Cries of Victims - Voice Of God
De Roo, Remi J. Bishop
Publisher: NovalisYear Published: 1986 Pages: 172pp ISBN: 2-89088-255-1 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX3326 Abstract: In 1983, at the height of the recent economic recession, the Social Affairs Commission of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement advocating a more humane approach to economic organization in order to alleviate the suffering of the poor and unemployed. The bishops criticized the tendency of capitalist economics to emphasize corporate profits over people's livelihoods, urging that social justice be given greater priority. Bishop De Roo discusses the reactions of the media, the politicians and the general public to the bishops' document, going on to examine what is behind the current Western moral and economic crisis. Drawing on his experiences in Nicaragua, as well as other examples of Catholic social involvement with such issues as the struggle for the cultural and economic rights of Native North Americans, Bishop De Roo encourages Christians to act on behalf of the poor and the marginalized, offering the reader various strategies for working within the local community to forge new social options for Canada. Included as an appendix is a list of "Inter-Church Task Forces and Coalitions for Social Justice", as well as an extensive bibliography. Subject Headings |