Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box on the left. Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:
Serial Publication (Periodical)
- Aboriginal Support
First Published: 1983 A newsletter first printed in the summer of 1983 by the Aboriginal Support Committee.
- Accord
First Published: 1982 Publication for victim offender ministries.
- Across Frontiers
Volume 4, Number 2-3 - Spring-Summer 1988 issue First Published: 1988 Documenting independent social, political, and cultural initiatives in Eastern Europe, from resistance in Polish factories to environmental actions in Leningrad.
- The ACTivist
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984 Published starting in 1984 by ACT for the Earth, The ACTivist educates and mobilizes people and communities to take action for peace, ecology and human rights.
- ACTivist now monthly
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Adelante
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Advertising overload
New Internationalist September 2006 First Published: 2006 A look at big brand mass advertising and the effects on how people think and feel.
First Published: 1989 Published: Zeitschrift fur ene HERRschaftsfreies, selbestbestimmtes Leben.
- An African Village Two decades of change in an African Village
New Internationalist May 2006 - #389 First Published: 2006 A look at the lives of people living in African villages and how things have improved.
- After Stonewall, No.11, Fall 1980
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Against the Current
First Published: 1986 Bi-monthly magazine oriented toward movements for social and economic justice; radical, socialist and feminist in orientation.
- Agriculture issue
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- Aid/Bangladesh 30 years of aid in Bangladesh
New Internationalist March 2001 First Published: 2001 A look into the history of Bangladesh and the existence of inequality and poverty in the country.
- Alberta Labour
Vol.2. No. 2 First Published: 1977 This tabloid consists mainly of columns and stories from Co-operative Press Associates related to labour issues of interest to Alberta workers.
- L'Alliance, La Voix des Metis et Indians Sans-Statut du Quebec, Vol.4, No.8-9
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- The Alliance, Voice of Metis and Non-Status Indians of Quebec, Vol.4, No.8-9
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Alternate Society
Volume 2, Number 2 - November 1969 First Published: 1969
- Alternate Society
Volume 2, Number 3 - July 1970 First Published: 1970
- Alternate Society
Volume 3, Number 7 - October - November 1971 First Published: 1971
- Alternate Society
A monthly publication pubished out of St. Catharines, Ontario, in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Connexions Archive has a partial collection.
- Alternate Sources
First Published: 1996 A safe sex manual for SM Play. The authors, all experts in SM play, dispel the stereotypes and myths about sadomasochism with this introduction to a hitherto hidden world of human expression. Safe Edge is a pan-sexual book structured to answer the questions a novice might have as he or she begins to explore safer SM play, and those of experienced players as they try new ways to play. It provides an understanding of how SM play can be a positive, safe, and healthy expression of sexual fantasies.
- Alternative America
First Published: 1990 12,150 organizations, mainly American, listed geographically by zip code, and again alphabetically. A subject keyword index referring to group numbers only.
- Alternative America
First Published: 1992
- Alternative Press Center's Directory of Alternative & Radical Publications 1989-90 edition
First Published: 1989
- Alternative Press Index
 An index to alternative and radical periodicals First Published: 1996 An index to alternative and radical publications, published quarterly in print and also available on CD-ROM.
- Alternative Publications
A Guide to Directories, Indexes, Bibliographies and other Sources First Published: 1990 A listing of bibliographies, indexes, review journals, directories and other sources about the alternative or small press world.
- Alternative to Alienation
A leftist bi-monthly periodical published in Toronto in the 1970s. Connexions Archive has a partial collection.
- Alternatives
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Alternatives Vorlesungsverzeichnis Nr. 5
First Published: 1983
- The Amazon: Thirst for justice
New Internationalist May 1991 First Published: 1991 A look at the people who inhabit the Amazon rainforest, mainly focused on Brazil. Discussion of how the locals manage their environment and why many are migrating to urban centres.
- Analphabetism et alphabetism au Quebec
First Published: 1980
- Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed
Periodical profile
- Anarchy Comics
First Published: 1978 Published: Anarchist comics published in the 19780s and 1980s.
There are several issues in the Connexions Archive.
- Angles
First Published: 1986
- Another Newsletter
Vol. 2, No.1 First Published: 1977 The newsletter reports current activities of the IS FIVE people in Toronto, especially in the areas of recycling of garbage and paper, creative ideas for gathering solar energy, and education. Besides this, there is also an insert which explains the objectives of the foundation.
- Another view: The South takes the pictures
New Internationalist August 2007 - #403 First Published: 2007 A look at the states of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Iran, and South Africa and their experience of change presented in pictures.
- Another world is possible
New Internationalist January/February 2002 First Published: 2002 Takes a look at the current global system and possible ways to change it for the better.
- Antinomy
First Published: 1971 Antinomy was a free bi-weekly newspaper published by and for high school and university students in Toronto.
- The Arms Trade Bang bang you're dead The armed agenda
New Internationalist July 1991 First Published: 1991 In the wake of the Gulf war, what questions should we be asking about the arms trade? Militarism is dominating modern culture -- need to remember the personal and social implications of the arms trade and develop a strategy for future disarmament.
- The Arts and Politics
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 This newsletter summarizes the discussion from a seminar on the arts for the purpose of providing political education.
- The Asianadian
First Published: 1978 This issue of the Asianadian examines the situation of Asian women in western society. Includes an article titled "White Male Supremacy and the 'Oriental Doll'"
- Asianadian Vol 2, #4
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Asianadian Vol. 1, #4
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979
- The Asianadian, An Asian Canadian Magazine
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 The Asianadian is a quarterly publication which features stories, history, news and cultural material for Asians living in Canada. In this special issue, (Vol. 2, no. 2, 1979) the magazine looks at the experiences of children through articles dealing with a broad range of issues.
- The Asianadian: An Asian Canadian Magazine
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- At the Source
Volume 1, Number 1 - Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 See also CX2090.
- At The Source
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 See also CX2975.
- The Atlantic Postal Worker
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 The Atlantic Postal Worker is the three year old news publication of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW).
- L'Autre Amerique: Bulletin des Comites Quebecois de Solidarite avec L'Amerique Centrale.
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- L'Autre Parole
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- The Badger
The official voice of Reform Toronto
- La Balacigne, Vol.1, No.3, novembre 1977
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Banks exposed: Would you trust this pig?
New Internationalist August 2006 First Published: 2006 A look at capital movements and people robbing governments of tax. Advice on how to make banking fair and relevant.
- B.C. Blackout
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- B.C. Today
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Bear Hills Native Voice
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Bi-monthly publication covering politics, sports, recreation, agriculture and cultural events in the Bear Hills community.
- Ben Norton aka Multipolarista interviews Michael Hudson: Destiny of Civilization
First Published: 2022 The decline of the US dollar, the three 'systems', the sanctions war on Russia, on the eve of the publication of Prof. Hudson's new book: The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism.
- Beyond Monogamy
A newsletter dedicated to exploring and facilitating alternatives to traditional monogamous relationships. There is a collection of these newsletters from 1980 through 1982 in the Connexions Archive.
- Big Pharma Making a killing
New Internationalist November 2003 First Published: 2003 A look at big pharmaceutical companies and issues surrounding their pursuit for profit at the expense of peoples' health.
- The Bi-Monthly
Newsletter of the Bixsexual Center A newsletter about issues of concern to bisexuals.
- Bingo The big charity bonanza
New Internationalist October 2005 - #383 First Published: 2005 A look at issues surrounding big international non-governmental organizations.
- The Birch Bark Alliance
First Published: 1979 This issue of The Birch Bark Alliance highlights numerous anti-nuclear activities held in the spring and early summer of 1979. One major event featured was Canada's largest anti-nuclear demonstration to date -- Darlington.
- The Birch-Bark Alliance
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 This newspaper calls itself "Ontario voice of nuclear concern."
- Black or White? The origins of racism
New Internationalist March 1985 First Published: 1985 A discussion of racism as a white problem, including articles on South Africa, New Zealand, mixed-race families and multi-culturalism. The issue looks back at the history of racism, and to the future with suggestions for anti-racist action.
- Black Rose Books Spring/Summer 1987 Catalogue
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Black United Front of Nova Scotia
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 One page of the news-magazine is devoted to explaining the objectives and activities of an organization made of, by and for Black Nova Scotians.
- Blackout
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- The Body Politic
First Published: 1978 The Body Politic - a magazine for gay liberation is aimed at the building of a gay movement and spreading gay consciousness. The paper features social and political issues representing the struggle of gay men and lesbians for basic human rights and dignity.
- The Body Politic
Gay Liberation Journal First Published: 1977 Serious tabloid foucsing on political and social issues related to the gay struggle in Canada and in other countries.
- The Body Politic (a magazine for Gay Liberation)
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 The Body Politic, a magazine for gay liberation is produced ten times a year by The Body Politic Collective, a group of people who give their time and labour to the production of the magazine.
- The Boiling Point
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 Newsletter serving English-speaking street associations and supporting groups in Pointe St. Charles, Montreal.
- Branching Out
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979
- Branching Out
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Bread and Roses Credit Union Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Breaking The Silence
First Published: 1984 Breaking the Silence was a quarterly newsletter on feminism in social welfare research, action, policy and practice.
- Briar Patch
Vol. 5, no 11 - Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 Newspaper featuring articles that effect low-income and working-class people in Saskatchewan.
- Briarpatch
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 Briarpatch is an independent monthly newsmagazine published by Briarpatch Society, a non-profit organization in Saskatchewan dedicated to producing a magazine open to community groups and covering issues of concern to the disadvantaged and working people.
- BriarPatch: Saskatchewan's independent monthly newsmagazines
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Brother
A forum for men against sexism First Published: 1971 An anthology of personal and political writings. There is one copy (No.11-12) of this periodical in the Connexions Archive.
- Bulldozer
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 Intended as a vehicle for prison reform, Bulldozer publishes letters, poems and articles by and about prisoners in North American maximum security institutions.
- Bulldozer
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Bulletin de liaison
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Bulletin de liaison, Vol.1, No.1
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Bulletin of the Quaker Jails and Justice Committee
Vol. 1 No. 5 First Published: 1977 Irregularly published newsletter outlining some of the current concerns and activities of the Quaker Committee.
- The burden of slavery
New Internationalist August 2001 - #337 First Published: 2001 Discusses a brief history of slavery in different parts of the world, and its existence in the presence. Outlines ways for people and the government can contribute to end slavery.
- Burma: Ripe for change
New Internationalist May 2008 First Published: 2008 A look at Burma's attempts to speak out against political injustice.
- Call for submissions
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- Calumet
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Quarterly newsletter published to promote the aims of the movement for social justice and peace.
- Canada/Argentina Bulletin
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Canada Argentina Bulletin.
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Canada Asia CURRENTS
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 The Canada Asia Working Group (CAWG), a volunteer collective whose aim is to fill a need for public awareness of the situations which link Canada to Asia, offers, in its first issue of a quarterly newspaper, articles exposing the absence of social justice in Asia and the denial of human rights in this far-flung continent.
- Canada/Quebec - Where the Roadmap Ends
First Published: 1980
- Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples Bulletin
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 This issue of Bulletin focuses on Native women.
- Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsiblity Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A report of important events across Canada and internationally on concerns related to nuclear energy.
- Canadian Crossroads International Newsletter
First Published: 1978 A variety of articles regarding underdeveloped areas of Canada.
- Canadian Dimension
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1963 Published: 1983
- Canadian Environmental Directory
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- The Canadian Far Eastern Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- The Canadian Home Schooler
First Published: 1982 This newsletter, The Canadian Home Schooler, is a collection of letters and news information directed to those who have chosen to educate their children at home.
- Canadian Human Rights Reporter
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Canadian Human Rights Yearbook 1988
First Published: 1989
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Pilot Copy, February 1976 First Published: 1976 The first issue of the Canadian Information Sharing Service publication. The name of the publication was later changed to Connexions and then to Connexions Digest.
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 2 - July 1976 First Published: 1976
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 3 First Published: 1976
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 4 - November 1976 First Published: 1976
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 5 - January 1977 First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 1, Number 6 - March 1977 First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 1 - May 1977 First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 2 First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 3 - September 1977 First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 4 - November 1977 First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 2, Number 5 - December 1977 First Published: 1977
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 3, Number 1 - February 1978 First Published: 1978
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 3, Number 2 - April 1978 First Published: 1978
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 3, Number 3 - June 1978 First Published: 1978
- Canadian Information Sharing Service
Volume 3, Number 4 - August 1978 First Published: 1978
- Canadian Information Sharing Service Index
February 1976 - March 1977 First Published: 1977 Index of Volume 1, Numbers 1 - 6 (February 1976 to March 1977) of Canadian Information Sharing Service.
- Canadian Information Sharing Service Index
May 1977 - December 1977 First Published: 1978 Index to Volume 2 (Numbers 1 - 5, May 1977 - December 1977) of Canadian Information Sharing Service.
- Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
Revue Femmes et Droit First Published: 1989 A forum for feminist discussion of law reform and legal issues affecting women and for exchanging research and analysis.
- Canadian Labour
First Published: 1979 Canadian Labour is a bi-weekly magazine published in both English and French by the Canadian Labour Congress.
- Canadian Labour
First Published: 1983
- Canadian Labour Comment
First Published: 1977 A discussion regarding workers' compensation and unemployment insurance eligibility.
- Canadian Labour Comment
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 The Canadian Labour Comment is a bilingual newsletter which includes reports on various labour issues in Canada.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project
Volume I Number 1 First Published: 1973 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project
Volume I Number 2 First Published: 1973 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project
Volume I Number 3 First Published: 1973 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project
First Published: 1973 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - September 1974
Volume II Number 9 First Published: 1974 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Supplement: The CIA in Chile
Volume II Number 9 (supplement) First Published: 1974 Supplement to Canadian News Synthesis Project Volume II, Number 9 (September 1974). The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. Special in-depth issue on the presence of the Central Intelligence Agency in Chile.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - October 1974
Volume II Number 10 First Published: 1974 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - November 1974
Volume II Number 11 First Published: 1974 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - December 1974
Volume II Number 12 First Published: 1974 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project Review 1974 - 1975
Review 1974-75 First Published: 1975 Special review supplement for 1974 - 1975. The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America. Supplement covers major topics during 1974 - 1975.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - January 1975
Volume III Number 1 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - February 1975
Volume III Number 2 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - March 1975
Volume III Number 3 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - April 1975
Volume III Number 4 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - May 1975
Volume III Number 5 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - June 1975
Volume III Number 6 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - July 1975
Volume III Number 7 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - October 1975
Volume III Number 8 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - November 1975
Volume III Number 9 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - December 1975
Volume III Number 10 First Published: 1975 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - January 1976
Volume III Number 11 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - February 1976
Volume III Number 12 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - March 1976
Volume IV Number 1 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - April 1976
Volume IV Number 2 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - May 1976
Volume IV Number 3 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - June 1976
Volume IV Number 4 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - July 1976
Volume IV Number 5 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - September 1976
Volume IV Number 6 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - October 1976
Volume IV Number 7 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - November 1976
Volume IV Number 8 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian News Synthesis Project - December 1976
Volume IV Number 9 First Published: 1976 The Canadian News Synthesis Project journal presents current news coverage to show major trends in Canada and Latin America.
- Canadian Peace Listing
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Canadian Quaker Study Packs
First Published: 1987
- Canadian Renewable Energy News
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- The Canadian Student
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 A newsletter that deals with a variety of issues concerning post-secondary education such as tution, discrimination and decreases in enrollment.
- Canadian Union News Vol. 7, #1.
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 This issue of the quarterly news tabloid examines the Postal Strike, a strike by 1,000 members of the York University Staff Association and the seventh conference of the B.C. Council of the Confederation of Canadian Unions.
- Canadian Women's History/L'Histoire Des Femmes Canadiennes: 2
First Published: 1987
- Carribbean Basin Report
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- The Catalyst
First Published: 1976 A monthly newspaper produced by a federation of member-run food coops in B.C.
- Catholic Family Farmer
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 A newspaper of the Catholic Worker Movement.
- Central America Update
April 1982 issue - Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- The Challenge to Violence
New Internationalist August 2005 - #381 First Published: 2005 Stories which explain the power of nonviolent actions and how they have made a difference in the world.
- Changing Charity 50 years of OXFAM
New Internationalist February 1992 First Published: 1992 This issue uses the example of Oxfam to look at the role of development agencies in the Third World. Subjects discussed include the political agendas of charities, the importance of small-scale local aid and the choice of promotional imagery. Two articles focus on Oxfam in Canada.
- Changing Men
July 1975 - No. 16 First Published: 1975 Monthly paper of the men's resource center. A coalition of changing men.
- Children
First Published: 1982 Children is published by Amnesty International (AI). The publication reveals violations of some of the most fundamental human rights.
- Child's Play
First Published: 1984 Newsletter for schooling families
- Chile Informative - Special Editions
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977
- China Mao or never
New Internationalist September 2004 First Published: 2004 A look at the communist government China and the people's dream of free speech.
- The Christian Farmer
First Published: 1978 This issue of their publication expresses a real concern with good stewardship in farming as affected by production quotas. Four article deal specifically with production quotas and their effect on family farming and small farms.
- Church, Farm and Town
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- The Church, Farm and Town
First Published: 1977 This magazine seeks to affirm the values of rural and small town life. In this issue, are articles on the need for reflection on the consideration of human sentiment above progress and on the relationship of smallness to Christian roots.
- The Churchmouse
First Published: 1981 The Churchmouse originated from the Task Force on Labour of the Canadian Affairs of the Canadian Council of Churches.
- Ciliga, Ante - Writings - Index
Writings of Ante Ciliga (1898-1992).
- CineAction: A Magazine of Radical Film Criticism
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Circuit Writer
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Citizens Concerned about Free Trade
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- Citizens for Local Democracy Newsletter 20, November 1997
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1997 Fighting for democracy and against the Harris government.
- City Farmer
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 Based on the observation that hundreds of urban people, legally and illegally, are producing their own food, City Farmer is an alternative Vancouver newspaper concerned with all aspects of such urban agriculture.
- City Limits
First Published: 1982
- City Magazine seeks articles
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Civil Society
Adventures of the Concept Before and After 1989 First Published: 1997 A discussion of "Civil Society" pertaining to the Czech Republic, especially the definitions offered by Charter 77 and later by its most famous member, Vaclav Havel.
- Cleaners' Action Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 Cleaner's Action is a monthly newspaper published in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
- Clear Hamilton of Pollution (CHOP)
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Newsletter that addresses itself to Canadian citizens interested in environmental pollution control in Hamilton and Northern Ontario.
- Climate Change Solutions The Big Switch
New Internationalist June 2003 First Published: 2003 A look at global warming, what it is doing to the world, and what actions are being taken by people to slow it down.
- Clothed With the Sun
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989 A naturist social change publication.
- CNEI Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Combatting Caste
New Internationalist July 2005 First Published: 2005 A look at the caste system in South Asia and Africa. Discussion of the Dalit system in India.
- Committee For Racial Equality Bulletin (NO.2)
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 The Bulletin is a newsletter that reports and reflects on recent and upcoming activities related to the struggle against racism.
- Committee of Solidarity with the Bolivian People (Newsletter)
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 This newsletter is published in English, French and Spanish. An examination of the Bolivian situation in this issue reveals two central facts: the existence of widespread repression of the Bolivian people and the need for a world response to it (e.g. international solidarity).
- Commodity Notes No. 3
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 Examination of international trade activities in regard to copper, sugar, tin, and the repression of Peruvian fishermen.
- Commodity Notes No.2
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Keeping readers up to date on international commodities.
