local activists were assured that their leaders alone had the "the big picture."
- Comite Chretien Pour Les Droits Humains En Amerique Latine
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Comite De Solidarite Quebec-Guatemala
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Comite Regional D'Appui Au Peuple De Salvador
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Command and Control
Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 Schlosser uncovers the secrets about the (mis-)management of America's nuclear arsenal.
- Commemorating France's Worst Mining Tragedy: 1099 Workers Perished to Profit the Bosses
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 A mining catastrophe in northern France on March 10, 1906, is remembered with a number of commemorative ceremonies.
- A Comment on Antiwar Strategy
Against The Current vol. 153 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The debate among antiwar activists on the necessity and movement-building effectiveness of mass demonstrations has been ongoing since the mid-1960s during the Vietnam War, and is not likely to be settled soon. I want to comment here on a related but different argument raised by David Grosser in his stimulating article on antiwar organizing strategy.
- A comment on Greece and Syriza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 This analysis is a rebuke to the notion that there is nothing between the far left and social democracy. That diagnosis may have been appropriate in the period of revolutionary growth beginning in 1968. This period, marked by the long-term decomposition of once dominant social democratic parties, is quite different.
- Comment: The Rise and the Fall of the Isolated Communities Advisory Board
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 Seven Northern Alberta communities formed an organization in the early 1970's to take action to protect their rights to their land, which had not been included in any treaties, and their traditional lifestyle.
- Commentaires concernant la protection de la matermite a l'occasion de la
publication du projet d'ordonnance sur les conges de maternite Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- A Commentary from Israel: Peace Camp - Dead or Alive?
Against The Current vol. 119 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 A few weeks ago my friend Ilan Pappé published an article under the title "There is no peace camp in Israel." These words were originally spoken in a lecture delivered by the intellectual activist—or the activist intellectual—at a conference that took place in Fribourg, in the framework of the Swiss Social Forum.
- Comments from our readers (Issue #1)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976
- Comments on The Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1842 The real, radical cure for the censorship would be its abolition; for the institution itself is a bad one, and institutions are more powerful than people.
- Comments on Unemployment Insurance in the 1980's A Report of the Task Force on Unemployment Prepared For
The Minister Of Employment And Immigration Resource Type: Article First Published: 1982 In July, 1981, the Report of the Federal Task Force was made public.
- Commercial Ships Could Be Quieter, but They Aren't
Shipbuilding economics and lack of regulations are getting in the way of a quieter ocean Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 As the ocean drowns in sound, the number of studies showing the harmful effects of noise on marine life has surged. And so, too, have the projections for how loud things might soon become.
- Commercialisation: The Antithesis Of Sharing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Sharing is the key to solving the world’s problems’. Such a statement is so simple that it may fail to make an appeal, so we must go much deeper into this subject if we want to comprehend what this means.
- Commericial shoot
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- La Commission de l'Emploi et de l'Immigration reclame jusqu'a 6 semaines
de prestations a 6000 chomeurs quebecois et COMUNIQUE Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- The Commitee for the Defence of Democratic Rights
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Committee Against Nuclear Pollution in the Phillipines
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978 This coalition has been initiated by the International Association of Filipino Patriots to prevent the sale of Canadian uranium for the defective Westinghouse nuclear reactor in the Philippines.
- Committee Against Racism
Organization profile published 1980 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1980
- Committee For A Canadian Women's Health Network
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 The need for a national women's health network was identified at recent conferences held in Edmonton (1980) and Toronto (1981).
- Committee for an Independent Canada
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article A citizens' committee to promote Canadian economic and cultural independence.
- Committee For Justice and Liberty (CJL) - Alberta
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Committee For Original Peoples' Entitlement (COPE)
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Committee For Racial Equality Bulletin (NO.2)
Periodical profile published 1982 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982 The Bulletin is a newsletter that reports and reflects on recent and upcoming activities related to the struggle against racism.
- Committee for the Advancement of the Rights of Domestic Workers
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 The Committee for the Advancement of the Rights of Domestic Workers (CARDWO) is a recently-formed group of Filipino domestic workers and their supporters.
- The Committee for the Defense of Democratic Rights
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 A Law Union pamphlet regarding the legality of national security measures.
- Committee of 100 (United Kingdom)
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A British anti-war group set up in 1960.
- Committee of Solidarity with the Bolivian People (Newsletter)
Periodical profile published 1980 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980 This newsletter is published in English, French and Spanish. An examination of the Bolivian situation in this issue reveals two central facts: the existence of widespread repression of the Bolivian people and the need for a world response to it (e.g. international solidarity).
- The Committee of Solidarity With the People Of El Salvador, Toronto (COSPES)
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Committee on Censorship for the Arts
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)
Resource Type: Website The authority for assessing the conservation status of species that may be at risk of extinction in Canada.
- Committees Of Correspondence: To Defend Freedom And Secure Good Government
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Two hundred and fifty years ago the people of America were subject to an unrepresentative government controlled by powerful commercial interests. They rebelled and formed their own government, which has now come to be controlled by powerful commercial interests. Once again, "these are the times that try men's souls." What lessons can we learn from history to help us through this crisis?
- Commodify your Dissent
The business of culture in the new gilded age Resource Type: Book First Published: 1997 Todaz, culture stands at the heart of the American enterprise. For a decade, The Baffler has been the invigorating voice of dissent against such developments. This collections brings together the best of it's writing, exploring for example the encroachment of advertising and commercial enterprise into every last nook and cranny of American life.
- Commodity fetishism
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article In Marxist theory, commodity fetishism is a state of social relations in capitalist societies, in which social relationships are transformed into apparently objective relationships between commodities or money.
- Commodity Notes No. 3
Periodical profile published 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 Examination of international trade activities in regard to copper, sugar, tin, and the repression of Peruvian fishermen.
- Commodity Notes No.2
Periodical profile published 1976 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 Keeping readers up to date on international commodities.
- A Common Assault
Resource Type: Slide Show First Published: 1981
- Common Dreams
Resource Type: Website Breaking news and views for the progressive community.
- Common Front Strikes
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Cartel of Québec public- and para-public-sector trade unions formed in 1972 to negotiate with the provincial government.
- The Common Good
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1998 Interviews with Noam Chomsky on the U.S. and the world.
- Common Ground
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Common Ground
February 1983 issue - Periodical profile published Summer 1983 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1983
- Common land
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Land owned collectively or by one person, but over which other people have certain traditional rights.
- Common Organizing Mistakes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Organizing is difficult and every organizer makes mistakes. Here are some of the most common ones, and how to avoid them.
- Common Sense
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1776 Thomas Paine's justification of revolution.
- Common Sense for Hard Times
 The Power of the Powerless to Cope with Everyday life and Transform Society in The Nineteen Seventies Resource Type: Book First Published: 1976 Presents a vision of society as it is and as it could be. Putting the problems of contemporary daily life in historical perspective, it reveals that they have their roots in the way our society is organized, and thereby enables us to re-examine our own situation and experience.
- A Common Subject Authority For Community Information Centres In Ontario
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- A common treasury for all: Gerrard Winstanley's vision of utopia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Gerrard Winstanley was the ideological force behind the Diggers, a left-wing movement during the English Revolution. The Digger movement of 1648-1650 arose out of the juncture of three processes, notably the transition from feudalism to capitalism.
- Barry Commoner 1917-2012
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Barry Commoner, biologist, environmental, socialist, humanist, and one of the central leaders of the anti-nuclear-testing movement, dies at 95. He is particularly remembered for the “Four Laws of Ecology” he laid out in his book The Closing Circle: (1) Everything is connected to everything else. (2) Everything must go somewhere. (3) Nature knows best. (4) There is no such thing as a free lunch.
- Barry Commoner Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- The Commons and the Centennial of the Easter Rising
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 A hundred years ago today in Dublin the Easter Rebellion commenced. This was an urban insurrection, in the revolutionary tradition. Not more than a thousand participated. It lasted five days, before the British military killed hundreds, and executed sixteen including those who had signed the Proclamation of the Republic.
- The Commonwealth of Oceana
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1656 James Harrington's Common-Wealth of Oceana (1656) was based on universal land-ownership and was a militant republic dedicated to spreading its democratic system to the rest of the world. Harrington's well-meaning vision almost landed him in prison and Cromwell banned it.
- Commonwealth of Thieves
The Improbable Birth of Australia Resource Type: Book First Published: 2005 Published: 2006 A history of the first four years of the convict settlement in Australia, examining the interplay of soldiers, convicts, and Aborigines.
- Communalism and Socialism in Africa
The Misdirection of C.L.R . James Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 The theoretical confusion of the left when confronted with class struggles in backward societies goes back to the polemics in Russia before the revolution of 1917: an issue resolved in practice but leaving a legacy of theoretical confusion. The struggles for colonial independence were denied the insights that Marxism should have offered, Instead, mysticism prevailed and populist theories replaced scientific analysis.
- La Commune
(Paris, 1871) Resource Type: Film First Published: 2000 A historical drama about the Paris Commune in 1871 set in the style of a documentary. The Paris rebels offer their own thoughts and feelings on social and political reforms while a journalist for Versailles Television provides an official view of events.
- Commune (intentional community)
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article An intentional community of people living together, sharing common interests, property, possessions, resources, work and income.
- The Commune, Paris 1871
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1961 The most significant aspect of the Paris Commune is that it created social forms which in a sense define socialism itself, social forms which serve as yardsticks for proletarian revolutions past, present and to come. These forms provide criteria for analyzing the social nature of any particular regime.
- Commune (socialism)
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Almost universally, communists, left-wing socialists, anarchists and others have seen the Commune as a model for the liberated society that will come after the masses are liberated from capitalism, a society based on participatory democracy from the grass roots up.
- Communes in America
The Place Just Right Resource Type: Book First Published: 1972 Traces the history of collective settlements in the United States and compares their organization and purpose with the communes of today.
- Communes USA
A Personal Tour Resource Type: Book First Published: 1972 An account of a variety of communes in the United States.
- Communicating Effectively Through Your Newsletter
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990 Some pointers about how to produce a newsletter that communicates effectively with its readers
- Communication and Class Struggle, Vol 2
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1979
- Communication for and Against Democracy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 This anthology explores the circumstances in which communication serves at times as an instrument of repression and domination, and at others as a support for human emancipation.
- The Communicator
Periodical profile published 1981 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1981 The Communicator is a magazine published by prisoners in the maximum security penitentiary in Springhill, Nova Scotia.
- Communiqu'elles
Periodical profile published 1983 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1983
- Communiqu'elles.
Periodical profile published 1982 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982 Communiqu' elles is published several times each year in both French and English. Formerly published as the Bulletin of the Montreal-based Women's Information and Referral Service (WIRC), Communiqu' elles addresses women's issues and other social issues related to women.
- Communique
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980
- Communism and the Augsburg Allgemeine Zeitung
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1842 We are firmly convinced that it is not the practical Attempt, but rather the theoretical application of communist ideas, that constitutes the real danger; for practical attempts, even those on a large scale, can be answered with cannon as soon as they become dangerous, but ideas, which conquer our intelligence, which overcome the outlook that reason has riveted to our conscience, are chains from which we cannot tear ourselves away without tearing our hearts.
- Communism and the Family (Part One)
The Marxist Approach to Women's Liberation Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Replacing the family with collective institutions is the most radical aspect of the communist program and will bring about the deepest, most sweeping changes in daily life, not least for children.
- Communism and the Family (Part Two)
The Marxist Approach to Women's Liberation Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The family is the primary institution through which bourgeois ideology in its various forms is transmitted from one generation to the next.
- Communism in Europe Vol. II
Continuity, Change and the Sino-Soviet Dispute Resource Type: Book First Published: 1966 Published: 1967 The second volume on the interaction of the developments in European communism and the Sino-Soviet dispute. This volume deals specifically with East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.
- Communism is the Material Human Community: Amadeo Bordiga Today
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991
- Communism and Self-Management
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A look at workers' self-management in past regimes and their relevance to current debates.
- Communism Takes China
How the Revolution Went Red Resource Type: Book First Published: 1971 A short history of Chinese history from 1911 to 1949.
- Communist Biographies Project
Resource Type: Website The Communist Biographies Project is part of SEARCH's celebrations for the centenary of the Communist Party of Australia, founded 1920. 50 biographies will be posted online. 100 Biographies are available in print only in the book Comrades.
- The Communist Club
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 History of the Communist Club in 19th century London, in particular detailing the involvement of Karl Marx.
- Communist Dictatorship in Our Midst
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 A kind of undercurrent of thought about workplace democracy has bubbled beneath the surface of public discourse of our current "crisis of democracy." Beneath the surface: one can hardly identify any serious public discourse these days on the anti-democratic nature of most work under Neo-liberal conditions.
- The Communist International
Resource Type: Website A collection of documents on the Third International 1919-1943.
- The Communist International and U.S. Communism, 1919 - 1929
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 Author documents the positive contribution of the Comintern (Communist International) in its early revolutionary years and its decline under Stalin.
- The Communist International and U.S. Communism, 1919-1929: A Review
Upholding the Revolutionary Legacy Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The Communist International and U.S. Communism, 1919-1929 examines the founding, development and degeneration of the Communist Party (CP) in the United States in the broader framework of the struggle for international proletarian revolution. Available in both paperback and hardcover, this fully indexed book, with extensive footnotes and references, will be of enduring value as a reference work for avowed socialists as well as scholars of communism. It is also a fun and interesting read and belongs in the toolkits of everyone seeking a coherent revolutionary program and lessons on building an organization.
- The Communist International and U.S. Communism
1919 - 1929 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 For most commentators the Comintern's role in the development of American Communism is wholly negative. Zumoff challenges this narrative.
- Communist League
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article The first Marxist international organization. It was founded originally as the League of the Just by German workers in Paris in 1836.
- The Communist League
Connexipedia: Entry in Encyclopedia of Marxism Glossary of Terms Resource Type: Article On the meeting of the Communist League in June 1847.
- Communist League (Canada)
Connexipedia: Entry in NationMaster Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article Founded as the Revolutionary Workers League/Ligue Ouvrière Révolutionnaire in 1977 as the result of a merger of the League for Socialist Action, the Revolutionary Marxist Group and the Groupe Marxiste Revolutionaire.
- A Communist Life
Jack Scott and the Canadian Workers Movement, 1927-1985 Resource Type: Book Jack Scott's experiences from joining the Communist Party of Canada to founding the Canada-China Friendship Association in the early 1960s.
- The Communist Manifesto
 Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1848 Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as the theoretical and practical platform of the Communist League, a workers' association.
- The Communist Manifesto in Perspective
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 Published: 2012 Eric Hobsbawm’s opening address to the international conference organised by Espaces Marx on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto.
- The Communist Manifesto is a pamphlet that refuses to die. As incendiary as the day it was published, Paul Vernell unpacks this founding document
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The striking thing about re-reading Marx's Communist Manifesto is how each time you return to it, it seems more not less relevant than the last time. Chillingly, it seems to be describing the globalised, war-torn, crisis-ridden world of the 21st century. In many ways this is because it is a document ahead of its time, whist being firmly rooted in it. Its predictive power and vision are central to its resonance.
- The Communist Movement
From Comintern to Cominform Resource Type: Book First Published: 1970 Published: 1975
- Communist Organizing in the Jim Crow South
What's Not in The Great Debaters Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 The Great Debaters is a well-made movie. But in its paeans to dedication and debate, it downplays the real social struggle that was going on in the U.S. in the 1930s, including by black people in the South.
- The Communist Party and socialists during the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1934 Published: 2014 About radicals involvement in the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike.
- The Communist Party in Canada
A History Resource Type: Book First Published: 1975 A history of the Communist Party in Canada from its beginnings to the 1970s.
- Communist Party of Canada
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article A political party in Canada.
- The Communist Threat to Canada
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1947 Published: 1973 A 1973 reprint of a sensationalist pamphlet published by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in 1947.
- Communist Workers International
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Founded around the Manifesto of the Fourth Communist International, published by the Communist Workers' Party of Germany (KAPD) in 1921.
- Communist Writing in Anti-Communist Times
Book review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 A book review of 'American Night: The Literary Left in the Era of the Cold War.'
- The Communistic Societies of the United States
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1875 Published: 1965 Describes a dozen Utopian societies.
- Communists on Wall Street
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 Eurocommunism in practice.
- The Communitarian Network
Resource Type: Website A coalition of individuals and organizations who have come together to shore up the moral, social, and political environment.
- Communitas
Resource Type: Website First Published: 1947 Published: 1960 Anarchist site with news and information for people who are questioning the system which hates them. In English, French, German and Catalan.
- Communitas
 Means of Livelihood and Ways of Life Resource Type: Book First Published: 1947 Published: 1960 Visions of urban life.
- Communitas Incorporated
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Communities and Environment
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Communities at Risk
Hazards of LNG Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2016 The proposed LNG Terminals and Tanker Routes for BC put coastal communities at risk. Know the Hazards of LNG Transportation and advocate for the adoption of the SIGTTO safety standards.
- Communities Directory
A Guide to Cooperative Living Resource Type: Book First Published: 1995 This work lists 540 North American communities and 70 abroad, including contact information and a full self-description.
- Communities of Resistance
Writings on Black Struggles for Socialism Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990 A series of essays advocating grass roots organisations as the pathway to socialism.
- Community
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1972 The time has come to start a community. The purpose of this article is to explain why and how.
- The Community Advocate
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1989
- Community congress for economic change
Organization profile published 1983 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- Community Congress for Economic Change: Credit Union
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 A booklet describing the motives and aspirations of the CCEC Credit Union.
- Community Development Corporations: An Information Kit
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1978
- Community development curriculum
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Community Dreams
 Ideas for Enriching Neighbourhood and Community Life Resource Type: Book First Published: 1984 A compilation of vignettes, fragments and thought starters that provides stimulating ideas for practical community transformation.
- Community economic development in rural Canada
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983 A guide to developing a self-reliant process of asking the right questions in creating community-based employment in small, non-urban communities across Canada.
- Community Economic Workshops
An Evolutionary Preparation for Social Revolution to Economic Democracy Within an Ecological Society Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1979 A short discussion of the use of "community economic workshops" in constructing a democratic, anarchistic society.
- Community Education Development Association of Winnipeg, Inc. (CEDA)
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Community forest management against illegal timber logging
Indigenous communities comply with strict rules to ensure the regeneration of the forest and protect water sources. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Guatemala is hit hard by mudslides caused by deforestation. Government-led initiatives created in consultation with Indigenous communities have been successful in preserving forests and promotiing sustainability.
- Community forestry conference
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991
- Community Forum on Shared Responsibility
Organization profile published 1983 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- Community Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT)
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 History of the Community Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT).
- Community Journalism
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article
- Community Land Trust
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- The Community Land Trust Handbook
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1982 Information about how to set up and protect community land trusts.
- A Community Ministry Theological Statement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Community Noise
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1995 Critically reviews the adverse effects of community noise, including interference with communication, noise-induced hearing loss, annoyance responses, and effects on sleep, the cardiovascular and psychophysiological systems, performance, productivity, and social behaviour.
- The Community of the Ark
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Community organising
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Information, guides and tips on organising around issues which affect you and other people living in your local area.
- Community Organising - A New Part of the Union
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 A look at Unite’s community union organizing.
- Community and Organization in the New Left, 1962 - 1968
The Great Refusal Resource Type: Book First Published: 1982
- Community organizing
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A process by which people living in proximity to each other are brought together in an organization to act in their shared self-interest.
- Community Organizing: A Holistic Approach
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 Kuyek examines the creation of positive social change based on a coherent and wide-ranging analysis of the context in which the work is done and the principles needed to make it effective.
- Community Organizing in Philly and New York
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A look back at the NY and Philadelphia community activist groups White Lighting, O4O, Standing Up Angry, Young Patriots, and what can be learned towards building compelling and viable alternatives to the Right.
- Community Planning Association of Canada
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1977 The Association is concerned with public education for citizen participation. It deals with such issues as farmland, housing, transportation, and the right of citizens to influence the planning process. Program includes workshops, contacts and networking, research, library, and information service.
- Community Police in Guerrero's Costa Chica Region to Celebrate 19 Years of a Better Way to Combat Crime and Corruption
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The same southern Mexican state where 43 students were disappeared is also home to a grassroots movement that shows how people can police themselves when the state becomes criminal.
