The Conquest of Paradise
Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy
Sale, Kirkpatrick
Publisher: Plume, New York
Year First Published: {40653 The Conquest of Paradise CONQUEST OF PARADISE Christopher Columbus and the Columbian Legacy Sale, Kirkpatrick Plume New York Dispels the myths surrounding the journey of Christopher Columbus, with new translations of historical documents that reveal the European motivations for exploration. Demonstrates how European practices of environmental exploitation transformed the New World and all but destroyed the native cultures. 1990 1991 464pp BC40653-ConquestParadise.jpg B Book 978-0452266698 970.01/5 CX15870 0 false true false CX15870.htm [] Cx}
Year Published: 1991
Pages: 464pp ISBN: 978-0452266698
Dewey: 970.01/5
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX15870
Dispels the myths surrounding the journey of Christopher Columbus, with new translations of historical documents that reveal the European motivations for exploration. Demonstrates how European practices of environmental exploitation transformed the New World and all but destroyed the native cultures.