The Chickens Come Home to Roost ... in Syria
Leupp, Gary
http://dissidentvoice.org/2019/01/the-chickens-come-home-to-roost/Date Written: 2019-02-14 Publisher: Dissident Voice Year Published: 2019 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX23337 American meddling in the Middle East since 9/11 may finally be reaching a crisis as the process produces irreconcilable conflicts with allies. Abstract: -- Excerpt: The U.S. State Department, to say nothing of the political class in general, was clueless about the distinction between Kurds and Arabs, as it was of the distinction between Shiites and Sunnis, or Turks and Iranians. Now the inevitable has happened. The U.S. in an effort to "destroy" ISIL (Obama's language) made common cause with the only people in Syria willing to join with its (discredited, hated, exposed, imperialist) self: the Kurdish Peshmergas. It has used them to whittle down the ISIL forces, whose existence is a painful embarrassment to the U.S. since its actions obviously produced it in the first place. But it has wanted to use them ultimately to bring down the Assad government and replace it with a pro-U.S., Israel-friendly puppet regime.... Still, there's that problem of the 2000 Special Forces there in Syria, operating alongside Kurds that Turkey sees as "terrorists." And since Trump wants to withdraw them, Erdogan wants to move in to eradicate what he sees as a national security threat. Which is to say: the U.S. imperialist orgy in the Greater Middle East has finally reached the crisis-point in which its interests conflict with those of a close ally, and there may be war between its NATO pal and its Syrian Kurdish clients. Subject Headings |