Connexions Annual Overview: Education, Children
Date Written:  1989-10-01
Publisher:  Connexions Information Sharing Services, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {2897 Connexions Annual Overview: Education, Children CONNEXIONS ANNUAL OVERVIEW EDUCATION, CHILDREN Connexions Information Sharing Services Toronto Canada Education is being seen as an essential element of grassroots development both in Canada and abroad. The guiding idea is that education is not merely concerned with imparting knowledge, but with helping people develop the skills and the confidence to analyse and solve problems and thus to act, both individually and collectively. 1989-10-01 1989 1994 CXWordCloud-128023f.jpg ART Article CX9381 0 false true false CX9381.htm [0xc0000dc030 0xc0003ced50 0xc000406690 0xc002b44660] Cx}
Year Published:  1994
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX9381

Education is being seen as an essential element of grassroots development both in Canada and abroad. The guiding idea is that education is not merely concerned with imparting knowledge, but with helping people develop the skills and the confidence to analyse and solve problems and thus to act, both individually and collectively.

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