Character Analysis
Third, Enlarged Edition
Reich, Wilhelm
Publisher: Pocket Books, New York, USA
Year First Published: {14962 Character Analysis CHARACTER ANALYSIS Third, Enlarged Edition Reich, Wilhelm Pocket Books New York USA Reich's psychoanalytic investigations of the human character. 1933 1976 604pp BC14962-CharacterAnalysis.jpg B Book 671-80259-3 -
<br>Table of Contents
<br>Preface to the Third Edition
<br>Preface to the Second Edition
<br>Preface to the First Edition
<br>Part One: Technique
<br>1. Some Problems of Psychoanalytic Technique
<br>2. The Economic Viewpoint in the Theory of Analytic Therapy
<br>3. On the Technique of Interpretation and of Resistance Analysis
<br>1. Some typical errors in the technique of interpretation and other consequences
<br>2. Systematic interpretation and resistance analysis
<br>3. Consistency in resistance analysis
<br>4. On the Technique of Character Analysis
<br>1. Introduction
<br>2. Character armoring and character resistance
<br>a) The inability to follow the basic rule
<br>b) Where do the character resistances come from?
<br>c) On the technique of analyzing the character resistance
<br>d) The technique of dealing with individual situations as derived from the structure of the character resistance
<br>e) The breaking down of the narcissistic defense apparatus
<br>f) On the optimal conditions for the analytic reduction to the infantile situation from the contemporary situation
<br>g) Character analysis in the case of abundantly flowing material
<br>3. A case of passive-feminine character
<br>a) Anamnesis
<br>b) The development and analysis of the character resistance
<br>c) Linking the analysis of the contemporary material to the infantile
<br>4. Summary
<br>5. Indications and Dangers of Character Analysis
<br>6. On the Handling of the Transference
<br>1. The distillation of the genital-object libido
<br>2. Secondary narcissism, negative transference, and insight into illness
<br>3. On the handling of the abstinence rule
<br>4. On the question of the "dissolution" of the positive transference
<br>5. A few remarks about counter-transference
<br>Part Two: Theory of Character Formation
<br>7. The Characterological Resolution of the Infantile Sexual Conflict
<br>1. Content and form of psychic reactions
<br>2. The function of character formation
<br>3. Conditions of character differentiation
<br>8. The Genital Character and the Neurotic Character (The Sex-Economic Function of the Character Armor)
<br>1. Character and sexual stasis
<br>2. The libido-economic difference between the genital character and the neurotic character
<br>a) Structure of the id
<br>b) Structure of the superego
<br>c) Structure of the ego
<br>3. Sublimation, reaction formation, and neurotic reaction basis
<br>9. Childhood Phobia and Character Formation
<br>1. An "aristocratic" character
<br>2. Overcoming of childhood phobia by the formation of character attitudes
<br>10. Some Circumscribed Character Forms
<br>1. The hysterical character
<br>2. The compulsive character
<br>3. The phallic-narcissistic character
<br>11. The Masochistic Character
<br>1. Summary of views
<br>2. The armoring of the masochistic character
<br>3. Inhibited exhibitionism and the passion for self-deprecation
<br>4. Unpleasurable perception of the increase of sexual excitation: the specific basis of the masochistic character
<br>5. Observations on the therapy of masochism
<br>12. Some Observations on the Basic Conflict Between Need and Outer World
<br>Part Three: From Psychoanalysis to Orgone Biophysics
<br>13. Psychic Contact and Vegetative Current
<br> Preface
<br>1. More about the conflict between instinct and outer world
<br>2. Some technical presuppositions
<br>3. The change of function of the impulse
<br>4. The intellect as defense function
<br>5. The interlacing of the instinctual defenses
<br>6. Contactlessness
<br>7. Substitute Contact
<br>8. The psychic representation of the organic
<br>a) The idea of "bursting"
<br>b) On the idea of death
<br>9. Pleasure, anxiety, anger, and muscular armor
<br>10. The two great leaps in evolution
<br>14. The Expressive Language of the Living
<br>1. The function of emotion in orgone therapy
<br>2. Plasmatic expressive movement and emotional expression
<br>3. The segmental arrangement of the armor
<br>4. The emotional expression of the orgasm reflex and sexual superimposition
<br>15. The Schizophrenic Split
<br>1. The "devil" in the schizophrenic process
<br>2. The "forces"
<br>3. The remote schizophrenic expression in the eyes
<br>4. The breakthrough of the depersonalization and first understanding of the schizophrenic split
<br>5. The interdependence of consciousness and self-perception
<br>6. The rational function of the "devilish evil"
<br>7. The Anorgonotic regions in the catatonic state
<br>8. The function of self-damage in schizophrenia
<br>9. Crisis and recovery
<br>16. The Emotional Plague
<br>Index CX7347 1 false true false CX7347.htm [0xc001417200 0xc001417230 0xc000bbb1d0 0xc00242bfb0 0xc0023e3e90 0xc0017ec4b0 0xc000be7800 0xc000520cc0 0xc000521260 0xc0003a2a50 0xc0001d4ab0 0xc001e22420 0xc001358ea0 0xc001358f30 0xc001359080 0xc0001b8e70 0xc0010b4210 0xc0010b48a0 0xc0010b4e10 0xc0010b5800 0xc0010b58f0 0xc0010b59b0 0xc0010b5b00 0xc0010ec960 0xc0010ed350 0xc0010eda10 0xc0025551d0 0xc00256a7b0 0xc00256ad80 0xc00259baa0] Cx}
Year Published: 1976
Pages: 604pp ISBN: 671-80259-3
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX7347
Reich's psychoanalytic investigations of the human character.