- Community Profit
Community Based Economic Development in Canada Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983 Pell and Wismer look at seven community owned and controlled businesses that reinvest their profits back into their local communities. Resource for community groups, co-ops, credit unions, social organizations, and individuals interested in new approaches to economic development.
- Community Profit
Community-Based Economic Development in Canada Resource Type: Book Pell and Wismer look at seven community owned and controlled businesses that reinvest their profits back into their local communities. Resource for community groups, co-ops, credit unions, social organizations, and individuals interested in new approaches to economic development.
- Community Radio Education Society
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1977 A series of interviews from BC co-operative radio.
- A Community Release Centre for Whitehorse
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Community Self-Reliance
A Canadian Vision of Economic Justice Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1987 GATT-fly believes that "the root cause of poverty and unemployment is the undemocratic nature of our economies", which, in Canada as in the Third World, means control over the economy by transnational corporations and a powerful few at home. There is a copy of this publication in the Connexions Archive.
- Community Shared Agriculture / Community-supported agriculture
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation where the growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production. CSAs usually consist of a system of weekly delivery or pick-up of vegetables and fruit in a vegetable box scheme, sometimes including dairy products and meat. Community-supported agriculture began in the early 1960s in Germany, Switzerland, and Japan as a response to concerns about food safety and the urbanization of agricultural land.
- Community Switchboard
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Weekly newsletter offering a forum for those interested in social change. The newsletter was put together by the Communications Collective. Community Switchboard maintained an office in Toronto to provide research facilities to the public.
- Community Water Development
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Community Worker Newsletter
Vol.1, No.3, July 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 An open letter in this issue entitled "Tenants Rights Often Get Trampled in a Society Geared to Landlords" describes the difficulty actually experienced by a certain young woman whose legal agreement with the operator of a house to rent an apartment in Toronto was subsequently rendered impossible by the absentee landlord who disagreed with the terms.
- Community Workshops for the Environment
An Organizer's Manual Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1989 A guide to organizing ecology workshops.
- Community Economic Development in Rural Canada
Resource Type: Book
- Commuter Cycling Program
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1983
- Como Comunicarse De Manera Efectiva A Través De Un Boletín Informativo
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991
- Compañeras: Zapatista Women's Stories
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 Story of women's involvement in the Zapatista movement, the indigenous rebellion that has inspired grassroots activists around the world for over two decades.
- Companies that Profit from the Occupation
Resource Type: Article Makes the case for action against companies that profit from the Israeli occupation, and identifies who those companies are.
- Company of Young Canadians
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Company of Young Canadians (CYC) was a federal program established in 1966 to encourage social, economic and community development in Canada.
- Company Secretary To Replace Inspector
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 If all goes to plan, India Inc would no longer have to deal with labour inspectors turning up at their premises to check compliance with 43 central and myriad state labour legislations. Instead, firms can submit a certificate from a company secretary that validates their compliance with the numerous employment laws.
- The Company Store: J.B. McLachlan and the Cape Breton Coal Miners 1900-1925
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983 Published: 1984
- A Comparative Review of Flat Earth News and Newspeak
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 A comparative review of two recent books about the media, one a mainstream view, the other using the propaganda model of media control.
- Comparison of military strength of Israel and the Palestinians
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 As the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has once again flared up following Israel's ongoing air and ground assault on the Gaza Strip, the IMEU presents a comparison of Israeli and Palestinian military capabilities. (Jaunary 2009).
- Compass
A Jesuit Journal - March/April 1993 - The Dirty Thirties Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1993
- Compass Points
Navigating the Twentieth Century Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999 A radical history of the twentieth century by a wide of Canadian authors and essayists grappling with crucial developments in politics, economics, society, and culture in Canada and abroad.
- Compelled to Act
Histories of Women’s Activism in Western Canada Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Historical perspectives on the diversity of women's contributions to social and political change in prairie Canada in the twentieth century, including but looking beyond the era of suffrage activism.
- The Compelling Memoirs of Ali Abumghasib
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Ali Abumghasib knows little about the current intrigues of the Fatah Movement, or, perhaps, he is just not interested. Now living in an old, rusty and tiny caravan somewhere in Gaza, Ali has no money, no family, but also no regrets. We spoke at length about his life. He wanted to share his story, and I wanted to understand what went wrong in what was once Palestine's leading movement.
- The Competition Myth - The Real Meaning of the Last Twenty-five Years
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1997 The problems which working people have suffered in the last twenty-five years are not problems which the ruling elite are trying to solve but weapons they have devised to attack working people in a class war.
- Competition? or Co-operation?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990 Against capital's slogan of competition, we can respond with that of cooperation -- in production, in overcoming capital's destruction of the environment, in international relations, in learning, in building better human relations.
- The Complaint of the Poor Commons of Kent
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article First Published: 1450 A manifesto issued by Jack Cade, a Kentish rebel in 1450, before his march on London.
- Complaints and Disorders
The Sexual Politics of Sickness Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1973
- Complaints filed against telecom companies for their role in UK mass surveillance programme
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 On 5 November 2013, Privacy International filed formal complaints with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in the UK against some of the world's leading telecommunication companies, for providing assistance to British spy agency GCHQ in the mass interception of internet and telephone traffic passing through undersea fibre optic cables.
- The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- Complete testimony of George Galloway
Resource Type: Article Testimony of British M.P George Galloway before the U.S. Senate.
- The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I
 Economic Writings 1 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2013 This first volume in Rosa Luxemburg's Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, contains some of Luxemburg's most important statements on the globalization of capital, wage labour, imperialism, and pre-capitalist economic formations.
- The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume 2
Economic Writings 2 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 Published: 2016 Rosa Luxemburg’s theoretical masterpiece
- The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume II
 Economic Writings 2 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 This volume contains a new English translation of Luxemburg’s most important book, The Accumulation of Capital (1913) as well as her response to its critics. Taken together, they constitute one of the most important Marxist studies of the globalization of capital.
- Complicating "White Privilege"
Class, Race and Images of Wilma Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The most heavy-handedly enforced rule, and the one we, in the white privilege brigade, still seem determined to protect with the greatest earnestness, dictates that Nobody shall, during a conversation about white privilege, mention any identity that is not a racial identity or any oppression that is not racism. To my knowledge, there is no official rulebook governing conversations about white privilege. If such a rulebook did exist, though, I am sure that this rule would be printed in bold italics.
- The Complicity of Psychologists in CIA Torture
What the APA Knew Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen are two psychologists who played central roles in designing and implementing the CIA’s torture program. Now we also know how lucrative that work was for Mitchell and Jessen: their company was paid over $80 million by the CIA.
- Comply or Die: the Police State's Answer to Free Speech Is Brute Force
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Forget everything you’ve ever been taught about free speech in America. It's all a lie.There can be no free speech for the citizenry when the government speaks in a language of force.
- A Comprehensive Map of American Lynchings
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A look at the practice of lynching in the United States through to the 1960's, where thousands of non-white Americans, mostly black, were killed in public acts of terror. A new map project called 'Monroe Work Today', named after the pioneering sociologist, shows that lynching was not limited to the southern states.
- Comprendre l'Assurance chomage
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Comptine Populaires du Quebec
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1980
- Compulsory Mis-education and The Community of Scholars
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1964 Two books combined in a single volume. A far-ranging critique of the state of American eduation.
- Computer Security Handbook
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- The Computers are Listening
How the NSA Converts Spoken Words Into Searchable Text Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Top-secret documents from the archive of Edward Snowden show the National Security Agency can now automatically recognize the content within phone calls by creating rough transcripts and phonetic representations that can be easily searched and stored.
- Computers for Nicaragua
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- A Comrade and Friend
Against The Current vol. 139 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Steffie Brooks, a member of Solidarity in New York, died Monday evening, February 9, 2009 after a struggle with a cancer that had spread from her lungs into her spine. Steffie’s final few months were difficult and painful, but she remained committed to her political activism, which included giving a presentation at a summer school our organization co-sponsored with others last August.
- Comrade Bernard
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A review of Bernard Goldstein's "Twenty Years with the Jewish Labor Bund: A Memoir of Interwar Poland", a firsthand account of the struggles of the Jewish working class in Poland between the two World Wars.
- Comrades and Sisters
Feminism, Socialism, and Pacifism in Europe, 1870-1945 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987 A collection of essays on feminism and socialism by Richard J. Evans. The bulk of the book examines women's organizations in the public sphere, particularly in Imperial Germany.
- Comrade's Socialist Songbook
Resource Type: Website Revolutionary and trade union songs, mostly from the The Socialist Songbook.
- The Concept of Human Rights in Africa
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Concerned Aboriginal Women occupy Department of Indian Affairs
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 1982 A film depicting the occupation of the Department of Indian Affairs building in Vancouver by a group of Native women in 1981.
- Concerned Aboriginal Women occupy Department of Indian Affairs
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 1983 A film depicting the occupation of the Department of Indian Affairs building in Vancouver by a group of Native women in 1981.
- The Concerned Canadian
Periodical profile published 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977
- The Concerned Parents Group of New Brunswick
Organization profile published 1977 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1977 The primary purpose of this group is to promote the implementation of proper safeguards to human health and the environment against the risks involved in the widespread use of chemical pesticides. In addition to researching all aspects of the relationship between pesticides and health, the group is trying to make widely available information that will increase public awareness of the potential dangers.
- Concerning Morocco
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1911 The duty of Social Democracy is not to reassure public opinion, but to do the very reverse, to rouse it and warn it against the dangers lying dormant in it such adventures in international politics today. It is not enough for us to rely on the pacific intentions of some capitalist clique as a factor in achieving peace; we can only count on the resistance of the enlightened masses. By obeying the order to keep our peace, incidentally, we would be seen to be falling in with the wishes of the rulers of the Moroccan policy.
- Concerning the benefits of recycling municipal solid waste
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984
- A Concerted Effort From Europe Against Israeli Produce Exporter Agrexco
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 In Montpellier, France, over 100 activists from 9 countries gathered for the first ever European Forum Against Agrexco. Delegates from Italy, UK, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Germany and Palestine joined the French organizers for two full days of workshops aimed at strengthening the boycott campaign against the Israeli agricultural export giant.
- Concrete, or beaches? World's sand running out as global construction booms
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A crucial component of concrete, sand is vital to the global construction industry. China alone is importing a billion tonnes of sand a year, and its increasing scarcity is leading to large scale illegal mining and deadly conflicts. With ever more sand fetched from riverbeds, shorelines and sandbanks, roads and bridges are being undermined and beaches eroded. And the world's sand wars are only set to worsen.
- Condemnation Grows for Bipartisan Attack on Free Speech Rights of BDS Supporters
Lawmakers urged to reject bill that would punish Americans for supporting boycotts of Israel Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A pair of bipartisan bills targeting boycotts of Israel and Israeli settlements appear to have widespread support in Congress, to the dismay of civil rights advocates who say the proposals are an attack on free speech.
- The Condition of England
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1844
- The Condition of the Working Class in England
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1845
- Conditioned for War with Russia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Discusses the American role in the war between Russia and Ukraine, and the Establishment media's part in keeping the truth from Americans.
- Condorcet, Marquis de
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article (1743-1794).French philosopher, mathematician, and early political scientist.
- Confederacy Redux?
Why We Should Celebrate Reconstruction Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Reconstruction is the era that some have referred to as the United States' greatest moment of democracy.
- Confederate Monuments Down
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 For the rewriters, the Civil War became a "misunderstanding" (as Donald Trump echoes today) and Confederate generals and politicians were transformed into great Southern heroes and cultural icons. African-Americans were routinely humiliated, brutalized, and mutilated.
- Confederation of Canadian Unions' (CCU) Brief to the Hall Commission
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980
- Confession to Tsar Nicholas I
Resource Type: Article An excerpt from the 'confession' Mikhail Bakunin wrote in prison to explain his revolutionary goals and his ideas about how to organize a revolution. He writes: "I wanted to transform all Bohemia into a revolutionary camp, to create a force there capable not only of defending the revolution within the country, but also of taking the offensive outside Bohemia....
All clubs, newspapers, and all manifestations of an anarchy of mere talk were to be abolished, all submitted to one dictatorial power; the young people and all able-bodied men divided into categories according to their character, ability, and inclination were to be sent throughout the country to provide a provisional revolutionary and military organization. The secret society directing the revolution was to consist of three groups, independent of and unknown to each other: one for the townspeople, another for the youth, and a third for the peasants.
Each of these societies was to adapt its action to the social character of the locality to which it was assigned. Each was to be organized on strict hierarchical lines, and under absolute discipline, These three societies were to be directed by a secret central committee composed of three or, at the most, five persons. In case the revolution was successful, the secret societies were not to be liquidated; on the contrary, they were to be strengthened and expanded, to take their place in the ranks of the revolutionary hierarchy."
- Confessions of a Media Critic
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984 Barrie Zwicker says that with the planet in crisis it isn't time for 'business as usual', least of all in journalism.
- Confessions of a (verified) Russia-linked Twitter Bot
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Twitter's defines any user who has "ever logged in, at any time, from Russia" as being "Russia-linked." This is taking the new McCarthyism to ridiculous levels.
- Confessions of an Alleged Russian Propagandist: A Pentagon Hit?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 While our corporate media don't talk about it, the US does run a vast propaganda operation, which includes the spawning and spreading of, guess what?, fake news stories! This kind of thing has gone on for years abroad, but since 2001, under both the Bush and Obama administrations, both the Pentagon and the US Information Agency have done away with an earlier ban on spreading such lies posing as news inside the US. Now we’re all fair game for US propaganda, which by the way the mainstream media routinely parrot.
- The Confessions of Wanda von Sacher-Masoch
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992
- Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 It has now been revealed that California regulators with DOGGR permitted hundreds of wastewater injection wells and thousands more wells injecting fluids for 'enhanced oil recovery" into aquifers protected under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.
- 'Confirmed' Has Become A Meaningless Word In Mainstream News Reporting
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The word "confirmed" has been misused and abused to such a spectacular extent in mainstream news reporting of late that it doesn’t actually mean anything anymore when they say it.
- 'Confirmed' Has Become A Meaningless Word In Mainstream News Reporting
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Last week Politico published a major exclusive report that the “Iranian government is weighing an assassination attempt against the American ambassador to South Africa” in retaliation for the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani earlier this year, citing (you guessed it) anonymous government officials.
- The Conflict between Marx & Bakunin
Resource Type: Article
- Conflict In Ukraine Used To Silence Voices Of Dissent In The United States
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Clearing the FOG speaks with political comedian Lee Camp about the sudden de-platforming that happened to him when RT America abruptly shut down after the Russian military intervention in Ukraine last month. Camp lost his program Redacted Tonight that aired weekly for the past eight years, and he was kicked off of other platforms such as Spotify. Camp talks about the big picture of growing censorship, the state of the media and freedom of the press, and the assault on the public's access to information that counters the narrative in the corporate media.
- Conflict Is Not Abuse
 Overstating Harm, Community Responsibility, and the Duty of Repair Resource Type: Book From intimate relationships to global politics, Sarah Schulman observes a continuum: that inflated accusations of harm are used to avoid accountability. Illuminating the difference between Conflict and Abuse, Schulman directly addresses our contemporary culture of scapegoating.
- Conflict Resolution in the Classroom
A Curriculum Project Resource Type: Article First Published: 1987 Peer Conflict Resolution Through Creative Negotiation is a curriculum for grades four through six.
- The Conflict Shoreline
Colonization as Climate Change in the Negev Desert Resource Type: Book First Published: 2015 The village of al-'Araqib has been destroyed and rebuilt more than seventy times in the "battle over the Negev," an ongoing Israeli state campaign to uproot the Bedouins from the northern threshold of the desert. Unlike other frontiers fought over during the Israel–Palestine conflict, however, this threshold is not demarcated by fences and walls but advances and recedes in response to cultivation, colonization, displacement, urbanization, and climate change.
- Conforming, Not Transforming
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Brendan Eich, CEO of Mozilla Corporation, the technology company that, among other things, is responsible for the Firefox browser, resigned after it was revealed that in 2008 he had given a $1000 donation to Proposition 8, the Californian campaign against gay marriage.
- Confronting Capitalism
Dispatches from a Global Movement Resource Type: Book
- Confronting Environmental Racism
Voices from the Grassroots Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993
- Confronting Germany's New Fascists in Berlin
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A look at the rise of facism in Germany with the recent winning of seats, now with 92 representatives in the national Bundestag, by the five-year-old Alternative for Germany (AfD). This new found platform provides the party with a voice in every debate and the first speakers after those of the government.
- Confronting Injustice
 Social Activism in the Age of Individualism Resource Type: Book First Published: 2014 Published: 2016 Confronting Injustice is a call for collective action against the social causes of poverty and climate change, written by a socialist organizer for activists.
- Confronting intimidation, working for justice in Palestine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 If once you do not cave in, you discover that as time goes by, the ability of Zionist lobbies of intimidation around the world to affect you gradually diminishes.
- Confronting Pornography
A Feminist on the Front Lines Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Confronting the Right: An Introduction
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 An overview of issues related to confronting the right, including questions surrounding the labelling of free speech as hate speech.
- Confronting the Climate Change Crisis
An Ecosocialist Perspective Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2008
- Confronting the Cult of Objectivity
Education in Crisis Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 As the end of the semester draws near on campuses across the country, I thought I’d reflect on one of the largest threats to academic freedom in this country. I’ve long labeled this threat the “cult of objectivity,” represented in a variety of different pathologies that afflict students, faculty, and administrators.
- Confronting the Ecological Emergency
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 In April 2014, two different teams of American glaciologists, specialists in the Antarctic, reached -- by different methods, based on observation -- the same conclusion: because of global warming, a portion of the ice sheet has begun to dislocate, and this dislocation is irreversible.
- Confronting the -isms
Against The Current vol. 133 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 I love the name Against the Current and would add that to be active in the Women’s Liberation Movement at the beginning of 1968 was to be “against the current.” And “the current” then was as much the Left and the Black Nationalist Movement as it was the society as a whole. We were mostly white women, mostly middle class in background. Who we were was used against us opportunistically by the Left and the Black Movement to keep from having to address the issues of sexism — a word we didn’t even have back then.
- Confronting the School of Assassins
Against The Current vol. 90 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 More than 10,000 people assembled at the gates of the Fort Benning military base in Georgia on November 19th as part of an ongoing campaign to shut down the notorious U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA). Protestors have gathered at the base annually since a small group of founding activists of School of the Americas Watch staged an action there in 1989—shortly after the brutal killing of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and her daughter by members of the Salvadoran military trained at the SOA. This year, the protest was linked to a joint action in led by 300 members of Las Abejas from Chiapas, Mexico.
- Confucius Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Congo's Environmental Paradox
Potential and Predation in a Land of Plenty Resource Type: Book First Published: 2016 Congo has natural resources the world needs. Its forests count in the fight against global climate change and Congo's farmers could feed all of Africa's population. The Inga hydroelectric site has the potential to light up the entire continent. Congo's incredible natural wealth has the potential to contribute to development in this troubled central African country -- but structural problems, cultural factors, poor governance and predation remain serious challenges.
- Congo's Patrice Lumumba: The Winds of Reaction in Africa
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 A brief history of Patrice Lumumba who was briefly Prime Minister of an independent Congo.
- Congo's War, Women's Holocaust
Against The Current vol. 133 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Which current war has taken more lives than the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Darfur put together?
- Congress' Phony Health Care War
Against The Current vol. 82 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 One hundred thousand people in the United States of America lose their health insurance every month. It seems unlikely, however, that this number included the president of Columbia/HCA, the industry leader in for-profit health care, who, as reported in the August 5 New England Journal of Medicine, "resigned in the face of federal fraud investigations ... with a $10 million severance package and $269 million in company stock."
- Connecting with nature through wildlife, place and memory
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Some of us are fortunate enough to have close relationships with the nature around us. But what about everyone else? We must find ways to make people feel like old friends with wildife near and far, and feel that their wild homes and habitats are extensions of our own. And hence, that they are as deserving of our care as human neighbours - if not more so.
- Connections Vol. 1, No.1
Periodical profile published 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978 This is the first issue of a newsletter intended for member of the Learner Centre in Edmonton.
- Connections, Vol.1, No.2
Periodical profile published 1979 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979 This newspaper is concerned with "news about Canada and the third world."
