Integral The Magazine For Changing Men - Periodical profile published 1986
Publisher: Toronto Men's Forum
Year Published: 1987 Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical) Cx Number: CX3329
Abstract: Integral is published by the Toronto Men's Forum, in collaboration with the Kingston Men's Forum, the Ottawa Men's Forum, and the Toronto Men's Clearing House. Volume 1, Number 1 (June 1987) contains reports on the activities of various men's groups, an article on fathers and sons, a short story, and a variety of short news items, comments, observations, and columns. An editorial statement says that "Integral is intended to be an opportunity for expression, sharing and communication that rarely exist for men confined to a world of highly competitive business, sports, and sex." It goes on to say that "by breaking down the barriers of silence and pride that we use to defend ourselves, we can learn to accept our feelings of softness and vulnerability. Prejudice based on sex, race, class, age, physical or mental disadvantage, or sexuality hurts us just as much as our victims....Integral is men learning about each other and ourselves in a caring and positive way, taking responsibility for our lives, our passion, our power, our love, and recognizing that both men and women must work together if we are to build a world we want to live in."
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