Class Conflict, Slavery and the United States Constitution
Ten essays

Lynd, Staughton
Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
Year First Published:  {23164 Class Conflict, Slavery and the United States Constitution CLASS CONFLICT SLAVERY AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION Ten essays Lynd, Staughton Cambridge University Press One of the first studies to identify the importance of slavery to the founding of the American Republic. 1967 2009 304pp BC23164-ClassConflictSlaveryUSConst.jpg B Book 9780521132626 CX8754 0 false true false CX8754.htm [0xc0001b73b0 0xc001aed560 0xc00053b4a0 0xc0021e6a50] Cx}
Year Published:  2009
Pages:  304pp   ISBN:  9780521132626
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8754

One of the first studies to identify the importance of slavery to the founding of the American Republic.

Subject Headings

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