What in the World is Going On?
Opportunities for Canadians to Work, Volunteer or Study in Developing Countries
Publisher: Canadian Bureau for International Education, Ottawa, Canada
Year Published: 1987
Pages: 69pp Price: $8 ISBN: 0-920-496-42-3
Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX3379
Founded in 1966, the CBIE is a national non-profit association of educational institutions and individuals working together to promote international development and intercultural understanding. Through its Ottawa Secretariat, the Bureau conducts research projects, and organizes conferences and various forms of educational exchange. It also acts as an agent in developing and administering education and training programs for foreign governments and companies on a contract basis.
With financial assistance from CIDA, the bureau has put together a very useful directory of paid and volunteer opportunities abroad, study exchange and homestay programs, advanced study and research and a list of foreign embassies and high commissions in Canada. "It has been said that the best way to discover what the world has to offer you is to discover what you have to offer the world," says the introduction. This directory will certainly promote the process for anyone even beginning to think about serving or learning outside Canada.
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