- Conned, Carbon offsets stripped bare
New Internationalist July 2006 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2006 Discussion of the myths about carbon offsets, and details of more positive climate change steps to take. Carbon offsetting is exposed as a scam, one that's been sold to the guilt-ridden general public as an easy answer to a complex problem.
- Connexions
Volume 3, Number 5 - September 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- Connexions
Volume 3, Number 6 - December 1978 - Unemployment/Chomage Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 1 - February 1979 - National Security/Securite Nationale Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 2 - March 1979 - Native Rights/Les Droits des Autochtones Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 3 - May 1979 - Immigration Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 4 - September 1979 - Food/La Nourriture Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 5 - October 1979 - Nuclear Energy\Energie Nucleaire Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 1 - January 1980 - Literacy/Alphabetisation Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 2 - May 1980 - Women/Femmes Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 3 - September 1980 - Racism/Racisme Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 4 - October 1980 - Health/Sante Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 5 - January 1981 - Militarism/Militarisme Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 1 - February 1981 - Lesbians/Gay Men/Lesbiennes/Hommes Gais Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 2 - April 1981 - Urban Core/Milieu Urbain Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 3 - September 1981 - Atlantic Development/Le Developpement Atlantique Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 4 - November 1981 - Unorganized Workers/Travailleurs Non-Organises Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 5 - January 1982 - Children/Enfants Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 7, Number 1 - March 1982 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 7, Number 2 - May 1982 - Canada-Latin America/Le Canada-L'Amerique Latine Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 7, Number 3 - July 1982 - Prairie Region/Region des Prairies Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 7, Number 4 - December 1982 - Housing Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 8, Number 1 - Spring 1983 - Women and Men Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1983
- Connexions
Volume 8, Number 2 - Summer 1983 - Toward a New Economy Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1983
- Connexions
Volume 8, Number 3-4 - Winter 1983/84 - Native Issues - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1984
- Connexions
Volume 9, Number 1 - Spring 1984 - Energy - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1984
- Connexions
Volume 9, Number 2 - Summer 1984 - Rights and Liberties - A Digest of Resources & Groups for Social Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1984
- Connexions
Volume 9, Number 3 - Fall 1984 - Housing - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1984
- Connexions
Volume 10, Number 1 - Spring 1986 - The Arts and Social Change Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1986
- Connexions
Volume 11, Number 1 - Spring 1987 - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1987
- Connexions
Volume 11, Number 2 - Winter 1988 - A Social Change Sourcebook Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1988
- Connexions Annual 1989
A Social Change Sourcebook: Information and ideas about social and environmental alternatives Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 The Connexions Annual is simultaneously a reference book and an introduction to the world of social and environmental alternatives.
- The Connexions Annual 1989: A Social Change Sourcebook
Information and Ideas About Social and Environmental Alternatives Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1989 The 1989 edition of the Canadian directory of grassroots groups working for social and environmental alternatives.
- Connexions Annual 1994
A Sourcebook of Social and Environmental Alternatives Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1994 Simultaneously a reference book and an introduction to the world of social and environmental alternatives. The bulk of the Annual is devoted to listings of grassroots groups. It also contains a series of introductory articles surveying a wide range of social and environmental issues and possibile alternatives.
- The Connexions Annual: An Introduction
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 This Annual is dedicated to the idea that change is both necessary and possible. Its main intent is practical: to provide information about groups across Canada who are working at society’s grassroots to create positive solutions to social, environmental, economic, and international problems. We hope that by providing this information we will be making it easier for those already active to find out about and contact each other and to do their work more effectively and co-operatively. We hope that those individuals who are thinking about or looking for ways to become active will be able to use the information to find like-minded people to work with. We hope, too, that this book will help to get out the message that there are viable alternatives to destructive and exploitative institutions and structures, and that there are people organizing to build those alternatives.
- The Connexions Annual: Introductions to the directory & its sections
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 This Annual is dedicated to the idea that change is both necessary and possible. Its main intent is practical: to provide information about groups across Canada who are working at society's grassroots to create positive solutions to social, environmental, economic, and international problems.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Arts, Media, Culture
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 The established wisdom has it that the media are neutral purveyors of news and entertainment, while the arts are about individual creativity and cultural values untainted by the vulgar concerns of politics and economics.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Community, Urban, Housing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994
- Connexions Annual Overview: Development, International
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 the principle of `Thinking Globally, Acting Locally' can and must also be extended to acting locally on behalf of and in solidarity with those in other parts of this globe.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Economy, Poverty, Work
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 To effect desired change, it is necessary to have the power to set a different agenda, and therefore to challenge the current concentration of economic and political power. One of the keys to building an effective movement is mutual acts of solidarity, inspired by the principle that `an injury to one is an injury to all'.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Education, Children
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 Education is being seen as an essential element of grassroots development both in Canada and abroad. The guiding idea is that education is not merely concerned with imparting knowledge, but with helping people develop the skills and the confidence to analyse and solve problems and thus to act, both individually and collectively.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Environmental, Land Use, Rural
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 As we witness an apparently unending succession of environmental hazards and catastrophes, awareness is spreading that we are in the midst of a profound ecological crisis. There is still hope for reversing the trend toward environmental collapse, but only if we are able to work together worldwide to achieve profound changes.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Health
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994
- Connexions Annual Overview: Human Rights, Civil Liberties
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 If we accept that anyone may be denied their rights, their freedom, then we undermine our own rights and freedoms even as we undermine social solidarity.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Lesbians & Gays
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 Gays and lesbians have shown that while on one level -- rights, employment, etc. -- sexual orientation doesn't matter, on another level, sexual politics are profoundly important. They do matter, and no movement for change can ignore them.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Native Peoples
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 Natives have been intensifying their resistance, and more militant forms of protest are becoming increasingly common. Canadians concerned with social justice can also be working in solidarity with the Native peoples in their struggle for justice.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Peace
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 It must be remembered that soldiers themselves are often recruited from the ranks of the poor and the jobless, and that a movement for peace and social justice should be attempting to reach them too with its message. A movement for peace must in the end also include the soldiers if it is to prevail.
- Connexions Annual Overview: Women
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994
- Connexions Annual Resource and Reading List
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Published: 1994 A short and selective list of resources on issues addressed in the Connexions Annual, such as environment, education, peace, interntional development, women's issues, urban issues, housing, human rights, civil liberties, social change.
- Connexions Archive Case Statement
In search of a new home for the Connexions Archive Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Working together to secure a future for the past
- Connexions Archive Information Sheet
Working together to secure a future for the past Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Looking for new space for the Connexions Archive and those who work on it.
- Connexions Calendar
 Resource Type: Website Listings of events organized by or relevant to groups and individuals working for social change.
To submit events go to http://www.connexions.org/SignInCx.htm
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2008
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2008
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2009
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2010
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2010
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2011
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2011
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2012
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2013
Resource Type: Unclassified First Published: 2013
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2014
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2015
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2016
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016
- Connexions Calendar Expired Events 2017
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017
- Connexions Calendar RSS Feed
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2016 RSS feed for the Connexions Calendar, listing events about social justice.
- Connexions Digest
A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 Published: 1992 The Connexions Digest published information about resources, groups, actions, strategies and ideas for social change. The Connexions Digest is no longer published in print, but information from it appears on the Connexions Web site.
- Connexions Digest
Volume 12, Number 1 - Fall 1988 - A Social Change Sourcebook Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1988
- Connexions Digest
Volume 12, Number 2 - Issue 48 - Winter 1988-89 - A Social Change Sourcebook Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1989
- Connexions Digest
Issue 50 - December 1989 - A Social Change Sourcebook Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1989
- Connexions Digest
Issue 51 - May 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1990
- Connexions Digest
Issue 52 - August 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1990
- Connexions Digest
Issue 53 - January 1991- A Social Change Sourcebook Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1991
- Connexions Digest
Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1992
- Connexions Digest Collected News Briefs
Published in issues 50 - 54 December 1989 - February 1992 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Connexions Digest Master Keyword Index
for #45 (Volume 11, No. 1) to #54 inclusive Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Connexions Digest Master Name Index (Author/Title/Contributor)
for #45 (Volume 11, No. 1) to #54 inclusive Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Connexions Digest Network News items
Issues 45 - 54 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Connexions Directory of Canadian Organizations for Social Justice 1987
Volume 10, Number 2-3 - Winter 1987 - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Resource Type: Article First Published: 1987
- Connexions Directory of Canadian Organizations for Social Justice 1987
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1987 Announcing the first issue of the Connexions Directory of grassroots organizations working for social change.
- Connexions Gesamtübersicht
Resource Type: Article
- Connexions in many languages
Connexions website languages index Resource Type: Article Connexions is primarily an English-language project, but the Connexions website also has publications and resources in a number of other languages: French, Spanish, German, and more than 20 others. This page lists and links to articles available in languages other than English.
- Connexions Index
February to December 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1979 Index of contributors and titles for Connexions 1978 (Volume 3, Numbers 1 - 6).
- Connexions Informacijas Apmainas Pakalpojumi
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Connexions (pilns nosaukums: Connexions Informacijas Apmainas Pakalpojumi - Connexions Information Sharing Services) ir centrala tiešsaistes biblioteka un arhivs, kas apkalpo Kanadas iniciativas par izmainam sabiedriba. Šis bezpelnas projekts uztur ari izsmelošu Kanadas asociaciju un NVS raditaju.
- Connexions Információ Megosztási Szolgáltató
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Ukranian text
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Article - Urdu text
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Published: 2017
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Bulgarian text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Croatian text
Resource Type: Article
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Dutch text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Published: 2010 Connexions (volledige naam Connexions Information Sharing Services) is de voornaamste online bibliotheek en het archief voor Canadese organisaties voor sociale verandering. Dit project dat geen winstoogmerk heeft, beheert ook een uitgebreide gids van Canadese en niet-Canadese verenigingen en niet-gouvernementele organisaties.
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Russian text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Article - Arabic text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Published: 2009
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Article - Chinese text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Article - Czech text
Connexions Information Sharing Services Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Article - Dansk
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Connexions Information Sharing Services er det centrale online bibliotek og arkiv for Canada's bevægelser for social forandring.
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Article - English text
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Connexions (full name Connexions Information Sharing Services) is the central online library and archive for Canada's movements for social change. The non-profit project also maintains a comprehensive directory of Canadian associations and NGOs.
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Article - Farsi text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Published: 2009
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Article - Filipino text
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia article - Japanese text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Article - Korean text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Published: 2011
- Connexions Information Sharing Services - Wikipedia Artikel - Deutscher text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Published: 2010 Connexions ist die Zentrale Online Bücherei und Archiv für Kanada's Bewegung für gesellschaftlichen Wandel.
- Connexions Informationsförmedling - Wikipedia Article - Swedish text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article Connexions är det centrala onlinebiblioteket och arkivet för Kanadas rörelse för social förändring.
- Connexions Library: Africa Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on Africa.
- Connexions Library: Agriculture and Farming Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on farming and agriculture.
- Connexions Library: Arts, Media, Culture Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on media, culture, and art.
- Connexions Library: Canada Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on Canada.
- Connexions Library: Central America and the Caribbean Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on Central America and the Caribbean.
- Connexions Library: Central and South Asia Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on central and southern Asia.
- Connexions Library: China Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on China.
- Connexions Library: Community & Urban Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on community and urban issues.
- Connexions Library: East and Southeast Asia Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on east and southeast Asia.
- Connexions Library: Economy, Poverty, Work Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the economy and economics.
- Connexions Library: Education, Children Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on education and children.
- Connexions Library: Environment Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on environment, ecology, climate change, pollution, and land use.
- Connexions Library: Europe Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on Europe.
- Connexions Library: Food Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on food.
- Connexions Library: Health Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on health.
- Connexions Library: History Focus Page
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Published: 2012 Selected articles, books, documents and other resources on historical topics.
- Connexions Library: Human Rights and Civil Liberties Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on civil liberties and human rights.
- Connexions Library: Imperialism and Colonialism Focus Page
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009
- Connexions Library: International Affairs & Development Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on international issues.
- Connexions Library: Labour and Unions Focus
 Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on labour and unions.
- Connexions Library: Lesbians, Gays, Bi-sexuals Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on gays, lesbians, bisexuals.
- Connexions Library: Men Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on men.
- Connexions Library: Middle East Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the Middle East.
- Connexions Library: Native Peoples/First Nations Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on first peoples and aboriginal issues.
- Connexions Library: Nature Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on nature.
- Connexions Library: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Water Focus
 Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on water, rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes, rivers, oceans, marine life.
- Connexions Library: Oral History Focus Page
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Published: 2012 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on oral history.
- Connexions Library: Organizing Focus Page
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles from the Connexions Online Library.
- Connexions Library: Pacific Region Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the Pacific region.
- Connexions Library: Peace Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on peace and conflict resolution.
- Connexions Library: Race, Racism, Ethnicity, Multiculturalism Focus
 Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on race, racism, ethnicity, multiculturalism, identity.
- Connexions Library: Radical and Left History Focus Page
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Published: 2012
- Connexions Library: Religion Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on religion.
- Connexions Library: The Right Focus Page
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the Right.
- Connexions Library: Rural Issues Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on rural issues.
- Connexions Library: Russia Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on Russia.
- Connexions Library: Science Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on science.
- Connexions Library: Sexuality Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on sexuality.
- Connexions Library: South America Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on South America.
- Connexions Library Spotlight
Featured Resources in the Connexions Library Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Published: 2012
- Connexions Library: Transportation Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on transportation.
- Connexions Library: USA Focus
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on the United States of America.
- Connexions Library: Women's Issues Focus
 Resource Type: Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on women.
- Connexions Library: Work Focus Page
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on work.
- Connexions List of Perfect People
A list of perfect people - with photos and accounts of their lives Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 As a service to those offended by imperfections in other human beings, Connexions has compiled a list of perfect people, people who never said or did anything for which they could be criticized.
- Connexions Mandate and Statement of Values
Resource Type: Article A succinct summary of the Connexions project and the values that guide it.
- Connexions Quotations
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Published: 2017 A selection of quotations about social change, resistance, solidarity, and many other topics. Compiled by Ulli Diemer. Each quote has been turned into an image file.
- Connexions Quotations - Author Index
Resource Type: Article An author index of quotations about social change, resistance, solidarity, and many other topics.
- Connexions Quotations - Topic Index
Resource Type: Article A topic index of quotations about social change, resistance, solidarity, and many other subjects.
- Connexions RSS Feed
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2016 RSS feed listing some recent new, updated, and interesting items on the Connexions website.
- Connexions Selected Links & Resources: Media Links: Periodicals & Broadcast Media Online
Resource Type: Website A selection of progressive media websites.
- Connexions Selected Links & Resources: Walkerton Links
Resource Type: Website Links related to Walkerton water contamination disaster.
- Connexions - Services de partage d'information Connexions - Wikipedia Article - French text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Published: 2009 Connexions -- dont le nom complet est Services de partage d'information Connexions [Connexions Information Sharing Services] -- est la bibliothèque et l'archive en ligne centrale pour les mouvements canadiens partisans du changement social. Le projet à but non lucratif entretient également un vaste répertoire d'associations canadiennes et d'organisations non gouvernementales.
- Connexions Servicios de Información Compartido
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article
- Connexions Servicos de Compartilhamento de Informacoes - Wikipedia Article - Portuguese text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Published: 2009 Connexions (Connexions Serviços de Compartilhamento de Informaçoes) é a biblioteca central e arquivos eletrônicos do movimentos do Canadá para mudanças sociais. O projeto sem fins lucrativos também mantém uma lista completa de associaçoes e ONG's canadenses.
- Connexions Servis Udostepniania Informacji - Wikipedia Article - Polish text
Connexipedia Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Published: 2009 Connexions Information Sharing Services (pe?na nazwa Connexions Serwis Udostepniania Informacji) jest to internetowa bibliteka i archiwum dla kanadyjskich organizacji zajmuja;cych sie; przemianami spo?ecznymi. Ten bezprofitowy projekt zajmuje sie; prowadzeniem i uaktualnianiem obszernej ksija;z'ki adresowej kanadyjskich zwija;zków i organizacji pozarzadowych.
- Connexions - Služby pre zdielanie informácií - Wikipedia Article - Slovak text
Resource Type: Article
- Connexions Twitter
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2012 Published: 2017 The Connexions Twitter page.
- Connexions welcomes your support
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Your contribution to Connexions will help us preserve the memories, experiences, strategies, success, failures and visions of those who have worked for social justice over the years so that future generations can learn and be inspired by them.
- Connexions Wikipedia article - Esperanto
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article Connexions estas librejo kaj arkivo en linio, au( interreto, de la kanada movado por la socia s^ang^o.
- Connexipedia
 The Connexions Social Justice Encyclopedia Resource Type: Website More than 1,000 articles on activism, radicalism, resistance, solidarity, social justice, events, movements, organizations, and people.
- Connolly, James
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Irish and Scottish socialist leader, executed by the British. (1868-1916).
- Connolly, James - Writings - Index
Resource Type: Article Writings of James Connolly.
- James Connolly Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Conquest
How Societies Overwhelm Others Resource Type: Book First Published: 2008 Tells the gripping history of conquest, illuminating the ways in which invaders have justified their conquests, highlighting a bloody and often prolonged process that can last centuries. He argues that while each individual conquest in ultimately unique, they nevertheless often share a number of qualities.
- The Conquest of America
 How the Indian Nations Lost Their Continent Resource Type: Book An account of the ongoing war waged by Europeans against the native peoples of the Americas in the five centuries after Columbus arrived.
- The Conquest of Bread
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1906 A discussion of collectivism and the need to abolish representative government, and monetary systems.
- The Conquest of Bread
150 Years of Abribusiness in California Resource Type: Book First Published: 2004 California has been the world's most advanced agricultural zone that not only out-produces every state in America, but also most countries. Its success has come at significant costs for a family-farm region like the Midwest manipulated and exploited to serve modern business interests.
- The Conquest of Bread
Review article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Kropotkin’s classic, The Conquest of Bread, reveals problems of radical politics and organisation that remain vital today, argues Dominic Alexander.
- The Conquest of Cool
Business Culture, Counterculture, and the Rise of Hip Consumerism Resource Type: Book First Published: 1997
- The Conquest of Happiness
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1930 Published: 1965
- The Conquest of Paradise
Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990 Published: 1991 Dispels the myths surrounding the journey of Christopher Columbus, with new translations of historical documents that reveal the European motivations for exploration. Demonstrates how European practices of environmental exploitation transformed the New World and all but destroyed the native cultures.
- Conscience & Courage
Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust Resource Type: Book
- Conscience and History
A Memoir Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999
- Conscientious objector
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article An individual who, on religious, moral or ethical grounds, refuses to participate as a combatant in war.
- Consciousness and Action Among the Western Working Class
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1973 A comparative analysis of working-class consciousness in Britain, France, Italy and the United States which seeks to answer the question of whether the working class today is a potentially revolutionary force.
- Consciousness raising
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Form of political activism, pioneered by United States feminists in the late 1960s.
- Consensus decision-making
 Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Article about the group decision making process known as consensus decision-making.
- Consensus Decision Making: An Analysis of the Literature
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 Includes a look at historical interest in consensus, an overview of research with critiques, and recommendations for future research. Brings together most of the current empirical findings in research about consensus.
- Consensus decision-making - Arabic text
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011
- Consensus decision-making - Japanese text
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011
- Conservation Council of New Brunswick
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981 The Conservation Council of New Brunswick is the principal citizens' organization in the province with the aims of promoting continuous improvement in the management of New Brunswick's resources and the adoption of policies and programs to reduce environmental pollution.
- Conservation movement
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A political and social movement that seeks to protect natural resources including plant and animal species as well as their habitat for the future.
- Conservation Unravelling: Three Threats to Wildlife
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1986 The framework that supports our conservation efforts has grown very sick from neglect through ignorance. Should we fail to rally, we may have to fight all over again the bitter battles of 80 years ago, with wildlife taking a terrible beating.
- Conservationist murders threaten Costa Rica's eco-friendly reputation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The murder of Jairo Mora, who was trying to protect endangered turtle eggs, was the latest in a string of crimes against environmentalists in the country. Many worry activists will stay away if poachers continue to go unpunished.
- Conservative Frank Luntz Has Set a Trap for Progressives -- Here's How to Outsmart Him and Boost the Occupy Movement
Progressives' basic morality needs to be talked about over and over again, in every corner of the country. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Luntz doesn't want progressives pointing out that corporations govern our lives far more than any government does - and for their profit, not ours. He doesn't want any discussion of corporate waste, or military waste, which is huge.
