CBC Radio badly off track with too much personal storytelling

Fillmore, Nick
Date Written:  2017-08-22
Publisher:  A Different Point of View
Year Published:  2017
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX21210

CBC Radio's wandering off into a journalistic sub-culture must be curtailed. At most, radio's schedule should include a couple of the storytelling programs.



During CBC Radio's 81 years the public broadcaster has been the country's most important life-line, unifying the nation and helping us understand each other and the important issues of the day.

As always, I've been listening to Radio One this summer. My favourite programs, which include The Current, As It Happens, The Sunday Edition and Ideas, are doing a good job.

However, I'm puzzled and dismayed by most of about a dozen new summer programs. A couple of them - the Doc Project and Now or Never - provide some interesting stories told from a personal point of view.

Otherwise, the remaining 10 new programs are not the kind of shows that should be so prominent on the CBC. Too many dwell on the sad stories of people who have had a difficult life. People ramble on about their feelings. There's lots of talk about "human connections", and advice for people with problems.
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