Special Collectors Edition
Periodical profile published 1980

Publisher:  Newfoundland & Labrador Rural Development Council (NLRDC), Gander, Canada
Year Published:  1980
Pages:  145pp   Price:  2.00   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX2282

This is the second "Special Collectors Edition" of The Rounder and it contains stories and feature articles taken from issues covering the period from 1978 to 1980.

This is the second "Special Collectors Edition" of The Rounder and it contains stories and feature articles taken from issues covering the period from 1978 to 1980. This edition contains a wealth of information on virtually every aspect of life in Newfoundland and Labrador - from the effects of technological change on the fishery to the latest development in off-shore exploration for oil. The publisher, The Newfoundland and Labrador Rural Development Council (NLRDC) is made up of 40 volunteer regional development associations.

This magazine attempts to present in a clear and concise manner the basic issues that affect the economy, the resources and the way of life of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. This edition focuses on fishing, forestry, agriculture, mining, oil and gas. These various resources have helped to provide jobs for many in Newfoundland and Labrador. In a region that has always depended on its natural resources for its survival much of the rest of the country has turned its attention there as natural resources become scare in other regions of the country.
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