Canadian Council on Social Development
Organization profile published 1982
Year Published: 1982
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX2671
Both income supplementation programmes directed toward shelter expenditure, and government intervetion on the supply side to ensure affordable housing, are needed , says the CANADIAN COUNCIL ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (CCSD). Current problems of affordability, allocation, and accessibility of housing are related in part to demographic changes and patterns of mobility. The COUNCIL therefore calls for greater fliexibilty in government programming and provision of a broader range of support services to see individuals through changes in life situaitons (aging, changes in health, marital status, family size , work location) and associated changes in personal finances, since these changes may threaten security of tenure.
Tradiitonally, intervention in the housing market has been used by government as a means of developing and regulating the Canadian economy and stimulating employment. The COUNCIL suggests that future government policy should emphasize housing as a basic human need and that the commodity and investment aspects of housing must be clearly subordinated to need.
In Social Policies for the Eighties issued in November 1981, the CCSD documents the shifts which have occurred during the past decade in Canadian housing policies and programmes. Although these changes have favored homeowners at the expense of renters, the actual number of Canadians gaining access to home ownershi was only marginally increased. Renters still comprise of 37 - 40 per cent of the total population. Women heading households make up nearly 63 per cent of that renter population.
Other CCSD materials on housing include: "The Future of Public Housing" (November 1982); the June 1982 issue of their magazine Perception; the recently issued Credit, A Mortgage for Life which has chapters on shelter debt; and results of a symposium on "Is Goverment Home Ownership Assistance the Way to Go?"
The COUNCIL also co-sponsored a symposium on "the Rental Housing Market and Housing Allowances" in October 1982.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1982.