- Conservatives have perfected the trick of defending power by attacking it
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The UK Cameron government is atempting to use a tried-and-proven trick: defending the elite by pretending to attack it.
- Conserving soil: precious, finite and under threat
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Human existence relies on healthy soils. But all over the world soils are being lost and degraded by inappropriate land use, reducing their capacity to produce food and store water, nutrients and carbon. Sustainable land management must be incentivised to conserve this essential resource.
- Consider the Nation and other sacred cows of the Left
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1993 Groups of people who share whatever it is that makes a nation don't always live in neat spatial clusters, with a given territory containing all those people who are alike and none who are different. Cultures are rarely if ever stable enough to become pure and coterminous with geographical territories.
- Consigned to the Memory Hole: The content of the DNC Leaks
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Examining the content of the DNC data leaks during the 2016 US elections, and the efforts by the Democratic party to distract from their content.
- A Consistently Erroneous Technology
A Magician in the Lab Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 A look at the polygraph, or lie detector technology, and why it is unreliable.
- Consolidating Power
Resource Type: Article David Harvey, one of the leading Marxist thinkers of our times, sits down with the activist collective AK Malabocas to discuss the transformations in the mode of capital accumulation, the centrality of the urban terrain in contemporary class struggles, and the implications of all this for anti-capitalist organizing.
- Conspectus of Bakunin's Statism and Anarchy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1874 Published: 1875 Marx's notes on Bakunin's recent book Statism and Anarchy.
- Conspiracies or Institutions: 9-11 and Beyond
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2002 Why and how does much (but not all) conspiracy theorizing create a tendency for people to depart from rational analysis?
- Conspiracy, Inc.
Wild Tales From the Reactionary Right Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Increasingly, reactionary media pundits and much of the rank-and-file of the Republican Party are taking the American right down a dangerous path, marked most ominously by the abundance of conspiracy theories directed against the Democratic Party and mainstream liberals.
- 'A Conspiracy Of Silence' -- HSBC, The Guardian and the Defrauded British Public
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 An investigator and anonymous whistleblower talk about the suspicious lack of coverage and attention to the HSBC tax evasion scandal. This article talks about the scandal itself and criticizes the British liberal media.
- The Conspiracy or How the Transnationals Do It
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 1978
- The conspiracy to censor the Internet
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The political representatives of the American ruling class are engaged in a conspiracy to suppress free speech. Under the guise of combating "trolls" and "fake news" supposedly controlled by Russia, the most basic constitutional rights enumerated in the First Amendment are under direct attack.
- Constance Hamilton Co-operative
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Constituent Imagination
Militant investigation, collective theorization Resource Type: Book First Published: 2007
- Constitution and By-Laws of Industrial Workers of the World
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1905 The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life....
- The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations: The Great Binding Law
GAYANASHAGOWA Resource Type: Article
- Constitutional Proposals: Not Enough Guarantees For Acadians of P.E.I.
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1981 The St. Thomas Aquinas Society (S.T.A.S.) is an organization struggling to obtain equal rights for French speaking Prince Edward Islanders (Acadians).
- The Constitutional Root of Racism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A look at how the US Constitution enables racism by affording power to the states.
- The Construction of Communalism in India
Against The Current vol. 106 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Sara Abraham interviews Dipak Malik, Director of the Gandhian Institute of Varanasi, about the anti-communal-violence work in which he has been involved from his base in Varanasi, in the Hindu heartland of the country.
- Constructive Action?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Chomsky questions to what extent American involvement and authority in the affairs of Israel's conflict with the Arabs can be considered constructive. He examines the effects of what he deems to be "colonial policing".
- Constructive Citizen Participation
A Resource Book Resource Type: Article First Published: 1982
- Constructive Criticism: A Handbook
Issues in Radical Therapy Resource Type: Book First Published: 1976 The need for, logic behind, and techniques of constructive criticism in groups. Includes detailed decription of specific skills. Written for Marxist activists, but useful for anyone.
- Constructive criticism can be a good thing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1982 It's counterproductive to say that for the sake of 'unity' we shouldn't criticize others in the environmental movement. Principled debate and critcism when it is called for helps us clarify issues and move forward.
- Consumer Credit
A Blessing or A Curse? Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 An article discussing consumer credit and how it can be viewed as both a way to promote economic growth and prey on the working class.
- Consumer Hell
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 The problem with gross domestic product is that there are no deductions involved: all economic activity is accounted as if it were of positive value. Social harm is added to, not subtracted from, social good. A train crash which generates £1bn worth of track repairs, medical bills and funeral costs is deemed by this measure as beneficial as an uninterrupted service which generates £1bn in ticket sales.
- Consumer and Nuclear Energy: A Luxury We Can No Longer Afford
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 An energy analysis with 28 recommendations presented to Pierre Trudeau and his cabinet.
- Consumers Union Congrress
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991
- Consumers' Rights
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Booklet designed to inform consumers about how the law affects people as buyers, borrowers, and householders.
- Consuming Cultures Globalization and Local Lives
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2006 A wide-ranging and sensitive exploration of local versus global, underlining the economic roots of cultural identity.
- Consumption: Domestic Imperialism
Resource Type: Pamphlet This article deals with the social organization of production under modern American capitalism. The author considers the impact of technological development on labour and its potential for liberation from work under capitalism.
- Containing the United States
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 With Hillary Clinton about to be elected and some advanced cadres of the war party preparing to take charge, who is going to contain the United States? The U.S. political system has failed its populace and the world and has imposed no brakes on the war machine. The UN and EU are still too much under the U.S. thumb. Russia and China are too weak and with too flimsy an alliance system to threaten U.S. hegemony and do more than make direct U.S. aggression against themselves very costly.
- Containment
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2015 Containment is a thoughful observational essay filmed in Fukushima, weapons plants nuclear storage facilities and deep underground exploring the present and future challenges of nuclear wast storage.
- Containment and Change
Two Dissenting Views of American Foreign Policy Resource Type: Book First Published: 1967 Published: 1969
- Containment and Revolution
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1967 Published: 1969
- Contaminación: El envenenante legado de los recortes ambientales de Ontario
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000
- Contaminated Meat, Contaminated Water: From Walkerton to Listeria
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 The current listeria outbreak has the feel of deja vu all over again. Once again, we are hearing about companies and industry associations lobbying for fewer inspections and less 'interference', and about a compliant right-wing government only too eager to give them what they want.
- Contamination: L'Héritage Vénéneux des coupures écologiques de l'Ontario
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000
- Contamination: The Poisonous Legacy of Ontario's Environmental Cutbacks
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 The story of Ontario's right-wing Harris government, which gutted health and environmental protection polices, leading to the Walkerton water disaster.
- Contamination: The Poisonous Legacy of Ontario's Environmental Cutbacks - Japanese text
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000
- A contemporary account of the German pogroms of November 1938
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Shortly after the November 1938 pogroms, journalist and historian Konrad Heiden wrote a work entitled Night Oath, in which he gave a detailed account of the horrific events marking the transition from social discrimination to the systematic brutalization and persecution of Jews in Germany.
- Contemporary anarchism
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2010 Contemporary anarchism has some important differences, but also a great deal of continuity, with historical anarchism. Where it focuses on building an alternative in the “interstices” of capitalism, it accommodates to, rather than challenges, capitalism; and where it fetishizes street tactics, it generates more press than tangible success in either building the struggle or in challenging the state.
- Contemporary Art Gallery
Organization profile published 1986 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1986
- Contemporary Race Theory and the Problem of History: A Critique
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The inability of contemporary race theory to fully account for and explain (rather than just label) the social dynamics that produce and reproduce inequality stems from two core assumptions that form the bedrock for this taxonomic project. The first is that anti-Black racism is an unalterable feature of American life - hence the impetus towards labeling and naming the different and ostensibly novel forms that racism takes. The second is that class analysis in inadequate theoretically, and class struggle is politically outmoded.
- Contemporary Social Issues
A Bibliographic Series No. 6: The Feminization of Poverty Resource Type: Book First Published: 1987
- The Contemporary Women's Movement
From Gender & History, Chapter 1 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1986 The first chapter of "Gender & History" titled Contemporary Women's Movement, as weall as a chapter on Karl Marx are reproduced here.
- Content Magazine
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1970 Published: 1992 Content magazine was a Canadian magazine about journalism published in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. With the January/February 1982 issue, Content Magazine moved to Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology, with a new publisher and editor.
- Contest: Guess the date of Harper's next 'terrorist plot'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 What are the odds that a 'terrorist plot' will be 'uncovered' in the late stages of the election campaign, so that Harper can spend the final days of the campaign talking about terrorism, terrorism, and more terrorism?
- A Contest of Ideas
Capital, Politics, and Labor Resource Type: Book First Published: 2013 Collected essays and provocations from the preeminent labour historian.
- A Contest of Ideas: Capital, Politics and Labor
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2013 Compilation and updates of many of Lichtenstein's most provocative and controversial essays and reviews. The author offers perspectives on the relationship of labour and the state, the tensions that sometimes exist between a culture of rights and the idea of solidarity, and the rise of conservatism in politics, law, and intellectual life.
- The Contested Haymarket Affair: 130 Years Later
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 On May 4th, 1886 someone threw a bomb into a file of Chicago police dispatched to break up a workers' protest rally at the city's Haymarket Square. The blast and ensuing gunfire killed seven cops and at least four civilians, and wounded many more.
- Contested Truths
Keywords in American Politics since Independence Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Contested Waters
The Struggle for Rights and Reconciliation in the Atlantic Fishery Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023
- Contesting Media Power
Alternative Media in a Networked World Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003
- Continental Cultural Communication
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A review of "Africa Speaks, America Answers" written by Robin D.G. Kelley.
- Continentalizing Canadian Telecommunications
The Politics of Regional Reform Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 The issues behind privatization policies and telecommunications policies are looked at through a glass of drifting continentalism
- The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1984
- The Continuing Debate
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979 We should subject both Marxism and anarchism to a critical analysis, and thereby start to provide the basis for a libertarian revolutionary movement that relates adequately to the needs and problems of today.
- Continuous Excursions
Politics and Personal Life Resource Type: Book First Published: 1982 Colman looks at the idea that 'the personal is political'. He looks at personal life in pre-capitalist societies, the nature of politics and social relations, patriarchy and sexual relations, intimacy and personal life, indviduality and public life.
- The Contours of American History
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1961 Published: 1966 An interpretation of the social, moral, constitutional and economic development of the United States.
- Contours of Descent
U.S. Economic Fractures and the Landscape of Global Austerity Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003
- Contra Hardt and Negri
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014
- Contra Todos los Pronósticos
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1985 La creencia que la sociedad oficial es tan abrumadora que no se puede hacer nada al respecto está muy cerca de la idea que no puede hacer nada. La idea que las cosas se volverán a hacer si la gente se une para hacerlo ellos mismos contiene la semilla de la idea que la gente tiene el poder para hacer todo.
- The Contract Struggle at an Auto Parts Plant
Against The Current vol. 110 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2004 A new t-shirt has appeared at the American Axle and Manufacturing (AAM) plant where I work, and it is selling like hotcakes. The hi-lo driver shuttling parts to my job was wearing it.
- The Contradiction of Trotsky
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1948 It was worth examining carefully Trotsky's attitude at the dawn of Stalinism, for it enables us to elucidate the (theoretical) policy to which he adhered until his death. I have said that Trotsky represented, between 1923 and 1927, the contradictions of Bolshevism. I should now add that he never emerged from this divided situation. Subsequently he transported into the domain of revolutionary theory the contradiction in which he had become objectively enclosed. Of course, he was forced by events to perceive the counter-revolutionary character of Stalinism, but he was not capable of taking an overall view of the new Stalinist society and of defining it.
- The contradictions and limits of localism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Can co-ops and transition towns transform the world? The author of No Local explains why local counter-institutions won’t lead to revolutionary change.
- Contradictions of the Iraqi Resistance: Guerilla War vs. Terrorism
Against The Current vol. 120 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 One of the most complicated aspects of the war in Iraq is that the Iraqi resistance is divided into a multitude of different groups with a multitude of different goals.
- Contrast
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 Contrast is a weekly newspaper "serving Canada's black community" since 1969.
- Contrast closes
Periodical profile published 1992 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1992
- Contre vents et marées
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984
- La contribution de Rosa Luxembourg envers le Marxisme
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Luxembourg était l'interprète principale du Marxisme dans l'esprit de Marx. Une indication de ceci, paradoxal à première vue, fut qu'elle était une des rares Marxiste principale qui ne traita pas les écritures de Marx comme assignation sainte.
- Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1844 The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.
Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses
- A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1859
- Il contributo al marxismo di Rosa Luxemburg
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Vedo Rosa Luxemburg come la marxista che fece il massimo per progredire le teorie rivoluzionarie di Karl Marx nel periodo successivo alla morte di Marx ed Engels.
- O Contributo de Rosa Luxemburg ao Marxismo
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Num momento em que o movimento socialista estava evoluindo em direçoes cada vez mais distantes das posiçoes de Marx o reformismo social democrata, por um lado, e o centralismo burocrático Leninista, por outro Luxemburg foi a principal representante do marxismo no espírito de Marx.
- The Control of the Canadian Economy and the Human Problem of Unemployment:
A Christian Perspective Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979 This statement is printed as a fold-out on one sheet with an insert.
- Control Room
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2004 Shows the coverage of the 2003 Iraqi war from the perspective of Al Jazeera, the Arab world's most popular news outlet.
- Conundrum - Syriza, Democracy And The Death Of A Saudi Tyrant
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 It's always a tricky moment for the corporate media when a foreign leader dies. The content and tone need to be appropriate, moulded to whether that leader fell into line with Western policies or not.
- Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Resource Type: Article
- Convention Proceedings
Confederation of Canadian Unions Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- A Convergence of Realities
Against The Current vol. 156 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 What's striking the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement and its popular slogan “We are the 99 percent” is how much the central demand of the movement resonates with the Black community. African Americans with few exceptions are in the bottom 20% of income and wealth. Double digit unemployment is the norm in “good” economic times.
- Converging on Philadelphia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 At the "Socialist Convergence" and other spaces in Philly the weekend before and week of the DNC, socialists should argue for an orientation toward movements rather than narrow electoralism.
- Conversation with a Hairdresser's Assistant
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1935 An english translation of Reich's article of the same name from 1935, which demonstrates how Marxist principles might be explained without the use of political terms.
- Conversation with Allende
Socialism in Chile Resource Type: Book First Published: 1971
- Conversation with an Anarchist
Democracy, Authoritarianism & Revolution Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Published: 2012
- A conversation with film historian Max Alvarez
How the #MeToo campaign echoes the McCarthyite witch hunt of the 1940s and 1950s Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Clearly, this is not as organized a political campaign as the one that took place in the 1940s and 1950s, but the climate is chillingly similar in terms of the massive capitulation and conformity in the entertainment industry.
- Conversations about Resistance
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 At first, the scene appears tense. Twenty-one Israeli soldiers in full combat gear are arrayed in a neat line across the main road of the small village of Al Ma’sara, just south of Bethlehem in the West Bank. Several of the soldiers wear partial balaclavas which obscure their features, leaving their faces visible only from the eyes up. They stand expectantly, some with their hands resting casually on the butts of their rifles.
- Conversations with Lee Lorch
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2013 Interviews with mathematician and civil rights activist Lee Lorch.
- Converse
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 The role of church people in the correctional system.
- Converse
Periodical profile published 1978 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1978
- ConVerse Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1976 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1976 A quarterly report of local and national news and events related to the penal system.
- Convict and Immigrant Detainee Struggles Converge in Strike Wave
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 There was a time in the United States when it was not only common knowledge, but commonly reported, legislated, and adjudicated that crime is a function of poverty. This went out sometime during the Carter Administration, its demise heralded by the appearance in 1975 of James Q. Wilson's Thinking About Crime, where he first aired the broken-windows theory,which holds that punishment has to be harsh for minor violations of public order to incentivize criminals against larger violations.
- Convict and Immigrant Detainee Struggles Converge in Strike Wave
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The ongoing struggle of us convicts to preserve and enhance their humanity has been taking on an explicit labor aspect, connected to and conscious of such struggles outside the prison walls, and it appears to be intensifying hand in hand with the convicts' traditional struggles for human dignity.
- Convict Labor in America
Book review Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 Convict labour, like antebellum slavery, was an American way of life, a cultural practice that tied northern capitalists, plantation owners, university-trained social reformers, federal officials and advocates of "good roads" together in a powerful alliance.
- The Convict Patient
Resource Type: Film/Video After defying one of his country's most oppressive regimes, a man's disproportionate punishment leaves him mentally ill and homeless in Mexico City in this shocking film on how far a government will go to suppress dissention.
- Convicted but not Convinced
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Convicts, Collateral Damage, and the "War on Drugs"
The Real Crime is the War Itself Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Two recent court cases in southern California provide insight into the identity of those smuggle drugs across the international boundary between the two countries. But more importantly what they do is highlight how the ludicrous “war on drugs” produces casualties of many sorts.
- Jonathan Cook Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Cookie Monster: the Nuts and Bolts of Online Tracking
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Big Tech has become notorious for its hoarding of its users' personal data, collected with great breadth and down to minute details. Billions have been paid by online platforms to settle legal charges over their invasive and reckless privacy follies.
- Matthew Coon Come Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Co-op Housing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Booklet designed to answer initial questions on co-op housing laws and procedures in Canada.
- Co-op Housing - An Alternative
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 A brochure describing non-profit co-op housing in Toronto.
- Co-op housing under attack
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Co-op programs
Resource Type: Article Student co-op programs can be useful and rewarding for both the non-profit group and the students.
- Cooperation at Work
The Mondragon Experience Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983 A guide to work co-operatives, based on the experience of the Mondragon group of co-operatives in Spain.
- La Cooperativa Bain se enfrenta al Grupo de Remuneración por el Trabajo Doméstico
Una espeluznante historia sobre política. Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977
- Co-operative College of Canada
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article A political coalition of progressive, socialist and labour forces anxious to establish a political vehicle capable of bringing about economic reforms to improve the circumstances of those suffering the effects of the Great Depression.
- Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A Canadian political party founded in 1932 in Calgary by a number of socialist, farm, co-operative and labour groups, and the League for Social Reconstruction. In 1944, it became the government of Saskatchewan under T.C. Douglas, and in 1961, it became the New Democratic Party.
- Co-operative Community
Organization profile published 1990 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1990
- La coopérative de Bain rencontre 'Salaires pour les travaux domestiques'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977
- Les Cooperative d'habitation
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Cooperative farming is the only solution to the present agriculture crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 A look at the agricultural crisis in India and the economic realities the country faces in a market tilted in favour of America and Europe. Solutions include government policy based on science in the use of land and water, less reliance on pesticides and fertilizers, and a move towards cooperative farming.
- Co-operative Games
Organization profile published 1976 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1976 Offering games based on co-operation rather than conflict.
- Co-operative Housing Foundation of Canada
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Cooperative Learning & Social Change
Selected Writings of Celestin Freinet Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- The Co-operative Movement on the Prairies, 1900-1955
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1979
- Co-operative Planning Towarrd a Settlement of the Yukon Indian Claim: Document #1, Janury 21, 1977
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 The Planning Council For Yukon Indian Claims is comprised of representatives of the Council for Yukon Indians, the Government of the Yukon Territory, and the Government of Canada.
- The Co-operative Revolution
A Graphic Novel Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012 To celebrate the United Nations International Year of Co-operatives, The Co-operative Group has created a graphic novel, depicting the history, scale and diversity of co-operation.
- The Co-operative Union of Canada
Organization profile published 1976 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1976 An educational and promotional organization for all cooperative projects.
- Co-operatives Bite back! The return of the co-op
New Internationalist June 2004 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2004 A look at the issues regarding and the basic principles of a co-op. Discussion of the history of the international co-operative movement and information on how to set up a co-op.
- Les Cooperatives d'habitation
Organization profile published 1980 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980 "Ce dossier d'inscrit dans une série de documents qui se prospsent de soulever des débats sur les "points chauds" concernant le logement et l'environment."
- Co-ops, Communes and Collectives: Experiments In Social Change in the 1960's and 1970's
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1979 Contains case studies of alternative organizations and articles addressing issues relevant to how such organizations function. Particularly good is Jane J. Mansbridge's paper, "The Agony of Inequality." Also recommended: "Conditions for Democracy: Making Participatory Organizations Work" Joyce Rothschild-Whitt.
