The Communist Manifesto in Perspective

Hobsbawm, Eric
Publisher:  Transform!
Year First Published:  {41914 The Communist Manifesto in Perspective COMMUNIST MANIFESTO IN PERSPECTIVE Hobsbawm, Eric Transform! Eric Hobsbawm’s opening address to the international conference organised by Espaces Marx on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto. 1998 2012 ART Article CX16423 0 false true false CX16423.htm [0xc000175800 0xc0005c6ed0 0xc000fd4ae0 0xc0001f08a0 0xc000430000 0xc000733710 0xc000ec1080] Cx}
Year Published:  2012
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX16423

Eric Hobsbawm’s opening address to the international conference organised by Espaces Marx on the 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto.

Subject Headings

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