Climate Change: A Radical Primer
Capitalism and Climate Change: The Science and Politics of Global Warming
Gasser, Michael
Date Written: 2016-01-01
Publisher: Against the Current
Year Published: 2016
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX21309
Book review of David Klein's Capitalism and Climate Change: The Science and Politics of Global Warming.
Most books on ecosocialism, while they may be of interest to those who already know something about socialism, especially those who already are socialists, are not particularly useful for those who want to be aware of both what climate change is and what capitalism is.
Naomi Klein's best-selling book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism and the Climate, filled part of this gap, but as several reviewers have noted, by "capitalism" Naomi Klein seems to mean the variant of it that is usually called "neoliberalism," the austerity and privatization enforced around the world by international financial institutions since the 1980s. As valuable as her book is, it is not, and does not pretend to be, a Marxist take on the crisis.
With Capitalism & Climate Change ecosocialist David Klein, with considerable help from revolutionary cartoonist Stephanie McMillan, gives us the best available primer, from a radical perspective, on what the ecological crisis is about and what is causing it. Far from challenging Naomi Klein's similarly titled book, however, David Klein frequently relies on Naomi Klein, and in some ways, the two books complement each other.