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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results31 Connexions Library4 Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites 2 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 6 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAgainst the Politics of Tolerance: Islam, Sexuality and Belonging in the Netherlands: Against The Current vol. 141 Mepschen, Paul Article 2009 What could be wrong with tolerance? Would I perhaps prefer intolerance? Of course not -- but if we take a harder look at the concept and the way it was employed, we are able to see that “tolerance” ha... The Attack on American Muslims: Against The Current vol. 152 Miah, Malik Article 2011 Flailing after Muslims is a convenient way for the right — extreme and mainstream — to prove their credentials as “genuine, God-loving Americans.” Islam, they charge, is not a religion of peace, of We... Blood and Belonging: Journey into the New Nationalism Ignatieff, Michael Book 1993 Essays on nationalism in Serbia, Croatia, Germany, Ukraine, Quebec, Kurdistan, and Northern Ireland. Buddhist Pogropms and Religious Conflicts Malik, Kenan Article 2013 Most observers would, rightly, reject the idea that there is something inherent in Buddhism that has led to the violence. Rather, most would recognize that the anti-Muslim violence in both Myanmar and... Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State Fatah, Tarek Book 2008 According to Tarek Fatah, "Morality is doing what is right, regardless what we are told; Religious dogma is doing what we are told, no matter what is right." Fatah argues that since Islam's advent, th... Connexions: Volume 11, Number 1 - Spring 1987 - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change Serial Publication (Periodical) 1987 Connexions Library: Race, Racism, Ethnicity, Multiculturalism Focus ![]() Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on race, racism, ethnicity, multiculturalism, identity. Connexions Library: Religion Focus Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on religion. Critique of Nonviolent Politics: From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement ![]() Ryan, Howard Book 1984 Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social moveme... 'Free speech' - as long as it doesn't offend anyone ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2009 On the issue of free speech most of the right and much of the left are in agreement, and so too are many liberals, activists, and human rights apparatchiks. They hold essentially the same position on ... How to Become a Real Muslim Malik, Kenan Article 2010 When I was growing up in the 1980s the concept of a radical in a Muslim context meant someone who was a militant secularist, someone who challenged not just racism but the power of the mosques too. So... Imperialism, the Cold War and the Creation of Pakistan Article 2012 The true intent of the partition was to detach Pakistan from India, create a militarily strategic foothold aimed at the Soviet Union and maintain control over the oil fields of the Middle East. The Islamophobia Myth Malik, Kenan Article 2005 Pretending that Muslims have never had it so bad might bolster community leaders and gain votes for politicians, but it does the rest of us, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, no favours at all. The more t... Just say no to Sharia law Tatchell, Peter Article 2009 Let us support the courageous Muslims who, often at great personal risk, are campaigning against religious extremism. The Myth of Muslim Conquest: Less Threatening Than Imagined Haenni, Patrick; Amghar, Sami Article 2010 It's easy to mistake the high visibility of Islam in the West for a massive return to piety in Muslim communities. But for the last 20 years religious observance has stagnated, even slightly waned. The OIC does not speak for Muslims Fatah, Tarek Article 2008 Tarek Fatah says that "To suggest that any criticism of Islamism, the political ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian Ayatollahs, is anti-Islamic is a bogus and fraudulent position. I wou... Palestine Peace Not Apartheid Carter, Jimmy Book 2006 Former U.S. President Carter calls Israel's treatment of Palestinians 'apartheid' and identifies continuing Israeli control of the occupied territories as the primary obstacle to peace. The Perils of Faith-Based Multiculturalism: The Case of Shari'a in Canada Rahnema, Saeed Article 2006 Conservative religious leaders have become more vocal and demanding, and governments are giving in to their demands without much regard for the serious consequences for democracy and citizens’ rights. The Rage of the "Righteous": On Muslim Outrage at a Danish Cartoon Schieder, Elsa Article 2006 Over and over, in the wake of 9/11, Muslims (and many non-Muslims) have proclaimed that all Muslims must not be judged on the basis of the few that are terrorists. Yes, it was Muslims that flew the ai... Rethinking the challenge of anti-Muslim bigotry ![]() Malik, Kenan Article 2017 In 1997 the British anti-racist organisation the Runnymede Trust published its highly influential report Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All. Twenty years on, the Runnymede Trust has brought out a fo... Review: Defying Fundamentalism: A review of Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here Moghissi, Haideh Article 2014 Concerned with the rising Jihadist fundamentalism on one hand, and increasing discrimination against Muslims following 9/11 on the other, and having in mind the question repeated by many commentators ... The Rushdie Affair and Its Aftermath: Kenan Malik's "From Fatwa to Jihad" Larson, Charles R. Article 2011 The Rushdie affair is shrouded by myths—that the hostility to The Satanic Verses was driven by theology, that all Muslims were offended by the novel, that Islam is incompatible with Western democracy,... Socialist Register 2003: Volume 39: Fighting Identities Panitch, Leo; Leys, Colin (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2003 When Does Criticism of Islam become Islamophobia? Malik, Kenan Article 2013 Basic points that undergird about the relationship between criticism, Islam and Islamophobia. We should stop being so obsessed by the distinction between legitimate criticism and Islamophobia, and sta... World Minorities Ashworth, Georgina (ed.); O'Brien, Conor Cruise (preface) Book 1977 An account "of the plight today and the problems of some of the world's oppressed minorities".
... Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism ![]() Bennoune, Karima Book 2013 Karima Bennoune interviews 300 people from 30 countries to report on a largely invisible group of people: Muslim opponents of fundamentalism. They remain largely invisible, lost amid the heated cover... Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight against Muslim Fundamentalism, by Karima Bennoune (Book Review) Droeber, Julia Article 2013 Karima Bennoune, a US-based law scholar raised in Algeria, has written an account of the stories of numerous people whose lives have been scarred by Islamic fundamentalism and who decided, using a var... Connexions Directory of Groups & WebsitesCouncil of Ex-Muslims of Britain We, non-believers, atheists, and ex-Muslims, are establishing or joining the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain to insist that no one be pigeonholed as Muslims with culturally relative rights nor deemed... Organization for Women's Liberation - Iran Organisation for Women's Liberation (OWL) was built on 14th December 2002 in direct response to the growing women's movement in Iran for equality and liberation The contemporary history of women's mov... Women Living Under Muslim Law WLUML is an international solidarity network that provides information and support for those women whose lives have been shaped by the customs and/or laws of Islam. It extends to more 70 countries and... Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime Dem Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime geh”ren Menschen an, die entweder den muslimischen Glauben aufgegeben haben oder die niemals Muslime waren, wenngleich sie aufgrund ihrer Herkunft aus einem sog. "muslimi... Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryHuman Rights Council resolution on blasphemy Sources News Release 2010 Reporters Without Borders is extremely concerned by a resolution condemning #defamation of religions# which the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted on 25 March. The 712-page Google doc that proves Muslims do condemn terrorism When a classmate told 19-year-old Heraa Hashmi that “all terrorists are Muslims” she began to compile a dossier of all instances of Muslims Mahdawi, Arwa 2017 Muslims are constantly denouncing atrocities that have been committed in the name of Islam. Yet many people seem to think Muslims don't condemn terrorism enough. So Heraa Hashmi decided to put the not... Two-Nation Theory Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia The Two-Nation Theory is the ideology that the primary identity of Muslims in the Indian subcontinent is their religion, rather than their language or ethnicity, and therefore Indian Hindus and Muslim... Uk needs modern mosques The third generation of British Muslims still don't have mosques that teach compassion and citizenship Baig, Anila 2011 An Islamic woman's opinion column mourns the lack of modern mosques in England. She discusses her search for a place where her children could learn Arabic and how to read the Qu'ran without facing vio... War is Over - Now Serbs and Bosniaks Fight to Win Control of a Brutal History Borger, Julian 2014 Serb nationalists are striving to suppress reminders of atrocities committed in the name of separatism, mostly against the country's Muslims (known as Bosniaks) and to construct an alternative history... Where Hope Takes Root His Highness The Aga Khan 2008 A collection of talks given by the Aga Khan, spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslims. From the Connexions ArchivesMuslim Canadian Congress Website A grassroots organization that provides a voice to Muslims who are not represented by existing organizations; organizations that are either sectarian or ethnocentric, largely authoritarian, and influe... |