- Common Ground
February 1983 issue - Periodical profile published Summer 1983 First Published: 1983
- The Communicator
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 The Communicator is a magazine published by prisoners in the maximum security penitentiary in Springhill, Nova Scotia.
- Communiqu'elles
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Communiqu'elles.
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 Communiqu' elles is published several times each year in both French and English. Formerly published as the Bulletin of the Montreal-based Women's Information and Referral Service (WIRC), Communiqu' elles addresses women's issues and other social issues related to women.
- Community Switchboard
Weekly newsletter offering a forum for those interested in social change. The newsletter was put together by the Communications Collective. Community Switchboard maintained an office in Toronto to provide research facilities to the public.
- Community Worker Newsletter
Vol.1, No.3, July 1977 First Published: 1977 An open letter in this issue entitled "Tenants Rights Often Get Trampled in a Society Geared to Landlords" describes the difficulty actually experienced by a certain young woman whose legal agreement with the operator of a house to rent an apartment in Toronto was subsequently rendered impossible by the absentee landlord who disagreed with the terms.
- The Concerned Canadian
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977
- Connections Vol. 1, No.1
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 This is the first issue of a newsletter intended for member of the Learner Centre in Edmonton.
- Connections, Vol.1, No.2
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 This newspaper is concerned with "news about Canada and the third world."
- Conned, Carbon offsets stripped bare
New Internationalist July 2006 First Published: 2006 Discussion of the myths about carbon offsets, and details of more positive climate change steps to take. Carbon offsetting is exposed as a scam, one that's been sold to the guilt-ridden general public as an easy answer to a complex problem.
- Connexions
Volume 3, Number 5 - September 1978 First Published: 1978
- Connexions
Volume 3, Number 6 - December 1978 - Unemployment/Chomage First Published: 1978
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 1 - February 1979 - National Security/Securite Nationale First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 2 - March 1979 - Native Rights/Les Droits des Autochtones First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 3 - May 1979 - Immigration First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 4 - September 1979 - Food/La Nourriture First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 4, Number 5 - October 1979 - Nuclear Energy\Energie Nucleaire First Published: 1979
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 1 - January 1980 - Literacy/Alphabetisation First Published: 1980
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 2 - May 1980 - Women/Femmes First Published: 1980
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 3 - September 1980 - Racism/Racisme First Published: 1980
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 4 - October 1980 - Health/Sante First Published: 1980
- Connexions
Volume 5, Number 5 - January 1981 - Militarism/Militarisme First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 1 - February 1981 - Lesbians/Gay Men/Lesbiennes/Hommes Gais First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 2 - April 1981 - Urban Core/Milieu Urbain First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 3 - September 1981 - Atlantic Development/Le Developpement Atlantique First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 4 - November 1981 - Unorganized Workers/Travailleurs Non-Organises First Published: 1981
- Connexions
Volume 6, Number 5 - January 1982 - Children/Enfants First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 7, Number 1 - March 1982 First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 7, Number 2 - May 1982 - Canada-Latin America/Le Canada-L'Amerique Latine First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 7, Number 3 - July 1982 - Prairie Region/Region des Prairies First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 7, Number 4 - December 1982 - Housing First Published: 1982
- Connexions
Volume 8, Number 1 - Spring 1983 - Women and Men First Published: 1983
- Connexions
Volume 8, Number 3-4 - Winter 1983/84 - Native Issues - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social First Published: 1984
- Connexions
Volume 9, Number 1 - Spring 1984 - Energy - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change First Published: 1984
- Connexions
Volume 9, Number 2 - Summer 1984 - Rights and Liberties - A Digest of Resources & Groups for Social First Published: 1984
- Connexions
Volume 9, Number 3 - Fall 1984 - Housing - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change First Published: 1984
- Connexions
Volume 10, Number 1 - Spring 1986 - The Arts and Social Change First Published: 1986
- Connexions
Volume 11, Number 1 - Spring 1987 - A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change First Published: 1987
- Connexions
Volume 11, Number 2 - Winter 1988 - A Social Change Sourcebook First Published: 1988
- The Connexions Annual 1989: A Social Change Sourcebook
Information and Ideas About Social and Environmental Alternatives First Published: 1989 The 1989 edition of the Canadian directory of grassroots groups working for social and environmental alternatives.
- Connexions Annual 1994
A Sourcebook of Social and Environmental Alternatives First Published: 1994 Simultaneously a reference book and an introduction to the world of social and environmental alternatives. The bulk of the Annual is devoted to listings of grassroots groups. It also contains a series of introductory articles surveying a wide range of social and environmental issues and possibile alternatives.
- Connexions Digest
A Digest of Resources and Groups for Social Change First Published: 1976 Published: 1992 The Connexions Digest published information about resources, groups, actions, strategies and ideas for social change. The Connexions Digest is no longer published in print, but information from it appears on the Connexions Web site.
- Connexions Digest
Volume 12, Number 1 - Fall 1988 - A Social Change Sourcebook First Published: 1988
- Connexions Digest
Volume 12, Number 2 - Issue 48 - Winter 1988-89 - A Social Change Sourcebook First Published: 1989
- Connexions Digest
Issue 50 - December 1989 - A Social Change Sourcebook First Published: 1989
- Connexions Digest
Issue 51 - May 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook First Published: 1990
- Connexions Digest
Issue 52 - August 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook First Published: 1990
- Connexions Digest
Issue 53 - January 1991- A Social Change Sourcebook First Published: 1991
- Connexions Digest
Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook First Published: 1992
- Connexions Directory of Canadian Organizations for Social Justice 1987
First Published: 1987 Announcing the first issue of the Connexions Directory of grassroots organizations working for social change.
- Connexions Index
February to December 1978 First Published: 1979 Index of contributors and titles for Connexions 1978 (Volume 3, Numbers 1 - 6).
- Consumer Credit
A Blessing or A Curse? First Published: 1977 An article discussing consumer credit and how it can be viewed as both a way to promote economic growth and prey on the working class.
- Content magazine
First Published: 1970 Published: 1992 Content magazine was a Canadian magazine about journalism published in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.
- Contrast
First Published: 1977 Contrast is a weekly newspaper "serving Canada's black community" since 1969.
- Contrast closes
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Converse
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- ConVerse Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A quarterly report of local and national news and events related to the penal system.
- Co-operatives Bite back! The return of the co-op
New Internationalist June 2004 First Published: 2004 A look at the issues regarding and the basic principles of a co-op. Discussion of the history of the international co-operative movement and information on how to set up a co-op.
- Corporate crime wave
New Internationalist July 2003 First Published: 2003 A look into corporate crime, people who have been involved, and what happens to the money. Also discusses what can be done to stop corporate crime.
- Corporate influence Inside business How corporations make the rules
New Internationalist July 2002 First Published: 2002 A look into how corporate democracy works and facts regarding corporate influence. Also looks into a short history of corporations.
- Corruption: Can the rot be stopped?
New Internationalist December 2006 First Published: 2006 A look at the people standing up to challenge corruption and make a difference.
- Cotton: The peril and the promise
New Internationalist April 2007 First Published: 2007 A look at the cotton industry in India and how it is affecting the workers. Discusses alternatives to cotton and sustainability.
- The Crisis in Red Meats
First Published: 1977 This newsletter is a report of a seminar dealing with the crises created in the livestock industry in Canada and their relation to marketing, nutrition and the world food situation.
- Critical Condition
August 1980 First Published: 1980
- Critical Condition
October 1980 First Published: 1980
- Critical List
First Published: 1975 Published: A magazine founded in 1975 dealing with issues in health and the illness business. There are some issues in the Connexions Archive.
- Crosscurrents - Saskatoon's Community Exchange.
First Published: 1980
- C.U.P.E. Journal
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 Review of the effectiveness of the anit-inflation board.
- Cycling newsletter
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- cyRev Archive
A journal of Cybernetics Revolution, Sustainable Socialism, and Radical Democracy Beginning in the summer of 1994, the Third Wave Study Group released Issue 1 of "cyRev: A Journal of Cybernetic Revolution, Sustainable Socialism, and Radical Democracy." Six more print issues followed, and by the winter of 2004, cyRev was totally electronic. Here in the archive you will find all the articles from issues one through eight, plus more recent articles and editorials on issues such as globalization, technology and ethics, economics, labor, and much, much more.
- Daybreak Publications - Winter Catalogue
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 A publication created to provide meaningful work for mentally handicapped men and women.
- Deaths in Custody and Detention
Volume 33, No. 4 (2006) of Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict, and World Order First Published: 2006 A special issue on the investigation of, and inquiry into, deaths in custody and detention (including state hospitals and mental health, police and prison custody, and young offenders' institutions). The volume sets out to consider how advanced democratic states inquire into and investigate deaths in controversial circumstances. Also considered are the deadly force and exceptional incarceration policies associated with the "war on terror" waged by the U.S. and U.K. Articles and essays cover the U.K., Ireland, the U.S. (including, Guantanamo), and Australia and mix academic pieces with accounts from prisoners and campaigners.
- DEC Films Catalogue 1982
First Published: 1982 Films available from DEC Films, a non-profit film distribution services formed in 1974 by the Development Education Centre. DEC Films' aim is to make accessible to Canadians a variety of films, videos and slide-shows, documenting contemporary struggles throughout the world.
- Democracy Is that it?
New Internationalist June 2000 First Published: 2000 Democracy has become commonplace and its original meaning -- "rule by the people" -- has got lost. Real democracy depends on active citizenship, something that's missing from contemporary culture. Articles cover democracy in Canada and the developing world, economics in relation to democracy and politics in Pakistan.
- Depleted Uranium
New Internationalist November 2007 - #406 First Published: 2007 This is a special edition with 7 different articles devoted to the subject." Toxic souvenirs"-DU ammunition; Dont' look dont find-Iraqi doctors; We were expendable-US army veterans; The Facts; Who's the real criminal-largest DU manufacturer in the U.S.; Action-building the ban with Belgian activists
- Des Outils pour Pratique Communautaire
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 La presentation de quatre outils de travail servant a l'analyse critique du vecu quotidien.
- Le Desport, Vol.1 No.1
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Directory of Alternative & Radical Publications
1989-90 - Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1989 Published: 1990
- Directory of Book, Catalog and Magazine Printers, 4th Edition
First Published: 1988
- Directory of Co-operatives
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Directory of Community Services In Metropolitan Toronto
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Directory of Housing Co-operatives and Resource Groups
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Directory To Canadian, Quebec, And Regional Studies In Canada
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Disability in the Majority World I've got a right!
New Internationalist November 2005 First Published: 2005 Discussion of people with dissability and their fight for equal rights.
- Divide and Rule: Red, White, and Black in the Southeast
The Journal of Negro History July 1963 First Published: 1963 Examines the relationship between indigenous and black people in the colonial American Southeast.
- Do or Die: The people versus development in the Narmada Valley
New Internationalist July 2001 - #336 First Published: 2001 A look at the case the Supreme Court of India against The People regarding the Narmada Dam.
- Dossiers Vie Ouvriere
Avril 1976, Vol XXVI#104 - Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Chretiens et Marxistes dans l'action la combat pour la justice.
- Downtown Action
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A monthly magazine that attempts to provide a critical analysis of issues and events affecting the quality of life in Metro Toronto.
- Downtown East
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Community newspaper reporting the efforts of D.E.R.A. in confronting exploitive practices.
- Dropping the bomb: How to ban nukes and save the planet
New Internationalist June 2008 First Published: 2008 A look at nuclear weapons and their transportation in Britain.
- E Magazine
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- E-Sheet
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- Edmonton Cross-Cultural Learner Centre Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 An outreach to associates and members of the ECCLC.
- Educational Film and Video Project Catalog Supplement:
New for 1988 - Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- The end of oil Mired in crude
New Internationalist June 2001 First Published: 2001 A look into the facts of the Oil business and its effects on the places it is being harvested.
- Energy
A Critical Look at its Use In Saskatchewen. First Published: 1977 Descritpion of an energy seminar that took place in and focused on Saskatchewan
- The Energy File
Vol.2, No.1 - Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 The subtitle of this document is "food and energy." The articles show that the food industry is energy intensive.
- Energy Monitor
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Environment Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- Environment Probe
First Published: 1977 This bi-monthly magazine is a newsmagazine and discussion forum for Saskatchewan citizens and groups with environment interests.
- Epicene
First Published: 1988
- Equality
New Internationalist January/February 2004 First Published: 2004 A look at theories on the thought of equality and its progress in society.
- Ethical Shopping: A Magic Bullet to Save the World?
New Internationalist November 2006 First Published: 2006 A look at shopping ethically and its limitations. Discussion of why consumerism is contributing to a negative impact on the planet.
- Ethics and Energy...Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Ethnocultural Directory Of Quebec 1986
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Europa! Resisting corporate design
New Internationalist October 2006 First Published: 2006 A look at the European Union ranging from migration to concerns over corporate takeover.
- Everything under control, Life in a managed society
New Internationalist April 1985 First Published: 1985 A deluge of commercial messages are subtly undermining the consumer's ability to make autonomous decisions. Discussion of why, and how, social control is becoming the norm in Western societies.
- Face a la Justice
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Faces of global resistance
New Internationalist September 2001 - #338 First Published: 2001 Discussion of corporate globalization and how some are organizing themselves to resists.
- Factsheet Five
Guide to zines and alternative publishing.
- FBI Continues To Foil Its Own Devised Terrorist Plots
First Published: 2012 It seems there's a new pattern showing itself every time I read a news report in which the FBI proudly announces it foiled a terrorist plot. That pattern goes something like this: hear that a huge explosion was averted and lives were saved, find out the plotter was an American citizen, find out he was under investigation by the FBI for several years, and then finally find out that it was the FBI that egged on the suspect and built his "bomb" for him. In other words, the only way these things could become less impressive is if the FBI actually decided to quit finding these loner folks to urge into violence and just built their own physical straw man to parade in front of the cameras.
- Feminist Communication Collective
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 This monthly newsmagazine reports on women's events in Montreal and feminist issues in Quebec and elsewhere.
- Feminist Perspectives Feministes
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Feux Verts
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Feux Verts en merge et debout
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Field Guide to Alternative Media
A Directory to Reference & Selection Tools Useful in Accessing Small & Alternative Press Publications and Independently Produced Media First Published: 1984 A listing of tools that list, index or review primarily small and alternative press publications and independently-produced media. The Field Guide is divided into four sections: Subject and Trade Directories, Indices and Subject Bibliographies, Trade and Review Media, and Bookstore and Distributor catalogues.
- Films For A Peaceful Planet
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- The Fisherman
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 A newsletter with articles pertaining to fisheries issues.
- The Fish-Eye Lens
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 The January 1981 issue of Fish-Eye Lens includes an Information/Action Update on the deepening crisis in El Salvador.
- Flying Together
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 The above issue of "Flying Together" focuses on food talks in Toronto and Southwestern Ontario sponsored by the People's Food Commission and Ten Days for World Development during February '79.
- Flying Together: The GATT-Fly Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 A newsletter focusing on the issue of national security and its effects on society as a whole.
- The Food Co-operator
Vol II, #1 - Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Newsletter to provide news and information for people who do business with the Federation.
- Food, Hunger, Agribusiness
First Published: 1987
- Forgotten People/Peuple Oublie
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 This monthly tabloid is the voice of the Native Council of Canada, an umbrella group representing non-status Indians and Metis across Canada.
- FORUM - A Publication of Catholics for Social Change
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Calendar, information, communication and support.
- Foundation Reporter 1991
First Published: 1991
- The Fourth Estate
First Published: 1977 This newspaper, sub-titled Canada's National Press Journal, monitors political and economic voices and trends across Canada. In addition, it gleans newspaper articles or parts of articles from small local newspapers throughout Canada.
- The Free Trade Game
New Internationalist December 2004 First Published: 2004 A look at free trade and and the effects of NAFTA. Discussion of the opposition to free trade and alternatives.
- Fuse: The Cultural Newsmagazine
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Future History
A Resource Journal for Men Against Sexism First Published: 1978
- Gaies au Quebec
Vol.1, No.4 - Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 L'article principal de ce numero est le "manifeste et programme de l'A.D.G.Q.", qui a ete adopte le 30 septembre 1978.
- Gai(e)s du Quebec
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Gay News and Views
First Published: 1986
- Gay Saskatchewan, November 1980
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 An edition of the Saskatchewan Gay Coalition's newsletter devoted to the coalitions annual meeting.
- La Gazzette Des Femmes
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Germany and Genocide in Namibia
Special Issue of Pambazuka News - #577 - March 2012 First Published: 2012 Between 1904 and 1908 imperial Germany waged an atrocious and inhumane war of extermination against the Herero, Nama, Damara and San peoples in its former colony ‘German South West Africa’, now the Republic of Namibia.
- Global Community Centre News
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Issues in developing countries as well as events, news, and resources in the Kitchener-Waterloo area.
- Global Health Reports
First Published: 1984
- Global Media Megalomedia The voice of globalization
New Internationalist April 2001 First Published: 2001 The effects of globa media in different parts of the world. Discusses how the media promotes globalization as well as how it is an integral part of the process. How news can get distorted by the structure of the media itself. The hidden history of Western media propaganda and how globalization has affected Singapore.
- The Global Village Voice
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 The Nov./Dec. 1980 issue of the bi-monthly Global Village Voice contains a Special Report on Central America, as well as articles on other parts of the world.
- Globocops The powerful unplugged Nuclear commander drops the bomb
New Internationalist December 2000 First Published: 2000 Discusses international law and who is responsible. Also looks into the peacekeepers, where they are most needed and a look into modern warfare.
- Goodwin's Journal
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 Goodwin's Journal is a project currently in the founding stages of development.
- Grapevine
First Published: 1979 The Lesbian Mothers' Defence Fund (LMDF), which was founded a year ago, has here produced its first newsletter. The LMDF is aiming to provide "a permanent resource for mothers who are fighting for child custody." Available from the LMDF is legal advice, a legal referral, some financial aid, and support in a personal and sympathetic way.
- Grassroots Press
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Local community newspaper covers local and national issues and events.
- Green Teacher goes Canadian
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Greenpeace Chronicles
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A twice-yearly newspaper originating out of Vancouver.
- Greenpeace Chronicles
First Published: 1979 The articles in this edition of the Greenpeace Chronicles illustrate the concern of the B.C. people with nuclear energy. The question of uranium mining, flaws in the construction of nuclear reacators and the threat of human safety posed by the use of nuclear energy are but three of the questions raised.
- Guatemalan Massacre
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- Guerilla
Connexipedia article An underground newspaper published in Toronto in the 1970s. The Connexions Archive has a collection of issues from 1970-1971.
- Gulf War The Gulf in flames The real cost of Desert Storm
New Internationalist October 1992 First Published: 1992 Examining the real reasons behind the Gulf War. Was it motivated by Western oil interests? Articles on arab women, oil and arms and the aftermath of Desert Storm in the arab world.
- Harbinger
An 'underground' newspaper published in Toronto from 1968 to 1972. There are a number of copies in the Connexions Archive.
- The Harder They Fall
First Published: 1987 Torontos' Anti-Authoritarian Journal of Arts and Politics.
- The Health Advocate
First Published: 1980
- Health and Medicine - Are They Synonymous?
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Health Hazard
New Internationalist January/February 2001 First Published: 2001 A look into the history of public health and the challenges it is facing.
- Health Thrashing
First Published: 1983
- Healthsharing
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979
- Healthsharing changes
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- Herizons - the Manitoba Women's Newspaper
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Herstory
A Canadian Women's Calendar 1974 - Periodical profile First Published: 1973
- Home-Schooling: One Family's Experience
First Published: 1982 The Hudspith family of Hamilton, Ontario decided to take their eleven year-old son out of school and provide for his education at home.
