Labour's Side, #11
Periodical profile published 1980

Publisher:  Nova Scotia Labour Research and Support Centre, Halifax, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Pages:  11pp   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX2158

Labor's Side is a publication of Nova Scotia Labor Research and Support Center, which strives to give a voice to labor groups and unions in the Maritime provinces. This issue documents the work of labor to ensure jobs in Sydney Steel, a mining company in Sydney, Nova Scotia; it also outlines the plight of workers at the warehouse of Capital Stores in Dartmouth, N.S. Workers in Sydney face unemployment if Sydney Steel is allowed to discontinue operations. Workers in the Capitol Store Warehouse are presently unorganized and face occupational health hazards which the company refuses to act upon.

The lead article and editorial of Labor's Side #11 support the work of the Maritime Fisherman's Union (MFU) in seeking the legal right to engage companies in collective bargaining. The article outlines the growth and history of the MFU in P.E.I., N.B. and N.S. Despite its present size of 7 locals and some 2,000 members, the MFU has yet to gain trade union rights. The MFU struggles against provincial governments which, according to the article, opposes organized labor. The governments have opposed inshore fisherman's rights, giving control over the fishery to Nicherson National Sea, a near monopoly.

The MFU has submitted a draft of proposed legislation to the N.S. government and hopes that the legislation will be passed at the next sitting of the legislature. The MFU is also seeking support of the Federation of Labor, other unions and all of the province's fishermen in its plan to solidify and strengthen the union.

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