Quaker Committee for Native Concerns Newsletter.
Periodical profile published 1980
Year Published: 1980
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX1074
The article in this newsletter look at native concerns in Akwesasne, Calgary, and Hamilton. Also included is a report on a petition to Queen Elizabeth by a group of Canadian Indian leaders. The petition concerns the possible patriation of the Canadian Constitution and the desire for Indians to be involved in the process through which the patriation will occur.
The project "Calgary Indian Street Workers project" has existed in Calgary for a year. The objective of it is the establishment of Indian centre that provides many different services to the native people. The centre is
a place where problems encountered by Indians can be dealt with in co-ordinated and comprehensive manner. This work resulted in something the organizers call Advocacy, which is a means through which individaul appeals can be made directly to Indian Affairs and other social institutions. Another service is the Mayor's committee on Urban Indian problems, through which recommendations about native life in the city can be made directly to the city council of Calgary. A women's group has served to motivate some to establish a native women's shelter in Calgary.
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