- Coopting the language of the left at the pro-life march on Washington
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Examining the use of left wing rhetoric by a participant of the pro-life match on Washington to justify right wing ideologies and policies, and the broader impliciations of such tactics.
- Cop Net and Police Resource List
Resource Type: Website
- COP21 An Opportunity For Climate Justice, If We Mobilize
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The COP21 resulted in an agreement that was 25 years in the making, beginning with the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. Until now the world had been unable to reach an agreement on combating climate change. Now it is up to the people to push for policies at all levels of government to make the Paris Accord effective. We have the potential to use this deal to create a turning point in humanity's struggle for climate justice and end the fossil fuel era, but only if the people mobilize to make it so.
- COP21: in spite of the show, the glass is 80% empty
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The COP21 Paris Climate Conference has, as expected, led to an agreement. It will come into effect from 2020 if it is ratified by 55 of the countries which are signatories to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and these 55 countries account for at least 55% of global emissions of greenhouse gases. In the light of the positions taken in Paris, this dual condition should not raise any difficulty (although the non-ratification of Kyoto by the United States shows that surprises are always possible).
- COP21, Paris: 'Another world is possible, necessary and urgent'
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The greatest danger of the Paris conference is that the global South will be bullied into to accepting a terrible deal rather than leave with none at all. That gives civil society an essential role - to support the resistance of developing country representatives inside the summit to an unjust and ineffective agreement imposed on them by the rich, powerful, high-emitting nations.
- COP27
Corporate Courts Versus Developing World Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 As rich countries move away from dispute-settlement mechanisms that give corporations power to block environmental protections, Manuel Pérez-Rocha says they keep imposing them on developing countries through trade pacts.
- Cope Lifestyles
Organization profile published 1980 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1980
- Copperbelt strike of 1935
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A strike action which performed by African mineworkers in the Copperbelt (then in Northern Rhodesia, today called Zambia) to protest against unfair taxes imposed by the British colonial authorities.
- Cops Are Now Less Cautious Than Soldiers In Iraq
Shooting Mirian Carey Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Police militarization is a hot topic lately, but American police are beyond anything contemplated by the American military. American police today appear unwilling to accept any risk whatsoever and seem willing to kill anyone and anything that could possibly be seen as a threat.
- Cops Charge Black Activist with "Lynching"
Defend Maile Hampton! Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 On January 18, 2015, Maile Hampton, a young black woman and member of the ANSWER Coalition, was leading chants at a Sacramento, California, protest against a pro-cop rally. An online video shows the cops violently attacking several protesters, slamming a woman against a cop car and repeatedly throwing a man to the ground. While both were being handcuffed, the crowd chanted to let them go. Five weeks later, Hampton was arrested at her home. She now faces up to four years in jail on charges of felony "lynching"! A law supposedly intended to criminalize the extra-legal murder of black people, Mexicans and others by the racist terrorists of the KKK and their ilk, is now wielded by the police against those who actively protest the modern-day legal lynchings carried out by the cops.
- Copyleft
Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article A play on the word copyright to describe the practice of using copyright law to remove restrictions on distributing copies and modified versions of a work for others and requiring that the same freedoms be preserved in modified versions.
- The Copyright Police
First They Came for the Hip Hop Sites ... Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Understand this: the seizure of websites without due process, corporate interests lobbying and then writing laws that allow them to be the police and t personally enforce, the battle over net neutrality is all about concentrating power in the hands of a few. This is about controlling the flow of information and being a gate keeper in the communications arena. Its the first step in moving a democracy toward a dictatorship.
- Copyright policies threaten internet use in Panama and Colombia
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 After years of being one of the most progressive regions in the world in terms of balanced copyright policy, Latin America is unfortunately sliding into copyright maximalism, enacting increasingly restrictive copyright enforcement measures into their federal laws.
- The Coral Battleground
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 Published: 2014 A fight for the preservation of the Great Barrier Reef, located in the coast of Queensland. In the late 1960s the reef began to be threatened with limestone mining and oil drilling.
- Coral Reefs
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 All around the world, much of the world's marine biodiversity face threats from human and activities as well as natural. It is feared that very soon, many reefs could die off.
- Corbyn and confronting media power
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Corbyn may be right not to respect a media establishment that has shown little signs of respecting him but he urgently needs a strategy with which to confront it.
- Corbyn's Labour Party is Being Made to Fail - By Design
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 The embattled Labour party is reportedly soon to adopt the four additional working "examples" of anti-semitism drafted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). The full adoption of the IHRA definition of anti-semitism will be a victory for Israel and its apologists in Britain, who who have been seeking to curb all meaningful criticism of Israel.
- Corbyn's Millions - Blair's Millions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 While 'social media' like Facebook and Twitter are forms of corporate media, it is unarguable that they and other web-based outlets have helped empower a serious challenge to traditional print and broadcast journalism. For the first time in history, uncompromised non-corporate voices are able to instantly challenge the filtered 'mainstream' version of events. This certainly helps explain the rise of Labour's Jeremy Corbyn, Podemos in Spain, and now Bernie Sanders in the US.
- Core Secrets: NSA Saboteurs in China and Germany
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 The National Security Agency has had agents in China, Germany, and South Korea working on programs that use “physical subversion” to infiltrate and compromise networks and devices, according to documents obtained by The Intercept.
- Vito Corleone Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Cornish Rebellion of 1497
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A popular uprising by the people of Cornwall in the far south west of Britain.
- Corona and the Rise of the German Police State
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 A few weeks ago, a German women did something illegal. She bought a book called 1984 in a local bookstore. The bookseller was crying because he had not seen a customer for ages.
- The Coronavirus Conundrum and Human Rights
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 These are strange times. From left to right, no one quite knows what to do or who to believe. While the rapid spread of the coronavirus has rendered many of us bewildered and confused, the edict to physically distance ourselves from others has managed to highlight both just how vulnerable and interdependent we all are.
- Coronavirus gives Israelis a tiny taste of what life is like for Palestinians
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Will Israelis emerge from the virus with a newfound sympathy for Palestinian suffering? Not likely.
- Coronavirus vs. the Mass Surveillance State: Which Poses the Greater Threat?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Emboldened by the citizenry's inattention and willingness to tolerate its abuses, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expands its powers. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state's hands.
- Coronavirus: What Newsweek Failed to Mention About "Continuity of Government"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Last week, Newsweek published a report entitled “Inside The Military’s Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government,” which offers vague descriptions of different military plans that could be put into effect if the civilian government were to be largely incapacitated, with a focus on the potential of the current novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to result in such a scenario.
- Corporate America Unmasked
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 While US public views seem generally favourable about American corporations, an extensive study by psychologist Dr. Gary Brumback concludes that leadership, particularly in large corporations, is found to be morally depraved and their organizations often dysfunctional.
- The Corporate Campus
Commercialization and the Dangers to Canada's Colleges and University Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000 An in-depth analysis of the commercialization of Canada's universities and colleges and the the threat to quality education this shift posesses.
- Corporate climate risk is about profit, not fixing the problem
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Corporate 'risk management' is concerned with protecting profits, not with protecting the planet or human beings.
- Corporate Coercion and the Drive to Eliminate Buying with Cash
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Consumer freedom and privacy are examined as coercive commercialism quickly moves toward a cashless economy, when all consumers are forced into corporate payment systems from credit/debit cards, mobile phones and perhaps even through facial recognition technology.
- Corporate Concentration and the Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1976 Condensed version of the brief presented to the Bryce Commission on Corporate Concentration.
- The Corporate Consensus
A Guide to the Institutions of Global Power Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 A detailed guide to the institutions and corporations which occupy the commanding heights of corporate power in the world today.
- Corporate Control, Corporate Power
A Twentieth Century Fund Study Resource Type: Book First Published: 1981 Deep and detailed research into the workings of corporate enables Professor Herman to throw considerable light on how the board of directors operates, how important outside directors are, how new members are selected, and how multiple directorships interlock the large corporations. Changes in corporate governance haves not changed the basic objectives of the corporation -- the pursuit of growth and profits -- nor have they enhanced social responsibility.
- Corporate Corruption And The Special Interest State
Regulatory Capture at the FCC Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 With Tom Wheeler's nomination, expect pro big-telecom policies such as ending net neutrality, further industry consolidation, limiting meaningful competition and increasing user fees, among other policies.
- Corporate Crime
Introduction to the April 9, 2016 issue of Other Voices Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Published: 2015 Corporations have increasingly become legally unaccountable for their behaviour. All too often corporations break the law and engage in criminal acts which would be severely punished if they were committed by ordinary individuals. These illegal acts range from deliberate health and safety violations that cost lives, to land seizures, to environmental negligence that contaminates lands and waters. Most of these illegal acts are never prosecuted, and those that are, are usually dealt with by a fine that corporations can treat as a cost of doing business.
- Corporate crime wave
New Internationalist July 2003 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2003 A look into corporate crime, people who have been involved, and what happens to the money. Also discusses what can be done to stop corporate crime.
- Corporate Giving Directory 1991
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1991
- Corporate India Versus Indigenous People
Violent in the Name of Development Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The state has more or less abandoned rural people (70% of the population) and turned the countryside over to corporate India. Mineral extraction, dam building, infrastructure projects, water appropriation and industrial farming make up their burgeoning business portfolios.
- Corporate Influence in the Media
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Some nations can influence and control their media greatly. In addition, powerful corporations are becoming major influences on mainstream media. In some places major multinational corporations own media stations and outlets. Moreover, even as numbers of media outlets increase, the ownership is becoming ever more concentrated as mega mergers take hold. At the same time, vertical integration gives the big players even more avenues to cross-sell and cross-market their products for even more amazing profits. An effect of this though is a reduction in diversity and depth of content that the public can get, while increasing the political and economic power of corporations and advertisers. An informed population is crucial element to a functioning democracy.
- Corporate influence Inside business How corporations make the rules
New Internationalist July 2002 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2002 A look into how corporate democracy works and facts regarding corporate influence. Also looks into a short history of corporations.
- The Corporate Invasion
Government by Big Business Goes Supranational Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 A new treaty being negotiated in secret between the US and the EU has been specifically engineered to give companies what they want -- the dismantling of all social, consumer and environmental protection, and compensation for any infringement of their assumed rights. Under the treaty, foreign companies could sue governments directly for cash compensation over earnings lost because of strict labour or environmental legislation.
- Corporate Media: the Enemy of the People
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 We on the Left don't need to reflexively and absurdly jump to the defense of imperial criminals at the instigation of that (well, yes) "enemy of the people" the U.S. corporate and so-called mainstream war, news, and entertainment media.
- Corporate Media Gatekeepers Protect Western 1% From Panama Leak
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Whoever leaked the Mossack Fonseca papers appears motivated by a genuine desire to expose the system that enables the ultra wealthy to hide their massive stashes, often corruptly obtained and all involved in tax avoidance. These Panamanian lawyers hide the wealth of a significant proportion of the 1%, and the massive leak of their documents ought to be a wonderful thing.
Unfortunately the leaker has made the dreadful mistake of turning to the western corporate media to publicise the results. In consequence the first major story, published today by the Guardian, is all about Vladimir Putin and a cellist on the fiddle. As it happens I believe the story and have no doubt Putin is bent.
But why focus on Russia? Russian wealth is only a tiny minority of the money hidden away with the aid of Mossack Fonseca. In fact, it soon becomes obvious that the selective reporting is going to stink.
- The corporate media's world of illusions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 In fact, the Great Western Narrative has been developed and refined over centuries to preserve a tiny elite’s privileges and expand its power. The role of journalists like me was to keep feeding these illusions to readers so they would remain fearful, passive and deferential to this elite. It is not that journalists lie – or at least, not most of them – it is that they are as deeply wedded to the Great Western Narrative as everyone else.
- Corporate money preventing all-out campaign to stop global warming
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Highly-regarded former Toronto Mayor David Miller says he is "very excited" about becoming the new President and CEO of the World Wildlife Fund-Canada in September. But there are questions about whether the WWF is effective in its work and, moreover, why the WWF and other members of the global environmental movement have made such little progress combatting the most serious threat to earth - climate change.
- Corporate-owned media manipulation threatens Canadian democracy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 How freedom of expression is threatened because corporate-owned media in Canada censor and manipulate the news.
- Corporate power and the moulding of truth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The corporate dominance of 'free' media in western democracies imposes deep structural constraints on what may be reported, and how. Syria is now the latest example of skewed reportage - and even journalists seeking to analyse the problem must carefully avoid the real reasons for it.
- Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1986 Carroll looks at the accumulation of capital in Canada since the Second World War. Most of the book is devoted to tracing actual patterns of corporate ownership and intercorporate relationships.
- Corporate Predators
The Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on Democracy Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999
- Corporate Rules
The Real World of Business Regulation in Canada Resource Type: Book First Published: 2023 How government regulators are failing the public interest.
- Corporate Spying on Environmental Groups
We Are Being Watched Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The surveillance of moderate environmental groups like GDAC comes at a pivotal time for the environmental movement.
- The Corporate State and Manufactured Dependence
Sure, It Can Get Worse...It's Happening Right Before Our Eyes Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The 'resistance is futile' mindset that supports plutocrats and the global corporations they own assumes the existing order is the only possible order and the costs of resistance are too great because 'they' have state power and unlimited economic resources on their side.
- The Corporate State of Surveillance
Opting Out Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 America was founded on the ideals of personal liberty, freedom and democracy. Now mass spying, surveillance and the unending collection of personal data undermine civil liberties and our privacy rights. We find ourselves in the midst of an all-out invasion on what’s-none-of-their-business and its coming from both government and corporate sources. Snooping and data collection have become big business. Nothing is out of their bounds anymore.
- The Corporate Stranglehold on Education
 Is Higher Education in Need of a Moral Bailout? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Rather than challenge the economic irresponsibility, ecological damage, and human suffering, and culture of cruelty unleashed by free market fundamentalism, higher education appears to be one of its staunchest defenders, uncritically embracing a view of itself based on a market model of the academy.
- Corporate Sycophants and the TPP
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The hypocrisy of "free market" advocates is astounding. While they trumpet increased competition and the elimination of state imposed barriers as a means of spurring economic advancement, they ignore how the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other "free trade" accords increase monopolistic intellectual property provisions.
- Corporate Terrorism in West Texas
The Full Weight of Justice Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Make no mistake, if it becomes clear that the Texas explosion was triggered by a terrorist attack, a la the Oklahoma City bombing, then Obama will begin talking about “the full weight of justice.”
- Corporate volunteering
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 Corporate volunteer programs.
- Corporate Watch (UK)
Resource Type: Website Radical research and publishing group supporting activism against large multinational corporations.
- Corporate Watch - Tracking Corporate Complicity in the Occupation of Palestine
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2010 A blog to track companies profiting from the Israeli occupation of and apartheid policies in Palestine. In addition to research blogs, the site also includes all Corporate Watch's recent articles on Israel/Palestine.
- The Corporate Web
Resource Type: Website Information about the corporations which make political contributions to, and benefit from, the Harris Conservative government in Ontario.
- The Corporate Welfare Bank of the United States
The Elites and the Ex-Im Bank Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Over the past few weeks, the American business lobby and in particular the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have come out in force to support the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. These groups and their puppets in Washington insist that the Ex-Im Bank is good for American small businesses and supports job growth, that failing to reauthorize will harm the overall economy. Conscious of the political atmosphere, the Bank’s supporters have carefully avoided some ugly facts about this vehicle for corporatist cooperation.
- Corporate Welfare in the Forest
Post-Fire Logging Loses Money and Damages the Health of the Ecosystem Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The Forest Service is under extreme political pressure to log our national patrimony, whether it makes any economic or ecological sense. A good example of a needless, ecologically damaging, and economically wasteful logging proposal is the proposed $1.4 million Pole Creek post-fire logging sale.
- The Corporation
 The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power Resource Type: Book First Published: 2003 Makes the case that corporations function as a psychopathic entity. A companion to Mark Achbar's 2003 documentary of the same name.
- The Corporation
 Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2004 The Corporation explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time.
- Corporation Nation
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1998 Derber writes that undemocratic corporations, not governments, are controlling society.
- The Corporations and the State
Essays in the Theory of Capitalism and Imperialism Resource Type: Book First Published: 1974 Essays discussing modern U.S. capitalism and imperialism. Each chapter tries to delineate the relationship between 'economic' and 'political' processes, or at least recognize the unity between them. The unifying them is the role of the large corporations in U.S. society and the world eonomy, and the relationship between these corporations and the capitalist state.
- Corporations Meet Resistance Inside Boston's Schools
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1998 The corporate elite are a small minority and their values are the opposite of most peoples' values. Things that most people consider immoral, like deliberately increasing the number of students who fail to graduate, are ruthlessly pursued by the corporate elite in order to control people and to justify increasing inequality in society.
- Corporations and Military Powers Are Selling Phony "Wokeness" on International Women's Day
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 It was a familiar sight March 8, 2020 on International Women’s Day, as military contractors and other giant corporations used the holiday to attempt to associate themselves with progressive causes and agendas.
- Corporations profiting out of food crisis
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The small group of food multinationals that monopolise the world food market are positioning themselves to take full advantage of the crisis: the latest food price hikes threaten to drive more people back into hunger.
- Corporations Spy on Nonprofits with Impunity
Dow Chemical vs. Greenpeace Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Here's a dirty little secret you won't see in the daily papers: corporations conduct espionage against US nonprofit organizations without fear of being brought to justice.
- Corporations Undermined Public Transportation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Over the past eighteen months two of the world's largest automakers have been found responsible for deadly conspiracies. But, recent revelations can’t compete with the industry's previous scandals.
- Corporations Undermined Public Transportation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Engler analyzes the largest conspiracies committed by automotive manufacturing companies, specifically General Motors' role in eliminating the trolley as America's most used form of public transportation.
- CORPRL: Citizens Organizations To Repeal Prostitution-Related Laws
Organization profile published 1988 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1988
- CorpWatch
Resource Type: Website Corporate Watch provides news, analysis, research tools and action resources to respond to corporate activity around the globe and also talks with people who are directly affected by corporate abuses as well as with others fighting for corporate accountability, human rights, social and environmental justice.
- Correcting Common Misconceptions About Nonviolent Struggle
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1973 A handout sheet addressing common misconceptions about nonviolent action and answering some frequently asked questions. Excerpted from The Politics of Nonviolent Action.
- Correspondence
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979
- Correspondence Publishing Committee
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A radical left organization in the US led by C.L.R. James and Martin Glaberman from approximately 1951 until 1962.
- The Corrosion of Character
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000 Richard Sennett explores the myth of efficiency in the new business order. This is a book about people who went through being downsized in their work. This is the New Capitalism- All Human Character has been abondoned and in its place an owner and demographer who downsize the workers of companies.
- Corrupted Science: the DEA and Marijuana
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 While I was on my book tour for Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto, I was shocked to discover how many Americans didn’t know our Founding Fathers grew cannabis.
- Corruption: Can the rot be stopped?
New Internationalist December 2006 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2006 A look at the people standing up to challenge corruption and make a difference.
- A Cosmetic Cover for Occupation
Against The Current vol. 142 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Following the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in October of 2001, the Bush administration belatedly latched on to the plight of Afghan women under the Taliban as a rationale for military action. As part of their ideological arsenal, they deployed the heretofore retiring First Lady to present a humanitarian face to military intervention. Addressing the nation by radio on November 17, 2001, Laura Bush connected misogyny to terrorism, noting, “The fight against terrorism is also a fight for the rights and dignity of women.”
- The Cost of Bearing Witness
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 There are scores of Palestinian writers and photographers, many of whom have been killed, who are determined to make us see the horror of this genocide. They will vanquish the lies of the killers.
- The Cost of Living
 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1999 Roy takes on two of the great illusions of India's progress: the massive dam projects that have displaced millions, and the development of India's nuclear weapons. Roy peels away the mask of democracy and prosperity to show the true costs hidden beneath.
- The cost of software piracy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2005 The enormous dollar amounts the software industry throws around in its PR campaigns about software 'piracy' are purely imaginary.
- Costa Rican Farmers Become Climate Change Acrobats
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 José Alberto Chacón traverses the winding path across his small farm on the slopes of the Irazú volcano, in Costa Rica, which meanders because he has designed it to prevent rain from washing away nutrients from the soil.
