The CIA's Greatest Hits
Zepezauer, Mark
Publisher: Odonian Press, Tucson AZ 85751, USAYear Published: 1994 Pages: 96pp Price: $8.50 ISBN: 1-878825-30-5 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX6190 Brief case studies of the CIA's greatest 'triumphs'. Abstract: A journalist, editor and publisher of a comic news series in Arizona, Zepezauer describes this slim cartoon-illustrated volume as a listing of 42 of the U.S. intelligence agency's biggest propaganda triumphs. Each case study delivers a 2-page summary of covert operations in economic warfare, rigged elections, assassinations and genocide. Each brief is appended with a list of sources that flesh out in greater detail what he calls the "crimes" of the CIA. Zepezauer's stand is that CIA "disinformation" is muddying the waters of policy making and action must be taken to abolish its efforts. His litany of intelligence misdeeds includes Ruby Ridge, the Iran-Contra affair, Watergate, the blowing up of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, the Bay of Pigs invasion, the U.S. relationship with Manuel Noriega and more. While suggesting CIA involvement in the Jonestown massacre of 1978, he proposes leader Jim Jones may have even escaped death. The Real Story Series purports to cover political stories in a short, well-written format without rendering them boring. The brevity of this little book ensures it. Table of Contents Introduction About the Author Hit #1 The Gehlen Org Hit #2 Operation Gladio Hit #3 Iran Hit #4 Guatemala Hit #5 MK-ULTRA Hit #6 Zaire Hit #7 The U-2 Incident Hit #8 The Bay of Pigs Hit #9 John F. Kennedy Hit #10 Vietnam 1945-1963 Hit #11 The Dominican Republic Hit #12 Malcom X Hit #13 Indonesia Hit #14 Greece Hit #15 Martin Luther King, Jr. Hit #16 Robert Kennedy Hit #17 Chile Hit #18 Vietnam 1964-1975 Hit #19 Laos Hit #20 Cambodia Hit #21 Operation CHAOS Hit #22 Drug Trafficking Hit #23 Watergate Hit #24 The Mighty Wurlitzer Hit #25 Angola Hit #26 Orlando Letelier Hit #27 Team B Hit #28 Jonestown Hit #29 The October Surprise Hit #30 Libya Hit #31 Grenada Hit #32 El Salvador Hit #33 Nicaragua Hit #34 Iran/contra Hit #35 Pan Am Flight 103 Hit #36 Afghanistan Hit #37 South Pacific Hit #38 Crooked Banks Hit #39 Panama Hit #40 Iraq Hit #41 Haiti Hit #42 Yugoslavia Sources Index Other books in the Real Story series Subject Headings