Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Organization profile published 1984
Year Published: 1984
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX2962
The CANADIAN CIVIL LIBERITIES ASSOCIATION (CCLA) is an independent advocacy organization; it accepts no government funding. During recent years, CCLA has:
-exposed the fact that 70 per cent of admissions to an Ontario mental hospital were improper;
-organized against the federal government's security bill;
-documented abuses of civil liberties by public welfare administrators in several Canadian cities;
-challenged the police use of dogs to arrest people in Regina; and
-intervened in various courts to promote the Bill of Rights, the Charter, and human rights principles.
The June 1984 issue of CCLA's publication News Notes Features an article, written by Allan Borovoy and reprinted from the Toronto Star, on the Grange Commission.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1984.
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