Toronto Native Times
Periodical profile published 1980
Publisher: Toronto Native Times, Toronto, Canada
Year Published: 1980
Pages: 16pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX2208
Covers a wide range of Native issues.
This monthly newspaper contains material that covers a wide range of Native Indian affairs and issues. The scope of the paper is both national and international dealing with issues such as entrenchment of Indian rights, child custody, incarceration and co-ops. The newspaper also contains poetry and stories of legend.
The front page of this issue is devoted to Child Custody and the practice in British Columbia of taking native children from their reserve and community under BC's Protection and Children's Act. Chief John Christian of the Spellumcheen Reserve says about 100 children have been taken away from his reserve since 1951. His fear is that if custody is lost, they will be placed in white foster homes and that this would amount to the "committing of cultural genocide on Indian children." Ontario has recently announced a $500,000 expansion of a pilot project concerning an on-reserve child and foster care program.
Two other articles deal with the imbalance in Canada's prison population (40% to 60% are Native Indian); the conditions and attitudes that lead to this are also described. Native Brotherhood groups and Native Sisterhood groups have been formed within prisons to promote the cultural identity of Indian people. In Toronto, a group of Quakers is actively involved in reforming the present form of legal justice with the ultimate goal of abolishing prisons.
The highlights of the conference of Metis and non-status Indians at Sault Ste. Marie is included as well as a report on the continuing struggle by the Dene nation to delay the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline until a just and equitable settlement of their claims is made.
Subject Headings