
Publisher:  Toronto Communique Group, c/o David Hulchanski, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Pages:  6pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX2176

After attending a conference in January 1980, a group of community planners with a common orientation to promoting "progressive" or "radical" planning have formed a network for information sharing. "Communique" is the first publication of the network and it was produced by a Toronto group. Subsequent issues will be produced b those from the network in other cities across the country. This edition is primarily a brief resume of the ideas of the speakers and panellists at the conference entitled "Planners in Search of Politics: a Conference on Regional Underdevelopment, Environmental Politics and Urban Neighbourhood Organisations". The workshops included discussion of how "radical" planners might function in communities, the bureaucracy or in connecting theory to action. Also included in the event was a seminar by the Toronto Housing Corporation (OHC) to convert public housing into privately owned condominiums. If OHC is successful, it will reduce the number of financially assisted unites to 25% of the total number of units. The other major item in this edition of "Communiqué" is a proposal for the policies of the publication. The proposal suggests that it will be a locally organised and informal communications forum rather than a professional journal or newsletter.
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