Central American Women Speak for Themselves
Central America Today
Publisher: Latin American Working GroupYear Published: 1983 Pages: 104pp Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX9313 A dossier focusing on the participation of women in the popular movements and revolutionary organizations in Central America. Contains transations from newspapers, pamphlets, documents, interviews and reprints of already-published material. Abstract: - Table of Contents INTRODUCTION MAP NICARAGUA AMPRONAC: The Struggle Against Somoza, Why Do We Organize Ourselves?, Testimony, Organization, Protecting Our Communities, Theology of Liberation and Revolution: Woman's Perspective, Sex Education in the New Nicaragua, A New Law of Family Relations, Sandra and Guicho…and one more, Our Participation in the Economy, The Domestics: Struggling for Jobs with Dignity, To Nicaraguan Women EL SALVADOR Creating Women's Consiousness, Women in the Zones Under Control, Ana Maria - A Great Leader, Living Witnesses to What We Have Suffered, Waiting for the Return, Reflections of Salvadorean Women, APLAR: Women's Struggle in the Workplace GUATEMALA Guatemalan Women Have Always Participated, Cristina's Testimony, An Indian Woman's Story, The Situation of Guatemalan Women Today, Three Songs for My Mother, Maria Lupe, I am Not Afraid of Death, Testimonies of Gueatemalan Women No.1, Women in the Workforce of Guatemala, Testimonies of Guatemalan Women No.2, Interview with a Revolutionary Leader, Death and Defense, Guatemalan Women, Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico: A Report from Chiapas, Parable SOLIDARITY Continental Front of Women Against Intervention, A Climate of Profound Solidarity, Let Us Release the Great Power in Our Hearts RESOURCES AVAILABLE ON WOMEN IN LATIN AMERICA Subject Headings |