Table of Contents
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Part One: Technique
1. Some Problems of Psychoanalytic Technique
2. The Economic Viewpoint in the Theory of Analytic Therapy
3. On the Technique of Interpretation and of Resistance Analysis
1. Some typical errors in the technique of interpretation and other consequences
2. Systematic interpretation and resistance analysis
3. Consistency in resistance analysis
4. On the Technique of Character Analysis
1. Introduction
2. Character armoring and character resistance
a) The inability to follow the basic rule
b) Where do the character resistances come from?
c) On the technique of analyzing the character resistance
d) The technique of dealing with individual situations as derived from the structure of the character resistance
e) The breaking down of the narcissistic defense apparatus
f) On the optimal conditions for the analytic reduction to the infantile situation from the contemporary situation
g) Character analysis in the case of abundantly flowing material
3. A case of passive-feminine character
a) Anamnesis
b) The development and analysis of the character resistance
c) Linking the analysis of the contemporary material to the infantile
4. Summary
5. Indications and Dangers of Character Analysis
6. On the Handling of the Transference
1. The distillation of the genital-object libido
2. Secondary narcissism, negative transference, and insight into illness
3. On the handling of the abstinence rule
4. On the question of the "dissolution" of the positive transference
5. A few remarks about counter-transference
Part Two: Theory of Character Formation
7. The Characterological Resolution of the Infantile Sexual Conflict
1. Content and form of psychic reactions
2. The function of character formation
3. Conditions of character differentiation
8. The Genital Character and the Neurotic Character (The Sex-Economic Function of the Character Armor)
1. Character and sexual stasis
2. The libido-economic difference between the genital character and the neurotic character
a) Structure of the id
b) Structure of the superego
c) Structure of the ego
3. Sublimation, reaction formation, and neurotic reaction basis
9. Childhood Phobia and Character Formation
1. An "aristocratic" character
2. Overcoming of childhood phobia by the formation of character attitudes
10. Some Circumscribed Character Forms
1. The hysterical character
2. The compulsive character
3. The phallic-narcissistic character
11. The Masochistic Character
1. Summary of views
2. The armoring of the masochistic character
3. Inhibited exhibitionism and the passion for self-deprecation
4. Unpleasurable perception of the increase of sexual excitation: the specific basis of the masochistic character
5. Observations on the therapy of masochism
12. Some Observations on the Basic Conflict Between Need and Outer World
Part Three: From Psychoanalysis to Orgone Biophysics
13. Psychic Contact and Vegetative Current
1. More about the conflict between instinct and outer world
2. Some technical presuppositions
3. The change of function of the impulse
4. The intellect as defense function
5. The interlacing of the instinctual defenses
6. Contactlessness
7. Substitute Contact
8. The psychic representation of the organic
a) The idea of "bursting"
b) On the idea of death
9. Pleasure, anxiety, anger, and muscular armor
10. The two great leaps in evolution
14. The Expressive Language of the Living
1. The function of emotion in orgone therapy
2. Plasmatic expressive movement and emotional expression
3. The segmental arrangement of the armor
4. The emotional expression of the orgasm reflex and sexual superimposition
15. The Schizophrenic Split
1. The "devil" in the schizophrenic process
2. The "forces"
3. The remote schizophrenic expression in the eyes
4. The breakthrough of the depersonalization and first understanding of the schizophrenic split
5. The interdependence of consciousness and self-perception
6. The rational function of the "devilish evil"
7. The Anorgonotic regions in the catatonic state
8. The function of self-damage in schizophrenia
9. Crisis and recovery
16. The Emotional Plague
Subject Headings