Canadian Civil Liberties Bibliography (Indexed)
Henshel, Richard L.
Publisher: Department of Sociology, CanadaYear Published: 1984 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX2963 An extensive bibliographly, with over 1,000 entries. Abstract: The extensive bibliographly, with over 1,000 entries, is designed to: 1) enhance the depth and quality of preparation for specific cases at law; 2)improve the timeliness, depth and quality of preparation by civil libertarians in submissions to government bodies; 3)point out gaps of study in the Canadian context; 4)make it easier for researchers and writers to enter fields within civil liberty. The BIBLIOGRAPHY covers civil liberties in the strict or narrow sense, specifically, due process safeguards and access to the law. It does not include works on freedom of expression or equality of treatment (civil rights). The author notes that one of the principal reasons for preparing this BIBLIOGRAPHY is the belief "that civil liberty safe-guards in Canadian law and practice are sorely deficient in numerous respects." The BIBLIOGRAPHY contains a sunject/topic index, followed by a listing of Canadian sources (government reports, popular sources, professional articles, chapters and books, and theses and sunmissions). Selected non-Canadian sources are included in a separate section. Information on how to obtain materials, and a directory of Canadian civil liberties organizations make up the appendixes of the fifth edition of the BIBLIOGRAPHY. Subject Headings |