- Costly Energy
Why oil and gas prices are rising and what we can do about it Resource Type: Article First Published: 2001 A collection of progressive analysis and alternatives
- Costly postal strikes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- Costos y riesgos socializados vs. Ganancias privatizadas
La crisis en los Estados Unidos Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008
- The Costs of McCarthyism
Against The Current vol. 85 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 Many Are the Crimes is far more than just an incisive diagnosis of the interlocking components of the historical era known as “McCarthyism.” Yeshiva University historian Ellen Schrecker has also produced a unique anti-witch-hunt study acknowledging that the vast majority of the legal targets of repression were, as the McCarthyites claimed, variously associated with the Communist movement.
- 'Cotton has now become a headache'
A chemical-intensive Bt cotton monoculture is spreading through Odisha’s Rayagada district – harming health, deepening debt, irreversibly er Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Kunari's account reflects a dependence brought about by cotton cultivation that is taking root across the ecologically sensitive highland tracts of Odisha's Rayagada district, with deep implications for its rich store of biodiversity, farmers' distress and food security (See Sowing the seeds of climate crisis in Odisha).
- Cotton: The peril and the promise
New Internationalist April 2007 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 2007 A look at the cotton industry in India and how it is affecting the workers. Discusses alternatives to cotton and sustainability.
- Coughing up coal
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2014 India is rivaling China -- in its plans to consume coal. India is aggressively expanding construction of coal fired power plants to meet growing energy needs. Emissions from coal power plants were linked to 80,000 - 150,000 premature deaths in India between 2011 and 2012 alone and to a wide range of diseases from cancers, to respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. Singrauli -- an industrial hub in north central India -- embodies the tragic human toll that a largely unregulated coal industry can extract.
- Could a 'mini-paper' nip at the heels of mainstream press?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 A mini-paper would be incredibly inexpensive to publish. There would be no requirement for newsprint, a huge printing plant or large delivery system.
- Could COVID-19 bring down the US empire?
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2020 Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies compare the responses to COVID-19 across the world and how the pandemic impacts US hegemony
- Could Punching Nazis Have Prevented Hitler From Taking Power
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 There have been repeated references to how Nazism could have been stopped by street-fighting, with almost no attention paid to the concrete socio-political conditions of Germany between 1920 and 1933. For many of those who think that physical force was the key to stopping Nazism, the viral video of Richard Spencer getting punched in the face was far more important as a guide to action than understanding the tragic history of the German left.
- Council Communism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1939 There is no dearth of proposals as to how to revive the labour movement; however, the serious investigator cannot help noticing that all such proposals for a 'new beginning' are in reality but the restatement and rediscovery of ideas and forms of activity developed with much greater clarity and consistency during the beginnings of the modern labour movement.
- Council communism
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article The central argument of council communism, in contrast to those of social democracy and Leninist Communism, is that democratic workers' councils arising in the factories and municipalities are the natural form of working class organisation and governmental power.
- Council Communism & The Critique of Bolshevism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Council Communists don't see Stalinism as a sort of 'counter-revolution' that deprived October of its fruits. Rather they see Stalinism just as a fruit of this revolution, one that opened the door for capitalism in Russia. Stalin was the heir of Bolshevism and the Bolshevik Revolution.
- The Council for Exceptional Children
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982 The Council for Exceptional Children is a national professional organization that works on behalf of all children with special educational needs - gifted children, children with specific learning disabilities, and children who have emotional, cognitive, motor, visual, auditory, or communication handicaps.
- Council for Yukon Indians
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Council of all beings
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Council of Canadians
Resource Type: Website Promoting economic justicem safeguarding social programs, renewing democratization, asserting Canadian sovereignty, advancing alternatives to corporate-style free trade, and preserving the environment.
- Counter Mobilization: an Effective Response to Right Wing Speech
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 As the effects of the Great Recession linger, the ruling rich are making every effort to ensure that the working class bears the brunt of the economic crunch. In this atmosphere, elements of the extreme right feel emboldened to promote their reactionary wares. From the increasing visibility of right wing websites like breitbart.com, to well-publicized speaking tours by conservative ideologues like Milo Yiannopoulos and others, to former Breitbart editor Steve Bannon attaining the status of presidential advisor – the message from the top is clear: racism, sexism and xenophobia will all be used to divide and oppress the 99%. Meanwhile, these same poisonous sentiments are used to divert attention from those actually responsible for and benefiting from the current crisis.
- Counter-Planning on the Shop Floor
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1971
- Counter Power
 Making Change Happen Resource Type: Book First Published: 2011 Argues that no major movement has ever been successful without counterpower, or the power that the "have-nots" can use to remove the power of the "haves." This book sets out to demystify the power dynamics of social change.
- Counter-Rhetoric
 Challenging "conventional wisdom" & reframing the conflict Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2006 This useful little book does two things. It challenges the rhetoric, the perceptions and assumptions regarding the conflict in Israel/Palestine, and it exposes the underlying imbalance of power around which this rhetoric swirls. It is both useful as a historical guide and as a tool for countering the prevailing divisive rhetoric. Whether challenging the concepts embedded in Zionism, the wars of the mid 20th century and the later occupation, or the Wall as security argument, this book gives a systematic alternative to the prevailing mantras and begins the process of changing the viewing of the conflict.
- Counter-Culture
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 An article on the history of the 1960s Counter-Culture in Toronto.
- The Counter-Revolution in Ireland
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1972 Published: 1974
- Counter-Terrorism and Imperial Hypocrisy
Lessons from the Kidnapping of Abu Anas al-Libi in Tripoli Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 Western governments word closely with 'terrorists' when it suits them, and then turn on them when the wind shifts.
- Counterculture
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Sociological term used to describe the values and norms of behavior of a cultural group, or subculture, that run counter to those of the social mainstream of the day.
- Counterculture of the 1960s
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A cultural movement that mainly developed in the North America and England and spread throughout much of the western world between 1960 and the mid-1970s as a reaction against the political conservatism and social repression of the 1950s.
- Countercurrents
Resource Type: Website An alternative news site based in India. "We bring out what the mainstream media fails to tell you, or hides from you. These are the things that really matter. The things which may determine the fate of planet earth! The future of our children! In a word, the survival of the species!"
- Countercurrents Archive
Resource Type: Website Articles published in Countercurrents, an alternative news site.
- Countering Pro-GMO Deceptions in the British Press
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 In his recent piece for The Times newspaper in the UK, Viscount Matt Ridley argues that a new report from the American National Academies of Sciences (NAS) leaves no room for doubt that genetically engineered crops are as safe or safer, and are certainly better for the environment, than conventionally bred crops.
- Countering the Israel Lobby's Dominance
Can Jewish Liberals Transcend the Wiesel Doctrine? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The distance between largely secular American Jews and the Zionist establishment is likely to widen. This will weaken the political power of the Israel lobby only if American Jews as a whole are prepared to announce unambiguously their antipathy to their self-proclaimed representatives.
- Countering Zionist propaganda about Hizbullah and Lebanon
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 Nothing will change until the people of Palestine, Arabs and Jews, rise up to change the rules of the game, and rebuild the country on a new basis that respects democracy and human rights and good-neighbourly relations.
- The Counterinsurgency Paradigm: How U.S. Politics Have Become Paramilitarized
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Bernard Harcourt argues in his recent book "The Counterrevolution: How Our Government Went to War Against Its Own Citizens" that the same counterinsurgency paradigm of warfare used against post-9/11 enemies has now come to the US as the effective governing strategy.
- Counterpoint: An Underground Newspaper with a Rural Route
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1984
- A Country Of Sacred Cows And Ten Commandments
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 It's high time that Israel must understand that criticizing Israeli government's foreign policy for assassinating people or for shooting children, is by no way Anti-Semitic, it's just being humane.
- The Coup
1953, the CIA, and the Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations Resource Type: Book First Published: 2013 In 1953, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency organized the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected leader and installed Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in his place. Over the next 26, the U.S. backed the unpopular, authoritarian shah and his secret police; in exchange, it reaped a share of Iran’s oil wealth. The blowback was almost inevitable, as this new and revealing history of the coup and its consequences shows.
- The Coup of Coups
Putting the Shah of Shahs on the Peacock Throne Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013
- The Courage of Cooperation
Book Review Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Book Review of Jessica Gordon Nembhard's ' A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice.'
- Courrieres Mine Disaster 1906
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 The devastating mine disaster in 1906 that killed over 1,000 workers in Courrieres, France, is remembered.
- Course Union Organisers' Handbook
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1973 A manual on organzing course unions for university students.
- The court does not sympathize
The moral depravity of the Israeli legal system Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The blood of Palestinians is cheap in this country. No one has ever been punished for killing Palestinians' children, adults, newborns, old people. The murderers are all walking among us, free and happy.
- Court rules Ottawa negligent, ignorant
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991
- Court Throws out Energy Transfer's 'Racketeering' Claims Against Dakota Access Pipeline Opponents
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 An energy company that tried to bring RICO charges against Greenpeace and other people opposing their pipeline have had their case thrown out.
- Courts Back Detroit Scab Papers
Against The Current vol. 88 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 In July a federal court of appeals dealt a crushing blow to the Detroit newspaper strikers, holding management was bargaining in good faith at the time they walked out in 1995. This means replaced workers—of whom there are still several hundred—have no rights to displace scabs and over a thousand more will get no backpay.
- The Cover-Ups That Exploded
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010
- Covering Israel-Palestine: The BBC's Double Standards
An Exchange With The BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 The priorities of the news media mean that the more Palestinians are killed, the less importance their deaths have to news organisations. Conversely, the fewer Israelis killed the more seriousness their deaths are accorded.
- Covering Pakistan: How Journalists and Experts Reproduce Empire
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 It appears irrelevant to many policymakers, journalists, and people in the US generally that Pakistan has, for example, peasants, unions, working-class politics, LGBTQ organizations, feminist groups—that, in short, the overriding ethic of Pakistani democracy and resistance movements is secular.
- COVID-19: Coronavirus and Civilization
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Lockdowns reveal helplessness rather than power. While in a crisis some will take advantage of disaster, it makes no sense that dominant economic powers sought this crisis for some mysterious benefit to themselves, says Diana Johnstone.
- COVID-19 Exposes the Weakness of a Major Theory Used to Justify Capitalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Wolff argues that COVID-19 exposed orthodox economics -- the idea that capitalists' decisions about investing and producing are inherenty "efficent" -- as a sham.
- COVID-19: Vietnam Winning New War Against Invisible Enemy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The World Economic Forum, the Financial Times and others laud Vietnam as a low cost Covid-19 success story to be emulated by poor countries with limited resources, say Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram.
- Cowardly Firing of Australian State-Funded TV Journalist Highlights the West's Real Religion
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A TV sports commentator in Australia, Scott McIntyre, was summarily fired by his public broadcasting employer, Special Broadcasting Services (SBS), because of a series of tweets he posted about the violence committed historically by the Australian military.
- Cowardly New World: Alternative Media Under Attack by Algorithms
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 An insidious assault is underway against alternative media on the internet. Leftist and progressive websites have been suffering significant declines in traffic. Some have had online income sources cut. Many others have been publicly defamed.
The only voices speaking the truth, says Kollibri terre Sonnenblume, are those on the fringes and we must amplify them however we can. Some suggestions:
* Read/view alternative media stories and share them in whatever venues you can.
* Stop consuming mainstream media and stop posting links to it.
* Actively support alternative media by donating money, time or other resources.
* Stop using Google as your search engine; I recommend DuckDuckGo. You will be surprised at how much you've been missing.
* Become the media: take your own photos or video and write up stories yourself for whatever outlet will take your work, even if that's only your own blog.
- The Cowards' Wars
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 The condemnation of Radovan Karadzic to forty years of imprisonment by the International Crime Tribunal-Yugoslavia occasions these reflections.
- Cowburnt
Resource Type: Article Most of the public lands in the West, and especially in the Southwest, are what you might call "cowburnt." Almost anywhere and everywhere you go in the American West you find hordes of these ugly, clumsy, stupid, bawling, stinking, flycovered, shit-smeared, disease-spreading brutes. They are a pest and a plague. they pollute our springs and streams and rivers. they infest our canyons, valleys, meadows, and forests. They graze off the native bluestem and grama and bunchgrasses, leaving behind jungles of prickly pear. They trample down the native forbs and shrubs and cactus. They spread the exotic cheatgrass, the Russian thistle, and the crested wheatgrass. Weeds.
- The Cowliphate and Poisoned Kids: Twin Assaults on The Commons
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 When I opened up my Facebook feed today, 90 percent on the items on my feed were equally divided between the Bundy Cowliphate here in Oregon and the poisoning of the water supply in Flint, my hometown. Given my decades of Public Lands’ Conservation activism, both topics are dear to me.
- Co-workers in a World Struggle
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1975 Problems facing agriculture in Manitoba, similar to problems facing Japanese farmers.
- Coxey's Army
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A protest march by unemployed workers from the United States.
- The CPCCA should be reconfigured to combat racism against all peoples
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Confronted with evidence of a decline in anti-Semitism, Irwin Cotler creatively claims that it is anti-Semitic to accuse Israel of apartheid. Since this accusation seems to be growing and is being promoted by campaigns on Canadian campuses, Cotler then has "evidence" of anti-Semitism.
- CPE: Demystifying Economics--Interview with Elissa Braunstein
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999
- Cracking the Canadian Formula
The Making of the Energy and Chemical Workers Union Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- CRAC-PC: take the arms and the destiny of our lives in Guerrero, Mexico
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2017 A documentary on the CRAC-PC (Regional Coordinator of Communitary Authorities - Communitarian Police), a police force of community volunteers elected by regional assemblies, operating in the Guerrero state in Mexico.
- Craft Unionism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1905 The old form of trade unionism no longer meets the demands of the working class. The old trade union has not only fulfilled its mission and outlived its usefulness, but that it is now positively reactionary.
- Craig Murray: Your Man in Saughton Jail Part 2
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 Think of every sensible thing you think you know about prison. Think of education, training, rehabilitation. It is all completely ignored by the Scottish Prison Service.
- Craig Murray's jailing is the latest move in a battle to snuff out independent journalism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2021 Craig Murray, a former ambassador to Uzbekistan, the father of a newborn child, a man in very poor health and one who has no prior convictions, will have to hand himself over to the Scottish police on Sunday morning. He becomes the first person ever to be imprisoned on the obscure and vaguely defined charge of "jigsaw identification".
- Crayons of Askalan
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 2011 In 1975, at the age of fifteen, Palestinian artist Zuhdi Al Adaw is sentenced and confined in the high security prison of Askalan, Israel for fifteen years. With the help of his fellow prisoners and their families, he manages to stay alive by smuggling in colour crayons and smuggling out his allegorical artwork done on pillowcases, so it finds its way to the outside world.
- CreateHope.org
Resource Type: Website An online site through which charities can solicit donations.
- Creating A Giant Ghetto in Gaza
Against The Current vol. 125 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 I is possible to force a whole people to submit to foreign occupation by starving it? That is, certainly, an interesting question. So interesting, indeed, that the governments of Israel and the United States, in close cooperation with Europe, are now engaged in a rigorous scientific experiment in order to obtain a definitive answer.
- Creating a Socialism that Meets Needs
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 There is widespread and growing understanding that the current social order cannot continue without catastrophe occurring - yet we lack a vision of what might replace it.
- Creating an Ecological Society
 Toward a Revolutionary Transformation Resource Type: Book First Published: 2017 Because it aims squarely at replacing capitalism with an ecologically sound and socially just society, Creating an Ecological Society is filled with revolutionary hope. Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams, who have devoted their lives to activism, Marxist analysis, and ecological science, provide informed, fascinating accounts of how a new world can be created from the ashes of the old.
- Creating Community Anywhere
Finding Support in a Fragmented World Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993
- Creating Knowledge: Breaking the Monoply
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Creating Your Own Alternatives
Resource Type: Article Alternatives and suggestons for creating independent media.
- Creation of Sustainable Free Media Would Be Huge Breakthrough
Part 4 of The Crisis in Canadian Media Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Independent media organizations would approach news differently compared to the coverage provided by corporate-owned media.
- The Creation of World Poverty
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1981 Published: 1983 Hayter challenges the assumption that the West is 'helping' the rest of the world to develop. Far from rescuing the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America from their supposed backwardness, the rich countries have accumulated vast wealth at their expense.
- Creative + Strategic = Effective Movements for Change
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 Some positive, creative ideas on non-violent actions to make social change.
- Creative Conservation
A Handbook for Ontario Land Trusts Resource Type: Book
- Creative Destruction: The Madness of the Global Economy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 The current system of economics, particularly the latest stage of 'turbo-capitalism', known inoffensively as 'neoliberalism', is built upon painful boom-and-bust cycles fuelled by corporate greed and maintained by cynical deception of the public. The costs to the planet - in terms of human suffering and environmental collapse - are staggering.
- 'Creative Destruction' - The Madness of the Global Economy - Part 2
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 The dominant system of economics is unstable, inimical to social justice and lethally damaging to the environmental support systems on which we all depend. A major failure in professional journalism has been the refusal to analyse this; or even to report that real growth rates in the developed world have been declining since the 1970s.
- Creative Growth Games
75 Fascinating games to expand your imagination Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 Published: 1978
- A Creative Tension: Key Issues of Socialist-Feminism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1984 Examination of motherhood and feminism, psychoanalysis, the Third World, individual power, and traditional sex roles.
- Creator Spirit Come
Resource Type: Book
- 'The creatures, too, must become free': Marx and the Animal/Human Distinction
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 It has been claimed that Marx lacked respect for animals, thinking of them as inferior beings. Lawrence Wilde argues that, on the contrary, Marx had a respectful attitude towards animals and non-human nature in general. Marx’s attitude to the non-human is intrinsic to his humanistic outlook, grounded in an understanding of the human essence, for which maltreatment of animals is contrary to a communistic vision. Wilde approaches the question of Marx’s attitude to animals and nature within the wider context of Marx’s ethics.
- Cree Agenda Becomes Part of Federal Election
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 The politicians of all parties are acting as if Aboriginal rights are irrelevant to this question of Quebec secession. Not only is it relevant: it is, in fact, central to the whole question. And if the politicians would only admit this frankly, the terms of the whole debate would be changed overnight.
- Cree Challenge Settement
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990 The Grand Council of the Cree of Quebec goes to court in 1990 asking that the James Bay and Northern Agreement, the largest land claim settlement in Canadian history, should be declared null and void.
- Cree Way
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1980
- Creeping contradictions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978 News tidbits.
- A creeping quiet in Indian journalism?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 How a combination of government pressure, harassment by political activists, commercial actors including both advertisers and some media owners, is exercising a chilling effect on Indian journalism.
- Crees fine government
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989
- CRIAW conference
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Cries of Victims - Voice Of God
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1986
- Crime
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1978
- Crime and Criminals
 Address to the Prisoners in the Chicago Jail Resource Type: Article First Published: 1902 So long as big criminals can get the coal fields, so long as the big criminals have control of the city council and get the public streets for street cars and gas rights, this is bound to send thousands of poor people to jail. So long as men are allowed to monopolize all the earth, and compel others to live on such terms as these men see fit to make, then you are bound to get into jail.
- Crime and Punishment
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1903 Let us have done with this savage idea of punishment, which is without wisdom. Let us work for the freedom of man from the oppressions which make criminals, and for the enlightened treatment of all the sick.
- Crime and Punishment in America
Why the Solutions to America's Most Stubborn Social Crisis Have Not Worked... and What Will Resource Type: Book First Published: 1998 Currie explores why being 'tough on crime' will only serve to exacerbate the problem.
- Crime & Impunity
A pioneering report on sexual torture in Iranian Prisons Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The first-ever comprehensive report on sexual violence and torture of women in Iranian prisons.
- Crime of Apartheid
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article
- Crime or Punishment Why Wall Street Elites Don't Do Time
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Illicit financial behavior has been decriminalized in the United States -- for all practical purposes. Despite the revelations of massive misconduct by banks and other financial services businesses, criminal investigations are rare, indictments exceptional and guilty judgments extraordinary. Most potentially culpable actions are overlooked by authorities, slighted, reduced from criminal to civil status when pursued, individuals evade penalties much less punishment, and the appeals courts take extreme liberties in exonerating culprits when and if the odd conviction reaches them. The last mentioned are establishing new frontiers in the formulation of ingeniously sophistic arguments to justify letting financial malefactors off the hook.
