Publisher:  New Media Services, Canada
Year First Published:  {2739 Shunpiking SHUNPIKING New Media Services Canada Web site of Nova Scotia's "discovery magazine". The magazine is no longer published, but an archive is available online. <br>Copies of Shunpiking are available in the Connexions Archive. 1995 2013 PER Serial Publication (Periodical) CX5927 1 false true false CX5927.htm [0xc0019056e0 0xc0019059b0 0xc000275c80 0xc0019820f0 0xc001982e10 0xc0019830b0 0xc0019832f0 0xc0010cd860] Cx}
Year Published:  2013
Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)
Cx Number:  CX5927

Web site of Nova Scotia's "discovery magazine". The magazine is no longer published, but an archive is available online.
Copies of Shunpiking are available in the Connexions Archive.

Subject Headings

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