The Cuso-Oxfam Labour Project
Organization profile published 1982

Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2601

The CUSO-OXFAM LABOUR PROJECT (COLP) is an educational project designed to provide Saskatchewan unions, labour councils, and area coordinating committees with educational programmes and kits that present the nature and causes of underdevelopment in the Third World.

Since COLP believes that there is cause and a need for trade union solidarity at the global level, it attempts to relate the experience of Canadian workers to the struggle of Third World workers.

For expample, in the category of resource extraction, the following programmes are offered:
Inco: Sudbury and Guatemala; Noranda in Saskatchewan and Chile; and the Uranium Industry in Saskatchewan and the Third World. These particular programmes make the point that the Canadian governemnt and Canadian corporations are exploiting the lives of workers as weel as maintinaing dictatorships.

Other programme categories include the Health Care Industry, Working Women, the Forest Industry, the Food Industry, Labour Issues, and International Labour Solidarity.

COLP has also developed educational kits based on its programmes. They are designed to be used by people in the trade union movement or by development education workers interested in labour unions. The kits contain a programme description, discussion questions, handouts, and background articles. They are available for $5 each from COLP while the learning programmes are offered free for union educational activities.

This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1982.
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