Connexions Annual Overview: Economy, Poverty, Work
Date Written:  1989-10-01
Publisher:  Connexions Information Sharing Services, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {2896 Connexions Annual Overview: Economy, Poverty, Work CONNEXIONS ANNUAL OVERVIEW ECONOMY POVERTY WORK Connexions Information Sharing Services Toronto Canada To effect desired change, it is necessary to have the power to set a different agenda, and therefore to challenge the current concentration of economic and political power. One of the keys to building an effective movement is mutual acts of solidarity, inspired by the principle that `an injury to one is an injury to all'. 1989-10-01 1989 1994 CXWordCloud-128023f.jpg ART Article CX9380 0 false true false CX9380.htm [0xc0003943f0 0xc000405ce0 0xc000a06660 0xc0028e5440 0xc00290a090] Cx}
Year Published:  1994
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX9380

To effect desired change, it is necessary to have the power to set a different agenda, and therefore to challenge the current concentration of economic and political power. One of the keys to building an effective movement is mutual acts of solidarity, inspired by the principle that `an injury to one is an injury to all'.

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