Violence Against Civilians
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The Anti-Semitism That Goes Unreported Hass, Amira Article 2012 Our grandparents knew that the order-enforcement authorities wouldn't intervene to help a Jewish family under attack; we know that the Israel Defense Forces, the Israel Police, the Civil Administratio... Azmi Bishara and Muslims Worldwide Say No to Attacks on Non-Combatants Spritzler, John Article 2007 We need the public to know that the choice is between supporting equality or supporting racism, not between opposing or supporting the killing of non-combatants, as the Zionists try to make the public... Battle of Blair Mountain: Connexipedia Article Article In 1921 between 10,000 and 15,000 coal miners confronted company-paid private detectives in an effort to unionize the southwestern West Virginia mine counties. Buda's Wagon: A Brief History of the Car Bomb Davis, Mike Book 2007 Mike Davis traces the car bomb's worldwide use and development. In his analysis, he also exposes the role of state intelligence agencies - particularly those of the United States, Israel, India, and P... Censorship? Haaretz Deletes Amira Hass Article On Surging Settler Violence Abunimah, Ali Article 2012 Israeli newspaper Haaretz deleted a significant article by Amira Hass headlined "The anti-Semitism that goes unreported," about an unchecked upsurge in violence against Palestinians by Israeli settler... Columbia's Paramilitary Politics: Against The Current vol. 135 Gill, Lesley Article 2008 In a surprise move in the early morning of May 13th, Colombian President Álvaro Uríbe announced the extradition of fourteen top paramilitary leaders to the United States, where they are charged with c... Connexions Library: Human Rights and Civil Liberties Focus ![]() Website Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on civil liberties and human rights. The court does not sympathize: The moral depravity of the Israeli legal system Elhanan, Nurit Peled Article 2009 The blood of Palestinians is cheap in this country. No one has ever been punished for killing Palestinians' children, adults, newborns, old people. The murderers are all walking among us, free and hap... Critique of Nonviolent Politics: From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement ![]() Ryan, Howard Book 1984 Ryan accepts that sometimes nonviolence can be effective, but says that sometimes it is not: "a principled insistence on nonviolence can in some circumstances be dangerous to progressive social moveme... The deafening silence around the Hamas proposal for a 10-year truce Albanese, Francesca Article 2014 The Western media have ignored the proposal from Hamas and Islamic Jihad for a 10-year-truce on the basis of 10 - very reasonable - conditions. Dershowitz to the Rescue?: The Israeli Spin-Machine in Overdrive Abourezk, James Article 2010 According to Israel's apologists, only Israelis have a right to defend themselves. Palestinians do not have this right, nor does anyone else who is attempting to assist the Palestinians. The Domestic War on Protesters: It's Not Just Egypt Thompson, Brad Article 2011 While the US claims to uphold right to demonstrate around the world, there have been countless examples throughout the history of this country of protests being shut down by an overwhelming police pre... "Exterminate all the Brutes": Gaza 2009 Chomsky, Noam Article 2009 Israel has a straightforward means to defend itself: put an end to its criminal actions in occupied territories, and accept the long-standing international consensus on a two-state settlement that has... Extremely Loud: Sound as a Weapon Volcler, Juliette; Volk, Carol Book 2011 In this disturbing and wide-ranging account, acclaimed journalist Juliette Volcler looks at the long history of efforts by military and police forces to deploy sound against enemies, criminals, and la... Eyes With Legs Dinh, Linh Article 2010 In the last decade, 11 journalists have been murdered by Israeli forces, including Cevdet Kiliclar, a Turkish who was shot in the head, last week, as he photographed Israeli commandos attacking peace ... For Reasons of State Chomsky, Noam Book 1973 Essays in which Chomsky analyzes the role of the American state and discusses some of the ways in which individuals can respond to its growing power. From Klinghoffer to the Gaza Flotilla Ridley, Yvonne Article 2010 Under the Rome Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation of 1988, it is an international crime for any person to seize or exercise control over a ship b... Gaza medic killed by Israel as she rescued injured Abunimah, Ali Article 2018 Israeli occupation forces shot dead a volunteer medic and injured dozens of people as they continued their indiscriminate attacks on Palestinians taking part in Great March of Return protests in Gaza ... Great Railroad Strike of 1877: Connexipedia Article Article Began on July 14 in Martinsburg, West Virginia, United States and ended some 45 days later after it was put down by local and state militias. Great Southwest Railroad Strike of 1886: Connexipedia Article Article A strike against the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific railroads involving more than 200,000 workers. Health care and children in crisis in Gaza Garfinkle, Miriam; Abdul-Qadir, Reem Article 2007 These days one hears a lot about Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan, adults who have been specifically trained for warfare, who are nevertheless traumatized by the experience of seeing comrades injured ... Homestead Strike: Connexipedia Article Article A labour lockout and strike which began on June 30, 