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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Results57 Connexions Library6 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 8 Sources Library 1 From the Connexions Archives Connexions LibraryAge of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century 1914 - 1991 ![]() Hobsbawm, Eric Book 1994 A overview of the history of the years 1914 - 1991. The Anarchist Collectives: Workers' Self-Management in the Spanish Revolution 1936-1939 Dolgoff, Sam Book 1974 Examines the experiments in workers' self-management, both urban and rural, which took place in Spain during the revolution and Civil War. The brief summer of anarchy: the life and death of Durruti Enzensberger, Hans Magnus Article 2016 Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s non-fiction "adventure novel" about Buenaventura Durruti and the Spanish anarchist movement (ca. 1917-1937), first published in Germany in 1972, consisting of a more or less... Catch your dreams - utopia is possible!: While Marinaleda has its flaws, it reminds us that alternative economic models are not only possible, they already exist. Barrington-Bush, Liam; Wilton, Jen Article 2014 Amid Spain's general depression, Marinaleda - an Andalucian town sometimes dubbed the 'communist utopia' - is bucking the moribund trend with a heady mixture of direct action, community-level democrac... The challenge of Podemos Barriere, Manel: Durgan, Andy; Robson, Sam Article 2015 The emergence of so-called populist parties as a response to increasingly discredited political elites is a European-wide phenomenon. In most cases these parties have emerged on the right, if not the ... A Classic Study Revisited: Against The Current vol. 143 Horn, Gerd-Rainer Article 2009 Pierre Broué (1926-2005) was one of the few Trotskyist historians who carved out a niche in academia, though this career choice had to overcome many obstacles. Coming of age at a time in France when t... Collectives in Spain Leval, Gaston Article 1938 A contemporary account of the Spanish Anarchist movements during the 1930's by Gaston Leval, a prominent anarcho-syndicalist. Attention focuses on the roles of "agrarian socialism" and education in th... Collectives in the Spanish Revolution Leval, Gaston Book 1971 An account of the collectives set up in Spain during the struggle against Franco. The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Volume I: Economic Writings 1 ![]() Luxemburg, Rosa (Edited by Peter Hudis Book 2013 This first volume in Rosa Luxemburg's Complete Works, entitled Economic Writings 1, contains some of Luxemburg's most important statements on the globalization of capital, wage labour, imperialism, an... Connexions Library: Europe Focus Website 2009 Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on Europe. Cooperation at Work: The Mondragon Experience Bradley, Keith; Gelb, Alan Book 1983 A guide to work co-operatives, based on the experience of the Mondragon group of co-operatives in Spain. 'Enough is enough!' Corruptopolis board game satirizes sleazy Spanish politicians Article 2014 A Spanish student has created a new board game, Corruptopolis, satirizing the corrupt practices of Spain's economic and political elite. In Corruptopolis, players work in teams to answer questions abo... Fascism Shall Not Pass Ibárruri, Dolores Article 1936 On all fronts communists, anarchists, socialists and republicans are fighting shoulder to shoulder. We have also been joined by non-party people from town and country, because they too have realized w... The Historical Failure of Anarchism ![]() Day, Chris Article 1996 Day examines anarchism's failure to genuinely critique itself, understand history or theory, and grasp the conditions in the world today. "Anti-capitalism doesn't do the victims of capitalism any good... Hollowing out democracy and law Malik, Kenan Article 2017 The recent actions of the Catalan government are not those of politicians respecting democracy. The reaction of the Madrid government, which criminalize political dissent, are equally disturbing. Homage to Catalonia ![]() Orwell, George Book 1938 George Orwell's account of his experiences in the Spanish Civil War. In Spain they are all indignados nowadays Ainger, Katharine Article 2013 The indignado protests that flared up two years ago have become a Spanish state of mind. The March 29 Strike Against Labor Law Reform in Spain: Outline of the Conjuncture CV Article 2012 The general strike of March 29, although it mobilized a good part of the population, apparently took place with more pain than glory. Once the day of the strike was over, everything seemed to continue... Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 13: Marx and Engels 1854 - 1855 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Includes Revolutionary Spain Marx and Engels Collected Works Volume 23: Marx and Engels 1871 - 1874 Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich Book Articles on the International, Bakunin, and the Housing Question. A Marxist History of the World part 86: The Spanish Civil War Faulkner, Neil Article 2012 In 1936, after General Franco had led an unsuccessful coup against a democratically elected government, revolution swept across Spain. Neil Faulkner explains why the workers were ultimately defeated. The No-Nonsense Guide to Terrorism Barker, Jonathan Book 2003 An in-depth look at the nature of terrorism that discusses questioning terrorism, assessing it, the difference between state terrorism and group terrorism, morality and history, and war and politics. "No one represents us": the 15 May movement in the Spanish state Durgan, Andy & Sans, Joel Article 2011 On 15 May 2011 thousands of people, mainly young, demonstrated all over the Spanish state under the slogans "For real democracy now" and "We are not commodities in the hands of politicians and bankers... Not by Bread Alone Marquis, Moira Article 2017 Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War focused on people's daily needs--who doesn't love hot, buttered toast? People in Spain were starving--they needed food. People--were homeless and needed homes; peop... The November 2011 General Elections in Spain: Indignation Trapped in the Ballot Box CV Article 2012 The “outrage” expressed in the Spanish streets, deflated after the electoral ritual, is confronted with the limitations of the movement’s citizen-based abstractions (electoral reform, the affirmation ... On Catalonia: Debates in the Greek Left Bellantis, Dimitris Article 2017 Without the burden of self-censorship or "political correctness" on our backs, let us examine what the possible secession of Catalonia actually means and where it could potentially lead. Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent ![]() Galeano, Eduardo Book 1971 A political economy, a social and cultural narrative, and a powerful description of primitive capital accumulation. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 13, 2014: Libertarian Socialism Diemer, Ulli (editor); Khan, Tahmid (production) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2014 The topic of the week is Libertarian Socialism. Articles on no-state solutions in Kurdistan; right-wing dirty tricks used to attack labour and environmental groups; scientists unravelling the risks of... Pamplona's locksmiths join revolt as banks throw families from their homes Muñoz, Monica; Tremlett, Giles Article 2013 In the years of the housing boom, Spain's banks offered 100% mortgages. Now, while receiving millions in public aid, they are throwing people out of their homes. But there's a rebellion under way. Podemos, Catalonia and the workers' movement in the Spanish state Sierra, Hector Article 2017 Following a long period of electoral upheaval and failure of the left, it is argued that the two key areas where the Spanish ruling class could have been confronted was through the workers' movement a... The Politics of Urban Liberation Schecter, Stephen Book 1978 A broad-ranging study which covers the political economy of the urban question and the importance of the city in the history of social revolution. Schechter's evaluation of libertarian insurgency high... Reassessing Podemos Brown, Andy Article 2016 Podemos has come an immense distance in a very short time. It represents a clear choice by millions of people in the Spanish state to vote against corruption, institutionalised greed and contempt for ... Reflections for the US Occupy Movement: From Barcelona's Neighborhood Assemblies Gelderloos, Peter Article 2011 The deeper a struggle’s historical roots, the greater its collective knowledge. Report from Spain: On the May 15th Movement Article 2011 A brief account of the culmination of the “May 15th movement” in Barcelona in 2011. Revolutionary Spain: Articles by Karl Marx in the New-York Herald Tribune Marx, Karl Article 1854 The series of articles Revolutionary Spain was written by Marx for the New-York Daily Tribune between August and November 1854. Marx observed all the symptoms of the revolutionary movement in Europe a... Rooted in the neighbourhood: what happened to Spain's assemblies? Reyes, Oscar Article 2012 Oscar Reyes reports on the successes and setbacks of neighbourhood assemblies in Spain. '68: The Year of the Barricades ![]() Caute, David Book 1988 Caute's book looks at the explosive year 1968 (while situating it in the context of what had led up to it). One of the great strengths of this excellent book is that it looks at what was happening aro... The Socialist Register 1966: Volume 3: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1966 The Socialist Register 1979: Volume 16: A Survey of Movements & Ideas Miliband, Ralph; Saville, John (eds.