Critique of Nonviolent Politics
From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement
Ryan, Howard
Year First Published: {23841 Critique of Nonviolent Politics CRITIQUE OF NONVIOLENT POLITICS From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement Ryan, Howard Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social movements." He says that nonviolence theory "is troubled by moral dogma and mechanical logic." 1984 2002 174pp PMP Pamphlet -
<br>Table of Contents
<br>Part I Problems of Nonviolent Theory
<br>1 Nonviolent Philosophy
<br>2 Moral View: Violence Itself Is Wrong
<br>3 Practical View: Violence Begets Violence
<br>4 Nonviolent Theory of Power
<br>5 Voluntary Suffering
<br>6 Common Nonviolent Arguments
<br>7 A Class Perspective
<br>Part II Gandhi: A Critical History
<br>8 Father of Nonviolence
<br>9 Satyagraha in South Africa
<br>10 Textile Strike
<br>11 Noncooperation Movement 1919-22
<br>12 Religious Conflicts
<br>13 Salt Satyagraha
<br>14 Congress Ministries
<br>15 The War Years
<br>16 Independence and Bloodshed
<br>Part III Nonviolence in the Anti-Nuclear Movement
<br>17 Nonviolent Direct Action
<br>18 Consensus Decision Making
<br>19 Open, Friendly, and Respectful
<br>20 Civil Disobedience
<br>Notes CX9124 1 true true false CX9124.htm [0xc0009e3860 0xc00102b7a0 0xc0010acd20 0xc0010da690 0xc0001b3470 0xc0001ff8c0 0xc00033ecf0 0xc0002c9e00 0xc00064a570 0xc00055b8c0 0xc0006ccb70 0xc000c2c1b0 0xc00029e2a0 0xc0008dae70 0xc0001d4db0 0xc000600990 0xc000d53d70 0xc0015b0b40 0xc001639cb0 0xc001e4ccc0 0xc001fb0420 0xc0004d87e0 0xc000614780 0xc000639bf0 0xc000660b40 0xc000960ab0 0xc0012ab740 0xc00156f830 0xc0018d9b30 0xc001918870 0xc001957a10 0xc00205b440 0xc001265260 0xc00213fb60 0xc0004189c0 0xc0007e8a20 0xc00082d410 0xc000867770 0xc0009e8420 0xc0020dd3b0 0xc0020fad80 0xc00218b590 0xc0022362a0 0xc0029e84e0 0xc002a2aa80] Cx}
Year Published: 2002
Pages: 174pp Resource Type: Pamphlet
Cx Number: CX9124
Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social movements." He says that nonviolence theory "is troubled by moral dogma and mechanical logic."
Table of Contents
Part I Problems of Nonviolent Theory
1 Nonviolent Philosophy
2 Moral View: Violence Itself Is Wrong
3 Practical View: Violence Begets Violence
4 Nonviolent Theory of Power
5 Voluntary Suffering
6 Common Nonviolent Arguments
7 A Class Perspective
Part II Gandhi: A Critical History
8 Father of Nonviolence
9 Satyagraha in South Africa
10 Textile Strike
11 Noncooperation Movement 1919-22
12 Religious Conflicts
13 Salt Satyagraha
14 Congress Ministries
15 The War Years
16 Independence and Bloodshed
Part III Nonviolence in the Anti-Nuclear Movement
17 Nonviolent Direct Action
18 Consensus Decision Making
19 Open, Friendly, and Respectful
20 Civil Disobedience
Subject Headings