The Chairman's New Clothes
Mao and the Cultural Revolution

Leys, Simon
Publisher:  Allison & Busby
Year First Published:  {398 The Chairman's New Clothes CHAIRMANS NEW CLOTHES Mao and the Cultural Revolution Leys, Simon Allison & Busby Analyzes the Chinese "cultural revolution" as a power struggle through which Mao Zedong sought to regain control of the party. 1969 1981 272pp B Book CX9029 1 false true false CX9029.htm [0xc000112720 0xc00009b320] Cx}
Year Published:  1981
Pages:  272pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX9029

Analyzes the Chinese "cultural revolution" as a power struggle through which Mao Zedong sought to regain control of the party.

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