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 1979 A series of essays on the state of the global economy. Spain: Madrid and Barcelona show -- the greater the unity on the left, the bigger the win Nichols, Dick Article 2015 Once the results of Spain’s May 24, 2015, local and regional elections became known the main lesson for the anti-austerity and anti-capitalist left was simply and starkly obvious: the more united and ... SPAIN: Women's Crises: Against The Current vol. 151 Ezquerra, Sandra Article 2011 Over the past three years there have been numerous debates within the Spanish political and social left about the impact of the current economic crisis on working people, and the (in)efficacy of the m... Spain's communist model village Hancox, Dan Article 2013 Marinaleda, in impoverished Andalusia, used to suffer terrible hardships. Led by a charismatic mayor, the village declared itself a communist utopia and took farmland to provide for everyone. Could it... The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain Preston, Paul Book 2012 Paul Preston charts how and why Franco and his supporters set out to eliminate all ‘those who do not think as we do’ – some 200,000 men, women and children across Spain. Special Report: Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Smith, David; Tremlett, Giles; Hodal, Kate; Franklin, Jonathan; Borger, Julian; Brodzinsky, Sibylla Article 2014 An examination of how countries around the world affected by civil war or internal conflict have approached justice. Stolen Continents: The "New World" Through Indian Eyes Wright, Ronald Book 1992 A history of the Americas through Native eyes. Ubu Saved From Drowning: Class Struggle and Statist Containment in Portugal and Spain, 1974-1977 Goldner, Loren Book 2000 The end of the Salazar and Franco regimes on the Iberian peninsula was, in fact, a key moment in the beginning of a period in which literally dozens of dictatorships disappeared, a period in which the... What is Going On in Spain?: The End of an Era and the Beginning of Podemos Navarro Vicente Article 2015 Something is happening in Spain. A party that did not exist one year ago, Podemos, with a clear left-wing program, would win a sufficient number of votes to gain a majority in Spanish Parliament if an... What is Happening in Catalonia and Spain? Navarro, Vincente Unclassified 2017 Vincente Navarro explains the historcal background to the Catalonian independence referendum results in 2017, and notes the political challenges this movement will face. When Will We See Tanks in Barcelona?: Against The Current vol. 161 Vivas, Esther Article 2012 The current situation in Spain regarding an independent Catelonia. Sources Experts & SpokespersonsSources LibraryEFJ Backs Spanish Journalists in Protest Sources News Release 2009 The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) , today backed the Federation of Journalists Associations of Spain (FAPE) after ... IFJ Condemns "Flagrant Violation of Press Freedom" After Sentence of Spanish Journalists Sources News Release 2009 The International Federation of Journalists has strongly condemned a court verdict against two Spanish journalists. The two men, who were charged with "revealing secrets", have been condemned to suspe... IFJ and EFJ oppose media restrictions in the newly-enacted Spanish Public Security Law Sources News Release 2015 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional organisation, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have joined their Spanish affiliates FAPE, FESP, FSC-CC.OO. and ELA-Gizal... Lost children of Francoism Wikipedia article The lost children of Francoism were the children abducted from Republican parents, who were either in jail or had been assassinated by Francoist troops, during the Spanish Civil War and Francoist Spai... Madrid barrio expels 'racist' police patrols Jeering crowds chase away officers who try to detain immigrants Tremlett, Giles 2011 Community protests police practice of racial profiling: the protests have been dubbed the "indignant" movement. Que es Sources? 2009 SOURCES (Fuentes) es el medio interactivo que conecta a los periodistas, editores, autores e investigadores, con las Fuentes de información que necesitan para hacer efectivamente su trabajo. Why Spain's new gag law is threat to free flow of information Bergareche,Borja 2015 Spain plans to ban demonstrations in front of government buildings on the basis of 'disturbing public safety'. The people of Spain refuse to accept this censorship and move to repeal the law by the en... From the Connexions ArchivesEmbassy Row Online Website Contact names and numbers for all embassies to Canada and all Canadian embassies abroad. |