1892, culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents on July 6, 1892. If Gaza's Dead Were America's Dead: Imagine the Outrage Over 27,000 Dead Kids... Lando, Barry Article 2014 Imagine the Outrage Over 27,000 Dead Kids... In Remembrance of Things Lost Kysia, Ramzi Article 2012 It’s astonishing that I actually have to make an argument (and a losing one at that) against murdering children, but this is the reality we ourselves have given birth to. Islamic Terrorism Hekmat, Mansoor Article 1994 There is not the slightest real and legitimate relationship between the appalling calamities that have befallen the Jewish people in this century and the suppression and crimes committed by the extrem... Israel/Lebanon: Deliberate destruction or "collateral damage"?: Israeli attacks on civilian infrastructure Article 2006 Amnesty International calls for the immediate establishment of a comprehensive, independent and impartial inquiry into violations of international humanitarian law by both Hizbullah and Israel in the ... Israel: Misuse of Drones Killed Civilians in Gaza: Sources News Release Article 2009 Israeli attacks with guided missiles fired from aerial drones killed civilians during the recent Gaza fighting in violation of the laws of war, Human Rights Watch says. Israeli army's attitude: Regret, but no real enquiries and certainly no one punished Visser, Nadette de; Cazes, Séverine Article 2003 The issue of the security of journalists working in the Occupied Territories cloaks another major political issue, that of the restrictions which the Israeli army imposes in the name of security on jo... Israeli minister threatens "holocaust" as public demand ceasefire talks Abunimah, Ali Article 2008 Israel's deputy defense minister Matan Vilnai has threatened Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip with a "holocaust." The comments came a day after Israeli occupation forces killed 31 Palestinians,... Israeli Police Impunity Cook, Jonathan Article 2010 Israeli police expect, and usually receive, impunity for using violence against Palestinians. Israel's Attack on Us All Cook, Jonathan Article 2010 If we needed any evidence of the degree to which Western TV journalists are simply stenographers to power, the BBC, CNN and others are amply proving it. Mark Regev, Israel's propagandist-in-chief, has... Israel's 'mad dog' diplomacy doesn't make it more secure Cook, Jonathan Article 2010 Israel is feeling cornered on every front it considers important; and like Dayan's 'mad dog,' it is likely to strike out in unpredictable ways. These trends are likely only to deepen in the coming mon... Israel's vivid act of piracy may yet turn the tide of global opinion Grant, Linda Article 2010 In the summer of 1947 a steamer named the Exodus set out from France to run the British blockade of Palestine. The British authorities boarded and seized the ship, and killed three passengers who trie... Journalists Killed since 1992 Article 2009 A database of more than 700 journalists who have been murdered or killed on dangerous assignments since 1992. Interactive maps, timelines, and statistical breakdowns providing analysis by country, yea... Land of Impunity Monbiot, George Article 2010 If the police can get away with killing Ian Tomlinson, there's no justice in Britain. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media ![]() Herman, Edward S.; Chomsky, Noam Book 1988 Contrary to the usual image of the press and cantankerous, obstinate, and ubiquitious in its search for truth, Herman and Chomsky depict how an underlying elite consensus largely structures all facets... The Massacre and the Cover-Up Freeman-Maloy, Dan Article 2010 Without much stronger international pressure than the international community has applied to date, there is every reason to expect Israeli massacres to steadily become more severe, their PR rationales... The myth of Israeli morality Andoni, Lamis Article 2010 Israel has consistently reacted with repression or even extreme violence to cultural and political manifestations of Palestinian identity. The No-Nonsense Guide to Terrorism Barker, Jonathan Book 2003 An in-depth look at the nature of terrorism that discusses questioning terrorism, assessing it, the difference between state terrorism and group terrorism, morality and history, and war and politics. The No-Nonsense Guide to the Arms Trade ![]() Burrows, Gideon Book 2002 A review of the increasingly prolific global arms trade and its economic, political and social impact on exploited and vulnerable nations.
NPR Runs IDF Playbook, Spinning Killing of 17 Palestinians Johnson, Adam Article 2018 The article looks at the NPR reporting on the killing of 17 palestinians, which follows a pro-Israel bias that dates back for years. The one thing that won't stop terror is more war Nunns, Alex Article 2015 Provoking retaliation is a key part of the jihadists' strategy, writes Alex Nunns - we need a different approach. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 7, 2015: Urban agriculture and local food production Diemer, Ulli (editor); Rickwood, Darien Yawching (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2015 This issue of Other Voices ranges widely, from increasing worker activism and strikes in China, to advances in battery technology that make it much easier and cheaper to store solar and wind energy fo... