Collectives in Spain

Leval, Gaston
Publisher:  Freedom Press
Year First Published:  {11807 Collectives in Spain COLLECTIVES IN SPAIN Leval, Gaston Freedom Press A contemporary account of the Spanish Anarchist movements during the 1930's by Gaston Leval, a prominent anarcho-syndicalist. Attention focuses on the roles of "agrarian socialism" and education in the revolution. 1938 1945 16 BC11807w-CollectivesInSpain.jpg PMP Pamphlet CX5591 1 false true false CX5591.htm [0xc000e435f0 0xc000261ec0 0xc000349bc0 0xc000dfd140 0xc000e50360 0xc000e51800 0xc002ad6a50 0xc002ad77a0] Cx}
Year Published:  1945
Pages:  16   Resource Type:  Pamphlet
Cx Number:  CX5591

A contemporary account of the Spanish Anarchist movements during the 1930's by Gaston Leval, a prominent anarcho-syndicalist. Attention focuses on the roles of "agrarian socialism" and education in the revolution.

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