- Human Rights
A Directory of Resources First Published: 1990 A directory designed to give educators, students, librarians and activists quick access to a wide variety of print, audio-visual, and organizational material. Extensively indexxed by name, title, organization, subject area, and geographic location.
- Human Rights Advocate folds
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- Human Rights: in a time of terror
New Internationalist January/February 2008 First Published: 2008 A look at human rights in various countries including women's and sex rights.
- Human Rights Internet Reporter Winter 1988
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Humane Medicine
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Humanitas Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- The Humblest of Peoples
First Published: 1987
- Hysteria
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Ideas and Action
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 Archive of some articles published in Ideas and Action, a radical paper published by the Workers Solidarity Alliance from 1981 to 1997.
- IDRC Films and videos 1991
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- IDRC Publications 1991
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- IDRC Reports is back
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- I.F. Stone's Weekly
First Published: 1953 Published: 1971 Weekly newsletter published by I.F. Stone from 1953 to 1971. All issues between January 17, 1953 and December 1, 1971 are online.
- IMF World Bank More World Less Bank
New Internationalist March 2004 First Published: 2004 A look into the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and what they have done.
- The Immigrant Worker
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- In a Nutshell
First Published: 1980
- In the name of GOD The abuses of religion
New Internationalist August 2004 First Published: 2004 Discusses the relationship between religion. The role of religion within political issues.
- INCAR Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 A periodical newsletter that discusses issues of racism in Toronto
- Incite Magazine
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Index/Directory of Women's Media
First Published: 1986
- The Indian and Inuit supporter
First Published: 1983
- Infact Contact
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Inside Iran
New Internationalist March 2007 First Published: 2007 A look at Iran from history to present. Discussion of women's rights and the youth of Iran.
- Inside OXFAM: OXFAM in the mid-seventies
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Insurgent Notes 25 - January 2023
On the War in Ukraine First Published: 2023 A collection of left perspectives on the war between Russia and Ukraine.
- Integral
The Magazine For Changing Men - Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1987
- Interchurch Energy Committee - News Notes - Final Edition
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- International IDOC Bulletin: Lifestyles
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 IDOC was established, originally in Rome, during the Second Vatican Council as a documentation service supporting recognition for Church concern about social, economic and political movements throughout the world.
- International Labour Reports
First Published: 1988
- International Permaculture Species Yearbook 1986
First Published: 1986 This annual grows out of deep concern that human actions are destroying many of the living species, both plant and animal, with which we share this planet. It seeks both to sound an alarm and document the extent of the problem, and to suggest what we can do to stop what is happening.
- International Year of the Child Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 This newsletter is intended to network information, concerns, and actions related to International Year of the Child (IYC).
- Islam Resistance and reform
New Internationalist May 2002 First Published: 2002 A look into the world of Islamic faith. Discussion of current issues and a look at key moments of Islamic civilazation.
- Israel & Palestine The occupation is killing us all
New Internationalist August 2002 - #348 First Published: 2002 An in-depth look into the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Discusses modern myths that have further fuelled the conflict, possible paths to peace, and the role of the United States in the issue.
- Issue 10: The Economics of injustice:
Income Distribution and the GAI - Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Issue 11 Quebec
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A look at the economic, language, and cultural issues facing Quebec.
- Issue 17: The Injustice of it All
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Issue 18: Unemployment
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Issue 25: Central America: The Moment of Tension Between Dying and Birth
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 Issue, a series published by the Division of Mission in Canada of the United Church of Canada, is a critical assessment of social concerns designed to strengthen discussion and action.
- Issue 25: Central America:The Moment Of Tension Between Dying And Birth
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- The Issue of...Peace
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- Issues & Actions
A newspaper linking people for social change. There are some copies of this periodical in the Connexions Archive. A few issues have been scanned and are available on the Connexions website.
- Issues & Actions
March 1985 First Published: 1985 A newspaper linking people for social change. Articles on the 1985 federal budget, International Women's Day, housing, and unemployment.
- Issues & Actions
May 1985 First Published: 1985 A newspaper linking people for social change. Articles on housing, hunger, 'Homes Before Domes.'
- Issues & Actions
Summer 1985 First Published: 1985 A Torono newspaper linking people for social change. Articles on Ethics and the Media, Homes Before Domes, Full Employment, plus a Toronto Social Justice Directory.
- Issues & Actions
April 1986 First Published: 1986 A Toronto newspaper linking people for social change. Articles on the life and work of Maria Ociepka, People's Power in the Philippines, a rally against free trade, labour law loopholes that victimize workers, and Is the media your message?
- It's a Small World for Noranda
Atlantic Issues Vol.3, No.2 - Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 This "feature" in vol. 3, No. 2 of Atlantic Issues deals with the presence of Noranda in New Brunswick and Chile.
- Job losses
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- John Cusack and Arundhati Roy: Things That Can and Cannot Be Said
First Published: 2015 A conversation With Arundhati Roy.
- John Howard Society of Quebec, Quarterly Journal
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Journal l'environnement, Journal de la Societe pour vaincre la Pollution, Vol.4, No.6
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- The Journal of Community Development
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Journal of Forest History
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- The Journal of Prisoners on Prisons
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- Judeophobia: The scourge of antisemitism
New Internationalist October 2004 - #372 First Published: 2004 A look at the history of antisemitism and the fight against it.
- Just Cause/En Toute Justice
First Published: 1987
- Justice after genocide
New Internationalist December 2005 - #385 First Published: 2005 A look at some countries around the world which have been affected by genocide and some of the characters involved.
- Justice For Children Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 In three years, Justice for Children has become an advocate for children, young people and their families.
- Justice for Children Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Justice for Children's Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981
- Kainai News, "Canada's Leading Indian Newspaper"
Defunct publication First Published: 1976 Provincial Indian newspaper dealing primarily with local issues and events.
- Keep Out: The case for open borders
New Internationalist October 2002 - #350 First Published: 2002 A look at refugees and the challenges they face. Discussion of how the refugee experience differs in different parts of the world.
- Keeping the Heat in
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 This is a supplement to the regular edition of The Plain Dealer, a New Brunswick other weekly newspaper. It is noteworthy especially for the variety of articles on heat conservation devices. While the supplement deals with energy saving in the home through efficient insulation and furnace systems, there is also an attempt to put this sector of conservation in perspective.
- Kelowna CCNR News
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Kick It Over
First Published: 1981 Published: 2004 Anti-Authoritarian periodical published from around 1981 to around 2004.
- Kick It Over #28
Spring 92 First Published: 1992 Articles on Indigenous Peoples' Conference, Male Violence, the Population Myth, Prisons, and Reading the Comics.
- Kids And Psychiatry
First Published: 1982 "Phoenix Rising" is published quarterly by On Our Own, a group of ex-psychiatric patients. Kids and Psychiatry is a special insert in Volume 2, Number 2, on the treatment of troubled children.
- Kinesis
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 See also CX132, CX861, CX2562, CX2439, CX2758.
- Kinesis
First Published: 1978 See also CX132, CX633, CX2562, CX2439, CX2758.
- Kinesis
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 Kinesis is published 10 times a year by the Vancouver Status of Women. Its objectives are to enhance understanding about the changing position of women in society and to work actively towards achieving social change.
See also CX132, CX633, CX861, CX2562, CX2758.
- Kinesis
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Kinesis
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983 See also CX132, CX633, CX861, CX2562, CX2439.
- Kinesis, Vancouver Status of Women
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Published monthly to provide an open channel of communication among members.
- Kurds
The forgotten victims of Saddam Hussein First Published: 1991
- Labour's Side
First Published: 1981 Labour's Side is a newsletter published four times a year by the Nova Scotia Labour Research and Support Centre "to inform our readers about labour struggles in the province."
- Labour's Side - Newsletter #7
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Labour's Side, #11
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- LAM News (Legal Aid Manitoba)
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 An underground paper dealing toung-in-cheek with the legal (aid) system.
- The Land Bank Revisited
First Published: 1977 A newsletter that records the 19th seminar held February 14, 1976 at Wesley United Church in Saskatoon on the Saskatchewan Land Bank. The seminar was held regarding the rampant increase in price of farm land in Saskatchewan.
- The Last Post
First Published: 1969 Published: 1980 The Last Post was an independent left-wing Canadian newsmagazine, published from December 1969 to January 1980.
- Latin America The Liberation of Latin America
New Internationalist May 2003 First Published: 2003 A look at the issues which have surrounded Latin America and what is changing.
- Latin American Connexions
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Law Union News
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- The Law Union News
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 Monthly newspaper reports on the activities and interests of the Toronto Law Union.
- The Law Union News
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 The Law Union of Ontario is a group of "socialist and progressive lawyers, law students and legal worker" that attempts to document in justices and mistreatment of people within the current legal system.
- LAWG Letter
Vol.V, No.6. Food Aid: Blessed Are the Givers First Published: 1978 An article that critically analyses the reasons for the admitted failure of the Canadian International Development Agency's quarter of a billion annual food aid program in the Third World while hunger continues to grow. The reason suggested for both is the same, namely, that it "blesses the giver far more than the receiver."
- LAWG Letter: Guatemala, Vol.5, No. 1.
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Left Green Notes - August-September 1992
Organizing Bulletin of the Left Green Network First Published: 1992
- The Left Side
First Published: 1982 THE LEFT SIDE is intended to generate debate about, and promote unity of action around issues of current importance in Manitoba, particularly those issues of greatest concern to labour, women, native people, environmentalists, and anti-nuclear groups.
- leftwords
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Lesbian Issue/Etre Lesbienne
First Published: 1983
- Lesbian/Lesbienne
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- The Letter Exchange
A Magazine for Letter Writers - Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- Liberation (magazine)
First Published: 1956 Published: 1977 A monthly left-wing magazine published in the U.S. from 1956-1977, founded by Dave Dellinger and A.J. Muste.
- Liberation - Volume 17, No. 3, 4, 5 - August 1972
Workers: A Special Section First Published: 1972
- Liberation - Volume 18, Number 4 - December 1973
Do The People Need a Party? First Published: 1973
- Libertarian Worker
Poland: An Anarchist Viewpoint - Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 This issue of Lbertarian Worker forcuses on the events of 1980 in Poland. One article also discusses feminist theory and anarchist feminism.
- Libido
"The literary answer to the horizontal urge."
- Libya and the Arab Uprisings
Against The Current vol. 152 First Published: 2011 The sweeping upheavals in Arab countries and North Africa continue to unfold. Among these events, the uprising in Libya and the subsequent United Nations/NATO intervention have provoked intense controversy within the international left and antiwar movement. The debate is an inevitable and necessary one — given both the imminent massacre that appeared likely to occur if the Qaddafi regime recaptured Benghazi and other opposition population centers, and what we well know to be the far-from-humanitarian motives of the imperialist intervening powers.
- Life after Communism West goes East
New Internationalist April 2004 First Published: 2004 A look at the effects of communist rule in the former Soviet Union and the post-communism transition.
- Lifestyles
The Politics of Alternative Lifestyles First Published: 1977 This newsletter deals with the questions and issues involved in considering an alternative lifestyle as an option for social change
- Listing of Trotskyist Periodicals & Journals
This archive contains all known (to us) Trotskyist(and "post" or "ex" Trotskyist) journals in the English Language. We know that this is not complete and would like to know of any other journals/newspapers/magazines that exist or did exist that are not listed below. Please let us know. All digitization is done by volunteers. If you have access to a scanner and to a collection of any of the un-digitized journals, let us know. Additionally, journals and papers listed by not linked means they need to be collected and scanned. They are listed here for informational purposes and to provide a guide for those who are interested in scanning them. Lastly, one can argue that not all these journals are "Trotskyist". This is true. But they are or have a relationship to Trotskyism even if at some point they broke formally with it. The same is true for several Trotskyist influenced journals. They are all listed here. The majority of digitized files found in this section were scanned by the Riazanov Library Project. Additionally, most of original paper for these files was provided by the Holt Labor Library in San Francisco, CA
- Living Free
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- Living socialism, The experience of the eighties
New Internationalist November 1985 First Published: 1985 Discussion focusing on the challenges of living a socialist life in modern times. Political commitments to meeting people's needs can be more rhetoric than reality. "How can socialism maintain its ideals in an international climate shaped by those hostile towards it?"
- Logos
Volume 2 Number 4 First Published: 1979 Counterculture newspaper from Montreal, Canada
- Loving More
First Published: 1991 A newsletter published by PEP (Polyfidelitious Educational Productions), a group marriage journal and network. Previous title was PEPTALK; name was changed to Loving More starting with the Spring 1991 issue (Issue #26), and to Loving More Magazine ins 1994. Some copies of this publication are in the Connexions Archive.
See also the Loving More website www.lovemore.com.
- M: Gentle Men for Gender Justice
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- The Manitoba Women's Newspaper
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Masenayegun
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Match
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Materials Available from One Sky Cross-Cultural Centre
First Published: 1981
- Maternal Health News
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Maternal Health News
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Media Names & Numbers
Your Connection to the Media First Published: 2000 Published: 2009 A comprehensive directory of the Canadian news media, including television and radio stations and programs, daily, weekly, ethnic and campus newspapers, consumer and trade magazines, and academic journals. Media Names & Numbers is indexed by subject, and is available in print and electronic formats. An annual subscription includes a print directory and access to the continuously updated online version.
- Media Probe
The Canadian Journal of Communication First Published: 1977 This publication offers a critical look at the media industry from people who work in it. The first piece is an address by Graham Spry, co-founder of the Canadian Radio Leauge in 1930. The league advocated privacy of public ownership in broadcasting, thus preventing radio from passing completely into the hands of money changers.
- Medical Reform Group News - Volume 1 Issue 1
November 1979 First Published: 1979
- Medical Reform Group News - Volume 1 Issue 4
April 1981 First Published: 1981
- Medical Reform Group of Ontario Newsletter - Volume 1 Issue 2
April 1980 First Published: 1980
- Medical Reform Group of Ontario Newsletter - Volume 1 Issue 3
November 1980 First Published: 1980
- Medical Reform Newsletter
First Published: 1979 Published: 2014 Newsletters published by the Medical Reform Group of Ontario. The newsletters were published under several different names, including Medical Reform Group News; MRG Newsletter, and Medical Reform. The Connexions Archive has an almost-complete set.
- Medical Reform - Volume 9 Issue 2
April 1989 First Published: 1989
- Medical Reform - Volume 9 Issue 3
June 1989 First Published: 1989
- Medical Reform - Volume 9 Issue 4
August 1989 First Published: 1989
- Medical Reform - Volume 9 Issue 5
October 1989 First Published: 1989
- Medical Reform - Volume 10 Issue 1
April 1990 First Published: 1990
- Medical Reform - Volume 10 Issue 2
July 1990 First Published: 1990
- Medical Reform - Volume 10 Issue 3
September 1990 First Published: 1990
- Medical Reform - Volume 10 Issue 4
October 1990 First Published: 1990
- Medical Reform - Volume 11 Issue 1
February 1991 First Published: 1991
- Medical Reform - Volume 11 Issue 2
April 1991 First Published: 1991
- Medical Reform - Volume 11 Issue 3
August 1991 First Published: 1991
- Medical Reform - Volume 11 Issue 4
October 1991 First Published: 1991
- Medical Reform - Volume 11 Issue 5
December 1991 First Published: 1991
- Medical Reform - Volume 12 Issue 1
April 1992 First Published: 1992
- Medical Reform - Volume 12 Issue 2
May 1992 First Published: 1992
- Medical Reform - Volume 12 Issue 3
September 1992 First Published: 1992
- Medical Reform - Volume 12 Issue 4
November 1992 First Published: 1992
- Medical Reform - Volume 12 Issue 5
December 1992 First Published: 1992
- Medical Reform - Volume 13 Issue 1
March 1993 First Published: 1993
- Medical Reform - Volume 13 Issue 2
May 1993 First Published: 1993
- Medical Reform - Volume 13 Issue 3
June 1993 First Published: 1993
- Medical Reform - Volume 13 Issue 4
October 1993 First Published: 1993
- Medical Reform - Volume 13 Issue 5
November 1993 First Published: 1993
- Medical Reform - Volume 14 Issue 1
February 1994 First Published: 1994
- Medical Reform - Volume 14 Issue 2
April 1994 First Published: 1994
- Medical Reform - Volume 14 Issue 3
July 1994 First Published: 1993
- Medical Reform - Volume 14 Issue 4
September 1994 First Published: 1994
- Medical Reform - Volume 14 Issue 5
December 1994 First Published: 1994
- Medical Reform - Volume 15 Issue 1
April 1995 First Published: 1995
- Medical Reform - Volume 15 Issue 3
December 1995 First Published: 1995
- Medical Reform - Volume 22 Issue 2
September 2002 First Published: 2002
- Medical Reform - Volume 22 Issue 3
January 2003 First Published: 2003
- Medical Reform - Volume 22 Issue 4
April 2003 First Published: 2003
- Medical Reform - Volume 23 Issue 1
July 2003 First Published: 2003
- Medical Reform - Volume 23 Issue 2
First Published: 2003
- Medical Reform - Volume 23 Issue 3
January 2004 First Published: 2004
- Medical Reform - Volume 23 Issue 4
April 2004 First Published: 2004
- Medical Reform - Volume 24 Issue 1
July 2004 First Published: 2004
- Medical Reform - Volume 24 Issue 2
October 2004 First Published: 2004
- Metamorphoses
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Metro Network for Social Justice (MNSJ) newsletter
First Published: 1993 Published: 1995 A 1990s non-profit network of organizations committed to promoting social and economic justice in Toronto.
Maritime Fishermen's Union - Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- MFU: Voice of the Maritime Fisherman's Union.
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 This edition of this bi-lingual magazine traces the history of the inshore fishermen's struggle for the right to unionize.
- MicMac News
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977
- Modern Primitives
First Published: 1989 An anthropological inquiry into a contemporary social enigma: the increasingly popular revival of ancient human decoration practices such as tattooing and piercing.
- The Moment
Periodical published by Jesuit Centre for Social Faith and Justice.
- Moments in Movement
A 1990 Calendar For Social Change Movements First Published: 1989
- Monchanin Journal: Political Self-Determination of Native Peoples
Special Issue - Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 The Monchanin Cross-Cultural Centre seeks an understanding of life in the perspective of all cultures coming together: African, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Christian.
- The Monthly
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Monthly Review - Volume 26 Number 3
Labor and Monopoly Capital: The degradation of work in the twentieth century First Published: 1974
- Moratorium Committee on Prison Construction Newsletter
First Published: 1979 The Moratorium Committee on Prison Construction (MCPC) was formed in February 1978 by representatives from civil liberties associations in Quebec and Ontario. This move was a response to the federal Solicitor-General's annoucement of plans to construct 24 new penitentiaries by 1984. The MCPC immediately launched a campaign of public education, press conferences and meeting with senior correction officials. It contacted many individuals, religious organizations, MP's and groups involved in correction across Canada.