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 28, 2017: Resisting Injustice Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 In this issue, we look at the relentless persistence of people challenging injustice and entrenched power in places around the world, including Palestine, Korea, China, Canada, and the United States. ... Palestinian Women Suffer as Israel Violates CEDAW Frykberg, Mel Article 2009 Palestinian women continue to suffer abuse and denial of basic human rights at the hands of Israeli settlers and soldiers in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Police Militarism in America: In Many Communities Cops are the Terrorists Lindorff, Dave Article 2014 The apparent murder by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, of Mike Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black youth who was shot a number of times while he was allegedly on his knees with his hands... Questions about Israel's attack on Gaza Diemer, Ulli Article 2014 Why do these terrible outbreaks of violence keep happening? Written during the Israeli attack on Gaza in July 2014. Racism and Sexual Violence in Indonesia: Where Fear Stalks the Streets Vltchek, Andre Article 2013 Indonesia, since 1965, performed three genocides fully backed by the West. The Real Motive Behind the Gaza Flotilla Attack: Sabotaging Peace Amiri, Rannie Article 2010 Israel's leadership is committed to "a dynamic state bent upon expansion". The greatest threat to continued expansion is the threat of peace. Whenever Israel's leadership is faced with the threat of p... Rebutting Israel's "We don't kill civilians on purpose" argument Spritzler, John Article 2010 The difference between intentional and accidental killing is only relevant when the aim of the violence is a just one. Accidentally killing civilians in the course of using violence to stop oppression... A Record of Resistance: Against The Current vol. 121 Feeley, Dianne Article 2006 Here is a stunning book, filled with photographs that record the suffering and strength of the indigenous population in the Guatemalan countryside over the past 15 years. In short essays and photos Ou... Relentless Persistence: Nonviolent Action in Latin America McManus, Philip and Schlabach, Gerald (ed.) Book 1991 There is in Latin America a tradition of "firmeza permanente," relentless persistence, which has enabled the people to preserve parts of their culture during five centuries of conquest and oppression. Remote-Controlled Killing: The Spot-and-Shoot Game Cook, Jonathan Article 2010 The Israeli military is increasingly using remote-controlled weapons to kill Palestinians. Israel's remotely controlled weapons systems are in high demand from repressive regimes and the burgeoning ho... The rising repression of social protest in Latin America Castro, Nazaret Article 2017 On 17 October, 2017, the corpse of Santiago Maldonado appeared in the Chubut River. The young activist had been missing for 80 days. The suspense surrounding Maldonado’s whereabouts aroused a great se... Rocket Attacks on Israeli Civilians Spritzler, John Article 2006 I challenge anybody to show how attacks on Israeli non-combatants help defeat the Israeli ruling class. It is as clear as day that it only strengthens our enemy. If the Israeli rulers didn't have rock... Seeds of Fire: A People's Chronology ![]() Diemer, Ulli Article 2012 Recalling events that happened on this day in history. Memories of struggle, resistance and persistence. The Semantics of Terrorism Al-Jurf, Soha Article 2010 A mental construct has been created in which the State of Israel is an entity that is under constant attack. By terrorists. Who, irrefutably, must be eradicated. Their actions are somewhat irrelevant.... The Shocking Savagery of America's Early History: Bernard Bailyn, one of our greatest historians, shines his light on the nation's Dark Ages Rosenbaum, Ron Article 2013 A discussion with reknowned historian Bernard Bailyn whose recent book "The Barbarous Years" examines a particularly violent period of America's early history which has since been almost erased. A Short History of U.S. Bombing of Civilian Facilities Schwarz, Jon Article 2015 The U.S. has repeatedly attacked civilian facilities in the past. This is a sampling of such incidents since the 1991 Gulf War. Shot in the Head: Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestinian Children Weir, Alison Article 2011 In the past 10 years Israeli forces have killed at least 255 Palestinian minors by fire to the head, and the number may actually be greater, since in many instances the specific bodily location of the... The Social History of The Machine Gun Ellis, John Book 1993 Covers the history of the machine gun's development, the attitudes that effected its acceptance, and its relation to economic, political, and military history. Study Reveals Corporate Media's Refusal to Acknowledge Civilian Victims of US Wars Lazare, Sarah Article 2015 Mainstream media outlets are systematically disregarding the hazardous health impacts of widespread U.S. military burn pits on civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby playing a direct role in "legi... Terrorist Attacks in Paris: Can Tragedy Bring Change? Johnstone, Diana Article 2015 Paris has now suffered the sort of attacks that are familiar to Beirut or to Russia. The big question is: what next? Will this fear cause people to wake up to reality and think clearly? They Are Still Killing Trade Union Leaders: Global Capital's Death Squads and Night-Riders Macaray, David Article 2012 Question: So what happens these days in developing countries when a prominent, charismatic union activist - with the courage to stand up to sinister, government-supported business groups who have, on ... 