Offshore Monitor
Periodical profile published 1984

Year Published:  1984
Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX2924

The Offshore Monitor newsletter is intended to provide a forum for discussion of issues and concerns related to the development of offshore resources. It focuses particularly on current developments off the coast of Nova Scotia. It is funded by the federal Secretary of State.

The Monitor suggests that the concerns of the communities of Nova Scotia, increasingly affected by offshore activities and other large scale (mega) projects, have not been fully addressed by the federal and provincial governments or the oil companies involved.

The MONITOR suggested that the benefits for Nova Scotians could easily be wiped out by negative economic, social and environmental impacts. "These negative impacts can be avoided or controlled by regulating the rate and nature of development (planning) in such a way that is responsive to the unique circumstances of the communities affected. It is important that the decision-makers have close, direct links to these communities. This can be achieved through a process of information and encourages citizens to put forth their views responsibly."

The Monitor provides a description of the planning and decision-making mechanisms; names of contact people in government and industry; and critical comments on certain reports and processes.

The Venture Development Project, Mobil Oil's gas exploration proposal off Sable Island is highlighted. During reviews of the Venture Project, various organizations expressed a wide range of views and concerns about community impacts. In "Community Views -Who Benefits?" the Monitor outlines some of the organizations and their concerns:

- The Atlantic fishing Vessel Association voiced its concern about the potential disturbances to the fishing areas due to pipeline construction, other organizations voicing concerns were the Native Council of Nova Scotia, the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, and a number of locally-based industrial and development commissions.

- The Dartmouth Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association presented its concerns vis-à-vis the transient and unstable workforce that comes with any highly specialized development - shortage of emergency housing, crime, alcohol and drug abuse.
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