- Moving Ahead
A Guide to Selected Themes from the Nairobi Forwardlooking Strategies for the Advancement of Women - Periodical profile published 1987 First Published: 1987
- MRG Magazine - Volume 1 Issue 1
October 1981 First Published: 1981
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 2 Issue 1
March 1982 First Published: 1982
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 2 Issue 2
April 1982 First Published: 1982
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 2 Issue 3
August 1982 First Published: 1982
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 3 Issue 1
February 1983 First Published: 1983
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 3 Issue 2
June 1983 First Published: 1983
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 3 Issue 3
September 1983 First Published: 1983
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 4 Issue 1
March 1984 First Published: 1984
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 4 Issue 2
April 1984 First Published: 1984
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 4 Issue 3
June 1984 First Published: 1984
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 4 Issue 5
September 1984 First Published: 1984
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 4 Issue 6
November 1984 First Published: 1984
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 5 Issue 1
January 1985 First Published: 1985
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 5 Issue 2
March 1985 First Published: 1985
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 5 Issue 3
April 1985 First Published: 1985
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 5 Issue 4
July 1985 First Published: 1985
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 5 Issue 5
September 1985 First Published: 1985
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 5 Issue 6
October 1985 First Published: 1985
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 5 Issue 7
December 1985 First Published: 1985
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 6 Issue 1
February 1986 First Published: 1986
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 6 Issue 2
April 1986 First Published: 1986
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 6 Issue 3
June-July 1986 First Published: 1986
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 6 Issue 5
October 1986 First Published: 1986
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 6 Issue 6
December 1986 First Published: 1986
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 7 Issue 1
February 1987 First Published: 1987
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 7 Issue 2
April 1987 First Published: 1987
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 7 Issue 3
June 1987 First Published: 1987
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 7 Issue 4
August 1987 First Published: 1987
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 7 Issue 5
October 1987 First Published: 1987
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 7 Issue 6
October-November 1987 First Published: 1987
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 7 Issue 7
December 1987 First Published: 1987
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 8 Issue 1
February 1988 First Published: 1988
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 8 Issue 2
April 1988 First Published: 1988
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 8 Issue 3
June 1988 First Published: 1988
- MRG Newsletter - Volume 8 Issue 5
October 1988 First Published: 1988
- MRG Toronto Chapter
May 1980 First Published: 1980
- The Mysterious East
An independent Atlantic magazine First Published: 1970 Published: A magazine published in Atlatnic Canada in the early 1970s. There are 12 copies of this periodical in the Connexions Archive.
- NAPO-INFO, National Anti-Poverty News
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 This was a bilingual, bi-monthly newspaper dealing with issues affecting the poor across Canada.
- National Farmers Union Materials
First Published: 1977 A collection of materials in various formats addressing local and national issues.
- National Senior News
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- Native People's News
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Native Press
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Native Press Vol. 7, Issue 9
First Published: 1977 Native Press is a bi-weekly newspaper that covers concerns relevant to native People, as well as various community events in the North West Territories
- Natotawin
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Natural Energy
First Published: 1984
- Natural Life
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Natural Life
A Journal of Natural Living,vol. 1 issue 1 First Published: 1976 A magazine dedicated to providing information to Canadians interested in exploring alternatives in the areas of life-styles, energy, co-ops, organic foods, and schools among others.
- Nature Study
A Journal of Environmental Education and Intrepretation - Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- Network
Vol 1, No 2, March 1976 - Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 An inter-community newsletter.
- Network
Volume 3, Number 3 First Published: 1985 A newsletter of information and opinion of radical social change.
- Network: The Newspaper Of Saskatchewan Women
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Networking
The First Report and Directory First Published: 1982 Directory and description/analysis of networking.
- Neue Rheinische Zeitung - Digitalisierung
First Published: 1848 Published: Die Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Organ der Demokratie erschien in 301 Ausgaben vom 1. Juni 1848 bis zum 19. Mai 1849 täglich in der preußischen Stadt Köln unter der Chefredaktion von Karl Marx und Mitarbeit von Friedrich Engels. Sie umfasst somit den Zeitraum der europäischen Revolution von 1848/49. Weitere Redakteure waren Heinrich Bürgers, Ernst Dronke, Ferdinand Freiligrath, Georg Weerth, Ferdinand Wolff und Wilhelm Wolff.
Die Zeitung erreichte eine Auflage von 5000 bis 6000 Exemplaren und verfügte über eigene Korrespondenten insbesondere in Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Wien und Paris. Zu den täglichen Ausgaben wurden häufig Beilagen veröffentlicht. Von der vollständig in Rot gedruckten Abschlussnummer vom 19. Mai 1849 wurden fast 20 000 Exemplare gedruckt.
- The New Age Community Guidebook
Alternative Choices in Lifestyles First Published: 1989
- New Breed
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Monthly, new magazine to inform and educate native people in Saskatchewan about current events, history and tradition, and the local and national Indian scene.
- New Breed
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- New Breed Journal
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- New Democratic Youth Newsletter
March 1973 First Published: 1973 Newsletter containing a report on the ONDY's activities in 1972; on the left and the Waffle in the NDP, and an announcement of the ONDY's 11th annual convention.
- New Enclosures
Midnight Notes # 10 - Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- New Hogtown Press - Spring-Summer 1974 Catalogue
First Published: 1974
- New Hogtown Press - Fall 1973 Catalogue
First Published: 1973
- New Hogtown Press - Catalogue supplement Winter '75
First Published: 1975
- New Ideas
IDERA Newsletter - publication of the International Development Education Resource Association - Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Sharing the objectives, resources, and contributions of groups concerned with Third World and Development issues.
- New Internationalist
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- New Maritimes
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 New Maritimes is a new regional newspaper which will begin publication in 1982. "An adventure in radical regionalism. A critical left treatment of the politics, culture and history of the Maritimes."
- New Maritimes
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983 An independent monthly newsmagazine covering political, cultural, and economic issues in the Maritimes from a "no-holds-barred point of view."
- New Pages Guide to Alternative periodicals 1980-1981
First Published: 1980 Selective alternative periodicals. Lists 123 periodicals that provide political, social, economic and cultural alternatives. Each entry includes subscription information, bookstore rates and a superb annotation opposite a photograph of a cover from an is
- NeWest ReView
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Newfoundland Status of Women in Council Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 A newsletter that covers women's issues in Newfoundland.
- News From Guatemala
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- News From Guatemala
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- News Notes
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- News Notes
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Newsletter
First Published: 1977 The Inter-Church Committee Newsletter reports in detail on events throughout Latin America.
- Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979
- The Newsletter
Periodical profile First Published: 1973 Published: 1974 Newsletter published in 1973 and 1974 by the New Tendency, a loose collaboration of independent leftists primarily based in Toronto, Windsor, Winnipeg, and Kitchener-Waterloo. Articles dealt with workplace issues, labour unions, workers autonomy and related topics. A total of five-and-a-half issues were published. Copies of the newsletters are available in the Connexions Archive and online on the Connexions website.
- Newsletter - Project North
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 Project North is an action/research program co-sponsored by seven national churches in Canada. Since 1975, when it was organized, the Project has supported northern native people in their struggle for justice.
- The Newsletter #1
First Published: 1973 Published by the 'New Tendency.' Contributions from Winnipeg, Kitchener-Waterloo, Toronto, and Windsor.
- The Newsletter #2
First Published: 1973
- The Newsletter #3
First Published: 1973
- The Newsletter #4
First Published: 1974
- The Newsletter #5
First Published: 1974
- The Newsletter #6
First Published: 1975 This mailing was not numbered as one of the New Tendency Newsletters, of which five numbered issues were published. This mailing consisted of statements concerning the dissolution of the New Tendency, packaged in a format similar to the preceding five newsletters.
- Newsletter, Farmland Defence League of B.B., Vol.1, Issue !
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- The Newsletter on Newsletters
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Newsletter: The Open Door
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Newsmag
First Published: 1982 The Women's Network Project of Prince Edward Island is developing a new publication to build community among the province's women.
- Newsmag
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- The Newsmagazine for Alberta Women
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Next Year Country
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Nexus
First Published: 1980
- Nexus
A magazine of land, corporate and community affairs First Published: 1978 Published: Focusing on the financial, development, and real estate industries in the urban arena, primarily in Toronto. Published in the 1970s. Some copies are available in the Connexions Archive.
- NEXUS, Vol. 2, No.1
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- 1988 International Green Front Report
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- 1917 and Trotskyist Bulletin online archive
1917 is the journal of the International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT). The IBT arose out of a split in the International Spartacist Tendency in the early 1980s.
- No laughing matter: Cartoonists take issue
New Internationalist March 2006 First Published: 2006 A look at the strengths of comics and cartoons as an educational and development communication tool.
- North American Energy Colonies
First Published: 1977 This particular issue of the newsletter is a product of the World Student Christian Federation-North American Region- Energy Education Project and focuses on some energy issues important to all North Americans. Included are articles on the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, Canada: U.S. energy colony, the politics of coal, and development and domination.
- Northern Perspectives
First Published: 1984
- Northern Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1977
First Published: 1977 This issue of Northern Perspectives contains two major articles, one titled 'Thoughts on Canada's Energy' and the other 'There is no such thing as a little garlic.'
- Northern Woman Journal
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Not With Our Lives You Don't
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Nova Scotia Labour Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- The Nuclear Free Press
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Nuclear Newsletter, Vol.2, No.15.
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 Nuclear Newsletter addresses itself to people concerned about nuclear development in Saskatchewan.
- Nuclear Power
Blessing or Blight? First Published: 1977
- Nuclear Power: Nuclear's second wind
New Internationalist September 2005 First Published: 2005 A look at the return of the use of nuclear power and why. Discussion of the history of the effects of nuclear power in the past.
- Nuclear Reaction Nucleaire
First Published: 1978
- Odyssey
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Odyssey Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 The Odyssey Newsletter is published by a group of long term prisoners who "feel that prisons and the justice system in Canada must be changed through non-violent means."
- Odyssey Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Odyssey Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 This newsletter is published by "a group of prisoners who feel that prisons and the justice system in Canada can be changed by non-violent means."
- Odyssey, Vol.1, No.4
Contact Dave McCauley - Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 Odyssey is a prison journal containing brief articles, reflections and poems by prisoners at Millhaven Penitentiary, as well as by a few people outside the prison.
- Office Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Offshore Monitor
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Oil Pipelines Pipeline cowboys
New Internationalist October 2003 First Published: 2003 A look at the world's dependence on oil and how Costa Rica has taken strides to break their dependence on the industry. Discussion on the oil industry's effects on different parts of the world.
- One Body: Human Rights, A Global Struggle
Issue 19-20 First Published: 1978 This is a special, double-sized "Issue" which examines a broad spectrum of violations of human rights during the past couple of years (U.S.A., Europe, Asia, Latin America, U.S.S.R.). These concerns are linked to a reflection on root causes of the violations and on attempts by Canadian organizations to respond (Amnesty International, Operation Liberty, Canadian Labour Congress). As usual, extensive suggestions for group study/actions are included.
- 100,000 California Indians Killed During Gold Rush Genocide
Bloody Gold; the California Gold Rush and state sponsored genocide First Published: 2016 Legislation with roots in Manifest Destiny and dehumanization helped lead Euro-Americans to commit the greatest act of genocide in American history.
- One Sky
First Published: 1979 Theme issue of the One Sky newsletter on Nicaragua.
- One Sky
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 A special issue of the One Sky newsletter on the Vietnamese 'boat people' refugees.
- One Sky
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 This issue of the One Sky newsletter focuses on uranium.
- One Sky Audio-Visual And Book Catalogue 1988/89
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- One Sky Reports
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983 This issoe of the One Sky newsletter focuses on the economy and the challenges of economic change.
- Only protect: A photographic celebration of our endangered earth
New Internationalist May 2005 - #378 First Published: 2005 A visual look at the world's Ecosystems and a discussion of the scale and urgency of the environmental crisis.
- Open Road
First Published: 1976 Published: 1990 Anarchist paper published in Vancouver from 1976 to 1990.
A digital archive of Open Road is online at http://www.zisman.ca/openroad/index.html.
- The Optimist
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- The Optimist
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 The Optimst newspaper is published five times a year by the Yukon Status of Women Council. Its purpose is to link all Yukon women who are separated from one another by great physical distances as well as by socio-economic and cultural differences.
- The Optimist
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter
First Published: 2014 A newsletter with news and articles about current issues, as well as news from the realm of grassroots archives and people's history. Also featuring selected items from the Connexions Calendar, Seeds of Fire, book, film and website of the week, and news about the Connexions project.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 7, 2015
Corporate rights treaties First Published: 2015 Our focus is on the corporate rights treaties that are misleadingly sold as trade agreements. In particular, the spotlight is on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, negotiated in secret, and now scheduled to be rubber-stamped by national governments on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. The TPP is best understood as a major milestone in the long-term war waged by the corporate elite against any form of democracy.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 4, 2023
Gaza: Dehumanization and humanity First Published: 2023 On Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza, October-November 2023.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 7, 2024
Bearing witness First Published: 2024
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 3, 2024
First Published: 2024 Lies are the lifeblood of the world we live in. The American-dominated international order is rooted in violence and exploitation, but lies are its language, its public face, and its spiritual essence.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 5, 2024
Everything is Under Control. Until it Isn't. First Published: 2024 In the nuclear age, a miscalculation can result in unspeakable catastrophe, but nonetheless, decision-makers continue to take risky actions which they calculate will bring them an advantage. They assume that they can to push forward and ‘show strength’ and then push some more, while reserving the option of showing restraint if the other side pushes back too vigorously. The world now finds itself in probably the most dangerous situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis. All it will take is one misstep, one miscalculation, one reckless action by a mid-level military officer acting without orders – and the missiles will start flying. And it will be game over for the human race.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 9, 2024
This Moment First Published: 2024
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 8, 2025
Time to Talk? First Published: 2025 If we want to change the world, we need other people – millions, eventually hundreds of millions of others – to agree that the world needs changing and to join us in changing it. We need to persuade a majority of the population that a fundamental social and economic transformation is necessary and desirable. That’s easier said than done. What do we say, and who do we talk to? This newsletter offers tenative explorations of some of those issues.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 2, 2023
Toward the light First Published: 2023 Most of us no longer celebrate the ancient festivals, but many of us - countless thousands - have been asserting our own desire and determination to create light in the darkness by going out into the streets and making our voices heard. This issue of Other Voices looks at challenges we face, asks questions about what we should do, and looks to the past, as well as what is happening now, for ideas about how to move forward.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 14, 2023
Fading to Silence? First Published: 2023 Fading to silence, as well as the more active and deliberate silencing of dissenting views, is the theme of this issue of Other Voices.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 3, 2014
Surveillance First Published: 2014 The first issue of Other Voices, the Connexions newsletter. Topic of the week is Surveillance. Articles on climate politics, 21st-century land grabs, and the destruction of Canada's science libraries. Plus items from the Connexions Calendar and Seeds of Fire.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 17, 2014
Gaza First Published: 2014 Topic of the week is Gaza, which was under attack by Israel as this issue appeared. Articles on surveillance capitalism, the tactics and successes of the movement for same-sex marriage in the United States, and profiles of alternative archives. Website of the week is Democracy Now!
