Civil Disobedience
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results40 Connexions Library6 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 1 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 1 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryCivil disobedience: Connexipedia Article Article The active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. Civil Disobedience: Originally published as "Resistance to Civil Government" Thoreau, Henry David Article 1849 An essay by Henry David Thoreau that was first published in 1849 which argues that people should not permit governments to overrule or atrophy their consciences, and that people have a duty to avoid a... Connexions: Volume 11, Number 1 - Spring 1987 - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Serial Publication (Periodical) 1987 Connexions: Volume 11, Number 2 - Winter 1988 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1988 Connexions Digest: Volume 12, Number 1 - Fall 1988 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1988 Connexions Digest: Volume 12, Number 2 - Issue 48 - Winter 1988-89 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1989 Connexions Digest: Issue 51 - May 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1990 Connexions Digest: Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook Serial Publication (Periodical) 1992 Critique of Nonviolent Politics: From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement ![]() Ryan, Howard Book 1984 Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social moveme... Failure To Quit Zinn, Howard Article 1990 Zinn argues that pessimism over the so-called 'me generation' apparent apathy was unfounded, and that activist ideals do consistently carry over across generations. Fighting Subpoenas and Gag Orders in Iowa: Against The Current vol. 110 Omidvar, Iraj Article 2004 More than two months have passed since federal officials withdrew the grand jury subpoenas against four peace activists and Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. The withdrawal of the subpoenas and th... For Reasons of State Chomsky, Noam Book 1973 Essays in which Chomsky analyzes the role of the American state and discusses some of the ways in which individuals can respond to its growing power. Gandhi's Truth: On the origins of militant nonviolence Erikson, Erik H. Book 1969 An examination of the life, vision, and actions of Mohandas Gandhi. Investigation of a Flame Sachs, Lynne (director) Film/Video 2003 Investigation of a Flame is a 2001 documentary by Lynne Sachs about the Catonsville Nine, nine Catholic activists who became known for their May 17, 1968 nonviolent act of civil disobedience in burnin... Iraq's Torture by Sanctions: Against The Current vol. 91 Finkel, David Article 2001 An interview with Kathy Kelly. Kathy Kelly, organizer for Voices in the Wilderness, has been involved in the struggle around ending sanctions against Iraq for the past decade. David Finkel interviewed... Is that an archive in your basement... or are you just hoarding?: Sources News Release Article 2012 Are you an 'accidental archivist'? Have you been saving the publications and documents produced by the social justice projects you've been involved in? Then Connexions would like to hear from you. Machismo and Its Discontents: Against The Current vol. 134 Ferguson, Ann Article 2008 The one clear memory I have of 1968 (as opposed to all those other antiwar and pro-civil rights struggles in which I was engaged in the 1960s and ‘70s) is that I was a member of a faculty ad-hoc group... The Making of Jericho Road: Against The Current vol. 132 Williams, Charles Article 2008 An interview with Michael Honey. The paperback edition of Michael Honey’s Going Down Jericho Road: The Memphis Strike, Martin Luther King’s Last Campaign is released this January 2008. Mayday: The Case for Civil Disobedience Chomsky, Noam Article 1971 Chomsky addresses the expected "cooling" of the Student Movement in light of negative reviews of the May Day demonstration. He analyzes this cooling as a key factor in US strategy, especially in relat... Naturism and Civil Disobedience Storey, Mark Article 1996 May a naturist go so far as to break the law to encourage the liberalization of anti-nudity laws? When is nonviolent civil disobedience justified in advocating the naturist cause? A New Wave of Climate Insurgents Defines Itself as Law-Enforcers Brecher, Jeremy Article 2016 Grassroots movement organizations from every continent will hold a global week of action called Break Free From Fossil Fuels in May 2016. They envision tens of thousands of people mobilizing worldwide... The Nine-Hour Movement: How civil disobedience made unions legal Nesbitt, Doug Article 2013 From today’s strike-first strategy of fast food workers in America, to the 1965 postal workers wildcat which ushered in public sector collective bargaining, civil disobedience has long been essential ... Nonviolent resistance: Connexipedia Article Article The practice of achieving socio-political goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, and other methods, without using violence. On Palestinian Civil Disobedience: The Google Matrix ![]() Gordon, Neve Article 2009 Human rights organizations have documented the forms of repression Israel deploys against villages that resist the annexation of their land. Once a village decides to struggle against the annexation b... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 17, 2017: Collective Memory and Cultural Amnesia Diemer, Ulli Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Our society is obsessed with the short-term present. It devalues memory and the past. But there are those who do remember, and who work to preserve and share our collective memory. But they have to co... Passionate Declarations: Essays on War and Justice Zinn, Howard Book 1990 Essays looking at American political ideology. The Power of Women United: Against The Current vol. 134 Dawson, Kipp Article 2008 Interview with Kipp Dawson. Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles Bartkowski, Maciej (ed.) Book 2013 Essays showing, in considerable detail, the varied roles played by civil resistance in fifteen liberation struggles in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Relentless Persistence: Nonviolent Action in Latin America McManus, Philip and Schlabach, Gerald (ed.) Book 1991 There is in Latin America a tradition of "firmeza permanente," relentless persistence, which has enabled the people to preserve parts of their culture during five centuries of conquest and oppression. A Reluctant Memoir of the '50s and '60s: Against The Current vol. 134 Le Blanc, Paul Article 2008 I have been asked to write a memoir that would give a sense of the old left/new left realities of the 1950s and ‘60s. That seems quite odd to me (why would I be writing such a thing?), until I look in... Time for Civil Disobedience Tatchell, Peter Article 1990 The lesbian and gay movement should be committed to a strategy of non-violent civil disobedience to force the repeal of Britain's discriminatory anti-homosexual laws. We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists Knappenberger, Brian Film 2012 A history of Anonymous, the radical "hacktivist" collective that has redefined civil disobedience for the digital age. Why I Represent the New Orleans Immigrant Workers Who Committed Civil Disobedience: An Honor to Defend Them Quigley, Bill Article 2013 In the thirty six-years I have been a lawyer, I have seen many people take brave moral actions. I have represented hundreds in Louisiana and across our country who have been arrested for protesting f... Writings on Civil Disobedience and Nonviolence Tolstoy, Leo Book Here in one volume are most of Tolstoy's major writings on conscience and war. Stressing that the process of peace can only begin with the refusal of the individual to participate in state-organized k... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesArk II - The Animal Rights Kollective To promote and protect the rights of all animals and foster their individual liberties through direct action, political action, and public awareness campaigns. Our goal is to abolish all forms of crue... Canadian Voice of Women for Peace Established in 1960, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) is a non-partisan Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) comprised of a network of diverse women with consultative status at the United Nation... Chomsky.info The Noam Chomsky Web site.
Connexions Archive & Library The Connexions Archive & Library is Toronto-based project dedicated to keeping alive the rich history of grassroots movements for social justice.
Connexions preserves 'alternative' histories that r... Labor Network for Sustainability Labor Network for Sustainability is dedicated to engaging trade unions, workers and their allies to support economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
From our perspective, efforts to engage... Peace Magazine Bimonthly publication focusing on peace and justice from a multi-partisan perspective. Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryRising Tide Toronto launches "Line 9 Pledge of Resistance" Sources News Release 2014 Rising Tide Toronto launches Line 9 Pledge of Resistance. Group encourages civil disobedience to stop pipeline approved by NEB. From the Connexions Archives'Fill the Jails': Identity, Structure and Method in the Committee of 100, 1960-1968 PhD Thesis,University of Sussex, 2010 Carroll, Samantha Jane Article 2010 |