Canadian Catholics for Women's Ordination
Organization profile published 1981
Publisher:  Canadian Catholics for Women's Ordination, c/o Bernadette McMahon, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1981
Pages:  1pp   Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2260

Two small groups of women in Ottawa and in Toronto have begun to work together to see if they can discover other individuals and groups who want to work towards the ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church.

Two small groups of women in Ottawa and in Toronto have begun to work together to see if they can discover other individuals and groups who want to work towards the ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church. They believe that women are baptized in Christ equally with men and equally share the gifts of the spirit, including the full participation in the celebration of sacramental ministry. Until this belief is lived and shared more widely in ecclesiastical structures, women will continue to experience themselves as less worthy than men to be Christians. They feel that now is the time to dace what they see as a radical injustice, the position of women in the Church.

A letter stating their aims is being sent to whomever is interested, proposing that a small meeting be held from July 3 to 5, 1981 in Toronto to discuss the best way to launch such an organization. They envisage a further and much larger meeting in 1982. They hope to gather together women who know in themselves the call to the ordained ministry and all those ready to support them in the process of discernment, preparation and community acceptance. In this way, they hope that it will become clearly visible that there are women who are ready and eligible for ordination.

This organization has changed its name to the Catholic Network for Women's Equality (CNWE).
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.

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