Cutting Cords to Kurds: Facebook's Foreign Policy
Dutton, Geoff
http://www.counterpunch.org/2017/11/28/cutting-cords-to-kurds-facebooks-foreign-policy/Date Written: 2017-11-28 Publisher: CounterPunch Year Published: 2017 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX21764 The recent deletion and suspension of Facebook accounts of Kurdish supporters provides further troubling evidence that the popular social media company has been censoring the Kurdish resistance for the past five years. Abstract: -- Excerpt: As deciding whether a social media post abets terrorism, utters hate speech, or promulgates fake news involves judgment calls, the US Government wants to help. And so, it is worrisome -- as has been reported -- that at Facebook, federal agents mingle with house "content managers" to provide guidance on whether to flag a user or to deep-six a post, an image or video, or an account. It seems that, as the CIA's "secret team" once did unto the news media, they now train social media platforms how to self-censor. |