The Culture of Terrorism
Chomsky, Noam
Publisher: Black Rose Books, Montreal, CanadaYear Published: 1988 Pages: 270pp ISBN: 0-921689-28-4 Library of Congress Number: E876.C45 1988 Dewey: 327.73 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX6240 Chomsky argues that the United States elites are dedicated to the rule of force, and that their commitment to violence and lawlessness has to be masked by an ideological system which attempts to control and limit the domestic damage done when the mask occasionally slips. Abstract: The Culture of Terrorism is based on the thesis that "the United States elites are dedicated to the rule of force, and that their commitment to violence and lawlessness has to be masked by an ideological system which attempts to control and limit the domestic damage done when the mask occasionally slips." The book focuses on the dedication of the United States to the rule of force, taking the Nicaragua-Iran scandals of 1986 as a major example from which important lessons should be learned. It is divided into three parts, "The Scandals of 1986," "Further Successes of the Reagan Administration," and "The Current Agenda," with the first part covering more than half of the book. The Culture of Terrorism is a thorough look into the Iran-Contra scandals, their impact and their significance for the world today. [Abstract by Nabeeha Chaudhary] Table of Contents Preface Notes Introduction Notes Part 1 The Scandals of 1986 The Challenge Notes The Cultural-Historical Context Notes The Problems of Clandestine terrorism Notes The Limits of Scandal Notes The Culture of Terrorism Notes Damage Control Notes The Perils of Diplomacy Notes The Reality That Must Be Effaced: Iran and Nicaragua Notes Part 11 Further Successes of the Reagan Administration Accelerating the Race Towards Destruction Notes Controlling "Enemy Territory" Freedom of Expression in the Free World Notes Part 111 The Current Agenda The Threat of a Good Example Notes The Fledgling Democracies Notes Restoring Regional Standards Notes Standards for Ourselves Notes Prospects Notes Index Subject Headings