- Crime, Prison and Alternatives
Resource Type: Film/Video First Published: 1978
- Crime & Public Shaming
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Shaming is one of the oldest forms of social regulation and, in the U.S., has long been employed to enforce social order -- specifically to fight crime and suppress unacceptable beliefs and practices. Today, there is an apparent rise of public shaming either as an alternative or supplement to incarceration. On February 8th, 2016, Pres. Obama signed the “International Megan’s Law to Prevent Demand for Child Sex Trafficking” (H.R. 515), the first law in U.S. history in which a special symbol will be placed on a citizen's U.S. passport to identify that the individual was convicted of a sex crime.
- Crimea, El Salvador & the Fight Against Public Participation
Policing "Irresponsibility" Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 On the Obama administration's disregard for democracy and public participation. Examples include the administration's silence on the coup against democratically-elected Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych and its threats to withhold development aid from El Salvador unless the winner of its presidential elections, the FMLN’s Sánchez Cerén, adopts right-wing economic and social policies.
- Crimea, Georgia and the New Olympic Sport: Russia Bashing
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016
- Crimes and Punishment (or Not)
Manning Get's Slammed; A Mass-Murderer Got Sprung Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 William Laws Calley, a second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, was convicted of slaughtering 22 innocent men, women and children, including babies, during a day-long slaughterfest in which he and his men massacred over 500 unarmed Vietnamese.
- The Crimes of 'Intcom'
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Chomsky differentiates between the term "international community" and its other more technical usage referring to the partnering of the USA and several allies. Chomsky labels the latter as "Intcom" and identifies several of its criminal actions.
- The Crimes of Seal Team 6
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Officially known as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, SEAL Team 6 is today the most celebrated of the U.S. military's special mission units. But hidden behind the heroic narratives is a darker, more troubling story of "revenge ops," unjustified killings, mutilations, and other atrocities -- a pattern of criminal violence that emerged soon after the Afghan war began and was tolerated and covered up by the command's leadership.
- Crimes of the Secret Police
Bombers, Burglars, Bullies, Barn-Burners And Dynamite Thieves Resource Type: Book First Published: 1982 An account of crimes committed by the RCMP security service in the name of national security.
- The Crimewave That Shames The World
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 It's one of the last great taboos: the murder of at least 20,000 women a year in the name of 'honour'.
- Criminal blockade: Cuba outraged as delivery of Covid-19 aid from Alibaba chief aborted ‘at the last minute’ due to US sanctions
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Cuba has slammed the US' "criminal blockade" of the country after the embargo stood in the way of the delivery of Covid-19 test kits and ventilators donated by Chinese e-commerce tycoon Jack Ma.
- Criminal Justiice
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1978
- Criminal Law: 25 Common Mistakes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 An examination of common mistakes and impressions people have about criminal law, lawyers, police powers and procedures.
- Criminalizing Criticism of Israel
The End of Free Speech? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 A massive push is underway to criminalize criticism of Israel. The Lobby is working to ban as anti-Semitic any truth or disagreeable fact that pertains to Israel. It is permissible to criticize every other country in the world, but it is anti-semitic to criticize Israel, and anti-semitism will soon be a universal hate-crime in the Western world.
- Criminalizing First-Graders
Arrested and Handcuffed for Tantrums Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 All across the nation, schools have adopted draconian zero-tolerance policies that treat children like criminals and turn schools into prison-like environments.
- Criminalizing Truancy
Should Kids be Jailed for Skipping School? Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 American jurisdictions are increasingly turning to the criminal justice system to deal with truancy. Students and parents are being fined, and in some cases jailed, for missing school.
- Cringeworthy Words in the Battle of Ideas
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2024 Zoltan Zigedy says it’s time to call out words or expressions that mislead, distort, or poison our discourse. He nominates several candidates for retirement, restraint, or caution.
- Cripple Creek miners' strike of 1894
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A five-month strike by the Western Federation of Miners (WFM) in Cripple Creek, Colorado, USA.
- Crippling New Sanctions Punish Syrian Civilians For U.S. Defeat In Proxy War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 As Syria tries to recover from a nearly decade-long war, the US has imposed crippling new sanctions under the Caesar Act that target reconstruction.
- La crise et les travailleurs
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1979
- La crise Iraquienne en context
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Un état solitaire, lourdement armé avec des armes de destruction massives, ouvertement méprisant des lois internationales et des Nations Unies et avec une réputation menaçante d'invader d'autres pays et à plonger le monde dans une crise.
Comment le monde doit il réagir à cette menace? Que peut ont faire à propos des États Unies et leurs ambitions ouvertement impérialistiques?
- Crises, Craziness, and "Security"
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Trump himself is not so important - a vicious demagogue, but not a mass organizer or leader. What matters, following the carnage of the "Islamic State" attack in Paris and the San Bernardino mass shooting, is the climate in which the priority target of opportunity for racist reactionaries has become Muslim refugees, immigrants, communities and mosques.
- Crisis and Coup in Ecuador
Against The Current vol. 87 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 On January 21, 2000, for the first time since the Spanish conquest of Ecuador in A.D. 1533-34, indigenous people briefly -- very briefly -- ruled the country as part of a triumvirate. Frustrated by over a decade of economic problems, corruption and political stalemates over indigenous rights and land disputes, thousands of indigenous protesters and members of popular movements converged on Quito, the country's capital. On the 21st, hundreds of protesters occupied Congress and proclaimed a People's Parliament.
- The Crisis and the Potential
Against The Current vol. 145 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 A veritable civil [war] erupted in the past year among several of America’s leading unions. At a time when over eight million jobs were disappearing, unemployment reaching highs unseen for nearly three decades, home defaults and foreclosures hitting all-time records with no end in sight, and labor’s major legislative goals being cut to pieces, some of the country’s biggest, most aggressive unions went to war — not against capital or Congress, but against one another.
- The Crisis Beneath the Bailout
Against The Current vol. 137 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 In early September, 2008 the Department of Labor reported that the U.S. economy in August had lost another 84,000 jobs. This was followed on October 2 with an announcement that officially recorded September job losses accelerated to 159,000. That made nine consecutive months of increasing unemployment, adding up to well over one million jobs lost over the past year.
- A Crisis by Any Other Name
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 The role of communications in a crisis.
- Crisis Communications
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 Being prepared for a crisis is second best only to avoiding one altogether.
- Crisis Communications Checklist
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Published: 2000 Nothing impresses like real confidence, and only advance planning can bestow it.
- La crisis de Irak en contexto
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 Un estado sin control, pesadamente provisto con armas de destrucción masiva, abiertamente despectivo de la ley internacional y de las Naciones Unidas, y con un record de extensión en aterrorizar e invadir otros países, ha hundido el mundo en crisis.
Como debería el mundo responder a esta amenaza? Que podemos nosotros hacer respecto a los Estados Unidos y sus obvias ambiciones imperialistas?
- Crisis en Gaza: el sistema de salud y los niños en peligro
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007
- Crisis from Pakistan to Motown
Against The Current vol. 140 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Interview with Tariq Ali. Tariq Ali is the author of numerous political books and essays, as well as a filmmaker and novelist.
- Crisis And Hope: Theirs And Ours
 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Overcoming the multiple crises means tearing down an enormous edifice of delusions about markets, free trade, and democracy that has been assiduously constructed over many years and overcoming the marginalization and atomization of the public so that they can become participants, not mere spectators of action.
- The Crisis in African Agriculture
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 Why is Africa no longer able to feed itself? Lamine Gokou poses this question against a background of meticulous evidence charting the dimensions of the Continent's agricultural decline. He shows what has happened to overall food production, grain output, and levels of nutrition. He argues that the solution to Africa's food crisis must be primarily political. Technical measures can only work once African peoples have taken control of their own societies.
- The Crisis in Corbyn's Labour Party is Over Israel, Not Anti-Semitism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 If there is indeed an anti-semitism problem in the UK's Labour party, it is not in the places where the British corporate media have been directing our attention. What can be said with even more certainty is that there is rampant hatred expressed towards Jews in the same British media that is currently decrying the supposed anti-semitism of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
- The Crisis In Historical Materialism
Class , Politics and Culture in Marxist Theory Resource Type: Book
- The Crisis in Investigative Journalism
The Case of James Risen Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Investigative journalists are the vanguard of the so-called Fourth Estate, bearing the formidable task of watchdogging the other three estates
- The Crisis in Red Meats
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 This newsletter is a report of a seminar dealing with the crises created in the livestock industry in Canada and their relation to marketing, nutrition and the world food situation.
- Crisis in the Balkans
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Chomsky illustrates the situation in Kosovo and considers NATO involvement in the context of the international order and its rules.
- Crisis in the encampments: Can the Occupy movement be saved from itself?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The question now is whether the Occupy movement can survive as an effective force for political and social action. The decision made some time ago to set up permanent encampments is turning out to be a disaster and is taking attention away from other more productive activist events.
- Crisis in the EU: From the Periphery to the Center
Against The Current vol. 155 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 The crisis of 2007-2009, coming from the U.S. core of the globalized system, the crisis that threatens the weak links of the euro, and the third crisis that started to affect Eastern Europe in 2009 have a major common point. Whether we are talking about the United States, Greece or the Baltic States, these crises are the repercussions of profoundly unbalanced growth.
- Crisis in the Eurozone
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012 A controversial call to break up the Eurozone and stop the debt crisis.
- Crisis in the US
Social and Economic Effects, Restructuring and Methods of Adapting Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 2010 The cause of the crisis in the US must be found in the context of the world capitalist economy and not credited to internal causes. These internal causes of course exist but in fact only shape the way this crisis is expressed.
- The Crisis in Ukraine is a Planetary Crisis Provoked by the U.S. that Threatens Nuclear War
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- The Crisis in Ukraine is a Planetary Crisis Provoked by the U.S. that Threatens Nuclear War
Boyd-Barrett, Oliver Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 In the United States and its allies, Russia confronts an adversary which is the only country ever to have used nuclear weapons on another. This is also an adversary which has many times since considered using nuclear weapons again.
- The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It's About Germany
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022
- A crisis manufactured by the Harris government
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2002 Moving at breakneck speed to ram through ill-conceived ideologically driven schemes with mindless arrogance.
- The Crisis of Color and Democracy
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992 Essays attacking racist sterotypes and cynical arguments which America's national leaders use to obscure both the roots of today's social problems and their solutions.
- The Crisis of Dialectical Materialism and Libertarian Socialism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 Libertarian socialism is defined first and foremost by the negation of political authoritarianism and theoretical determinism.
- Crisis of External Dependence
The Political Economy of Foreign Aid to Bangladesh Resource Type: Book This book presents an informed, wide-ranging and critical account of the impact of foreign aid on Bangladesh's economy and society. The author shows the distortive consequences that, in practice, aid has on his country's path of development, productive forces, and process of class formation. He demonstrates conclusively that Bangladesh cannot continue to rely on aid as its principal strategy of development.
- The Crisis of Modern Society
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1965 Published: 1967 Based on a talk given by Paul Cardan at Kent in 1965, "Crisis" elucidates upon the several endemic problems of modern societies, touching on the sciences, education, and the organization of work.
- The Crisis of Revolutionary Power
Against The Current vol. 140 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Alexander Rabinowitch has long stood as a major figure in the field of revolutionary history, his reputation forged by his series of books tackling the revolution in Petrograd. The book under review, his latest addition to this canon, is a meticulous and painstaking history, showing us the gaps and exploring the confusions of a tightly defined period.
- The Crisis of Social Democracy: From Norway to Europe
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 With social democratic parties in Europe suffering poor election results and significant setbacks, this article puts the current crisis in historical context, and how resolution and success will depend on more radical solutions.
- Crisis of the Regime
Against The Current vol. 120 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2006 "A government headed by right-wing extremists has been returned to power, to preside over a divided country and a potential for real catastrophe in Iraq!" That's what we wrote a year ago, in the immediate wake of the 2004 election (editorial statement, ATC 113). In other words, the Republicans were firmly installed as the country's ruling party, albeit with a razor-thin majority, unless and until they were to screw something up really, really badly—and have they ever, from Baghdad to New Orleans and back!
- Crisis of the State, Crisis of the Left
Articulating Socialism After the Anarchist Moment Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 'Augmenting the left' -- that is, finding ways to build new organizational alliances, expand practices of resistance, and culturally envision and collectively build toward a better world -- is not just a worthwhile project, but also an essential one. Human survival may depend upon it. In this regard, it must be recognized that there is also a crisis of the various post-Marxisms, especially to the extent that they tried to replace class as the central structural pivot around which different forms of oppression and counter-hegemonic emancipatory struggles condense.
- The Crisis of World Labor
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Both the size and composition of the world working class have changed dramatically over the past four decades. But these massive shifts are not reflected in the strength of workers' organizations.
- Critical Condition
August 1980 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980
- Critical Condition
October 1980 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980
- A Critical Defense of Charter '08
Against The Current vol. 143 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 Last November, dozens of well-known Chinese intellectuals launched the Charter '08 to call on Chinese government to respect basic civil and democratic rights. Soon afterwards the core leader of the appeal, Liu Xiaobo, was arrested and remains in custody until now.
- Critical distance (Bean)
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979 Letter: anarchists must make a choice.
- Critical List
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1975 Published: A magazine founded in 1975 dealing with issues in health and the illness business. There are some issues in the Connexions Archive.
- Critical Mass
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A bicycling event typically held on the last Friday of every month.
- Critical Mass, Conflicts involving
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article Bicycling events resulting in arrests or requiring police presence. Critics claim that Critical Mass, a bicycling advocacy event held primarily in large metropolitan cities, is a deliberate attempt to obstruct automotive traffic and disrupt normal city functions, asserting that individuals taking part refuse to obey traffic laws.
- Critical Paths
Organizing on health Issues in the community Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989
- Critical pedagogy
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article a teaching approach that attempts to help students question and challenge domination, and the beliefs and practices that dominate: in other words, a theory and practice of helping students achieve critical consciousness
- Critical Perspectives on the Constitution
Volume 2 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1985 This collection includes essays on collective rights, resistance to patriation by First Nations chiefs, and Quebec education reform.
- Critical Resistance at 10
Against The Current vol. 139 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 On the weekend of September 26-28, 3,500 people gathered in Oakland, California to hasten the death of the prison system.
- Critical Theory
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1968 Published: 1972 Essays by the founder of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt.
- Critical thinking
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article The purposeful and reflective judgement about what to believe or what to do in response to observations, experience, verbal or written expressions, or arguments.
- Criticising Monbiot isn't 'demonisation'. It’s a first step on the path to reclaiming our minds
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020
- Criticism: An Abandoned Process
Blame the Greeks! Resource Type: Article First Published: 2013 The art of criticism is yet another casualty of television, the Internet and individualism. The objective of criticism should be to improve something. That is the only way that changes and transformations take place. Formal and informal criticisms have been the centerpiece of every advanced society.
- Criticism not disloyal
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2008 Support for Palestinian rights thus need not come at the expense of concern for Israelis - in fact, advocating changes to Israeli policies that perpetuate war, anger, and resistance is the truest promotion of Israelis' well-being.
- Criticizing Israel is Not an Act of Bigotry
Jewish Opposition to Israeli Human Rights Crimes is Growing Resource Type: Article First Published: 2007 A grassroots revolt is underway in Jewish communities throughout the world, a revolt that has panicked the elite organizations that have long functioned as official mouthpieces for the community.
- A Critique of Anarchism
Resource Type: Article Like liberalism, of which it is merely a stronger version, anarchism in reality can only serve as a cloak behind which real goals and real desires can be hidden. Thus when a movement is unsure of itself, it hides behind bland calls for freedom of expression (democracy) and freedom of action (anarchy). This can be as much true for subversive movements as for reactionary movements.
- A critique of anti-assimilation
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 In this piece, Gayge Operaista critiques how anti-assimilation politics of many radical queer tendencies ignores class struggle, and recasts queer liberation in terms of the class struggle, countering the worst excess of identity politics with an introduction to models of class struggle.
- Critique of Canada's Family Allowances
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977 When in January, 1974, major amendments to the Family Allowances came into effect, the National Anti-Poverty Organization examined the effect these changes had on Canadians.
- The Critique of Capitalist Democracy
An Introduction to the Theory of the State in Marx, Engels, and Lenin Resource Type: Book First Published: 1957 Published: 1969
- The Critique of Everyday Life, the New Left, and the Unrecognizable Marxism
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1972 In this introduction to his book, The Unknown Dimension, Karl Klare asserts that Marxism must be continuously rediscovered, recreated and reinvigorated by every generation. Any comprehensive and historical theory of our situation today must find its place within Marxism, because the problems that brought Marxism into being have not been resolved.
- Critique of Hegel's Philosophy in General
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1844
- A Critique of Kim Moody's An Injury to All
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1989 Moody's book is no academic study, but looks at the labor movement "from the bottom up"; the author has witnessed and to some extent participated in the many defeats and handful of victories of the past 15 years.
- A Critique of Marxism
Resource Type: Pamphlet A critique of a straw-man version of Marxism.
- Critique of Nonviolent Politics
 From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1984 Published: 2002 Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social movements." He says that nonviolence theory "is troubled by moral dogma and mechanical logic."
- The Critique of Practical Reason
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1788
- The Critique of Pure Reason
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1787 According to Kant, "The first step in regard to the subjects of pure reason, and which marks the infancy of that faculty, is dogmatic. The second, which we have just mentioned, is sceptical, and it gives evidence that our judgement has been improved by experience. But a third step, such as can be taken only by fully matured judgment, based on assured principles of proved universality, is now necessary, namely to subject to examination, not the facts of reason, but reason itself, ... not the censorship but the criticism of reason, whereby not its present bounds but its determinate and necessary limits."
- A Critique of Pure Tolerance
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1965 Published: 1969
- Critique of Syndicalist Methods
Trade-Unionism to Anarcho-Syndicalism Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1975 Published: 1998 Bonanno's 1975 meditation on the means to be used in pursuit of the anarchist project. Emphasizes the utility of unions in propagating capitalist control of industry and agriculture.
- A Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Program of 1891
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1891
- Critique of the Gotha Programme
 Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1875 Karl Marx's criticisms of the programme adopted by congress to unite the two German socialist parties in 1875.
- Critique of Violent Rationales
A Review Article of Critique of Nonviolent Politics: From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 Nonviolent activists and scholars will disagree with many of the arguments in the book but there is much that they can gain by examining them closely.
- Croatian-Slovenian peasant revolt
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article A large peasant revolt in today's Croatia and Slovenia in 1573.
- Crocodyl
Collaborative research on corporations Resource Type: Website Crocodyl is a collaboration sponsored by CorpWatch, the Center for Corporate Policy and the Corporate Research Project. Our aim is to stimulate collaborative research among NGOs, journalists, activists, whistleblowers and academics from both the global South and North in order to develop publicly-available profiles of the world's most powerful corporations. The result is an evolving compendium of critical research, posted to the public domain as an aid to anyone working to hold corporations increasingly accountable.
- David Cromwell & David Edwards Quotes
Resource Type: Unclassified
- Cromwell and the Levellers
Tercentenary of English Revolution: 1649-1949 Resource Type: Article First Published: 1949 Levelers were a loose organisation of kindred political thinkers who from stage to stage expressed the rapidly developing political consciousness of a great social and political mass movement.
- The Crooked Path to Good Eating
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1977 This nutrition handbook explains that today's large chain supermarkets stock over 10,000 items from which we must choose to get the most for our food dollar, both nutritionally and economically.
- The Cross and the Sword: The Making of a Christian Taliban in Ukraine
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The recruitment point for volunteers in Dmytro Korchynsky's holy war is located in the basement of a building in central Kiev, on Chapaev Street, in what used to be a billiard club. Anyone can sign up, and the location isn't secret -- its address and phone number is on the Internet.
- Cross-Cultural Learner Centre
Organization profile published 1978 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1978
- Cross Cultural Social Work In Canada: An Annotated Bibliography
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980 "The Multicultural Workers Network was established in June, 1978 with the overall objective of improving the delivery of social services to our multicultural community".
- Crosscurrents - Saskatoon's Community Exchange.
