Gay Saskatchewan, November 1980
Periodical profile published 1980
Publisher: Saskatchewan Gay Coalition, Saskatoon, Canada
Year Published: 1980
Pages: 12pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number: CX2179
An edition of the Saskatchewan Gay Coalition's newsletter devoted to the coalitions annual meeting.
Gay Saskatchewan is a publication of the Saskatchewan Gay Coalition and has a readership of over two thousand. It states its basic purpose as "to provide contact with and support for each other across Saskatchewan and many supportive people elsewhere".
This edition reported on the Coalition's annual general meeting. While most of the action recommendations dealt with organizational concerns, several resolutions about human rights were adopted. The Coalition authorised a steering committee "to present a revised brief to the hearings of The Human Rights Commission demanding support for the addition of sexual orientation in proposed human rights statutes". The meeting also stated "that it is a position of SGS to support entrenchment of a charter of rights in the federal constitution".
Another article reported on a conference of the Saskatchewan Association on Human Rights. The conference asked that the Association "continued to press the government very strongly to extend human rights protection to include sexual orientation and that SAHR urge delegates at the conference and annual meeting as individuals and members of organisations to lobby their members of the legislature and to present briefs which support protection on the basis of sexual orientation to the public meetings on the Saskatchewan Human Rights code."
The contents of Gay Saskatchewan is varied. It contains letters from readers, information and reports about activities across the province and film and book reviews.
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