Maritime Fishermen's Union - Periodical profile published 1980

Publisher:  Maritime Fishermen's Union,, Richibucto, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Pages:  16pp   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX2216

MFU is a new bilingual newsletter published by the Maritime Fishermen's Union (MFU). Union President, Guy Cormier, describes the purpose of the newsletter: "We want this newspaper to help all fishermen know and understand the work of the MFU and the sands it takes". The first few issues of the newspaper are being published and distributed with the assistance of a group of Oxfam volunteers and CRAN (Conseil Regional d'amenagement du nord).

To make MFU a source of information for the work of the union, the first issue includes a report on the Fourth Annual Convention of the union held in January in Memramcook, NB, as well as reports on a number of locals in the union. Also included is a report, "Workers Face Government Repression in Guatemala", which is intended to inform union members of the struggles of workers to unite and fight back against the army and right-wing para-military groups in control in Guatemala. This international perspective will be a regular feature and will aim to inform the Union "on what goes on in the work concerning our fellow workers and their union struggles".

The second issue of MFU, June/July 1980 includes a report on the investment practices of National Sea Products in Uruguay and how this investment supports exploitation of Uruguyans. In face of falling lobster prices, one article suggests that the raising of the legal length is only a temporary measure for ensuring that there will be lobster to catch. The long term solution proposed is to limit the catch of the seiners and develop new industries and markets.

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