Community Profit
Community Based Economic Development in Canada
Wismer, Susan; Pell, David
Publisher: Is Five Press, Canada
Year Published: 1983
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX2808
Pell and Wismer look at seven community owned and controlled businesses that reinvest their profits back into their local communities. Resource for community groups, co-ops, credit unions, social organizations, and individuals interested in new approaches to economic development.
COMMUNITY PROFIT documents the efforts of some Canadians to generate community self-reliance through alternative economic endeavors. The book is intended primarily to help those who are already actively involved in or intending to establish such enterprises. The first part of the book looks at what is meant by community economic development and the principales behind it. Seven existing community projects are described in detail: Valley Woollen Mills of Newfoundland, the Contact CDC of the Upper North Shore in Quebec, the Community Congress for Economic Change in Vancouver, Comfort Clothing Services of Kingston, Ont., the Nimpkish Integrated Development Approach programme of the Kwakiutl tribe on Vancouver Island, the Mira Community Pasture of Cape Breton, and is Five Foundation of Toronto.
The second half of the book deals with how to get started in such a community project, what one needs to know and do. Issues of organization and resources as well as policies and strategies of management are examined. A resource index is included.
Table of Contents
1. We'll Do It Ourselves
2. Seven Stories
i) There's a Mill Again in the Valley
ii) Contact: "Le DĂ©veloppement VĂ©ritable de la Haute Cote-Nord" (The Development of the Upper North Shore)
iii) Community Congress for Economic Change: A Credit Union
iv) New Directions for Women's Work: Comfort Clothing Services
v) The Nimpkish Integrated Development Approach: Rebuilding the Land of the Potlatch
vi) Bringing Farming Back Home: the Mira Community Pasture
vii) What's an Is Five?
3. Getting Started
4. Planning Your Project
5. Discovering Resources
6. Developing Not-for-Profit Enterprises
7. Managing Your Organization
A Few Last Words
Index to Resources
Subject Headings