Socialism in Crisis?
Canadian Perspectives

Roberts, Jos.; Vorst, Jesse
Publisher:  Society for Socialist Studies/Fernwood Publishing, Winnipeg, Canada
Year Published:  1992
Pages:  240pp   Price:  $19.95   ISBN:  1-895686-08-3
Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX9281

Essays addressing questions such as What is the nature of socialism? How do gender and activism determine the socialist agenda? What is the essence of democracy under socialism?


Table of Contents

Introduction and Overview
Jos. Roberts

Introduction et apercu
Jos. Roberts

Chapter 1
Reification and the Crisis of Socialism
Paul Browne

Chapter 2
Marx and Engels and the Exhaustion of "Scientific Socialism"
Max Nemni

Chapter 3
What is Socialism?
Herb Gamberg

Chapter 4
Democracy and Marxist Political Culture
Frank Cunningham

Chapter 5
Socialism Today: Renewal or Retreat?
Gerry van Houton

Chapter 6
Politics of Transformation and the Process of Social Change
Axel Dorscht

Chapter 7
Begetting Babies, Raising Children: The Politics of Parenting
Meg Luxton and Heather Jon Maroney

Chapter 8
Socialism: Past and Future
Cy Gonick

Jos Roberts

List of Contributors

Table of Contents: The Other Annuals

Subject Headings

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