Cataclysm 1914
The First World War and the Making of Modern World Politics

Anievas, Alexander; Baranowski, Shelley; Davidson, Neil; et al.
Publisher:  Haymarket Books
Year Published:  2016
Pages:  471pp   ISBN:  9781608466344
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX20049

This collection argues that the First World War -- and its consequences -- was perhaps the defining moment of 20th century world-politics.


Publisher's Description:

Cataclysm 1914 brings together a number of leftist scholars from a variety of fields to explore the many different aspects of the origins, trajectories and consequences of the First World War. The collection not only aims to examine the war itself, but seeks to visualize the conflict and all of its immediate consequences (such as the Bolshevik Revolution and the ascendancy of US hegemony) as a defining moment in 20th century world politics, a moment which ruptured and reconstituted the 'modern' epoch in its many instantiations.
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