'They stole the beach' - the major mafia that almost nobody wants to talk about: The building boom in China and worldwide demand for consumer goods containing ilmenite has enriched criminals who specialise in stealing san Meynen, Nick Article 2018 Increasing demand for sand has led to targeting of sandy beaches by organised crime. Community members who speak out or protest the destruction of beaches are often victims of intimidation, harrassmen... The Truth About Kent State: A Challenge to the American Conscience Davies, Peter and The Board of Church and Society Book 1973 An account of the murder of four students at Kent State University by National Guard troops. Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Bennis, Phyllis Book 2002 Designed to inform those who are somewhat unfamiliar with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Written in question and answer format U.S. Bombing: Murder as Usual: Against The Current vol. 91 Voices in the Wilderness Article 2001 Voices in the Wilderness decries today's bombardment of Iraq which hit sites just south of Baghdad. However, we find it instructive to recall the digest of bombings that occurred in the past week and ... Violence Today: Actually Existing Barbarism Panich, Leo; Leys, Colin (eds.) Book 2008 Looks at violence in many contexts: violence by men against women, violence by the state in inner cities, prisons, politically motivated violence and terror and the superabundance of weapons. Reflecti... What is Nonviolence Anyhow? Hastings, Tom H. Article 2015 What is it, this nonviolence? Who gets to define it? A kindergarten teacher is nonviolent when she puts a vase of fresh flowers on her desk and smiles at her little students, right? A young man who pu... Which came first? Palestinian rockets or Israeli violence? Weir, Alison Article 2014 Since US media are reporting the latest Israeli massacre in Gaza as though it is a defensive action, I thought I would set the record straight. Israeli forces shelled and invaded Gaza BEFORE the rocke... Why Israeli Leaders Love Qassam Rockets: A Reply to Michael Neumann Spritzler, John Article 2009 Israeli leaders want Jews to believe that they are surrounded by violent anti-Semites. This is how the billionaires and generals and politicians who rule over the Israeli population get away with what... Worse Than North Korea Lindorff, Dave Article 2010 The reality is that we are dealing with a pariah state, no better at this point in its respect for international law and basic human rights (where non-Israelis are concerned), than North Korea. And ma... Sources LibraryBilin's Mohammad Khatib arrested 2009 One month after touring Canada key Palestinian activist kidnapped by Israeli soldiers in another in a series of raids that Israeli occupation forces have carried out in Bil#in since June 2009, raids t... Continuous protest at Israeli consulate in Toronto starts July 24 Sources News Release 2014 On July 24 people of conscience including Muslims, Jews, and Christians, are coming together at the Israeli consulate in Toronto for a three day continuous vigil to call attention to the frightening s... IFEX members call for protection for women journalists and activists to mark day against violence Sources News Release 2009 40 IFEX members are marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women today, 25 November, with a joint call for action. IFJ Marks 'End of Deadly Decade' With Report on Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2009 Sources News Release 2010 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today issued its report on journalists and media workers who died in the exercise of journalism in 2009. The report provides detailed information of m... Israel threatens Palestinians with 'holocaust' Sources News Release February 29, 2008 2008 One day after Israeli occupation forces killed 31 Palestinians, nine of them children, including a six-month-old baby, in a series of bomb attacks across the Gaza Strip, Israel's deputy defense minist... A memorial to killed journalists, a call to action 2009 More than 500 journalists have been targeted for murder, our research shows, and nearly nine in 10 of these slayings go unpunished. Another 200 journalists have been killed in combat or on dangerous a... NBC News Pulls Veteran Reporter from Gaza After Witnessing Israeli Attack on Children Greenwald, Glenn 2014 Ayman Mohyeldin, the NBC News correspondent who personally witnessed yesterday’s killing by Israel of four Palestinian boys on a Gazan beach and who has received widespread praise for his brave and in... Niger police attack media instead of protecting them Sources News Release 2015 Reporters Without Borders deplores the fact that privately-owned media were attacked by police during demonstrations in Niamey on 17 and 18 January although President Mahamadou Issoufou has assured th... Opposition daily throttled financially by lawsuits and dirty tricks 2013 The daily newspaper Azadliq, one of the few remaining opposition news outlets, is now in danger of succumbing to efforts to throttle it financially. Many members of Azadliq’s staff have been individua... Violence, arrests and censorship in all four corners of India Sources News Release 2010 Reporters Without Borders condemns a wave of violence and censorship against the media in various parts of India in the past few weeks. Waco Siege Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia The Waco Siege began on February 28, 1993, and ended violently 50 days later on April 19.The siege began when the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) attempted to ... Yemen: journalist killed in an air raid by the Saudi-led coalition Sources News Release 2016 Yemeni journalist Almigdad Mojalli was killed on 17 January in an air raid by the Saudi-led coalition in the capital, Sana'a, according to news reports. |