Canadian Women's Directory
Annuaire des Femmes du Canada
Publisher: Les Editions Communiqu'Elles, Canada
Year Published: 1987
Pages: 303pp Price: $7.95+$1 ISBN: 0-9691410-5-X
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX3397
A bilingual listing of 2,000 women's groups and associations across Canada, this Directory aims to inform women of the many services which exist and to facilitate the creation of networks among women's groups. Listings include women's centres and groups, shelters for battered women, services for victims of sexual assault, groups for immigrant women, health care services and feminist publishers, periodicals and bookstores.
The Directory is divided into two parts: the first provides listings on a national level of advisory councils, feminist periodicals, national organizations and publishers. In the second part, each province and territory has its own section, with cities listed alphabetically and various kinds of organizations listed alphabetically under each city. An index at the back provides quick reference to any organization by name.
Subject Headings