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 31, 2014
Truth, justice and reconciliation First Published: 2014 Articles on truth, justice and reconciliation efforts in countries affected by civil war or internal conflict; Bone Collectors: the fate of the remains of Australian aboriginal people stolen from their burial grounds and dispersed to museums; the Galway children's mass grave; and Which came first: Palestinian rockets or Israeli violence? The topic of the week is the Israeli military.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 21, 2014
Killings by Police First Published: 2014 Topic of the week is Killings by Police. Articles on the way the Ebola crisis illuminates the moral bankruptcy of capitalism; Responding the capitalist crisis, in 1914 and 2014; Globaling Gaza: Israel's leading role in undemining international law; and Marinaleda, a town in Spain attempting to create alternatives based on democracy, co-operation, and mutual aid. Group of the Week is Librarians and Archivists with Palestine.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - September 19 2014
Spying, terrorism, and protest First Published: 2014 Coverage of spying, terrorism, and protest. Articles on how the ISIS (Islamic State group) comes to be using American weapons; the U.S. government's secret plans to spy for American corporations; the insidious power of propaganda; how to spot and defeat disruption on the Internet, and steps to sustainable livestock production. Topic of the week is War Crimes; book for the week is Berkeley: The New Student Revolt, and website of the week is LabourStart.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 2, 2014
Climate Change First Published: 2014 This issue of Other Voices looks at why so many people deny or ignore the very real and very near threat of climate change. We also look into the ways on how NGOs tame and undermine grassroots movements. Other Voices also shares an article detailing how a $182 billion bail-out of tax-payer money was not enough for one bank. Finally, in this issue, we look into the horrors of American slavery and how it shaped the United States into the economic power it is today.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 16, 2014
Arms Trade First Published: 2014 Topic of the week is the Arms Trade. Featured resources include The No-Nonsense Guide to the Arms Trade, an article on Israel's War Business, and the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade. A new feature in Other Voices is the Film of the Week: to start off, we spotlight The Corporation, an exploration of the dominant institution of our time. Plus: Lying to ourselves about the air war, Karl Marx's critique of modern agriculture, and a challenge to Montreal's anti-protest bylaw.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 30, 2014
Refugees First Published: 2014 Topic of the week is Refugees. Featured articles look at migration, counter-surveillance resources, farmers in Ghana fighting to retain the freedom to save their own seeds, and rebuilding communities faced with mining companies in Ecuador. The website of the week is Mediamatters. From the archives we've got Socialist Feminism: A Strategy for the Women's Movement.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 13, 2014
Libertarian Socialism First Published: 2014 The topic of the week is Libertarian Socialism. Articles on no-state solutions in Kurdistan; right-wing dirty tricks used to attack labour and environmental groups; scientists unravelling the risks of new pesticides; the terrors faced by fishermen in Gaza; and bringing books and seeking peace in Colombia. Film of the week is Even the Rain, and book of the week is Adolph Reed's Class Notes.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 27, 2014
Climate Change First Published: 2014 The theme for this issue, and the topic of the week, is Climate Change. Groups and websites engaged in the fight for action on global warming and climate justice are featured. Book of the week is Magdoff and Foster's "What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism." In addition to articles on climate change, there are articles on Ebola, corporate tax evasion, and state terrorism, as well as a 1971 interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 18, 2014
The Commons First Published: 2014 From its beginnings, one of capitalism's prime imperatives has been an all-out and never-ceasing assault on the Commons in all its manifestations. Common land, common water, public ownership -- anything rooted in the ancient human traditions of sharing and cooperation is anathema to an economic system that seeks to turn everything that exists into private property that can be exploited for profit. This issue of the Connexions Newsletter focuses on the Commons.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 15, 2015
Workers' Health and Safety First Published: 2015 The topic of the week is Workers' Health and Safety. Articles on why environmentalists should support working class struggles; whistleblowers; the appalling death rate from U.S. drone strikes; the murderous attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris; and what humanity could learn from Bonobos. The feature from the archives is Traces of Magma. The International Labor Rights Forum is the group of the week, and Silkwood is the film of the week.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 29, 2015
Land seizures and land take-overs First Published: 2015 This issue of Other Voices focuses on the issue of land seizures and land take-overs. Also included: Greece's solidarity movement, and the challenges and opportunities it faces after the election of a Syrizia government. From the archives, there are interviews about the 1974 occupation of Anicinabe Park, an article about anti-dicrimination fighter Viola Desmond, and the publication, in 1929, of All Quiet on the Western Front.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 12, 2015
SYRIZA First Published: 2015 This week we're featuring the 40-point program which SYRIZA, the Greek coalition of the radical left, put forward to win the Greek election. Oliver Tickell writes about the mass media's latest campaign of pro-war propaganda, this time revolving around supposed "Russian aggression" in Ukraine, while Paul Edwards looks at another form of war propaganda, Clint Eastwood's 'American Sniper'. The Topic of the Week is Water Rights. Related items include the film "Blue Gold: World Water Wars," the featured website International Rivers, and articles on water-related struggles, past and present, including articles on the Walkerton water disaster and the Cochabamba water war.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 26, 2015
Ukraine First Published: 2015 Ukraine is spotlighted in this issue of Other Voices, with several articles on the events of the past year, from the overthrow of the government, to the rise of the far right, the armed conflict in the east, and aggressive US/NATO moves setting the stage for a possible nuclear war between the US and Russia. Also in this issue, #DomesticExtremists ridicule police state legislation in the UK, world inequality in one simple graphic, and people's history items about mass strikes in the First World War, and the new People's Archive of Rural India.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 12, 2015
Organizing First Published: 2015 The focus of this issue is organizing. How can we challenge and overcome entrenched structures of economic and political power? Our own source of power is our latent ability to join together and work toward common goals, collectively. That requires organizing. Power gives way only when it is challenged by powerful movements for change, and movements grow out of organizing. In this newsletter, we feature a number of articles, books, and other organizing resources.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 26, 2015
Sustainability, ecology, and agriculture First Published: 2015 This issue features a number of items related to sustainability, ecology, and agriculture, including Vandana Shiva's article "Small is the New Big," the Council of Canadians' new report on water issues, "Blue Betrayal," the film "The Future of Food," the Independent Science News website, which focuses on the science of food and agriculture, and the memoir "Journey of an Unrepentant Socialist" by Brewster Kneen, a former farmer and long-time critic of corporate agriculture.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 9, 2015
Resisting Neoliberalism First Published: 2015 Resisting neoliberalism: "free markets" and "free trade" are an ideological cover for what is actually a form of state capitalism in which working people subsidize and bail out corporations and the rich. In this edition of Other Voices, and more extensively on the Connexions website, we look at both neoliberalism and the resistance to it. The version of capitalism which became dominant by the 1980s has been given the name neoliberalism. The term refers to the global economic restructuring which has taken place, and to the accompanying shifts in the structures of power under which local and national governments have seen their ability to act independently curtailed by international treaties and by institutions which owe their ultimate allegiance to corporate capital. The essence of neoliberalism has been an unending campaign of class struggle by the rich against the rest. Yet resistance continues, and indeed continues to grow.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 21, 2015
A Healthier Planet First Published: 2015 With the start of the growing season in much of the Northern hemisphere, Other Voices digs up articles and resources related to urban agriculture and local food production. Urban agriculture - growing food in and around cities - is a response to the problems created by industrial agriculture, a chemical-dependent industry shipping food thousands of miles from where it is produced to where it will be consumed. We also mark the release of Omar Khadr, the former child soldier who was abused, tortured, and imprisoned first by the U.S. government and then by Canada. Other articles look at the advances made by women in Latin America, privilege politics, and the myths of peaceful protests.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 23, 2015
Eduardo Galeano, Latin America, the Vietnam War First Published: 2015 In this issue of Other Voices, we mark the death of Eduardo Galeano by featuring two of his books, as well as an article about his life and work. Galeano once wrote that he was "obsessed with remembering, with remembering the past of America and above all that of Latin America, intimate land condemned to amnesia." In his writing, especially Open Veins of Latin America and the mesmerizing Memory of Fire trilogy, Galeano contributed enormously to bringing alive, and keeping alive, the memories of Latin America, and especially of those whom he called the "nobodies" -- the people "who do not appear in the history of the world." Next week also marks the 40th anniversary of the final victory of the Vietnamese war of resistance against the American invasion and occupation.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 7, 2015
Urban agriculture and local food production First Published: 2015 This issue of Other Voices ranges widely, from increasing worker activism and strikes in China, to advances in battery technology that make it much easier and cheaper to store solar and wind energy for future use, to testimonies from Israeli soldiers about the war crimes they committed routinely and as a matter of policy in last summer's attack on Gaza.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 5, 2015
Residential schools First Published: 2015 This issue of Other Voices focuses on residential schools. As documented by the just-released report of Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, residential schools were set up to forcibly 'assimilate' Native children by taking them away from their parents and communities, and depriving them of their language, culture, history, and emotional supports. Based as they were on a system of arbitrary power and cruelty, it is not surprising that they also fostered physical and sexual abuse of the children forced into the schools. We spotlight the report and the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as well as films, books, and survivor stories. Also in this issue: the Orwellian language and tactics being used to sell 'anti-terrorist' legislation, mind-boggling subsidies for the fossil fuel industry, and, on the other side of the ledger, stories of courage and resistance.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 18, 2015
Corruption First Published: 2015 Corruption - or at least some types of corruption - are much in the news, with the ongoing scandals in the Canadian Senate and the recent U.S. targeting of the Swiss-based football federation FIFA for alleged bribery. In this issue, we look at these and other forms of corruption. Diana Johnstone writes about the double standards displayed by U.S. institutions, which happily target enemies and rivals, while ignoring the much greater corruption that underlies the power structures in Washington. We feature an article detailing how much money U.S. Senators received from corporations prior to their vote on the TPP negotiations, as well as materials on criminal conduct by some of the world's biggest banks, and an article on the work of investigative journalists in exposing corruption.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 3, 2015
Greece and thd debt crisis First Published: 2015 Our spotlight this issue is on the debt crisis facing Greece. To understand the crisis, one has to look beyond the mainstream media to alternative sources of information. We've done that, with articles that set out to analyze the nature of the debt burden that has been imposed on the citizens of so many countries, not just Greece. Also: celebrating Grace Lee Bogg’s 100th birthday.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 21, 2015
Canadian federal election, mining and the environment First Published: 2015 Featuring the Canadian federal election, mining and the environment, failure of Syriza in Greece, refugees, veterans of India's struggle for independence.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - September 10, 2015
Labour Day issue First Published: 2015 Labour Day issue, with articles examining the relentless pressure put on workers to work ever longer hours, at the cost of their health and family life; anti-worker legislation, Zapatista popular education, and the Greek crisis.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - September 24, 2015
Voter Suppression First Published: 2015 Featuring information and articles related to the October 19, 2015 Canadian election. The topic of the week is Voter Suppression, with articles about voter suppression in Canada and the United States.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 8, 2015
Elections First Published: 2015 Elections are the topic of the week, with items related to the October 19 Canadian federal election, and also to broader issues of parliamentary democracy, voting and whether voting can bring about change, and the neo-liberal attack on democracy. Articles look at the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the financial takeovers of Ukraine and Greece, and debt bondage. Also: a discussion of James Hansen's fossil fuel exit strategy, and a critique of Alinsky-style organizing.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 21, 2015
Climate Change and Social Change First Published: 2015 This issue of Other Voices spotlights climate change, the escalating crisis that the upcoming Paris climate conference is supposed to address. But climate change is not a single problem: it is a product of an economic system whose driving force is the need to grow and accumulate. Nor does it affect everyone equally: those with wealth and power can buy themselves what they need to continue living comfortably for years to come - everything from air conditioning to food to police and soldiers to protect their secure bubbles - while those who are poor and powerless find their lives increasingly impossible. A serious effort to address climate change therefore means social change and economic change.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 5, 2015
Ecosocialism, environment, and urban gardening First Published: 2015 This issue of Other Voices covers a wide range of issues, from the climate crisis and the ecosocialist response, to terrorism and the struggle against religious fundamentalism, as well as items on urban gardening, the destruction of olive trees, and how the police are able to use Google's timeline feature to track you every move, now and years into the past.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 19, 2015
Utopia First Published: 2015 Utopian visions, be they practical or not, free our imaginations, if only for a little while, from the daily grind of struggle and worry, and allow us to dream about the kind of world we would hope to live in. Such dreams can inspire us and guide us, even if they are not always quite practical. This issue of Other Voices peers into the world of utopian visions, practical or otherwise.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 16, 2016
Working class organizing First Published: 2016 Working to change things for the better, fighting to prevent things from getting worse, remembering the past to illuminate possibilities for the future: as always, that is the focus of Other Voices. In this issue, we pay special attention to working class organizing. There can be no meaningful change without the active participation of the majority of the population: working people. Yet much activism ignores this obvious reality, while the organized labour union movement has put much of its reliance on 'professionals' who see organizing as a top-down technique rather than a grassroots movement. Several articles in this issue look at aspects of these issues. We also delve into the relationship between feminism and socialism, and look at the so-called 'sharing economy,' which produces increasingly exploited and precarious work, and immense profits for super-rich corporate owners.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 30, 2016
Conflict of interest First Published: 2016 This issue of Other Voices shines a light on the murky world of conflict of interest, the hidden reality that often underlies appearances of neutrality, objectivity, and due process. Conflicts of interest are inherent in capitalism, a system founded on the premise that the state and society should be subordinated to economic self-interest and the accumulation of private wealth. Scientists who are supposed to be studying the effects of GMOs are funded by agribusiness corporations. Doctors who receive money from pharmaceutical companies write articles promoting the drugs produced by those companies. Decisions about pipelines are made by regulators who have spent years working in the oil industry, and who will be heading back to jobs in the industry after their stint 'regulating' it. Politicians receive campaign funds from corporate lobbyists.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 20, 2016
Connexions Enters Its Fifth Decade First Published: 2016 This issue of Connexions Other Voices falls on the 40th anniversary of the publication of the very first Connexions newsletter, which was published in February 1976. That first issue carried the title "Canadian Information Sharing Service", which was also the name of the collective which compiled it, from submissions from across Canada. Within a couple of years, the name of the publication became "Connexions" and then, a little later, "The Connexions Digest".
In addition to our own history, in this issue we spotlight black history as our topic of the week. We look at the Haitian revolution, when slaves confronted the French empire and won; black resistance against the Ku Klux Klan in the American South, and the meaning and limits of anti-racism. We also look at the Kurdish liberation movement in Rojava, the dangers posed by geoengineering, and we mark the publication of the Communist Manifesto on February 21, 1848.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 5, 2016
International Women's Day First Published: 2016 In this issue of Other Voices, we mark International Women's Day. An article written by Alexandra Kollontai in 1920 talks about the early history of this event, which grew out of a proposal put forward by Clara Zetkin at the 1910 International Conference of Working Women. A key focus at that time was winning the vote for women, with the slogan "The vote for women will unite our strength in the struggle for socialism". The link between women's rights and socialism became even clearer a few years later, in 1917, when a Women's Day march in St. Petersburg turned into a revolutionary uprising which led to the overthrow of the Czar and the Russian Revolution.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 26, 2016
Forests and trees First Published: 2016 For countless centuries, forests, and the trees in them, have been seen as sources of life, livelihood, and spiritual meaning. For capitalism, however, forests are sites of extraction and profit-making, or obstacles in the way of 'development.' In this issue, we look at some of the threats to forests worldwide, and the ways in which people are resisting and defending the forests.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 9, 2016
Corporate Crime First Published: 2016 Corporations have increasingly become legally unaccountable for their behaviour. Yet all too often corporations break the law and engage in criminals acts which would be severely punished if they were committed by ordinary individuals. These illegal acts range from deliberate health and safety violations that cost lives, to land seizures, to environmental negligence that contaminates lands and waters. Most of these illegal acts are never prosecuted, and those that are, are usually dealt with by a fine that corporations can treat as a cost of doing business.
There are movements demanding that corporations be held accountable for their crimes in a serious way, and, specifically, that corporate executives should face jail time when the corporation they are in charge of engage in behaviour that causes death, injury, and illness. Our topic of the week for this issue of Other Voices is Corporate Crime, and a number articles, as well as a book, a film, and a website, explore aspects of the problem.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 23, 2016
Science and its enemies First Published: 2016 Our society and its institutions, public and private, regularly tell us that science, and education in the sciences, are crucial to our future. These public declarations are strangely reminiscent of the equally sincere lip service they pay to the ideals of democracy. And, in the same way that governments and private corporations devote considerable efforts to undermining the reality of democracy, so too they are frequently found trying to block and subvert science when the evidence it produces runs counter to their interests. Real live scientists doing real live science, it seems, are not nearly as loveable as Science in the abstract.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 7, 2016
Destabilization and Regime Change First Published: 2016 When governments get too far out of line -- the most outrageous offence, from the point of view of imperial power, is pursuing policies that help ordinary people at the expense of transnational corporations and local elites -- then they have to be overthrown. The preferred method is a destabilization campaign followed by a coup. This issue of Other Voices focuses destabilization and regime change.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 7, 2016
Tax Evasion First Published: 2016 Employing a network of accountants, tax lawyers, corporate shells, tax havens, secret bank accounts, and other methods, the 1% have become extremely adept at evading even the low rates of taxation they are subjected to.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 18, 2016
First Published: 2016 This issue of Other Voices features a wide range of issues. The topic of the week is homophobia, the hate that led to 49 deaths in Orlando last week, but which is present in greater or lesser form in every part of the world.
We are always concerned, not only with what is wrong with the world, but what to do about it.
This issue carries an excerpt from Umair Mohammed's book 'Confronting Injustice: Social Activism in the Age of Individualism' in which he warns against the pitfalls of individualist and consumer-oriented approaches and argues in favour of collective action to build an effective movement.
Derrick Jensen considers some of the arguments in favour of pacifism and finds them wanting. He agrees that creative approaches to social change can oftentimes make violence unnecessary, but that sometimes violence is a necessary response to violence.
Another article looks at the decline of liberation theology, targeted as a threat by both the Vatican and secular power structures.
Kenan Malik considers the issue of "cultural appropriation" and asks why so many on theso-called left are more interested in criticizing Justin Bieber's hairstyle than in fighting capitalism.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 23, 2016
Workers and Climate Change First Published: 2016 Working people -- and most of us are workers -- are affected by climate change in every aspect of our lives. As climate change worsens, our lives will worsen. If we are successful in bringing about the needed rapid change away from a fossil fuel based economy, working people are the ones who stand to bear most of the costs, including the cost, for millions of workers and their families, of losing their jobs.
Many elements of the environmental movement have been guilty of ignoring working people, while others actually blame ordinary working people for climate change and the injustices associated with it. Yet it is working people who are dying, in many places, even now, from excessive heat in factories, fields, construction sites, and homes. And million of working people stand to lose their jobs, homes, and communities in the transition to a low-carbon or no-carbon economy.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 13, 2016
Sports and Politics First Published: 2016 Sports and politics have always been intertwined, though perhaps never as much so as in the current era. In the modern sports era, survival and success depend largely on the favour of corporations, whose power to provide or withhold funding and sponsorships now shape every aspect of sport, including athletes' incomes and lifestyles. It is now difficult to remember that only a few decades ago, corporate logos were strictly forbidden at Olympic events, while athletes were prohibited from accepting any kind of payment for their involvement in sports. The corporate conquest of sports closely parallels the corporate colonization of nearly all aspects of modern life. Accompanying this in recent years has been the increasing injection of militaristic content into sports spectacles. In Canada, hockey games are now commonly preceded by rituals honouring militarism. In the United States, similar spectacles have been staged for years. In this issue, we feature resources which remind us that resistance to the commercialization, corporatization, and militarization of sports is also part of our heritage.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 7, 2016
Depression and Joy First Published: 2016 It's a difficult thing to measure, but there are strong reasons for believing that the number of people struggling with depression has increased significantly in recent decades. Despite the evidence that this is a social problem, and not merely an individual misfortune, the solutions and escapes on offer are almost all individual: pharmaceuticals and therapy, on the one hand; self-medication with alcohol, streets drugs, television, etc., on the other. Certainly there are individual circumstances and individual causes, but when millions of people are experiencing the same thing, we need to be looking not only at the individual, but also at the society.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 27, 2016
Alternative Media First Published: 2016 A special issue on alternative media.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 20, 2016
Fake News First Published: 2016 "Fake news" is the latest mania to convulse the mainstream media. All at once, we're being subjected to an outbreak of hand-wringing articles and commentary about obscure websites which are supposedly poisoning public opinion and undermining democracy by spreading "fake news." Since we don't like to be left out when a new fad comes on the scene, Other Voices is jumping on the bandwagon too, with this, our last issue of 2016, devoted to "fake news." Our focus, however, is not so much on the crackpots and trolls making mischief on the fringes, but on the dominant actors in the fake news business: governments and the corporate and state media.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 22, 2017
Disobedience First Published: 2017 Ultimately all power structures depend on the obedience of those over whom they rule. It helps if people believe in the legitimacy of those who wield power, but the crucial thing is obedience. Once people start to disobey in significant numbers, the dynamic of power changes fundamentally. Disobedience, especially on a large scale, shakes the power of the rulers, and increases the power of those who disobey. Disobedience is the theme of this issue.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 12, 2017
Race and Class First Published: 2017 Class conflict - first and foremost, the relationship between the capitalist class and the working class -- is the fundamental contradiction that defines capitalist society. Class is a reality which simultaneously encompasses and collides with other dimensions of oppression and domination, such as gender and race. The relationship between race and class, in particular, is the theme of this issue of Other Voices.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 18, 2017
Public Transit First Published: 2017 Public transit - good affordable public transit - is key to a liveable city. Around the world, there are movements of transit riders fighting for better public transit. A key perspective guiding many of these struggles is the idea that transit should be free, that is, paid for not by fares, but out of general revenues. This is how roads are normally funded: their construction and maintenance are paid for by taxes, rarely by user fees. Free public transit by itself would not be enough, however. We also need good transit, transit that runs frequently and goes where people want to go.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 1, 2017
April 1 issue First Published: 2017 Other Voices always strives to present you with alternative views on important topics. This issue offers some really alternative perspectives and even some "alternative facts." As always, read critically - and enjoy.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 30, 2017
Affirming life, resisting war, reporting UFOs First Published: 2017 What do we do when those in power recklessly put the future of the entire planet at risk with their acts of aggression and military provocations, while they ignore the growing disaster of climate change? We fight back and organize, on every level, wherever we are, doing whatever offers the hope of resisting and of building a movement that can stop and overturn the out-of-control monster of late capitalism.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 28, 2017
Resisting Injustice First Published: 2017 In this issue, we look at the relentless persistence of people challenging injustice and entrenched power in places around the world, including Palestine, Korea, China, Canada, and the United States. We spotlight the hunger strike by Palestinian political prisoners languishing in Israeli prisons, workers’ strikes in China, and people in South Korea taking on a corrupt government. In the United States, the Equal Justice Initiative is collecting soil from places where blacks were lynched as a way of remembering their lives and the brutally racist society that murdered them. An article on recent terrorist attacks in Britain asks what underlies ideological violence and sociopathic rage. Ralph Nader asks why people who are supposed to be professional questioners avoid asking hard questions of those in power.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter June 26, 2017
Public Safety First Published: 2017 The June 26, 2017 issue of Other Voices, the Connexions newsletter is about public safety.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 22, 2017
Secrecy and Power First Published: 2017 Secrecy is a weapon the powerful use against their enemies: us. This issue of Other Voices explores the relationship of secrecy and power.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - August 27, 2017
Official Enemies First Published: 2017 Why and how do some countries become 'enemies'? How and why do governments and media work in tandem to demonize official enemies? Who are the people who live in those countries, what are their lives like, and why should we consider them our enemies?
