Canadians For Responsible Northern Development
Organization profile published 1981
Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2375

Canadians for Responsible Northern Development is a citizens' organization active since May, 1973.

Canadians for Responsible Northern Development is a citizens' organization active since May, 1973. Membership includes professionals, tradesmen, teachers, students, native peoples, businesspeople, civil servants and clergy.

The goals of this group are: a) to help inform and influence the public regarding supply and demand of energy forms and strategic raw materials. This is done through public forums, lectures, newspapers and radio and television.
b) to influence the government to modify the pace of Northern development in the interest of resource conservation and the well-being of the Northern peoples.

Canadians for Responsible Northern Development publishes a newsletter twice a year (45 pages, $2/yr.). Volume 17 (1981) of this newsletter, contains a number of articles reprinted from publications dealing with Northern development, resource conservation and alternative energy technology. The newsletter also refers to a number of resources available in the area of alternative resource development. A one-page bibliography on wind energy publications/resources in this issue contains 18 entries.

This organization no longer exists.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.
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