Citizens Group Scores Success in Anti-lead Battle

Wallace, Barbara
Publisher:  Infoetox, Friends of the Earth, Ottawa, Canada
Year First Published:  {2974 Citizens Group Scores Success in Anti-lead Battle CITIZENS GROUP SCORES SUCCESS IN ANTI-LEAD BATTLE Wallace, Barbara Infoetox, Friends of the Earth Ottawa Canada Through self-education, out-reach, and activism, the Niagara Neighbourhood Lead Committee has successfully worked to reduce lead risks in their neighbourhood and throughout Canada. 1986 1987 1pp ART Article CX4704 1 false true false CX4704.htm [0xc00022fbc0 0xc00022fef0 0xc0001fbb30 0xc000f35620 0xc00135a750 0xc001163b00 0xc001f55c50] Cx}
Year Published:  1987
Pages:  1pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX4704

Through self-education, out-reach, and activism, the Niagara Neighbourhood Lead Committee has successfully worked to reduce lead risks in their neighbourhood and throughout Canada.

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