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 9, 2017
Meeting the Challenge of the Right First Published: 2017 Challenging the Right requires not only anti-fascist actions in the street, but organizing to reach those who may be attracted the the appeal of the Right and offering an alternative social vision. This issue of Other Voices offers a number of articles, books, and films offering different perspectives on meeting the challenge of the right.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 17, 2017
Collective Memory and Cultural Amnesia First Published: 2017 Our society is obsessed with the short-term present. It devalues memory and the past. But there are those who do remember, and who work to preserve and share our collective memory. But they have to contend with those of us who see historical memory as a way of contributing to the struggle for a different world. For us, knowledge of history is subversive, and remembering can be a form of resistance.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - November 11, 2017
Left Parties First Published: 2017 In recent years, there have been repeated attempts to build left political parties and coalitions, i.e. parties to the left of the established social democratic parties which have long become part of the neoliberal capitalist mainstream. Left parties have emerged out of mass movements in countries like Spain (Podemos), Germany (Die Linke), and Greece (Syriza). In Latin America, in the last two decades, left movements or parties have formed governments in Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, and Uruguay. What these new left parties/movements have in common is a strategy of engaging in grassroots organizing and also running in elections. They all describe themselves as socialist, though in many cases their programs are more reminiscent of what social democrats used to advocate decades ago: reforms that would tame and manage capitalism rather than abolish it. Their ultimate vision may be a world without capitalism, but their immediate proposals are more modest and incremental, though still significantly to the left of the neo-liberal consensus.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 21, 2018
What are we eating? First Published: 2018 What are we eating? A simple question which opens up a labyrinth of devilishly complex issues about production and distribution, access to land, control of water, prices, health and safety, migrant labour, and much else.
For millions of people, the answer is brutally simple: not enough to survive. UNICEF estimates that 300 million children go to bed hungry each night, and that more than 8,000 children under the age of five die of malnutrition every day. The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that 12% of the world's population is chronically malnourished.
How is this possible in a world where there is an enormous surplus of food, where farmers are paid not to grow food?
A short answer is that food production and distribution are driven by the need to make profits, rather than by human needs.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 17, 2018
Hearts and Minds: How do People Change? First Published: 2018 How can we reach the millions we need to reach and engage if fundamental change is to happen? How can we accomplish the essential task of persuading a majority of the population that a fundamental social and economic transformation is necessary? Even more importantly, what will it take for people to come together and act collectively to bring about that transformation? What can we do to help make this happen?
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 25, 2018
Looking for Answers, Creating Alternatives First Published: 2018 This issue of Other Voices features people who are questioning and challenging the way the world works and trying to create better alternatives.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - April 21, 2018
Their Interent or Ours? First Published: 2018 The Internet, which was at one time a free and open space for sharing information and ideas, has been privatized and twisted to serve the profit-making agenda of huge corporations, working hand-in-glove with governments which want to suppress opposition and alternatives. What can we do about it? Is it our Internet or theirs?
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - June 10, 2018
Massacres and Morality First Published: 2018 In the wake of Israel's brutal massacres of Palestinian protestors in Gaza in May and June 2018, Other Voices looks at the ways in which state terrorism is used to keep subjugated populations in line, at home or abroad. The issue also questions the morality of those who either support, or keep silent about, the violence of the oppressor.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 27, 2019
What Next? First Published: 2019 Millions of us, in many different countries, came out in late September to demand action on the climate crisis. Around the world, in diverse ways, we are working to keep up the pressure. Time is short, and the tasks are huge. In the midst of our activism and organizing, we need to keep asking ourselves some important questions: What are our goals? And what should we do to reach our goals?
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 19, 2020
Taking a Stand First Published: 2020 Psychologists call it cognitive dissonance. George Orwell called it double-think. Some of us might call it organized hypocrisy. Call it what you will, it surrounds us. The government proclaims its commitment to 'reconciliation' with indigenous people, and says that its relationship with them is its most important relationship. At the same time the RCMP, following an order by a colonial court, invades unceded indigenous land and arrests people for occupying their own land. Governments mouth platitudes about the importance they place on dealing with the climate emergency while at the same time they build new pipelines and approve massive new tarsands projects. The biggest polluter on the planet - the U.S. military - meanwhile receives constant increases in its budget, even while it pursues demented schemes to take us to the edge of war, mostly recently by deploying a new generation of "low-yield" thermonuclear weapons on submarines. All this is business as usual. Fortunately many people across the country, and around the world, are saying no to business as usual. They are taking a stand and disrupting business as usual.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - March 19, 2020
 Morality in an Amoral World First Published: 2020 A crisis is a mirror. It shows us - if we have the courage to see - who we are as individuals and as a society. The self-congratulatory poses of governments, politicians, and state institutions are confronted with the harsh test of reality. Each of us - as individuals, friends, families, neighbours, communities - face new and sometimes difficult challenges. The novel coronavirus COVID-19 is such a crisis.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 14, 2020
First Published: 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our world. Many of us feel some degree of disorientation and uncertainty about when and how we will return to some kind of ‘normal’ and what that new normal will look like. Important choices lie ahead, so it is vital that we think clearly, ask questions, discuss with others, and make our voices heard.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - February 14, 2021
Beyond the Walls First Published: 2021 From Gaza to Kashmir, people continue to meet life's challenges, and to love, laugh, and live.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 13, 2021
Light and darkness First Published: 2021 The more we learn, the more we realize how little we know. Each question we answer opens the door to more questions, because there are always more questions than answers. We are called upon to attempt to answer at least a few of the questions that seem important to us, but we do well to keep in mind that our answers are tentative and incomplete, always subject to revision in the light of further investigation. It can be difficult to remain critical, and self-critical, but self-righteousness and absolute certainty, no matter how emotionally satisfying they may be, only do harm, to ourselves, and to those we interact with. This issue of Other Voices offers some fragments of knowledge and insight, and it also raises questions.
- Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - July 14, 2024
Imperial Spectacle, Imperial Decline First Published: 2024
- Ottawa Co-op Resource Group (Newsletter)
Sept 8, 1975 Vol II #1 - Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A voluntary coalition interested in communal and co-operative forms.
- Ottawa Cooperative Community Newsletter
First Published: 1977 Newsletter published to encourage mutual support and co-operation among co-operatives in the Ottawa region.
- Our Generation
First Published: 1961 Published: 1994 A left-wing magazine published in Montreal from the 1961 to 1994.
- Our Generation
Volume 1, Number 1 First Published: 1961 The first issue of the journal Our Generation Against Nuclear War
- Our Generation
Volume 1 Number 2 First Published: 1962 Special Supplement on the Berlin & German Question
- Our Generation
Volume 1 Number 3 First Published: 1962
- Our Generation
Volume 1 Number 4 First Published: 1962
- Our Generation
Volume 2 Number 4 First Published: 1963
- Our Generation
Volume 2 number 1 First Published: 1962
- Our Generation
Volume 2 Number 2 First Published: 1963
- Our Generation
Volume 2 Number 3 First Published: 1963
- Our Generation
Volume 3 Number 1 First Published: 1964
- Our Generation
Volume 3 Number 2 First Published: 1964
- Our Generation
Volume 3 Number 3 First Published: 1965 Special Issue on Unilateralism
- Our Generation
Volume 4 Number 3 First Published: 1966
- Our Generation
Volume 5 Number 1 First Published: 1967
- Our Generation
Volume 5 Number 3 First Published: 1967
- Our Generation
Volume 1 & 2 First Published: 1968
- Our Generation
Volume 6 Number 3 First Published: 1969
- Our Generation
Volume 6 Number 4 First Published: 1969
- Our Generation
Volume 7 Number 1
- Our Generation
Volume 7 Number 2 First Published: 1970
- Our Generation
Volume 7 Number 2 First Published: 1970
- Our Generation
Volume 7 Number 3 First Published: 1970
- Our Generation
First Published: 1972
- Our Generation
Volume 8 number 3 part 2
- Our Generation
Volume 8 Number 4 First Published: 1972
- Our Generation
Volume 9 number 1 First Published: 1973
- Our Generation
Volume 9 Number 2 First Published: 1973
- Our Generation
Volume 9 Number 3 First Published: 1973
- Our Generation
Volume 9 Number 4 First Published: 1973
- Our Generation
Volume 10 Number 1 First Published: 1974
- Our Generation
Volume 10 Number 2 First Published: 1974
- Our Generation
Volume 10 Number 3 First Published: 1974
- Our Generation
Volume 10 Number 4 First Published: 1975
- Our Generation
Volume 11 Number 4
- Our Generation
Volume 12 Number 2
- Our Generation
Volume 13 Number 12
- Our Generation
Volume 15 Number 3 & 4
- Our Generation
Volume 17 Number 1 First Published: 1985
- Our Generation
Volume 17 Number 2 First Published: 1986
- Our Generation
Volume 18 Number 1 First Published: 1986
- Our Generation
Volume 18 Number 2 First Published: 1987
- Our Generation
Volume 19 number 2 First Published: 1988
- Our Generation
Volume 20 Number 1 First Published: 1988
- Our Generation
Volume 20 Number 2 First Published: 1989
- Our Generation
Volume 21 Number 1 First Published: 1989
- Our Generation
Volume 21 Number 2 First Published: 1990
- Our Generation
Volume 22 Nomber 1 & 2 First Published: 1991
- Our Generation
Volume 23 Number 1 First Published: 1992
- Our Generation
Volume 23 Number 2 First Published: 1992
- Our Generation
Volume 24 Number 1 First Published: 1992
- Our Generation
Volume 24 Number 2 First Published: 1994
- Our Lives
Periodical profile published 1987 First Published: 1987
- Our Times
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983 OUR TIMES is an independent quarterly journal "committed to social change through democratic pluralism."
- Out & About: Monthly News Bulletin Of Project Lambda, Inc.
First Published: 1982 Project Lambda is a "group of people working together to establish a gay community centre in Winnipeg."
- Out of Africa: A Migrant's Story
New Internationalist June 2005 - #379 First Published: 2005 An issue on the story of a nurse's return back to Kenya and the reason why she has worked so far away from home. Also, a discussion on a widespread crisis in international healthcare and the human costs of our global free-market economy.
- Sex, lies and global survival
New Internationalist September 1992 First Published: 1992 Is overpopulation the cause of the global ecological crisis? Rather than the overpopulation of the South, it's the overconsumption the North's much smaller population that's having the greatest impact. Need to look closer to home for solutions to environmental damage.
- P.A.C.I.F.I.C. Advocate
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Monthly publication on issues related to the Friendship Centre Movement.
- Pacific Life
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Pagan Directory
First Published: 1990
- The Paper Crane
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- Pappus: Dandelion Community Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981
- Parallelogramme
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Parkdale Community Legal Services Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Newsletter published twice yearly to inform the reader about the work done by the PCLS.
- The Parkdale Tenant
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 This tabloid style newspaper contains bits of information and access to resources for tenants' rights, their needs, and local community events.
- Parliamentary Names & Numbers Online
Lists all federal Members of Parliament and Senators, all provincial legislators, federal ministries, federal agencies and Crown corporations, Canadian embassies abroad, provincial and territorial ministries, direct phone and fax numbers, E-mail addresses, World Wide Web addresses, all indexed by subject. Available in print and online at $75/year.
- Patents on life
New Internationalist September 2002 First Published: 2002 Discussion on the issue of genetic modification; why it is being done and why some are against it.
- Peace camps
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- Peace Education News
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Peace News
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Peacezine
- People for Educational Participation (PEP) Newsletter
First Published: 1977 Newsletter reports on projects aimed at improving or developing alternatives to the current educational system.
- The People's Classifieds
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- The People's Classifieds
The Alternative Directory for Metro Toronto First Published: 1984 A directory of progressive/alternative businesses, professionals, services, groups, and individuals in Toronto.
- Peptalk
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989 Newsletter about 'polyfidelity' or 'multiple adult committed relationships'.
- Perception
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 Perception is a national, bilingual magazine of social comment published six times a year by the Canadian Council of Social Development.
- Perceptions 4 - People and Agricultural Land
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 This publication examines the issue of the use of farmland in Canada.
- Perspectives
First Published: 1977 Perspectives is a small magazine that deals with a variety of social justice and labour struggles with a focus on the London area, though with a global perspective.
- Pesticides Pick your poison The pesticide scandal
New Internationalist May 2000 First Published: 2000 Exposing the dangers of pesticide usage, in both third and first world communities. Why this "cycle of poison" will keep escalating as crops develop resistance. Discussion of viable alternatives, including organic food production and small farms.
- The Philippines under fire
New Internationalist March 1990 First Published: 1990 An investigation into the political and cultural life of the Philippines, told in the form of a travelogue. The stories of ordinary people are interspersed with historical detail and analysis of the current climate.
- Phoenix Rising
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Phoenix Rising
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 Phoenix Rising is published by "On Our Own," a collective of ex-psychiatric patients dedicated to supporting the rights and struggles of people who are experiencing or have experienced psychiatric confinement/treatment.
- Phoenix Rising
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984 PHOENIX RISING is published quarterly by On Our Own, a group of ex-psychiatric patients.
- Phoenix Rising
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- Phoenix Rising closes
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991 Phoenix Rising, the psychiatric patients' rights magazine, has ceased publication.
- The Pipeline: What Next
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 Included in this newsletter are questions and concerns about: Food and Agriculture, Workers & Runaway Investment, and a report on the Sugar Workers International Conference held in Trinidad.
- The Plain Dealer
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 This feature discusses the use of DDT and fenitrothion to kill spruce bud worm in New Brunswick.
- Plans/Meganews Special Supplement
First Published: 1982
- Ploughshares Monitor
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Plow-Share
Periodical profile published 1978 (February) First Published: 1977 Published: 1978
- Plow-Share
Periodical profile published 1978 (June) First Published: 1978
- Pluri-elles (Vol.1, No.2): Bulletin de liaison des groupes autonomes de femmes
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- PoliticaLetter - Volume 1 Issue 2
April 1982 First Published: 1982
- PoliticaLetter - Volume 1 Issue 2
August 1982 First Published: 1982
- PoliticaLetter - Volume 2 Issue 1
January 1983 First Published: 1982
- Politics and Religion in the Prairies, Vol. 7, No.2
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977
- Pollen
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Pour une Ville Nouvelle, Journal du monde a bicyclette
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Prairie Bookworld
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- Prairie Messenger Catholic Weekly
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Prairie Network News
Number 5, Winter 1988 First Published: 1988 A quarterly networking publication focussing on environment, social justice and development, and peace and security issues from a Prairies perspective.
- Prairie Star
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A pro-labour perspective on contemporary events and issues.
- Prairie Woman
Volume 2, Number 6 July/August 1978 First Published: 1978 A newsletter of Saskatoon Women's Liberation.
- Prairie Woman - A Newsletter of Sakatoon Women's Liberation
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Prairitopian
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Prairitopian
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 Prairitopian is a bi-monthly newsletter dedicated to the establishment of a socially and environmentally sustainable society in Saskatchewan.
- The Prairitopian
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 A monthly newletter that deals with ecological issues in the thrust towards a stable society.
- Press for Conversion
Social, legal, psychological and economic factors essential to the transition from a world based on war, greed, deception and violence, where "might is right," to a world based on peace, justice, truth, human rights and nonviolence.
- Press for Conversion #39
December 1999 First Published: 1999 This issue provides an overview of the global threat of nuclear weapons as well as providing dozens of articles highlighting various organisations, campaigns and resources focused on abolishing them.
- Press for Conversion #41
July 2000 First Published: 2000
- Press for Conversion #42
October 2000 First Published: 2000
- Press for Conversion #43
December 2000 First Published: 2000
- Press for Conversion #44
April 2001 First Published: 2001 This annual research report by COAT juxtaposes evidence from a variety of sources to demonstrate Canada's complicity in international war crimes and crimes against humanity.
- Press for Conversion #45
July 2001 First Published: 2001 This issue looks at the origins of corporate globalization and contains many informative articles that explore the important links between war, militarism, big business and the increasing power that corporations wield over governments around the world.
- Press for Conversion #46
December 2001 First Published: 2001 Published not long after 9/11 and the illegal U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, this issue takes a radical look at the underlying purpose of this war and the military occupation that followed.
- Press for Conversion #47
March 2002 First Published: 2002 This issue begins with a series of articles examining the historical context of the conflict between India and Pakistan.
- Press for Conversion #48
July 2002 First Published: 2002 This issue contains a wealth of original COAT research about militarised war shows.
- Press for Conversion #49
October 2002 First Published: 2002 Obviously the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with either finding "weapons of mass destruction" or fighting terrorism. These were just the phoney pretexts that U.S. and British warplanners used to generate public support for the war.
- Press for Conversion #50
January 2003 First Published: 2003 This issue contains original research revealing that U.S. war planners have repeatedly used elaborate webs of deceit to con the public into rallying behind major wars whose real purposes involved building vast profits for small corporate elites.
- Press for Conversion #51
May 2003 First Published: 2003 Why is the U.S. government reviled by so many people in the Middle East and North Africa? This issue looks at the past 50 years of wars and regime changes in the region and unveils a consistent pattern of U.S. involvement.
- Press for Conversion #52
October 2003 First Published: 2003 This issue is filled with detailed analysis of the many ways in which the Canadian government and corporations are deeply embedded in the U.S. “war machine.”
- Press for Conversion #53
March 2004 First Published: 2004 Few realize that during the early 1930s, there was a homegrown fascist plot to overthrow the U.S. government and install a dictatorship.
- Press for Conversion #54
August 2004 First Published: 2004 The Bush family's links to fascism.
- Press for Conversion #55
December 2004 First Published: 2004 "Missile defense" is a deceptive term -- it is a linguistic shield to protect the military-industrial complex (and political allies) from public attack. The term disguises their plan to put weapons into space. While politicians pretend that “missile defense” has nothing to do with space weapons, the corporate media perpetuates the myth that this military program is purely defensive.
- Press for Conversion #56
June 2005 First Published: 2005 Canada's supposed “no” to "missile defense" was a completely meaningless, PR gesture with no real or practical significance. The fact is that Canada's government did not do anything at all to stop the many already existing forms of Canadian complicity in “missile defense.” Neither did if prevent further participation in this U.S.-led weapons development program.
- Press for Conversion #57
October 2005 First Published: 2005 This issue contains more, original COAT research on Canadian contributions to the creation, development and deployment of "missile defense" weaponry, with a particular focus on sea-based systems within the Theater Missile Defense (TMD) program.
- Press for Conversion #58
March 2006 First Published: 2006 RADARSAT, is probably Canada’s single-most important technological contribution to the militarisation of space and U.S. warfighting.
- Press for Conversion #59
September 2006 First Published: 2006 A phony democracy – dominated by warlords, drug barons, oil industry representatives and World Bank administrators – has now been successfully imposed upon Afghanistan by the world's major military and economic powers, including Canada.
- Press for Conversion #60
March 2007 First Published: 2007 This issue of the magazine exposes ten ways in which Canada's Liberal government was complicit in aiding and abetting the 2004 coup d'état that ousted President Aristide's democratically-elected government and supporting the illegal, coup-installed regime that was responsible for two-year human rights catastrophe that followed.
- Press for Conversion #61
September 2007 First Published: 2007 The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) helped overthrow the democratically-elected government of Jean Bertrand Aristide in 2004. In the years prior to this US-led regime change, although Aristide and his Lavalas government were extremely popular among the country's poor citizens, CIDA drastically cut bilateral aid. CIDA then poured millions into extremely partisan Haitian groups that represented the interests of Haiti's corporate elite.
- Press for Conversion #62
May 2008 First Published: 2008 The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) helped overthrow the democratically-elected government of Jean Bertrand Aristide in 2004. In the years prior to this US-led regime change, although Aristide and his Lavalas government were extremely popular among the country's poor citizens, CIDA drastically cut bilateral aid. CIDA then poured millions into extremely partisan Haitian groups that represented the interests of Haiti's corporate elite.
- Press for Conversion #63
November 2008 First Published: 2008 CIDA-funded "NGOs" in Canada rationalized the destabilization and overthrow of Haitian democracy and then covered up the atrocities of the Canadian-backed dictatorship after the coup. This issue examines major themes in the propaganda war against Aristide's popularly-elected Lavalas government.