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1980
- Crossing a chasm slowly, in ten small steps? Sustainable living demands big changes
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A call to re-engineer our infrastructure, re-imagine society and re-think the ways we live for disruptive, transformative change - rather than tinkering at the margins of 'normality'. Transitioning to sustainability will require profound changes in our everyday ways of living, particularly in westernised countries. It requires changes that are much more significant than simply doing the things that we currently do, but more efficiently.
- Crossing Hitler
The Man Who Put the Nazis on the Witness Stand Resource Type: Book First Published: 2008 Explores the first full-length biography of Litten, the turbulent years of the Weimar Republic and the terror of Nazi rule in Germany after 1933.
- Crossing Rafah
Heading to Gaza Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015
- Crossing The Line
Unionized Employee Ownership and Investment Funds Resource Type: Book First Published: 1995 This book studies the issue of employee ownership as the divide between management and labour blurs.
- Crossing the River of Fire
The Liberal Attack on Naomi Klein and This Changes Everything Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 A review of Naomi Klein's book "This Changes Everything" on climate change and its political enviroment.
- Crossroads Resource Group
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Crow flying high
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1990
- Crowds and Party
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2016 Dean argues that class struggle and the party form are not obsolete, and this renewal has caused great enthusiasm in left politics.
- Crowsnest Pass Strike, 1932
Connexipedia: Article in the Canadian Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article A strike that began in January 1932 with demands that companies divide available work in the depressed coal-mining industry equally among miners rather than playing favourites. Coal companies refused to deal with the workers' union, the Mine Workers' Union of Canada.
- Crucible of Freedom: Workers' Democracy in the Industrial Heartland, 1914-1960
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012 Working people created a new America in the 1930s and 1940s which was a fundamental departure from the feudalistic and hierarchical America which existed before. In the process, class politics re-defined the political agenda of America as for the first and time in American history the political universe polarized along class lines. The author explores the meaning of the new deal political mobilization by ordinary people by examining the changes it brought to the local, county, and state levels in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, and Pennsylvania as a whole.
- Crucifying Julian Assange
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Juilien Assange, who exposed the dark machinations and crimes of the US government, is now under threat of being expelled from the Equadorian Embassy. The article looks at what is happening to Assange and why the the silence over his plight is a betrayal by the press.
- Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil
Resource Type: Book First Published: 2009 Investigation of oil as major driver in the power dynamics of the world, and of the 'oil curse', which seems to make the countries that export it poorer, not richer.
- Cruel Harvest
U.S. Intervention in the Afghan Drug Trade Resource Type: Book First Published: 2012 Mercille argues that the United States is not concerned about waging a real war on drugs, and that alleged concerns about narco-terrorism mostly act as pretexts to justify occupation. The United States in fact shares a large part of the responsibility by supporting drug lords, refusing to adopt effective drug control policies and failing to crack down on drug money laundered through Western banks.
- Cruelty against Gaza patients enabled by US and EU
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2022 The cruelty of the siege of Gaza and the depravity of those who prolong it cannot be overstated.
- Cruise industry chafes at regulation that would help clean up Alaska's air
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 The cruise ship Sapphire Princess will emit the same amount of sulphur dioxide as 13.1m cars as it takes its guests from Whittier, Alaska to Glacier Bay and eventually Vancouver.
- The Cruise Missile Conversion Project
Organization profile published 1981 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1981
- The Cruise Missile Conversion Project
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 The Cruise Missile Conversion Project was a dedicated group of women and men committed in 1980-1981 to resisting Canadian militarism. They chose as their focus the Rexdale, Ontario manufacturing plant operated by Litton Systems Canada.
- The Crusade in Favor of GMO: Falsehoods and Vilification Will Not Fool the Public
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Pro-GMO campaigners often attack critics of the technology by claiming their negative views of it emanate from well-funded environmentalist groups or commercial interests in the organic food sector. The assertion is that such bodies promote falsehoods and scaremongering about GM to protect their own interests and that the GMO agritech sector has fallen victim to this.
- Cry for "Bread & Roses" Still Resonates
100 Years After the Lawrence Strike Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 When worker solidarity prevailed over corporate power in the icy streets of Lawrence a century ago, it made the promise of a better life real for many. The Bread and Roses strike became a consciousness-raising experience, not only for textile workers and their families, but the nation as a whole.
- Cry Hungary! Uprising 1956
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1986 An account of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.
- Cryptome Protest Photos Series
Resource Type: Website First Published: 2001 Published: 2012
- Crystal Eastman on Women and Revolution
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1978
- Cuadrilla versus The Nanas - #IamTinaRothery
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Thanks to fracking company Cuadrilla, grandmother Tina Rothery will be in court tomorrow over a £55,000 'debt' imposed on her for joining a peaceful occupation of a fracking site in Lancashire. But as she explains, she can't pay, she won't pay, and even if she could pay, she wouldn't. Someone has to stand up to corporate vandalism and abuse of justice - and in this case, it's her, no matter what the consequences.
- Cuba
Anatomy of Revolution Resource Type: Book First Published: 1960 Published: 1969
- Cuba 1959 to 1980s
The Unforgivable Revolution Resource Type: Article First Published: 1995 An account of the CIA's continuing covert war against Cuba.
- Cuba for Beginners
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1970 Published: 1971 A comic book history of Cuba and the Cuban Revolution.
- Cuba in Search of Renovation
Against The Current vol. 141 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 On January 1, 1959, the rebel Army entered Havana and brought down the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. Fifty years later, Fidel Castro has given up power, but his brother Raúl has relieved him. Far from being characterized by paralysis, this transition period has witnessed the emergence of an intense debate about the future of socialism, both among opponents as well as those who defend it with the desire to see it evolve.
- Cuba Makes Me Hurt
Against The Current vol. 105 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2003 The jail sentences and executions in Cuba are very good news for the global superpower, which has been going crazy trying to cough up that bone stuck in its throat. But they are very bad news, sad and painful news, for those of us who think that the courage shown by this tiny country, so capable of greatness, is admirable, but who also think that justice and freedom march hand in hand or not at all.
- Cuba: A New Era
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 The normalization of U.S.-Cuba political relations was possible due to the changed geopolitical situation, Obama, and the Cuban diaspora being open to dialogue.
- Cuba - A Personal Reflection
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 A brief history of the revolutionary period in Cuba's history told through the author's experiences.
- Cuba, the United States and the Left
Against The Current vol. 89 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2000 The nationalist anti-imperialist revolution of the long beards has lasted forty-one years. It was never a socialist revolution. The Moncada combatants were not socialists, neither were those in the Sierra Maestra (with few exceptions), nor the Cuban people who one morning woke up to hear the news through the radio and from the mouth of Fidel Castro, that in response to the imperialist attacks, the island had become "socialist."
- Cuba Today
Against The Current vol. 142 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The Cuban revolution's 50th anniversary has sparked academic conferences, debates and articles assessing its past and future. How and why has the revolution survived? What does the future hold for Cuba? Or, as it is often put, more crudely, what will happen when Fidel/Raul dies?
- The Cuban Five--Injustice Prolonged
Against The Current vol. 141 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear the final appeal of the “Cuban Five,” who were convicted in 2001 and are serving prison terms ranging from 15 years to life for “espionage conspiracy” and acting as illegal agents for the Cuban government.
- Cuban Revolution
Connexipedia Article Resource Type: Article An armed revolt that led to the overthrow of U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista of Cuba on January 1, 1959 by the 26th of July Movement led by Fidel Castro.
- Cuban Revolution - History
Resource Type: Article Documents on the Cuban revolution 1959 -
- Cuban Women Now: Afterward 1974
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1974 I am writing this afterword because I feel that in the past three years fundamental changes have taken place in Cuban society,changes concerning women's role and men's, and women's attitudes towards those roles.
- Cuba's Invasion Fears
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1991 There is nothing irrational about Cuba's fears of being invaded by the United States.
- Cuba's Prisoner Release
Surprise! Mainstream Media Omits Context and Key Facts Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 Double standards and hypocrisy abound in American media coverage of Cuba's recent prisoner release. For example, the U.S. government holds more political prisoners on Cuban soil than the Cuban government does.
- Cuba's urban farming shows way to avoid hunger
Urban farming, Cuban-style, is being hailed as an example of how to feed ourselves when climate change threatens serious food shortages. Resource Type: Article First Published: 2019 When countries run short of food, they need to find solutions fast, and one answer can be urban farming. That was the remedy Cuba seized with both hands 30 years ago when it was confronted with the dilemma of an end to its vital food imports.
- Cucks, Cuckolding and Campaign Management
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Talk about a bunch of sad sacks that really stink in the sack. The Trumpocalypse is ruining sex for the rest of us.
- Cuia Popular de Fotografia
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1990
- Culhane, Claire
Connexipedia: Article from PrisonJustice.ca Resource Type: Article Canadian social justice activist. (1918-1996).
- Culhane, Claire - Spanish text
Connexipedia article Resource Type: Article First Published: 2011 Abolicionista de las prisiones.
- Cult, Ghetto, and State
The Persistence of Jewish Question Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983 Jewish studies, Maxime Rodinson says in this book, has been a field in which ideological delirium has long had virtually free rein. In this collection of essays, he tries to redress the balance, bringing his expertise to bear on Jewish problems past and present.
- The cult of ignorance in the United States: Anti-intellectualism and the "dumbing down" of America
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It's the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
- Cultivating Famine: The World Food Crisis
Resource Type: Slide Show First Published: 1975 A look at the historical and structural causes of the wold food crises and their most commonly advocated solutions.
- The Cultivation of Hate
The Lies Grow More Audacious Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 If there were any doubts that Western “leaders” live in a fantasy make-believe world constructed out of their own lies, the G-7 meeting and 70th anniversary celebration of the Normandy landing dispelled the doubts.
- Cultural Appropriation and Secular Blasphemy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 On the controversies over 'cultural appropriation'.
- Cultural Correspondence
Resource Type: Website First Published: 1975 Published: 1985 A critical review of popular culture, born from the collapse of the New Left and hopes for a new beginning of a social movement, intermittently published in Providence from 1975 to 1985.
A digital archive is available at http://dl.lib.brown.edu/cultural_correspondence/
- Cultural Imperialism and the Seeds of Catastrophe: Ripping Up The Social Fabric of India
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 Foreign capital is dictating the prevailing development agenda in India. The aim is to replace current structures with a system of industrial agriculture suited to the needs of Western agribusiness, food processing and retail concerns.The plan is for a fraction of the population left in farming working on contracts for large suppliers and large chain supermarkets offering a diet of highly processed, denutrified, genetically altered food based on crops soaked with chemicals and grown in increasingly degraded soils according to an unsustainable model of agriculture that is less climate/drought resistant, less diverse and unable to achieve food security.
- The Cultural Looting of Gaza
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2023 People in Gaza are confined to living with few resources in what amounts to a prison. They are permitted levels of nutrition and medicine that are just enough to prevent total starvation and disease. This is only because Israel, which controls the piece of land known as the Gaza Strip, does not want disease to spread into its own borders.
- Cultural and Political Diversity in the White Working-Class
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2020 Explores American politics and voter trends and challenges the idea that highly educated people are the norm and the ideal, whereas poorly educated whites are ignorant and deplorable, standing in the way of positive change the educated are trying to bring.
- Cultural Resistance
A Reader Resource Type: Book First Published: 2002 From the retributive fantasies of Robin Hoods to those of gangsta rappers, culture has long been used as a political weapon.This reader brings together many of the classic texts that help to define culture as a tool of resistance.
- The Cultural Turn
Selected Writings on the Postmodern, 1983-1998 Resource Type: Book First Published: 2009 Fredric Jameson, a leading voice on the subject of postmodernism, assembles his most powerful writings on the culture of capitalism.
- Culture and Consumption:
New Approaches to the Symbolic Character of Consumer Goods and Activities Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Culture and monoculture: Old Order Amish face Ontario's dairy bureaucrats
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1997 Tucked away in various pockets of Central Ontario is a quiet scattering of Old Order Amish and Mennonite communities. Apart from their sober black dress, the most obvious sign of their presence is the horse-drawn buggies they drive on road shoulders made deliberately wide to accommodate them.
- A Culture in Conflict
Skilled Workers and Industrial Capitalism in Hamilton, Ontario, 1860-1914 Resource Type: Book First Published: 1979 A study of continuity and change in the lives of skilled workers in Hamilton, Ontario, during a period of economic transformation. Palmer shows how the disruptive influence of developing industrial captialism was counterbalanced by the stabilizing effect of the associaitonal life of the workingman, ranging from the fraternal order and the mechanics' institute to the baseball diamond and the rough music of the charivari.
- Culture Inc.
The Corporate Takeover of Public Expression Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 Schiller defends democratic expression and free access to information while demonstrating the ways in which public expression, public space, and public access to information are becoming increasingly limited and controlled.
- Culture of Complaint
The Fraying of America Resource Type: Book First Published: 1993 Propaganda-talk, euphemism, and evasion are so much a part of American usage today that they cross all party lines and ideological divides. The art of not answering the question, of cloaking unpleasant realities in abstraction or sugar, is so perfectly endemic that we expect nothing else.
- The Culture of Fear
In Javier Giraldo, Colombia: The Genocidal Democracy Resource Type: Article First Published: 1996 Chomsky looks the horrors of Columbia's "democra-tatorship" and its accessories, hailing Giraldo's work as an inspiration for bringing these terrors to an end.
- The Culture of Terrorism
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988 Chomsky argues that the United States elites are dedicated to the rule of force, and that their commitment to violence and lawlessness has to be masked by an ideological system which attempts to control and limit the domestic damage done when the mask occasionally slips.
- "Culture", Science and State-Capitalism
Resource Type: Pamphlet First Published: 1971 Neither culture nor science can lead lives separate from the economic realities of the societies which nurture them. Science and culture, even as they are procliamed to be the harbingers of revolutionary change, are being used today by the existing social order to preserve itself.
- The Culture That Created Donald Trump Was Liberal, Not Conservative
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 Now that Donald Trump, the candidate, has become both widely popular and deeply loathsome, we're seeing a cataract of editorials and commentary aimed at explaining how it happened and who's to blame. The predictable suspects are trotted out: the Republican Party, which had been too opportunistic and fearful to stand up to its own candidate, Fox News, which inflamed the jingoes, and white working-class voters, unhinged by class envy and racial resentment.
- Cultures of Darkness
Night Travels in the Histories of Transgression [From Medieval to Modern] Resource Type: Book First Published: 2000 Peasants, religious heretics, witches, pirates, runaway slaves, prostitutes and pornographers, frequenters of taverns and fraternal society lodge rooms, revolutionaries, blues and jazz musicians, beats, and contemporary youth gangs -- those who defied authority, choosing to live dangerously outside the defining cultural dominations of early insurgent and, later, domanant capitalism are what Bryan D. Palmer calls people of the night.
- Cultures of Solidarity
Consciousness, Action, and Contemporary American Workers Resource Type: Book First Published: 1989 In three vivid case studies Fantasia explores the complicated, multi-faceted dynamics of American working-class consciousness and collective action.
- Deborah Cunningham, 1945-2015
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2015 Deborah Cunningham was an ADAPT activist and Executive Director of the Memphis Center for Independent Living (MCIL). When she died on May 7, the movement lost a tireless, creative, committed activist, feminist and thinker.
- C.U.P.E. Journal
Periodical profile published 1977 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1977 Review of the effectiveness of the anit-inflation board.
- CUPE sues to stop CBC cuts
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1992
- CUPW 1981: Mother's Rights, Union Rights
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1983
- Curbing Garbage:
Recommendations For Recycling Resource Type: Book First Published: 1988
- Curing Nuclear Madness
Resource Type: Book First Published: 1986
- Curitiba: the Greenest city on Earth
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Eco-savvy urban planners have been studying Brazil's seventh largest city for decades.
- The Current Bombings
Behind the rhetoric Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 Noam Chomsky discusses his observations on the NATO bombing in Kosovo in relation to the "rules of world order".
- Current Developments in Iran
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 An update on the new wave of demonstrations that started December 28, 2017 in Mashhad, the second-largest city in Iran, and why dissent is different from that of 2009.
- The Curse of Energy Efficiency
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 The more 'efficient' our technology, the more resources we consume in a downward spiral of catastrophe.
- Cursed Fields
What the tundra has in store for Russia's reindeer herders Resource Type: Article First Published: 2018 Noah Sneider visits the Yamal Peninsula in Russia where an outbreak of anthrax is killing herds of reindeer and engdangering the lives of the local people. Rising temperatures and a particularly hot summer have led scientists to conclude that climate change is the most credible explanation for its deadly return.
- The Cuso-Oxfam Labour Project
Organization profile published 1982 Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982
- Customs in Common
Studies in Traditional Popular Culture Resource Type: Book First Published: 1992 Published: 1993 The companion to E.P. Thompson's landmark volume of social history, The Making of the English Working Class, Customs in Common describes the complex culture from which working-class institutions emerged in England — a panoply of traditions and customs that the new working class fought to preserve well into Victorian times. Thompson investigates the gradual disappearance of a range of cultural customs against the backdrop of the great upheavals of the eighteenth century.
- Cut and Run
The Assault on Canada's Forests Resource Type: Book First Published: 1983 Examines the crisis in Canada's forest industry and the reasons for the crisis.
- Cut It Out: An Open Letter to Black Bloc Anarchists
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2012 Black Bloc tactics actually serve the cause of the 0.1%.
- CUT - Social Action Training - Atlantic Provinces
Resource Type: Unclassified First Published: 1981
- The CUT Transient Plunge
Resource Type: Organization First Published: 1982 CUT is a national organization dedicated to providing training for social activists.
- Cutbacks
Wiping out our Gains Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977
- Cutbacks to Training Allowances & Outreach Programs: Their Impact on Women
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1979
- The Cuts and the Fightback
Against The Current vol. 145 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2010 The accelerated privatzation taking place at the University of California is transforming the institution. For faculty, students and workers the changes are devastating. Programs and services are cut, student fees are raised over and over again, workers face both furloughs and layoffs while the faculty’s shared governance shrinks.
- Cuts, Canadian Culture and the CBC
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1986 Canadian drams gives us a sense of community.
- Cutting Cords to Kurds: Facebook's Foreign Policy
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2017 The recent deletion and suspension of Facebook accounts of Kurdish supporters provides further troubling evidence that the popular social media company has been censoring the Kurdish resistance for the past five years.
- Cutural Warriors of the Freedom Struggle: Miriam Makeba and Odetta
Against The Current vol. 138 Resource Type: Article First Published: 2009 It felt like the end of an era to realize that South Africa’s Miriam Makeba and our own Odetta died within weeks of one another, having been born only months apart, these twin pillars of the struggle for justice on opposite sides of the Atlantic.
- The cyber arms race
Resource Type: Article First Published: 2016 A look at cyber warfare between nations, a militarisation of cyberspace that is advancing far faster than the creation of positive peace keeping mechanisms.
- Cycling newsletter
Periodical profile published 1992 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) First Published: 1992
- Cyclopaedia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences
Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia Resource Type: Article An encyclopedia published by Ephraim Chambers in London in 1728.
- The Cynicism and the Slaughter
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1999 IMPEACHMENT. BOMBING. ELECTION. Impeachment. Bombing. Perhaps by now, the scandal-witchhunt-Cruise missile cycle has become so predictable that it's hard to respond with appropriate outrage to the latest round. We all knew, after all, that it was going to happen. Yet outrage is absolutely necessary, even at a moment when atrocity follows atrocity and world-class crimes against humanity virtually crowd each other out of attention.
- Cynicism From Above: Cynicism From Below
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1980 The state bureaucracies of Eastern Europe are unable to accept any challenge to their right to decide and control.
- Cynicism, Israeli National Policy
From Victim to Super-Mensch Resource Type: Article First Published: 2014 Israel has become the worst-case scenario of the degradation of Torah, and worst-case scenario of what was once the deep unadulterated humaneness of worldwide Jews.
- cyRev Archive
A journal of Cybernetics Revolution, Sustainable Socialism, and Radical Democracy Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Beginning in the summer of 1994, the Third Wave Study Group released Issue 1 of "cyRev: A Journal of Cybernetic Revolution, Sustainable Socialism, and Radical Democracy." Six more print issues followed, and by the winter of 2004, cyRev was totally electronic. Here in the archive you will find all the articles from issues one through eight, plus more recent articles and editorials on issues such as globalization, technology and ethics, economics, labor, and much, much more.
- Czym jest wolnosciowy socjalizm?
Resource Type: Article First Published: 1977