Committee For Justice and Liberty (CJL) - Alberta
Organization profile published 1982

Year Published:  1982
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2578

CJL is "an ecumenical non-partisan citizen's movement which works to promote responsive and responsible politics based on Chrisitan principles." CJL has recently established an office in Calgary, and hopes to extend to Edmonton in the near future. CJL - ALBERTA is particularly concerned about the effects of the booming Alberta economy: the shortage and high cost of housing, the inadequacy of social services, the lack of recreation facilities, the high mobility rate of families and individuals, and the growing rate of suicide, divorce and alcoholism.

Members of CJL examine the Albertan and Canadian policies from a Christian perspective, and develop alternative proposals. By speaking at community meetings, conferences and univiersities, by developing educational programmes and by publishing research findings. CJL aims to encourage Christian political understainding and the formation of local action groups. members also participate actively in party caucuses, Parliamentary taskforces, Royal Commissions and regulating agencies.
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