- Press for Conversion #64
November 2009 First Published: 2009 This 50-page issue on Canadian government and corporate complicity in the lucrative business of war, includes articles, tables and charts.
- Press for Conversion #65
December 2010 First Published: 2010 Canada's hidden involvement in the Iraq War.
- Press for Conversion #66
Spring 2012 First Published: 2012 In an effort to support the international Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement, and the call for an arms embargo on Israel, COAT's two-part report exposes $1.5 billion-worth of CPP investments in 68 companies selling products and services for Israel's wars and the illegal occupation of Palestinian land.
- Press Gang Catalogue
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- Privacy Journal
First Published: 1978 A monthly newsletter that is, "...filled with American and Canadian news about the confidentiality of personal information." It describes, "...record-keeping in government and business, new invasions of privacy, new legislation, and (alerts) citizens to ways they can protect their personal privacy."
- Privatization The great privati$ation grab
New Internationalist April 2003 First Published: 2003 The effects of privatization on public services. Discusses who is responsible and why they are doing this.
- Pro-Life News/Canada
Vol.2, No.2 First Published: 1977 Articles pertaining to Inuit and native rights related to sterlization.
- Pro-Life News/Canada
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- The Probe Post
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Project d'une residence pour les femmes privees d'aretonomic ou en perte d'antonomic
First Published: 1982
- PWAC Directory of Members 1988
Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Quaker committee for Native concernes newsletter (cnc)
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Quaker Committee for Native Concerns Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 As expressed in a letter from editor Lyn Anderson the purpose of QCNC is "...to show that we care for the concerns native people have, for a lifestyle that is more human for all of us, and for the preservation of the natural environment which sustains us all."
- Quaker Committee For Native Concerns Newsletter (QCNC)
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 The Quaker Committee for Native Concerns (QCNC) publishes this newsletter in an effort to communicate to "Southerners" the goals and struggles of Canada's native people.
- Quaker Committee for Native Concerns Newsletter.
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- A Quaker Committee on Jails and Justice Newsletter
First Published: 1979 A newsletter that argues against capital punishment.
- Quarterly Journal
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Qu'est-ce Que Se Passe? What's Up?
First Published: 1981 This first newsletter of Jeunesse Acadienne evaluates the six year history of this organization.
- Race, Class, Gender
Bonds and Barriers First Published: 1989 Takes a historical and theoretical approach to the themes of race, class and gender. Issues touched on include the role of the state in organizing gender and ethnic group formation; racism in the women's movement; patriarchy; colonial domination of Indian women; racism and sexism in trade unions.
- Radical America - Volume 9, Numbers 4-5
American Labor in the 1940s First Published: 1975 A special double issue of Radical America devoted to the history of workers' struggles during the Second World War and the early years of the Cold War.
- Radical America - Volume 2, Number 4 - July-August 1968
Historical Roots of Black Liberation First Published: 1968
- Radical America - Volume 4, Number 6
Special Lenin-Hegel Issue - Periodical profile First Published: 1970
- Radical America - Volume 6, No. 3 - May - June 1972
First Published: 1972
- Radical America - Volume 8, No. 5 - September-October 1974
Class Struggle in Britain First Published: 1974
- Radical America - Volume 7, Number 4-5
Volume 7, Numbers 4 & 5 - Women's Labor First Published: 1973
- The Radical Bookseller
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989 The radical side of the book trade in the United Kingdom.
- The Radical Reviewer
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981
- The Radical Reviewer
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
First Published: 1982 Rafiki means friend in Swahili. According to the statement of purpose of this magazine, friendship and understanding among people all over the world can only grow in a climate of critical awareness and mutual respect.
- The Ram's Horn
Number 29, December 1985 First Published: 1985 Newsletter of the Nutrition Policy Institute.
- The Ram's Horn
Number 71, April 1990 First Published: 1990 A monthly newsletter of food system analysis.
- Rap About Prisoners
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Representing people both inside and outside the prison system.
- Red and Green Eco-socialism comes of age
New Internationalist November 1998 First Published: 1998 Why socialists and environmentalists need to work together to bring about lasting change. Discussion of how inequality and environmental destruction are directly linked. Articles on development in India, predictions for the future, working hours and global consumption.
- The Red Menace
 A libertarian socialist newsletter First Published: 1975 Published: 1980 Articles on topics such as socialism, Marxism, anarchism, work, popular education, organizing, wages for housework, Leninism, bureaucracy, hierarchy, jargon, prostitution, obscenity, science fiction, and terrorism.
- Red Menace #2
Volume 2, Number 1 - Summer 1977 First Published: 1977 A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter
- Red Menace #3
Volume 2, Number 2 - Spring 1978 First Published: 1978 A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter
- Red Menace #4
Volume 3, Number 1 - Winter 1979 First Published: 1979 A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter
- Red Menace #5
Summer 1980 First Published: 1980 A Libertarian Socialist Newsletter
- Reform Metro News
Newsletter of the Movement for Municipal Reform (ReforMetro) in Toronto, published from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. There are a number copies in the Connexions Archive.
- Refuge
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Refuge: Canada's National Newsletter On Refugees
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 This monthly newsletter is dedicated to encouraging Canadian citizen participation in helping refugees, by providing a forum for sharing information and opinion on domestic and international issues pertaining to refugees.
- Regent Park Community News
First Published: 1972 Published: 1978 A newsletter/newspaper published in the Regent Park area of Toronto in the 1970s.
- Reinventing power: People take control
New Internationalist September 2003 First Published: 2003 A look at democracy and power in countries including Mexico, South Africa and Thailand.
- Release - Vol. 4, No. 1
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 Release is a monthly publication directed to readers who are interested and involved in the Church's ministry in the corrections services in Canada and United States.
- Religious Socialism
Archive of Religious Socialism, a periodical published 1998 - 2008 Back issues are available in PDF format.
- Resistencia
First Published: 1982
- Resources Exchange Project Newsletter
First Published: 1977 Resources Exchange Project (REP) is an information-sharing network for community organizations, social action groups, community workers and others interested in Atlantic Canada. This is the newsletter of that organization.
- Resources for Feminist Research (RFR)
Documentation Sur La Recherche Feministe (DRF) - Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Resources Reading List 1990
Annotated Bibliography of Resources By and About Native People - Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- Rethinking Columbus
Teaching About the 500th Anniversary of Columbus's Arrival in America First Published: 1992
- Revue De Presse Amerique Centrale, Numero 7/Mensuel.
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Right to Life Association of Toronto and Area
Newsletter #26 First Published: 1976 Newsletter to keep members informed of the latest developments on the abortion question in Toronto, Ontario and Canada at large.
- Right to Life Association of Toronto and Area, Issue No. 35
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Rights and Freedoms State Fear The Global attack on rights
New Internationalist March 2005 First Published: 2005 A look into rights and freedoms, the connection to occupation, and their state in different parts of the world.
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978 A magazine dealing with historical, cultural and human rights issues within and beyond the Janpanese-Canadian community.
- Rikka - Volume 6, Number 1 - Blacks in Canada
First Published: 1979
- Robin
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- Ronds, Ronds, Macarons, Luttes Urbaines Vol.1, No.4
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 Luttes Urbanies est une publication du Groupe d'Etudes et d'Avtions Utbaines, qui veut faire connaître les luttes, principalement urbaines, qui sont menées à travers le Québec ainsique les luttes "significatives" menées à l'étranger.
- Root & Branch
First Published: 1970 Published: 1979 A libertarian socialist journal.
- Root & Branch: A Libertarian Marxist Journal, #7
First Published: 1978 Articles on the class situation in Spain, authority and democracy in the United States, Marxism and Anarchism.
- Root & Branch: A Libertarian Marxist Journal, #8
First Published: 1979
- Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal, #1
First Published: 1970
- Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal, #2
First Published: 1971
- Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal, #4
First Published: 1973
- Root & Branch: A Libertarian Socialist Journal, #6
First Published: 1975
- Die rote Fahne - [Elektronische Ressource]
Online-Archiv First Published: 1918
- Rural Cleanings
Periodical profile published in 1977 First Published: 1977 A small qurterly magazine that deals with land issues in rural Canada.
- S.O.S. Montreal
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 This magazine is published monthly by Save Montreal, a federation of citizens groups dedicated to the planned and responsible development of Montreal and to the preservation of its neighbourhoods, historic buildings, and green spaces.
- St. Louis - Sud - Community Newspaper
Vol. 3, No. 9 - Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Community newspaper serving the residents of St. Louis, Montreal. Printed in English, French, Greek & Spanish.
- The Saskatchewan Indian
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A vehicle for Indian opinion in Saskatchewan.
- Saskatchewan Labour
Vol.1, No. 2 First Published: 1977 An issue of Saskatchewan focused on wage controls and the effects of the Anti-Inflation Board.
- Saskatchewan Working Women
First Published: 1982
- Save the Rouge Valley
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Scarboro Missions
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Magazine discussing themes related to the work of Roman Catholic missionaries in Canada and abroad.
- Schnews Annual
Stories that shook the world First Published: 2002 Israel reoccupies Palestine causing a second Intifada. Hundreds of thousands come out on the street in Genoa, Quebec, Gothenburg, Barcelona, Brussels against globalised institutions. Even larger numbers fight for their land and livelihood against neo-liberalism in South Africa, India, South America and the rest of the global south. Global and local - this book covers it all and more.
- Scream! A Voice of the Youth Movement
First Published: 1984
- Sea-Bed Wealth
For Private Profit or Peoples' Development. Vol. IV, No. 7 First Published: 1977 This newsletter looks at the implications of the recent and growing interest of transnational corporations and national governments in developing the sea's wealth.
- Seven News
First Published: 1970 Seven News (7 News) was a community newspaper published in the area of Toronto east of downtown which at the time was known as Ward 7. Seven News was published from 1970 to 1985. Seven News is no longer publishing, but all issues of the paper have been scanned and are available on the Connexions website.
Ward 7 covered the area of Toronto east of downtown, from Sherbourne Street to Logan Avenue, south of Bloor-Danforth, including Don Vale, Cabbagetown, Regent Park, Riverdale, St. Jamestown.
- Sexual Minorities Out South Sexual minorities in the Majority World
New Internationalist October 2000 First Published: 2000 Why and how sexual minirities are persecuted throughout the South. As well as religion, minorities are a threat to the nuclear family (the most manageable social unit) and a convenient scapegoat. Articles on Africa, India, Muslim countries and the spread of HIV.
- Shin-aki: The Unicorn Hunter's Guide
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A quarterly newsletter of one Toronto network of Christian Communities.
- Shunpiking
First Published: 1995 Published: 2013 Web site of Nova Scotia's "discovery magazine". The magazine is no longer published, but an archive is available online.
Copies of Shunpiking are available in the Connexions Archive.
- Silenced
First Published: 1984
- Sipapu
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- Social Perspectives
First Published: 1982 The Community Services Council was founded in 1976 as a non-profit voluntary organization.
- Socialism in Crisis?
Canadian Perspectives First Published: 1992 Essays addressing questions such as What is the nature of socialism? How do gender and activism determine the socialist agenda? What is the essence of democracy under socialism?
- Socialism Of The Future
First Published: 1992 Published: 1993 A European journal of socialist scholarship and political debate covering global problems such as the new industrial revolution and the upheavals in Eastern Europe.
- The Socialist Register
An annual survey of movements and ideas first published in 1964. It is committed to developing an independent relation to Marxism, free from sectarian and dogmatic positions.
- The Socialist Register 1964
Volume 1: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1964
- The Socialist Register 1965
Volume 2: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1964 Published: 1965
- The Socialist Register 1966
Volume 3: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1966
- The Socialist Register 1967
Volume 4: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1967
- The Socialist Register 1968
Volume 5: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1968
- The Socialist Register 1969
Volume 6: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1969
- The Socialist Register 1970
Volume 7: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1970
- The Socialist Register 1971
Volume 8: A survey of movements and ideas First Published: 1971
- The Socialist Register 1972
Volume 9: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1972
- The Socialist Register 1973
Volume 10: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1973
- The Socialist Register 1974
Volume 11: A survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1974
- The Socialist Register 1975
Volume 12: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1975
- The Socialist Register 1976
Volume 13: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1976
- The Socialist Register 1977
Volume 14: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1977
- The Socialist Register 1978
Volume 15: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1978
- The Socialist Register 1979
Volume 16: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1979 A series of essays on the state of the global economy.
- The Socialist Register 1980
Volume 17: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1980
- The Socialist Register 1981
Volume 18: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1981
- The Socialist Register 1982
Volume 19: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1982
- The Socialist Register 1983
Volume 20: A Survey of Movements & Ideas First Published: 1983
- The Socialist Register 1984
Volume 21: The Uses of Anti-Communism First Published: 1984
- The Socialist Register 1985/1986
Volume 22: Social Democracy and After First Published: 1986
- The Socialist Register 1988
Volume 24: Problems of Socialist Renewal: East & West First Published: 1988 An examination of the prospects for socialism written shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union.
- The Socialist Register 1989
Volume 25: Revolution Today. Aspirations and Realities First Published: 1989
- The Socialist Register 1990
Volume 26: The Retreat of the Intellectuals First Published: 1990 Essays on the retreat away from socialism and Marxism by Left or formerly Left intellectuals.
- Socialist Register 1991
Volume 27: Communist Regimes the Aftermath First Published: 1991
- Socialist Register 1992
Volume 28: New World Order? First Published: 1992
- Socialist Register 1993
Volume 29: Real Problems False Solutions First Published: 1993
- Socialist Register 1994
Volume 30: Between Globalism and Nationalism First Published: 1994
- Socialist Register 1995
Volume 31: Why Not Capitalism? First Published: 1995
- Socialist Register 1996
Volume 32: Are There Alternatives? First Published: 1996
- Socialist Register 1997
Volume 33: Ruthless Criticism of All that Exists First Published: 1997
- Socialist Register 1998
Volume 34: Communist Manifesto Now First Published: 1998
- Socialist Register 1999
Volume 35: Global Capitalism vs. Democracy First Published: 1999
- Socialist Register 2000
Volume 36: Necessary and Unnecessary Utopias First Published: 2000
- Socialist Register 2001
Volume 37: Working Classes, Global Realities First Published: 2001
- Socialist Register 2002
Volume 38: A World of Contradictions First Published: 2002
- Socialist Register 2003
Volume 39: Fighting Identities First Published: 2003
- Socialist Register 2004
Volume 40: The New Imperial Challenge First Published: 2004
- Socialist Register 2005
Volume 41: The Empire Reloaded First Published: 2005
- Socialist Register 2007
Volume 43: Coming to Terms with Nature First Published: 2007
- Socialist Register 2008
Volume 44: Global Flashpoints First Published: 2008
- Socialist Register 2009
Volume 45: Violence Today First Published: 2009
- Socialist Register 2010
Volume 46: Morbid Symptoms First Published: 2010
- Socialist Register 2011
Volume 47: The Crisis This Time First Published: 2011
- Socialist Register 2012
Volume 48: The Crisis and the Left First Published: 2012
- Socialist Register 2013
Volume 49: The Question of Strategy First Published: 2013 This, the 49th volume of the Socialist Register examines the choices faced by the left today, the models of strategy available to it, and the innovations that are being made by groups as they organize in diverse settings.
- Socialist Register 2014
Volume 50, Registering Class First Published: 2014
- Socialist Register 2015
Volume 51, Transforming Classes First Published: 2015
- Socialist Register 2016
Volume 52: The Politics of the Right First Published: 2016 Today the left faces new challenges from political forces amassing on the radical right. The 52nd volume of the Socialist Register presents a serious calibration and a careful political mapping of these forces. It addresses pivotal questions on the reordering of the new right. These essays - very broad in terms of themes and places - speak to the global challenges the new right poses for the left at this historical moment.
- Socialist Register 2017
Volume 53: Rethinking Revolution First Published: 2016 This 53rd volume of the Socialist Register addresses the question of the meaning of revolution in the twenty-first century. Coming to terms with the legacy of 1917 is obviously one aspect of this. ‘October’ was a unique event that provided inspiration for millions of oppressed people, and also became an inevitable point of reference for socialist politics in the twentieth century. The twenty-first century left needs to both understand and transcend this legacy through a critical reappraisal of its broad effects – both positive and negative – on political, intellectual and cultural life everywhere as well as on the other revolutions that took place over the last century. But the main point of the volume is to look forward more than back. All revolutions emerge in conjunctures saturated with unique contra-dictions, contingencies, class alignments and struggles.
- Socialist Register 2018
Volume 54: Rethinking Democracy First Published: 2017 We have conceived this 54th volume of the Socialist Register on Rethinking Democracy as a companion volume to the 2017 volume on Rethinking Revolution. As we put it in the preface to that volume: ‘The "political event" of gaining state power, whether by taking parliament or in a collapse of the existing political regime, has proven time and again to be less crucial than the social revolution of building capacities for self-government and the democratization and socialization of institutional resources … The "event", in itself, … will never be a sufficient condition for the exploited and oppressed to build their own capacities for establishing collective, rather than competitive, ways of living through developing socialist democracy.'
- Socialist Voice online archive
First Published: 2004 Published: 2011 Socialist Voice: Marxist Perspectives for the 21st Century was an online journal published in Canada from 2004 to 2011.
- Solidaire
First Published: 1971 Published: 1975 A magazine published in the 1970s by a group of English-speaking Quebecois to inform Anglophones in Quebec and progressive people in Canada and the U.S. of the growing struggle for independence and socialism in Quebec. A number of issues are in the Connexions Archive.
- Solidaire No. 5
September 1973 First Published: 1973 Parti Quebec, Strike at UQAM, Autonomous Left in Quebec.
- Solidaire No. 6
April 1974 First Published: 1974 On women and the class struggel in Quebec, with articles on Perspectives on the Women's Movement, and Women in the Workplace.
- Solidaire No. 7
April 1975 First Published: 1975 Issue focuinsg on the beginnings of a socialist movement in Montreal.
- Sounds of dissent The politics of music
New Internationalist August 2003 First Published: 2003 The role of music in politics. Discusses how music has changed the world, and the pioneers in the world of political music.
- Sources HotLink - May 26, 2016
First Published: 2016 This issue takes a look at the good and bad of governments. Stateside, the NSA and CIA are at it again. Repeating mistakes in spite of media scandals and public outcry. Spies will be spies. In Uganda, censorship flexes its muscles and free elections become less free. In the Russian cyberspace, a though provoking debate is being had over the limitations of free speech. Finally, in the Middle East, we have a bit of hot and cold. The Pakistani Senate celebrates a victory for democracy and the freedom of speech.
- Sources HotLink - June 30, 2016
First Published: 2016 Articles about the FBI and the information it gathers, Donald Trump and the media, and the role of pharmaceutical companies in suppressing information.
- South African Education Project Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 The United Church of Canada, through its Division of World Outreach, recently created the South African Education Project (SAEP).
- Southern New Brunswick Nuclear News.
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 The May, 1981 Southern New Brunswick Nuclear News (SNBNN) includes a reflection on a Fredericton meeting dealing with the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station.
- Southern Support Group Newsletter #8
First Published: 1977 A newsletter written with a view to presenting a wide range of information related to native peoples' concerns about land claims and pipelines.
- Spanner
Periodical profile published 1992 First Published: 1992
- Special Collectors Edition
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 This is the second "Special Collectors Edition" of The Rounder and it contains stories and feature articles taken from issues covering the period from 1978 to 1980.
- Spectrum - Ottawa's Alternative
Vol.I, No.9 First Published: 1978 Spectrum is a community oriented Ottawa newspaper which strives to cover a variety of areas such as informed discussion and opinion, alternative ideas and lifestyles, current events, community activities, resources for involvement, entertainment reviews and creative writing.
- Speed Up Rush to nowhere How turbo-capitalism eats time
New Internationalist March 2002 First Published: 2002 A look into the act of speeding up time and rushing to accomplish tasks and its consequences.
- Squatter Town: The South's urban explosion
New Internationalist January/February 2006 First Published: 2006 A look at squatter communities and the social injustices they face.
- State of the World's Oceans
New Internationalist January/February 2007 First Published: 2007 A look at the how the world's ocean is being destroyed and its effects on the earth.
- Status of Women News
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 The National Action Committee (NAC) on the Status of Women comprises approximately 130 non-governmental women's organizations.
- Status of Women News
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- The Straight Goods
Canadians Informing Canadians First Published: 1999 A daily Internet news and feature publication featuring investigative reports, columns, and a variety of features. Ceased publication 2013.
- Street children
New Internationalist April 2005 - #377 First Published: 2005 A look at the lives of street children around the world. Discussion of the challenges they face day-to-day and what some are forced to do to survive.
- Strength in unity
First Published: 1983
- STRIKE Support News
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 The Citizens' Strike Support Committee is a group of friends of the labour movement working to organize support in Sudbury for members of Local 6500 United Steel Workers of America who are on strike.
- Strike Volume 2, Number 1
January 1978 First Published: 1978 Contents of this issue include On Organization; Thoughts of Stammheim; Cultures/Fragmentes de Musee Conversation; No Butter, No Butter...; Various Ways in Which Charlotte Hildebrand; I Don't Know if You Believe; The Fantasy of a Continuous Erection; Annihilation: To The Limit!; Recordiings by Artists; Intending Bookness.
- Sugar The sugar trap
New Internationalist December 2003 First Published: 2003 A look into sugar as a consumer product and its corporate globalization. Discusses trade and business of sugar, its history with slavery as well as its effects on the body.
- Sustainability Searching for solutions
New Internationalist November 2000 First Published: 2000 A look at the issues and facts regarding sustainability around the world.
- SWEAP News
Number 1, September 8, 1987 - Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Synapse shutting down
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume V Number 1 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
January 1977 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume V Number 2 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
February 1977 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume V Number 3 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
March 1977 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume V Number 4 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
April 1977 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - May 1977
Volume V Number 5 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - June 1977
Volume V Number 6 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - September 1977
Volume V Number 7 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - October 1977
Volume V Number 8 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - November 1977
Volume V Number 9 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press - December 1977
Volume V Number 10 First Published: 1977 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 1 First Published: 1978 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
January 1978 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 2 First Published: 1978 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
February 1978 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 3 First Published: 1978 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
March 1978 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 4 First Published: 1978 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
April 1978 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 5 First Published: 1978 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
May 1978 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 6 First Published: 1978 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
September 1978 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 7 First Published: 1978 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
October 1978 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 8 First Published: 1978 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
November 1978 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VI Number 9 First Published: 1978 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
December 1978 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VII Number 1 First Published: 1979 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
January 1979 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VII Number 2 First Published: 1979 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
February 1979 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VII Number 3 First Published: 1979 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
March 1979 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VII Number 4 First Published: 1979 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
April 1979 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Volume VII Number 5 First Published: 1979 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
Includes letter to readers from CNSP collective.
May 1979 issue.
- Synthesis: A review of events reported in the Canadian press
Final Edition - 1980 - A review of the past decade First Published: 1980 Synthesis is the journal of the Canadian News Synthesis Project. Previously known as the Canadian News Synthesis Project (1974 - 1976), Synthesis analyzes and presents current news coverage of the most important economic, political and cultural forces in Canadian Society, using major newspapers from across the country.
Final Edition - A Review of the Past Decade.
This is the final edition of Synthesis. Published 1980.
Canadian Campaign for the Release of Indonesian Political Prisoners - Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility 1987-1988 Annual Report
First Published: 1988 Covers issues of human rights, third world debt, military exports, South Africa, banks, corporations, international financial institutionals, environment, military industries, corporate governance, responsible investment, in Canada and abroad.
- Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility 1988-89 Annual Report
First Published: 1989 Concerns include government policy as well as corporation policies with relation to Canadian forest land management, Third World debt, military exports to countries violating human rights, relations with Southern Africa, the impact of hydro-electric and mining projects on the peoples and ecology of Brazil, and responsible investment.
- Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility 1989-90 Annual Report
First Published: 1992
- TCLSAC Reports
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- Telos
Number 77, Fall 1988 - Periodical profile published 1988 First Published: 1988
- Tenants' Bulletin
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979
- Terror Takeover
The monstrous march of the security state First Published: 2009 Has our panic over terrorism given permission for unchecked abuse? The fear of terrorism has been used to curtail our liberties and violate human rights.
- Les Tetes de Pioche
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977
- This is Our Place
Alternative resources for low income families.
- This Magazine is about Schools
First Published: 1966 Published: 1973 A Canadian magazine about schools and education founded in 1966.
- This Magazine is about Schools - Volume 1, Number 1 - Spring 1966
First Published: 1966
- This Magazine is about Schools - Volume 1, Number 2 - 1966
First Published: 1966
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 1, Number 3 - 1967
First Published: 1967
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 1, Number 4 - Fall 1967
First Published: 1967
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 2, Number 1
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 2, Number 2 - Spring 1968
First Published: 1968
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 2, Number 3
First Published: 1968
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 2, Number 4
First Published: 1968
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 2, Number 5 - Winter 1968
First Published: 1968
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 3, Number 1
First Published: 1969
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 3, Number 2
First Published: 1969
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 3, Number 3 - Summer 1969
First Published: 1969
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 3, Number 4 - Autumn 1969
First Published: 1969
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 4, Number 1
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 4, Number 2 - Spring 1970
First Published: 1970
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 4, Number 3 - Summer 1970
First Published: 1970
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 4, Number 4 - Fall 1970
First Published: 1970
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 5, Number 1 - Winter 1971
First Published: 1971
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 5, Number 2
Spring 1971 issue First Published: 1971
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 5, Number 3 - Summer 1971
First Published: 1971
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 5, Number 4 - Fall/Winter 1971
First Published: 1971
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 6, Number 1 - Spring 1972
First Published: 1972
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 6, Number 2 - Summer 1972
First Published: 1972
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 6, Number 3 - Fall 1972
First Published: 1972
- This Magazine is About Schools - Volume 6, Number 4 - Winter 1972-73
First Published: 1972
- Ticker Tape
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Tightwire
Vol. III, Edition 1 First Published: 1977
- Tightwire
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983 A newsletter published by inmates of the Prison for Women.
- Tightwire
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Tinig (Voice of Filipinos)
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Tobacco Hooked on tobacco
New Internationalist July 2004 First Published: 2004 A look at the effects of tobacco around the world, the health risks, and how to kick the habit.
- The Tomato Papers
First Published: 1980
- Toronto Advance Planner
Periodical profile published 1991 First Published: 1991
- Toronto Citizen
A community newspaper published in the 1970s covering Toronto city politics and urban issues. Connexions Archive has a collection of issues of the paper.
- Toronto Clarion
First Published: 1978 Profile of a Toronto social change periodical.
- Toronto Clarion
First Published: 1976 Published: Independent alternative newspaper published in Toronto in the 1970s and 1980s.
- The Toronto Disarmament Networker
Publication of the Toronto Disarmament Network, a coalition of about 70 groups supporting disarmament. The Connexions Archive has issues from 1984-1985.
- Toronto Men's Clearinghouse Newsletter
May 1990 - Issue 17 First Published: 1990 A copy of this newsletter in in the Connexions Archive.
- Toronto Native Times
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Toronto Native Times
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980 Covers a wide range of Native issues.
- Toronto Rape Crisis Centre Newsletter
First Published: 1977 In their article entitled "Critique on the Amirs" Gillean Chase and Ilene Bell question the advisability of the hiring by the Federal Government of Menachem and Delila Amir, both non-Canadian residents, to do research on Canadian Rape Crisis Centres.
- Torture - never forget
New Internationalist September 2000 First Published: 2000 The importance of listening to victims of torture and bringing their stories to the world stage. Articles include an expose of the trade in torture weapons, a look at the torturers themselves, torture in Tibet and Harold Pinter on the U.S. penal system.
- Trade Justice! Yes, but what is it?
New Internationalist April 2006 First Published: 2006 Discusses Trade justices and the effects its has had on different parts of the world. Voices the opinions of people from the around the world on the topic of trade justice.
- Trade Unions Bread & Roses The trade union revival
New Internationalist December 2001 First Published: 2001 A look at some of the facts and issues regarding trade unions and what they have done for people in various parts of the world.
- Trafficked: For sexual exploitation
New Internationalist September 2007 First Published: 2007 A look at slavery and sexual exploitation of women. Discussion of anti-trafficking measures.
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Transformation
First Published: 1971 Published: 1972 A magazine on the theory and practice of social change. Four issue were published in 1971 and 1972. Copies of all issues are in the Connexions Archive.
- Transformation
Vol.1 No.1 January-February 1971 First Published: 1971
- Transformation
Vol.1 No.2 March-April 1971 First Published: 1971
- Transformation
Vol.1 No.3 Summer 1971 First Published: 1971 Theory and Practice of Social Change
- Transformation
Vol.1 No 4 Summer 1972 First Published: 1972 Theory and Practice of Social Change
- Transformation No. 1
Janaury - February 1971 First Published: 1971
- Transformation Volume 1, Number 3
Summer 1971 First Published: 1971
- Transformation Volume 1, Number 4
Summer 1972 First Published: 1972
- Le Tremplin
Vol. 3 #2 - Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 Newsletter produced by a group whose main work is finding employment and support for ex-inmates.
- True North
The Voice of Canadian Independence. Publication of Citizens Concerned About Free Trade.
- Twin Terrors
New Internationalist November 2001 First Published: 2001 An in-depth look at the events of the 9/11 disaster.
- UE Facts and Comment
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- The Uncertified Human
Vol. 4, No. 8 First Published: 1977 Monthly pro-life publication designed to keep subscribers up to date on genetic engineering, euthenasia, mandatory sterilisation, abortion, capital punishment, pro-life feminism and constructive solutions to world and human problems.
- The Uncertified Human
Vol. 4, No. 12 First Published: 1977 A pro-life newsletter that discusses various forms of legislation that are relavent to their movement.
- The Uncertified Human
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Union Woman
First Published: 1983
- Union Women
Periodical profile published 1980 First Published: 1980
- United Electrical News
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 The U.E. Newsletter reports union negotiations and contracts but also ranges widely over other issues.
- The United Nations at 60 Upside dowm
New Internationalist January/February 2005 First Published: 2005 A look into the United Nations system and its role in history.
- Unity
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Newspaper dedicated to promoting participation of all Christians in the Apostolate of the Church.
- Unity
First Published: 1978
- University of Toronto Women's Newsmagazine
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Up From The Ashes
First Published: 1982 A journal for the Self-Education of Revolutionary Activists.
- Up from the ashes
Vol 1, No.2 First Published: 1983 A Journal for the Self-Education of Revolutionary Activists
- Up from the ashes
No 3 First Published: 1985 A Journal for the Self-Education of Revolutionary Activists
- Up From The Ashes - Number 3
The Social Ecology Issue
- Up From The Ashes - Volume 1, Number 1
A journal for the self-education of revolutionary activists.
- Up From The Ashes - Volume 1, Number 2
- UPM: La Voix De L'Union Des Pecheurs Des Maritimes
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 Ce numéro de cette revue bilingue trace l'histoire des pêcheurs côtiers dans leur lutte d'obtenir le droit de syndiquer.
- Upstream
First Published: 1977 Upstream is a monthly newsmagazine published by Feminist Publications of Ottawa. Topics covered in the paper include female unemployment, female political prisoners in Indonesia, Law for Women, the Berger Report, book reviews, and a section on poetry. One feature article is on the female alcoholic.
- Upstream
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Upstream: A Canadian Women's Publication
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- US Grain Firms in Canada
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 A discussion of the movement of Cargill & Continental Grain Inc. into Canada.
- U.S. peace activism
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- Valley Views
Newsletter of the Valley Research Foundation - Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 Valley Research Foundation is trying to stop construction of the West Montrose Dam on the Grand River between Elmira and Guelph, Ontario.
- Vanguard Magazine
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 An independent Christian magazine dealing with social issues.
- Vanishing Frontiers - Native Peoples in Canada and Latin America
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- VDT Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- The Venezuelan Revolution
New Internationalist June 2006 First Published: 2006 A look inside the Venezuelan Revolution and facts and history of the country.
- Video Out Distribution Catalogue 1
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1986 Published: 1983
- Vie Ouvriere
Le Syndicalisme au Quebec (dossier 131) - Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979 Published monthly, Vie Ouvriere always focuses on some aspect of the workers' struggle in Quebec.
- Vie Ouvriere
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 Vie Ouvrière est la revue publiée par Jeunesse Ouvrière Chrétienne (J.O.C.), le Mouvement des Travailleurs Chrétiens (M.T.C.) et le Centre de Pastorale en Milieu Ouvrier (C.P.M.O.).
- Vie Ouvriere
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982 Vie Ouvriére est la revue publiée par Jeunesse Ouvriére Chretiénne (J.O.C.), le Mouvement des Travailleurs Chrétiens (M.T.C.), et le Centre du Pastorale en Milieu Ouvrier (C.P.M.O.).
- Vie Ouvriere
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Vie Ouvriere
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Vie Ouvriere: L'Amerique Centrale Saigne.
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- "Vie Ouvriere" (Worker's life)
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 An editorial collective in collaboration of Young Christian Workers "at the service of radical Christians of the working world".
- Vietnamese Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981
- Viva Yasuni! Life vs Big Oil
New Internationalist July 2008 First Published: 2008 A look at the Yasuni rainforest in Ecuador and its imminent destruction by oil companies.
- Voice of the Annex
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 Voice of the Annex is a newsletter that examines official planning for Toronto and citizen participation in this process.
- Pie in the Sky: A History of the Ontario Waffle
Special Waffle Edtion of Canadian Dimension October-November 1980 First Published: 1980 An analysis of the Waffle group, focuing on the Ontario Waffle but including its national context and its relationship to the federal NDP as well as to the Ontario NDP. Hackett stresses two main themes: the heterogeneity of the Waffle coaltion and the ambiguity of its task; and the limitations of the NDP as a potential vehicle for the socialist transformation of Canada, given the ideological traditions, and the political and social interests, which it embodies.
- Waffle News
First Published: 1970 Published: Newsletter of the Waffle movement which was part of the NDP (New Democratic Party) until 1972, and then operated autonomously for a while.
- Wage and Price Controls -- What Have They Done To Others?
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 An international perspective on wage and price controls.
- Wages for Housework Campaign Bulletin
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979
- Wages For Housework Campaign Bulletin.
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 The Spring, 1981 issue of the Wages for Housework Campaign Bulletin highlights two areas in which women are struggling for the recognition of housework.
- Walk for Life Newsletter
First Published: 1977 This newsletter provides a report and a reflection upon the May 1977 Walk For Life from Toronto to Ottawa.
- Wars for Africa's wealth
New Internationalist May 2004 First Published: 2004 Discussion of the wealth in Africa, and the wars and violence which it has fuelled.
- Watershed
First Published: 1983
- Wawatay News
Voices of the North First Published: 1977 Wawatay News is a community newspaper serving the native peoples of north-western Ontario. It contains news of community events and other information important to native people of the North.
- We need to think about Toilets
New Internationalist August 2008 - #414 First Published: 2008 A look at the history and facts about toilets. A look at sanitation and employment opportunities surrounding toilets.
- We're Here, Negotiate
Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981
- Wesika: A Journal Devoted to the Land Claims Movement
Periodical profile published 1976 First Published: 1976 Presents the Indian Land Claims issue from an Indian perspective.
- West Papua "Will we ever be free"
New Internationalist April 2002 First Published: 2002 Discusses the effects of the oil industry on West Papua and the people's struggle for freedom and a new form of governemnt after a long history of betrayal. Also looks at West Papuan culture from a tourist's perspective.
- What in the World is Going On?
Opportunities for Canadians to Work, Volunteer or Study in Developing Countries First Published: 1987
- Why Chile?
Periodical profile published 1978 First Published: 1978
- Women and Environments
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Women and Environments
Periodical profile published 1984 First Published: 1984
- Women and Planning
First Published: 1986
- Women And Unions - Special Issue Of Resources For Feminist Research/Documentation
Sur La Recherche Feministe. - Periodical profile published 1981 First Published: 1981 Resources for Feminist Research (formerly the Canadian Newsletter of Research on Women) is an interdisciplinary, international periodical of research on women and sex roles.
- Women's Concerns Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1979 First Published: 1979
- Women's Concerns Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1983 First Published: 1983
- Women's Education Index
Periodical profile published 1990 First Published: 1990
- Women's rights: What have men got to do with it?
New Internationalist November 2004 First Published: 2004 A look at the relations between men and women dealing with equality.
- Women's Services Directory
Periodical profile published 1982 First Published: 1982
- Womenshare Foundation Newsnote
Periodical profile published 1989 First Published: 1989
- Worker Co-op / Workers Co-ops
Independent quarterly magazine dedicated to worker co-operatives.
- Workers Solidarity
A newsletter published by the Workers Solidarity Alliance.
- Workers Solidarity Issue 2
June - August 2004 First Published: 2004 A newsletter pulbished by the Workers Solidairty Alliance (WSA).
- Workers Solidarity Issue 3
First Published: 2007
- Workers Solidarity - Volume 1, Number 1 - New Series
February - April 2004 First Published: 2004 A newsletter pulbished by the Workers Solidairty Alliance (WSA).
- Working Teacher
First Published: 1979 Suggestions by Vancouver teachers on how to teach students about South Africa as well as how teachers can affact Canadian political structures by allying with other workers' unions.
- World Trade Organization Shrink it or sink it
New Internationalist May 2001 First Published: 2001 A look at the World Trade Organization and issues surrounding its operation.
- World's Without Work - Unemployment in Newfoundland and Latin America.
First Published: 1981 Monthly statistics consistently show that the unemployment rate in Newfoundland is higher than in any other province.
- WSAC Newsletter
Periodical profile published 1986 First Published: 1986
- The Yellow Journal
First Published: 1974 An independent non-profit newspaper for the people of Metropolitan Toronto funded by the Opportunities for Youth Program in 1974.
- The Yellow Journal
Issue 3 - July 8, 1974 First Published: 1974 Articles on Toronto Island homes in the news; a Brazilian trade mission; opinion polls; American control of the media.
- The Yellow Journal
Issue #4 - July 25, 1974 First Published: 1974 Articles on Anatomy of a News Empre; [Toronto] Sun inspires fear; How newspapers make mistakes; Press comments on election coverage; the Davey Report.
- The Yellow Journal
Issue 5 - August 1974 First Published: 1974 Articles on Stereotypes in the Dailies; Getting to the heart of housing; Kenora Occupiers Supported; Media coverage of a raid on Rochdale College; In Defence of Patronage;
- Yes to life in spite of everything: Children and Israel's war on Gaza 2006 - 2024
Connexions Other Voices May 25, 2024 First Published: 2024 For most of us our natural instinct is to protect children, nurture them, teach them, answer their questions, help them understand, help them find their way.
But sometimes we can't protect them.
And we have no answers to their questions.
We can’t explain why this is happening or why the world is letting it go on.
- Yukon Indian News
Periodical profile published 1977 First Published: 1977 This is the official Native newspaper in the Yukon.
- Zerowork 1
First Published: 1975
- Zerowork 2
First Published: 1977